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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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3 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Caption translation:

On standby in a house-like car filming Unusual Family, I am Sul Dong Tak..


I think he's just sitting and waiting to film rather than that he's actually on the set of a boat or anything. The thought of DT being dragged to bed by SW is too terrible to think about.

Thank you! What a relief :sweatingbullets: I always think of the worst possible.


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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 114:

# Juran is standing alone in her house. Juran enters and douse SA with water. There is a look of fury in Juran's eyes. Warning To Viewers: Do Not Attempt This On A Farm Near You.

# SA and Juran are shouting at each other as the Village Representative arrives. Juran barks her accusations. The Village Representative is pleased to acquire ammunition he can use against his own romantic rival, MS.

# Juran's porcine eyes flash and her increasingly porcine cheeks quiver. She departs, somehow with no scratches or bruises. SA retreats.

# Needed at the Kang residence: A sturdy front door and peephole.

# DY's mother, who appears to be having a "good " day, enters and asks SA what is wrong. "Nothing," SA explains.

# SA enters her bedroom and cries.

# KC and the elder GJ thrash about. Then YJ's father joins them and all three thrash about. Then they join YJ's mother and CJ and the five of them thrash about. Then the Birth Mother and Little GJ join them and the usual ensues. Birth Mother and Voodoo Child somehow believe they have veto power over who may live in the Gu residence. The elder GJ runs from the house after Devil's Spawn extends her usual warm welcome.

# YJ's parents retire to another room and bemoan their lot in life.

# GJ returns home and joins Grandfather and HR in the living room. Thus far, HR seems to be having a "good" day. Juran arrives home and rasps a greeting. GJ asks a civil question and receives an uncivil response from Juran. GJ is bewildered. Juran receives a rebuke from Grandfather. Juran screams. GJ leaves the room. Juran leaves the room. HR is no longer having a "good" day. HR whines.

# Juran is in her bedroom and starts to cry. This satisfying moment is interrupted by the HR's entrance. The two harridans emote. Juran tells HR that DY has broken up with DT. They emote some more. Juran's cheeks! Who is doing her makeup?

# HR enters her bedroom and talks to herself about DY, SW-style.

# YJ enters his bedroom, interrupting HR's reverie. YJ is like, "don't start!" HR starts. They discuss DY's breakup with DT. YJ struggles to mask his true reaction to this news. HR rattles on about DY. YJ's responses are spare. HR smirks with satisfaction as YJ leaves their bedroom. YJ smirks with satisfaction after he has left their bedroom.

# YJ is still smirking as DT is coming down the hallway. YJ expresses satisfaction that DT's relationship with DY is over. DT registers surprise that the "news" has spread so quickly. DT informs YJ that he is misinformed. DT enters his bedroom. YJ snorts in disbelief.

# SA is resting in her bedroom. DY joins her. They talk. SA recounts the days events. DY is surprised that there is another woman on this earth as nasty as Juran . DY relates her own misfortune. SA is disturbed.

# DY enters her bedroom looking dejected. Her cell phone rings. DY views a text from DT and her mood is not improved. She reviews photos of herself with DT stored on her cell phone. She does not delete them. She cries.

# SW is sitting in her bed talking to herself about DY. She regards her ringing cell phone with distaste. She and SA shout at each other. SW hangs up and continues talking to herself about DY.

# The sun rises over rich and poor alike, and over Bonjour as well.

# DY and DT stand in front of an elevator looking uncomfortable. SW joins them and flashes some side-eye at DY. DT and SW enter the elevator but DY does not follow. As they realize they will be alone in the elevator, SW looks triumphant but DT looks like he's thinking about "richard simmons."

# SW and DT are alone in the elevator. SW tries to chat him up, to no effect. DT dismisses her and leaves her standing in front of the elevator looking chagrinned.

# SW pulls out her cell phone and summons DY for a Talk in the break room. For some reason DY joins SW in the break room. SW barks instructions, Juran style. DY submits, DY style. SW flounces from the room, HR style.

