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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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snow and more  snow. even  the cat refuse to go outside. it is like  half a meter  snow  now.

 i  went on  youtube to  find   warm and  sweet and innocent  talent  to  cheer  me up a  bit..

 my   mother in law  whom i  call  granny is    ill.   i   was  trying to get her  to  stop thinking negative. she  kept on saying she is  tired.

 i know  she is  96.  but i  am not  letting  her  off  that easy.  she is knitting a  ankle   long  coat for me and she is  half  way  done. she  asked  me to  finish it.

 not happening. i  said   NO WAY. you  promise  me,   you need to  finish it.   you  promise me..

 told her to  get  some  rest. then i  called  her  other  son  wife. who is a  doc. and  told her to go to  granny  house.    then i  called  granny and  asked  if  my SIL is  there.   yeap. she was  there.   . so   if  anything happens  at  least  granny  will have a  doc   close to her..   ah  i  feel  better knowing  my  SIL is  there.

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 hope    all  of you  are doing ok. i   am     going  out to get rid  of  snow.  as  my  father use  to  say, don't  dwell on the negative.  stand  up and feed your  brain  the positive... i know   it is a process.  ..  wishing  all of  you a   happy    weekend...

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I just saw the epiode where the real Sara Lee turned in the fraud.  I didn't applaud and think so highly of her as so many in this forum do.  Her identify was stolen, debts in her name.  Sure she will call the police.  Who wouldn't?  I have disliked her from the start and still dislike her because of two things she said recently.  She said to DT that she never knew Samweol could be a liar and a thief.  Hello, what were they doing when we were frist introduced to the real Sara Lee?  And she said to Samweol that she should pay for her crimes.  True, I agree.  And the real Sara Lee should also pay for making the fake bags.  Selling fake bags is a universal crime against all women and should be severally punished!  Sara herself fled the country to escape the police and has no right to preach to the choir!

To those who said that Dani just gave her DT to her niece and that was akin to incest.  No, it didn't happen that way.  Dani didn't suggest a threesome and is not in a sexual relationshp with Samweol so no incest involved at all.  She wanted to fight for DT and was about to tell Samweol so when the liar schemed to make it look like DT and her slept together. Then we all know what happened next.  I hope Grandma is of sound mind when she finds out what her precious princess did.  And realise that she brought her up to think she is entitled to take whatever she wants.  While I enjoyed the slap the frigid queen of Bonjour gave Samweol, I hope we get to see her and her daughter get at least a slap each. 

Well I hope the ending will not be so fairy-tale and let down like the one about the crown princess and his enemy's daughter.  Though I suppose it made the teenyBopers happy!  I have long past that stage and need something more realistic!

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@auntyem Juran hasn't "gotten off" completely. Bonjour did fire her. But that's all anyone can or do to her. She will now enjoy a life of leisure filled with lunches and massages and she will continue to dress expensively. Insufficient karmic retribution in my opinion.

Nothing will happen to HR. She will continue her life as an over-privileged brat.  A potential divorce from YJ hardly seems like a punishment.

At the very least, I would like to see Juran and HR strike or berate the wrong person and suffer the consequences.  There must be someone in Korea who will refuse to duck and cover in their presence.

I don't see how YJ can get away with anything. MS already knows about YJ's part in the attempted coup from his friend Chairman Seo. We know from an earlier preview that DY eventually hands over YJ's incriminating thumb drive. He will at least join his brother in the vegetable store. The only question is whether MS and Juran will involve the police.

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@808lostmc States that it is taboo or at least racy in Korean society for women to bare their shoulders.

Thanks.  That explains why YJ took umbrage several episodes ago when HR wore a dress that bared one shoulder to a nightclub.

For the life of me I couldn't figure out what YJ's problem was.

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@808lostmc States that it is taboo or at least racy in Korean society for women to bare their shoulders.

Thanks.  That explains why YJ took umbrage several episodes ago when HR wore a dress that bared one shoulder to a nightclub.

For the life of me I couldn't figure out what YJ's problem was.


It's true that HR's outfit is considered racy, but actually, the whole act of HR going to a nightclub without YJ's escort was problematic. Respectable married Korean women are not supposed to go to nightclubs or bars without their husbands. And, virtuous married Korean women don't even accompany their husbands into such places of ill repute as nightclubs or bars if their husbands do go to those places. 