# Mr. Han enters YJ's office and hands him a folder. They talk Seriously. Mr. Han leaves. YJ calls someone on his cell phone and barks instructions. YJ recalls HR's news. He texts DY.

# HR walks into YJ's office and looks glad to see him. YJ's welcome is restrained.

# GJ is visiting MS in his house. They are talking. Is this the moment the Village Representative will come crashing in wearing the mask of Chivalry? Not quite.

# MS approaches SA's house. The Village Representative, who has assumed the mask Chivalry, has for some reason been lurking there for an extended period. The Village Representative waxes righteous. MS is less concerned about the Village Representative, angrier at Juran. The Village Representative wags his finer at MS and departs.

# MS enters SA's house and apologizes on behalf of his couth-less wife. SA responds politely and leaves MS standing aalone. Advantage, Village Representative.

# YJ's parents are talking in their store about one of their family's many troubles. CJ breezes through, largely oblivious. Mother and Farther are like, "Something's up with that boy!" KC enters. They chat amiably.

# KC and GJ meet in a restaurant and continue to thrash about. Music swells in the background, indicating Progress. For which we can be thankful.

# CJ confronts SW in a hallway at Bonjour. SW is first irritated and dismissive, then nonplussed. CJ, on a mission, presses on. She waxes nasty and flounces away. CJ is incredulous. YJ's coincidental arrival would spice up this scene, but the writers deny us.

# The Gossip Duo are chatting amiably in their office.  Mr. Han and the Gossip Duo head for the studio, leaving DY alone. DT arrives and he and DY converse uncomfortably. DT asks if DY is in love with someone else.  DY is silent.  SW observes from her usual position, around a corner. Both DY and SW are saddened by what DT is saying. SW slinks off. DY attempts to leave but DT does that thing with her wrist. DY shakes him off and departs.

# DY runs down a corridor, rounds a corner and starts crying. Now YJ is in the corridor beside her. He summons her to Bonjour's rooftop.

# But ah, who is around the other corner? SW, we are not surprised to discover. SW whips out her cell phone and calls DT.

# DT takes SW's call in his office.  SW invites DT to Bonjour's rooftop for a Talk.  DT agrees.  Making him, by the way, no less guilty than DY, if DY is guilty of anything.

# DY joins YJ on Bonjour's rooftop He professes renewed love and a Plan. She is resistant. YJ grabs her and speaks urgently. DY protests and struggles to escape. 

# SW surveils them from around a corner. DT observes YJ and DY and forgets that he came to the rooftop for a Talk with SW.

# DT joins DY and YJ on Bonjour's rooftop. DT's fist joins YJ's chin.

# DY is incredulous. YJ, from his reclining position on the rooftop, is incredulous. SW is self-satisfied.  SW melts away, mission accomplished.

# As the episode concludes, DT is more in sorrow than in anger; YJ is bashed and abashed. DY wishes she was anywhere else.


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9 hours ago, sgfan said:

'Women!' Lol! I remember @jimb 's brilliant recap:D

I saw the trailer for 'On the way to the airport'. Is it any good so far? I am considering watching k2 as recommended by one of my co-workers.

I was on Instagram again, stalking SJH, and saw his post. Google translated his text into words which did not form a comprehensible sentence :sweatingbullets: I think SJH wrote that he as SDT is on set for TUF, and now filming a boat scene. As soon as that sunk into my head, a dreadful thought registered. Will SW fake that they slept together on the boat?! Cue the bug eyes!:blink::crazy:

Have a lovely weekend @sk0317


I like Kim Haneul for her comedic roles in 'My Tutor Friend' and 'Too Beautiful To Lie' so I was excited and attracted to her new drama. Although KHN writes with her right hand, she is a leftie! 'On the way to the airport' is a drama about two married individuals in a loveless marriage, who cross paths and met by 'fate' :sweatingbullets:. It is one of those k-dramas with an off limit, forbidden, 'extramarital affairs' kind of love story. But the problem here is the attractive couple involved have so much charisma and chemistry it makes accepting their behavior 'easier'. I have to say I watch partly because the cinematography is pretty good and I get to see those beautiful traditional houses featured in the drama too. The pace and tempo of this drama is rather fast unlike TUF. Not condoning adultery or extramarital affairs, but I am watching it for the above reasons and the lead actor, Lee Sang Yoon is rather charming:P.

Wow your co-worker is also a k-drama fan? Your colleague and you must have a lot to discuss apart from work:).

I am not on instagram so many thanks for the lovely SJH's picture! Nice to see him preparing himself before a shoot. I hope he will not fall prey to SW's traps and things will end well for him in this drama. Have a well deserved and relaxing weekend @sgfan!

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@jimb thankyou for your kind words regarding that mini scene that I wrote up. They are nowhere as good and funny as your mini recaps and all. Since you asked for it I will leave with another one while I think about what to write about next in said post. Not sure I can even defend any of the actions of the other characters at this point and busy praying that we don't get an extension. Like the others I was going to take a break from said show and watch something else but just for a few mini scenes I might just hang about. Plus like others have mentioned your recaps are more of a life saver than said drama itself.

So without any other things lets get into the part where Hyeri and Juran discuss about the problem with their respective men :)


Juran has returned from another trip from Jang Miri after causing a scene with Sunae and company and Hyeri has returned after another incident with Dani.

Heri: What is wrong mother? Why do you look so down?
Juran: Oh nothing I just have your dad on my mind and I am thinking of how to get him back. Asking the other woman to help me isn't helping out that much.
Hyeri: Really well I have just the thing that can help to keep your man by your side..
Juran (looks interested): Tell me what do you do to keep Young Jae by your side and does it work.
Hyeri: Well the answer is pretty simple we just need to act out crazy the crazier the better.
Juran: That really works I would think that would make them run away faster from us.
Hyeri: No, no mom it works look at how dad is ignoring you know but the moment you start to act crazy he is going to start to pay attention to you and even show up here and talk with you. If you don't do that he is simply going to not only ignore you but also forget about you as well soon.
Juran (after a moment of thinking): Hmm yes that makes a lot of sense you really must be a genius to figure that out on your own :) I wonder who you must take after. So lets see what we can do.
Hyeri: A great shocker is threatening with Divorce that really makes the mens eyes pop out in surprise and they might just stick around.
Juran: No divorce is to risky if they buy your bluff you can end up like me next.
Hyeri: Well in that case the next best thing is find out if your guy likes some other woman and if so slap her, pull her hair and even shout at her, anything else you can add mom.
Juran: Hmm I did some of those things to Kang Dani but I have something else to add which seems to work in dramas a lot. You can add throwing some liquid on them as well. The more the better. If you go to a cafe then make sure to order something to drink. But it can't be to hot because then they might get burnt and they might then decide to sue us which will be more of a problem. Water is good, iced drinks are better but be careful about the ice, If you ask them outside perhaps you can carry your own bottle with drink inside it and you can use it either as a weapon to beat them up and then douse them with the drink inside and if you go to their home make sure to use their own bucket for even more water dropping on them. If it is a chilly weather then they can catch a cold and if that happens they will be to ill to go out and meet your man.
Hyeri: Do they really work WoW lots of new things to do to Kang Dani thanks mom. Now we can keep our men with us. Plus don't forget to throw in a lot of money because that never seems to work in dramas but this is real life and who isn't crazy about money.
Hyeri (suddenly remembering the conversation that she had with March last post or so): Oh by the way mom did you hear that Lee Sera is pregnant with...
Juran (Rubbing her hands in glee): Oh finally some good news now your brother will finally have to break up with Dani and take responsibility for his actions. Best news ever I need time alone in my room to think of how to use this to our advantage.
Hyeri: but mother the child isn't....
Juran: Hush child I don't have time for this I now need to convince our men to come to their senses and your dad won't be able to refuse such good news that he is going to become a grandfather now. See how your brother did such a good job. You should take a leaf from his book and have had a child like ages ago so that we can have a child to hold over them.
Hyeri sputtering to no avail as her mother leaves her behind as well and can't tell her that it is actually her husband that is the father and all. :)


Also as a bonus we are all kind of frustrated about the D & D breakup for the 100th time or so. In that case we can have a conversation between them finally talking about why they broke up this time.