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23 hours ago, fanofr said:

I just saw the epiode where the real Sara Lee turned in the fraud.  I didn't applaud and think so highly of her as so many in this forum do.  Her identify was stolen, debts in her name.  Sure she will call the police.  Who wouldn't?  I have disliked her from the start and still dislike her because of two things she said recently.  She said to DT that she never knew Samweol could be a liar and a thief.  Hello, what were they doing when we were frist introduced to the real Sara Lee?  And she said to Samweol that she should pay for her crimes.  True, I agree.  And the real Sara Lee should also pay for making the fake bags.  Selling fake bags is a universal crime against all women and should be severally punished!  Sara herself fled the country to escape the police and has no right to preach to the choir!

To those who said that Dani just gave her DT to her niece and that was akin to incest.  No, it didn't happen that way.  Dani didn't suggest a threesome and is not in a sexual relationshp with Samweol so no incest involved at all.  She wanted to fight for DT and was about to tell Samweol so when the liar schemed to make it look like DT and her slept together. Then we all know what happened next.  I hope Grandma is of sound mind when she finds out what her precious princess did.  And realise that she brought her up to think she is entitled to take whatever she wants.  While I enjoyed the slap the frigid queen of Bonjour gave Samweol, I hope we get to see her and her daughter get at least a slap each. 

Well I hope the ending will not be so fairy-tale and let down like the one about the crown princess and his enemy's daughter.  Though I suppose it made the teenyBopers happy!  I have long past that stage and need something more realistic!


I do like what I've seen of the real SR. I used to work with people years ago who sought out people to buy fake purses because they didn't want to pay thousands of dollars for the real thing.  I'll spend $300 for a purse, but I refuse to spend $5,000 for a purse unlike my sister.  It's not that much craftsmanship, leather, brand name or import/export overhead cost to justify such an exorbitant price IMO--that's the real crime (some of these purses cost $25,000 USD).  So I have to say that her selling fake bags doesn't bother me at all. The people pushing for prosecution of those selling fake brands are the brand owners who are selling a brand more than anything.

As for me, DY did hand her man over to her neice.  DY is the primary reason they broke up--she wasn't truthful about who SW was and hid the truth; played along with SW's lies.  I don't think any man would want DY back after what she did.  Yes, to me it is very taboo for an aunt and a niece to be dating the same man; let alone get engaged to the same man.

As for me, DY is the weakest character in this drama. She doesn't stand out in anyway. She doesn't come across as a fighter. That's why having her fight off two gangsters was downright hilarious.

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@auntyem  LOL.   One of the posters suggested that when YJ is outed, HR will head out to the village to inflict further violence on DY.  If that happens and DY meekly submits now that she has absolutely no good reason to do so, I'd seriously consider giving up on the remaining episodes.

@stroppyse  Thank you for the additional information.

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@jimb Wow! To see you give up watching, is really something, as you have been one the loyal fans of this drama! But it has gotten pretty ridiculous, hasn't it? At least SW is out of the picture for now, that's a HUGE plus for me! But if that really happens between HR/DY, then truly, the writer will be beyond redemption! I am hoping that the writer will bring DY back to her former spunky self, I don't understand why her character went sooooo downhill, for goodness sake!

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Translation of Episode 135 preview.


TL Han: Something major has happened. The new president wants to visit the construction site of the Chinese project. 

Choi: Doesn’t this mean that everything will be revealed? 

KC: Then, we’ll go immediately. They’ve found a donor. I just got the call. 

KC Ex: Is that for real?

MS: Have you thought further about studying overseas?

DT: Yes. I’ve decided to go.

DT: Go ahead and come back to work since I’m going to quit the office soon. 

DT: I said I was leaving, but you don’t have anything to say to me? Whether I go or not, do you really not care at all?

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7 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Episode 136's Preview:


Haha the writers have to include the cliched airport scene :sweatingbullets: We know DT will not board the plane in the end. I guess we will have DT and DY reunited either at the end of tomorrow's or Wednesday episode.  

Hope you had a good weekend @sk0317 I unfortunately had to work through the weekend :mellow:

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42 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Haha the writers have to include the cliched airport scene :sweatingbullets: We know DT will not board the plane in the end. I guess we will have DT and DY reunited either at the end of tomorrow's or Wednesday episode.  

Hope you had a good weekend @sk0317 I unfortunately had to work through the weekend :mellow:

I expect the airport scene to be tomorrow's cliffhanger ending to hook us viewers again:sweatingbullets:. After the CGC issue, it looks like MS wants to strengthen the Farm Products' team. MS visited SA to announce his return to Bonjour and later spoke with DY to ask her to return to Bonjour but she declined. SA is trying to talk DY into returning to Bonjour though.

Poor little GJ. Looks like KC and little GJ's mom were approached by an "organ seller". They are likely asked to fork out a hefty sum for a heart transplant for their daughter. Is the sale of organs legal in Korea?

It will be interesting to watch how MS is going to deal with the two usurpers in YJ and Mr. Choi. At least now we know MS has plans to visit the factory in China. I was glad DT told his dad about why he doesn't trust YJ and how Lanky Guy got himself "too involved" with the investigation of the CGC supplement case that eventually led to his transfer to Busan. DT let MS know the full name of president Kim (KDS) and he is sure the man YJ met at the cafe the other day was president Kim. On a different note, JR really needs to be humbled. She has not learned anything from the whole ordeal despite being dismissed by the BODs. And she now says it was not her real intention to sign and agree with the divorce:blink:. She has misunderstood MS's intentions when he decided to return as Head Representative of Bonjour. Nothing is going back to normal, JR.

Sorry to hear you had to work over the weekend @sgfan. Is the year end a busy time for you and your company? I hope you are given at least an off day during the week in order for you to recuperate from the additional hours you have put into your work. Please take care and try and get some rest!

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On 11/5/2016 at 4:58 PM, auntyem said:

@valsava, I wondered the same thing, whether or not JR took it as a sign that MS was there to bail her out and save her and their relationship. I don't think their relationship will change, though.  She has not changed a bit, so why would he get back with her? His goal is to save the company, to get them out of this mess and get the company back to solvency. MS is a good person, why would he EVER want to get back with HER????? Lol. I'm thinking that she will be humbled by her removal from the President's seat. Will be interesting to see what happens to JY!!!!!! I think it was shown that MS doesn't think too highly of him, especially since YJ went over his head in the past to push that product that's giving them the headache now. Hopefully MS will be able to expose all of YJ's underhandedness! Right now we are two down, two to go? Meaning SW and JR down, HR and YJ to go!!! 

Regarding HR dragging YJ to the Dr. regarding having a baby....isn't that answer obvious? That you need to do the deed, which I don't think has been happening! Hahahahahha

First off morning all late coming to todays party but I must read the lstest from all my chingu's here.. @anbud Thanks for the videos @jimb your contribution to the recap and last but far from the least @stroppyse your preview translations..

@auntyem WHY WHY WHY WHY.. Is a good question.. When DT ask MS would he be staying at the house he said yes thats enough to give DT G/pa HR and including YJ the wrong message.. It also will prompt DT and everyone there except YJ to talk with MS about staying with JR.. Even though none seems to understand the reasons why MS got divorce in the first place but JR needs to be brought down off her high horse and a peg or two..

Now when it comes to YJ, I think MS may discover all his crimes but due to him being married to HR and DT is still in love with DY he mkay just quitely clean up YJ mess without HR knowing to try and keep that marriage together.. I don't think MS would want his over the top and out of line daughter divorce again.. I'm wondering was he aware of JR dangling that company in YJ face if not it would be funny if YJ told him and after MS cleans up the aftermath of all YJ mess it would be funny to see if he gives DT or YJ the president position and leave again.. Now that would also be a priceless look on JR face.. But having DT in that position is just like her still be there because she will demand from him a daily report and bark orders for him to do what she wants she would be no different then HR running there every chance she could get to slap people around.. Which is why I said she should be barrowed from the company unless it's a boardmeeting or a shareholders meeting..




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Translation of ep 136 preview.


MS: Oh, whereabout are you?

MS: Right now, the construction for the Chinese expansion hasn’t been done at all. If this doesn’t go well, you won’t be able to avoid the responsibility. 

GJ: Did he say that as long as we give them money, the surgery can definitely be done?

CJ: Does it usually cost money to do (talking about organ transfer)?

CJ Father: Anyway I think about it, it seems strange.

MS: Dong Tak is leaving today for the US on the 5 pm plane.

DY: Today?

MS: If Kang Dan Yi should ask him to stay even now, he probably won’t leave. I wish you would think about it one more time.


I'm so hoping that DT gets on that plane after all, meets a nice woman in the US and settles down happily to follow his dreams again away from the Kang women. @sk0317, organ selling is illegal in South Korea. 


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