In the most secure area of drama land namely the roof of the company building we find D & D trying to make sense of this absurd breakup.

Dong Tak (In frustration): Kang Dani how many more times are we going to break up. What is this the 3rd or 4th time that we are doing this same song and dance routine.
Dani (After a moment of thinking): I think that this is going to be the last time.
Dong Tak: Are you sure about that because I need to mentally prepare myself for it.
Dani: Well if this was a drama we would be near the end of the show so we really can't have anymore drama in our lives but if it were to get an extension then you can be sure that we would break up atleast 2-3 more times.
Dong Tak (sputters): What 2-3 more times I don't think that my heart can take it. Oh what will I do.
Dani: Well I have a replacement in mind.
Dong Tak: Oh well that is just wonderful a replacement. Why didn't I think about that but before you tell me who the replacement is can you please tell me the reason that you are breaking up with me and it has to be really good.
Dani: You see the truth is really painful and sad so I didn't want to bring it up but you deserve to know the truth. I just recently found out that I was responsible for my Oppa's death.
Dong Tak (shocked): Whose death. Were you seeing someone else that I didn't know about.
Dani (seeing his shocked reaction): Oh no I meant my real brother who died when I was just 1 year old you know by the way.
Dong Tak (Concerned): What happened? Are you okay now.
Dani: From what I hear I was very ill that day and he took me to the hospital and all but on the way back we had an accident and he died in it but I survived.
Dong Tak: I am really sorry to hear that but what does that have to do with us. Was anyone from my family driving the car. It doesn't really matter to me you know.
Dani: No not that I know about but the thing is that because of me my Niece grew up without a father and I feel so bad about it to her.
Dong Tak (throwing up his hands in Frustration): Well that is sad and all but who is this mysterious niece of yours that I have to still meet and why does it concern us.
Dani: The thing is that she has feelings for you and is in love with you so I must become a Saint and give up on my love for you. Plus I hear that if I become enough of a Saint then I can speak with my dead brother and tell him how sorry I am and all the other stuff.
Dong Tak: What who did you say is in love with me and has feelings. How can someone love me when we haven't even met.
Dani (realizing that she needs to come clean): Oh but you have already met and know her. You know the show host Lee Sera who is your friend and BFF with your sister is actually my niece March.
Dong Tak: Who did you say Lee Sera really is. Are you joking with me. (after seeing her expression and realizing that she isn't) Okay Dani first of all lets step away from the nice roof I have come to realize said meetings aren't the best place to have them.
Dani Surprised does so and asks why
Dong Tak: I am so frustrated at learning all this that I feel like either throwing you of it or jumping down from it. Maybe then I can speak with your brother and tell him to tell you that it isn't your fault how can a 1 year old child be responsible for anyone's death.
Dani: But, but...
Dong Tak: No buts were you the one driving that car, or did you kill him on purpose like maybe stab him with a knife or ask the other driver to cause said accident.
Dani: Ofcourse not I couldn't even walk or talk so how could I have done that.
Dong Tak: Exactly so lets not talk about breaking up again and I don't care how many more episodes you make think your drama may have this is real life so we can't ever break up again. Deal.
Dani: But what about March she really loves you and she will be so sad.
Dong Tak: So what who cares who loves me the only person that I love and want to be with for the rest of my life is you. Also even if you didn't come into my life I still wouldn't end up with Lee Sera. Plus if this was a drama and all she is going to end up in prison for not only lying about who she really is but also because she seems to be hurting you and all. So promise me that we won't break up and stick together till the end.
Dani (Finally getting some sense atleast for now Nods her head): I promise. I am going to be stronger and take on all the abuse that others are bound to heap on me. They can slap me some more or even pull my hair, fire me or try to bribe me but I can take it all. Plus if things get bad you can always come to my house and all and help look after my mother because I can't leave her as she is ill and all.
Dong Tak: It's a deal you continue to take the abuse while I think of ways to stop that but I will always be a moment late to come to your rescue or that my actions will make my mother mad at you so she will take out her frustration on you. But this is all for the better because our love will only become stronger. But listen only to me and me alone and all will be well. Especially don't listen to your Niece she doesn't seem like a nice person and all. But only because she is your family will I still remain friends with her.
Dani (nods her head): Okay lets not break up for now. :) Plus we should go now I think that we have already spent our allotted time of the episode together and we now need to go and work otherwise we will get fired you know. Or atleast I will since they can't fire you as your family owns this company.

Those two then walk back into the company holding hands and all. Unknown to them March who was hiding around the corner has overheard this entire conversation between them and is seething in anger at having another of her master plans foiled and all. She now has to come up with a new master plan to do so. What will that be? Be sure to tune in next time to find out....


Well that will be all from my end for now. Will actually watch the last few episodes that I missed unfortunately and then get back to all of you regarding them. Till then take care all of you and keep posting. Especially you @jimb otherwise this show might as well be dead. Going to need to watch another show to pass my time to get over this show. My current recommendation from a show that has already finished would be Smile Again (2010 version/Smile Donghae) If anyone else has any other recommendations I am all ears. Just please don't say A Tale of Two Sisters or even Melody Of Love. I might just watch the previous daily drama that had Han Chah Ah again. That was atleast better than this one. :)


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In ep. 114, YJ speaks with Mr. Han about the "limit on foreign shareholders" and the percentage of Bonjour stock owned by foreigners. Mr. Han tells YJ that the percentage owned by foreign shareholders is small and well under the limit. YJ then calls Mr. Kim and tells him to prepare to disburse funds from the bank account they have established.

Apparently the plan is for Mr. Kim to pose as a foreign investor and buy stock in Bonjour.

This is a little confusing. If there is a limit on foreign stock ownership, it is probably to ensure that Koreans own a majority of the stock. Since no foreigner can buy a controlling interest in Bonjour, why would YJ choose a foreign "false front investor" rather than a Korean "false front investor" who could buy a controlling interest?

If YJ is not going to buy enough Bonjour stock to control the company and oust Juran, why buy any Bonjour stock at all?

@yamiyugi Your dialogue is much better and funnier than what the writers have been producing lately. The producers of TUF should hire you. 

You also "get" that DT is often oblivious to  the burdens DY has been bearing on his behalf.

I was critical of DY for taking SW's bait and breaking up with DT for a stupid reason.  But when you look at world history, you can find a lot of examples where wars were preceded by a buildup of serious grievances, but were finally ignited by some stupid event.

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LOL. This is a slow weekend.  No one will take my (very moderate and judicious, of course) DT bait.  I'll have to re-run eps. 112-113 and study SW's technique more closely.  My inciteful skills must be waning.

In any event, my wife is home safe and sound from Korea, Typhoon and all.  so life is good.  My contributions to this forum may be later and/or fewer in the coming days.  Or maybe not. My wife asked me about the latest developments in TUF as soon as she got off the plane.





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5 hours ago, jimb said:

LOL. This is a slow weekend.  No one will take my (very moderate and judicious, of course) DT bait.  I'll have to re-run eps. 112-113 and study SW's technique more closely.  My inciteful skills must be waning.

In any event, my wife is home safe and sound from Korea, Typhoon and all.  so life is good.  My contributions to this forum may be later and/or fewer in the coming days.  Or maybe not. My wife asked me about the latest developments in TUF as soon as she got off the plane.



I think there may be a serious case of TUF burnout. I know that this show kept testing my patience until it's pretty much run out at this point. I'm now at the point where I think even DT is stupid for running himself constantly at the brick wall that is DY, and I think I've said quite enough about DY already. I like DT enough that I think that the choice set as far as most of the other people other than DT is concerned that DT's decision set should only have DY or SW in it is ridiculous. I might even start advocating for the introduction of a new female character who could have actual camaraderie with DT, and have it lead to an open ending where we could speculate that DT ultimately ends up with her and gets away from all the screeching, clutching or clueless women currently in his life. Given that it would be a late addition, I know it's too much to hope that it's an attractive actress who can actually act, but perhaps an attractive newbie actress who does not feel compelled to do the bug eyes in every scene?

Glad things are well for you and your wife is home safely. Now, you'll have an onsite partner to discuss TUF. Just remember to keep doing your recaps for us since I think that's the way most of us are getting info on the episodes right now without having to actually watch the episodes. :)


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9 hours ago, jimb said:

LOL. This is a slow weekend.  No one will take my (very moderate and judicious, of course) DT bait.  I'll have to re-run eps. 112-113 and study SW's technique more closely.  My inciteful skills must be waning.

In any event, my wife is home safe and sound from Korea, Typhoon and all.  so life is good.  My contributions to this forum may be later and/or fewer in the coming days.  Or maybe not. My wife asked me about the latest developments in TUF as soon as she got off the plane.

So glad to hear your lovely wife is safely home after a one month visit. You must have a lot to catch up and enjoy the goodies she must have bought you and your step-daughter:).

BTW does your wife have any first hand information on a possible TUF's extension?:sweatingbullets:

3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I think there may be a serious case of TUF burnout. I know that this show kept testing my patience until it's pretty much run out at this point. I'm now at the point where I think even DT is stupid for running himself constantly at the brick wall that is DY, and I think I've said quite enough about DY already. I like DT enough that I think that the choice set as far as most of the other people other than DT is concerned that DT's decision set should only have DY or SW in it is ridiculous. I might even start advocating for the introduction of a new female character who could have actual camaraderie with DT, and have it lead to an open ending where we could speculate that DT ultimately ends up with her and gets away from all the screeching, clutching or clueless women currently in his life. Given that it would be a late addition, I know it's too much to hope that it's an attractive actress who can actually act, but perhaps an attractive newbie actress who does not feel compelled to do the bug eyes in every scene?

Glad things are well for you and your wife is home safely. Now, you'll have an onsite partner to discuss TUF. Just remember to keep doing your recaps for us since I think that's the way most of us are getting info on the episodes right now without having to actually watch the episodes. :)

Count me in as suffering from a TUF burnout too. I also think that DT should forget about 'saving' his loyalty, devotion, steadfastness, etc for DY if she is so loyal/persistent in keeping her peace and promise with SW. He should save all these good qualities and invest his precious time on a well deserving woman (not a fickle and habitual quitter like DY) who will love him for who he is unconditionally and not for what he is. I don't mind if the writers were to introduce a new character on a 'cameo' role, who has all the charms and charisma who could become a compatible life partner for DT too:). He should cut loose all ties with those women who are nothing but clueless, unappreciative, 'troublesome' and undeserving. I don't like the real or fake LSR character, she could perhaps be a contender (not a serious one) just to put those around DT in jitters. Of course, a rookie actress with a magnetic personality also seems viable.

@jimb I hope we are not imposing and stressing you out by requesting you to continue with your wonderful recaps on the days this drama is aired:sweatingbullets:. And we can't thank you enough for your consistency, devotion and hardwork:).As much as I am an ardent fan of SJH, I had no qualms dropping this drama and I am rather surprised at myself for not facing any 'withdrawal symptoms' so far...

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15 hours ago, sk0317 said:

@jimb I hope we are not imposing and stressing you out by requesting you to continue with your wonderful recaps on the days this drama is aired:sweatingbullets:. And we can't thank you enough for your consistency, devotion and hardwork:).As much as I am an ardent fan of SJH, I had no qualms dropping this drama and I am rather surprised at myself for not facing any 'withdrawal symptoms' so far...

Hi @jimb. I also wanted to say that my words asking you to continue your recaps of this series was taken as appreciation rather than an imposition. Of course, I and everyone else will understand if you decide not to do them anymore or not do them as frequently. I appreciate that it's a lot of work to do recaps.

Btw, the only reason I can think of to use a foreign investor as a front person versus a domestic investor might be the hide the identity of the purchaser and the source of the funds. International movements of money are just harder to track since it requires cooperation on multiple fronts and that is assuming that one is in a position to ask for such cooperation, e.g. prosecutor's office or investigative team. However, in a country such as Korea where chaebols may have their own sources of information, it may be easier to get the info somehow or to get tipped off by someone friendly to the company, e.g. brokers, etc.

Having said that, Korea like a number of other countries have a limit on how much foreign investment it can take as a percentage of ownership. So, in order for YJ to get controlling interest, he would need some domestic shares plus the foreign shares. I don't think any shares were transferred to YJ with his marriage to HR. Does anyone remember if shares of the company were part of the sweetener that JR offered to YJ to marry HR? JR may have done so thinking it was a de minimis amount she was giving to YJ, not realizing that he would be able to purchase additional shares somehow, so that he could have a significant stake. Otherwise, the chap on the Board of Directors that is hand in hand with YJ may have enough shares with YJ's foreign company purchased shares added to wrest control of the company. YJ doesn't necessarily need to own the majority of shares, he just needs to have the majority vote his way so that he can oust JR.


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13 minutes ago, jimb said:

@stroppyse  @sk0317  No worries.  No imposition.  I enjoy doing the recaps.  Likely they will be posted a little later.

@stroppyse  Does YJ have an ally on the current Board of Directors?  If so, I missed that.  I know there was a major stockholder who opposed Juran's elevation to CEO, but has YJ hooked up with him?


I was talking about the man who helped to convince JR to sign off on the China project. He was also against MS earlier in the series. He still comes by every now and then to ask YJ about the China project and how things are going. I think he is on the Board. Am I mistaken?

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All I can say after seeing the last 5 minutes of today's episode is DY and DT are stupid, but DY takes the cake. She is absolutely ridiculous. These two people do not need to get together because it would be like too fools marrying--they need someone to take care of them because they are so gullible and trusting.  SW seems more like the aunt and DY the child that does whatever SW wants.  DT just doesn't get a clue about his friend SW who he knows wants him and yet he hasn't completely cut ties with her...they are both ridiculous. I can't believe they extended this drama to 150 episodes. It's just a recycle of pure foolishness.

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9 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Episode 116's Preview:


;) we're still watching despite "vowing" not to lol. I really want SW out ASAP! I agree with you that the writers have made her omnipresent and too powerful. Hope that DY comes back to her senses by the end of the week. I've already cut down a lot of viewing time eg. Not watching the KBS world broadcast and skipping non-DT DY parts

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 wow  anger between  DT/YJ... ah  look at  Yj  he thinks he is on top of the world..  evil  never  pays...DY is  an  educated  woman, why   the writers  make her  behave like a  13 year old.

lolol MS came  home to    talk to his  wife  about attacking  SA.

MS serious  face.  JS behaving like a  5 year  old  who did not get her cookie.

lolol joboo lol  MS don't give a  crap   . he walks away.

SJ is upset they talking  bad  about her  brother  MS.

lolol busted lips on  YJ/DT. enter the  home and everyone looks  like  ???

oh my  HR tending to  YJ.

 knock on door, JS  enter  DT room. asking  what happened, she thinks   DT/YJ  fought.

aww  SA  upset. cause   her MIL thinks  MS is  her  son.  aww   .SA  screaming..

omg   DY mother  is attacking   DY  with  ,i  am  guessing  evil  words..  DY  crying in her  room.

of course  SA comes inn to talk to her,  telling her  not to  worry.

(why are  these  women  faces so  shiny) make up artist  fix that.

 SA calling   SW

lolol like  yep. call  your evil  daughter, when was the last time she listened to   you.  your   daughter made a  new  family.lolol


opps  SR visited  DT.

 lolol DT is  stupid. 

 dt  you  stupid fool. SR called   you to  meet on the  rooftop.  you never  met her  .but  saw  DY  with   YJ..   writers  give  DT  some  brains..

 DY    talking  to   Yj.  , what i  understand is she said  something  about  taking  care of is   wife..

slesy  Yj  talking to   choi.

JS is  thinking of MS  words. in a  red  dress.lol

 SJ is talking to her   about  whatever..

as  always   JS  says ok. when it  comes to  YJ...

enters  SW.  very  sure    she came  with   some  crap to  feed  JS. cause  JS been eating everthing  SW  serve  her..

lolol  JS   having dinner with  Sw    ,  DT arrive.  innocent  sw  ,  she did not  know.lolol

opps  JS  leaves and  SW  /DT talk

 lolol think  DT  is   also  going to  leave  after  dropping  ,i am  sure a bomb on  Sw, he   loves  DY even though  SW  speak  bad of her...   at  KC  home. SJ arrive.

 ww  JS  talking to  SA. begging for  help..

lol SA is not   calm.lol she is raging

ah so  much  begging  from  JS  too SA

lol wonder if   SA  told her to take  care of  her  own  problems.lol

SW again   broken  record with  DY.sigh

stupid angel DY against evil  devil SW  at  it.

DT back again like a    animal in  africa that have no   water for   months..

 sad  face  DT.brains  still not intact.

lol DT drinking.  and  passed out..lolol SW  shows up and took him to   some bed. omg he  hugs  SW thinking it is  DY. sw with her  scornful  look.   how dare  you  say   DY  name...

Dy talking to her  brother in her  room.  crying...

 ah  sunny beautiful  day, .SW call  DY. lolol she wants   DY  to see  DT sleeping her  bed.lol


lol DT awoke and eyes poping, when  DT  saw  DY.lolol  sw  smiles the smile of a  winner.lolol





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31 minutes ago, sgfan said:

;) we're still watching despite "vowing" not to lol. I really want SW out ASAP! I agree with you that the writers have made her omnipresent and too powerful. Hope that DY comes back to her senses by the end of the week. I've already cut down a lot of viewing time eg. Not watching the KBS world broadcast and skipping non-DT DY parts

:lol: I have stopped watching the raw or English subbed version of this drama since last week. I can't stand the sight and sound of that ghastly woman in SW!! If the writers are not going to take her off this drama sometime this week, I am going to do everyone here a service by performing the inevitable task myself:angry:. And DT should stop interacting with SW since he knows how she 'feels' for him. Although he has told her straight in her face he has NO feelings whatsoever for her, his message has been taken lightly and clearly SW has refused to register it in her numbskull. He should have stopped reporting for work and run for the hills. Has it been officially confirmed this drama is going to be extended to a tormenting and aimless 150 episodes after all:blink:? Can we expect to finally see SA do something to stop her delusional and out of control daughter?

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6 hours ago, sk0317 said:

:lol: I have stopped watching the raw or English subbed version of this drama since last week. I can't stand the sight and sound of that ghastly woman in SW!! If the writers are not going to take her off this drama sometime this week, I am going to do everyone here a service by performing the inevitable task myself:angry:. And DT should stop interacting with SW since he knows how she 'feels' for him. Although he has told her straight in her face he has NO feelings whatsoever for her, his message has been taken lightly and clearly SW has refused to register it in her numbskull. He should have stopped reporting for work and run for the hills. Has it been officially confirmed this drama is going to be extended to a tormenting and aimless 150 episodes after all:blink:? Can we expect to finally see SA do something to stop her delusional and out of control daughter?


According to Koreandrama.org and DramaWiki, it's being extended to 150; both sights originally reflected 120 episodes.

Now we will probably have SW and DT getting engaged--just so stupid. It would be fine if this drama would change up the story, but it's the same, constant circle. I can't count the number of times SW has hid while spying on DT and DY---at work, at home, in a restaurant, everywhere all the time. I can't believe how many times DT has seen SW's true character and he continues to call this woman his friend. He sounds like an ignorant child. DY seemed stronger in earlier episodes, but she's just a crying, let me be the punching bag, unappealing lead character in this drama. She's such a turn off.  I won't even talk about KC and his ex wife and his family.....Jerry Springer future guests. 

I can't believe this drama is in first place. There truly can't be anything else on TV at this time.


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