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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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1 hour ago, jimb said:

In ep. 103 YJ called a "Mr. Kim" and (1) thanked him for helping him set up a special bank .account and (2) asked him to help keep a lid on problems with the health supplement.

Assuming the special bank account holds some of YJ's stolen money, why would YJ seek anyone's help rather than setting the account up himself?

More interesting, "Mr. Kim" must work at or be involved with Bonjour in some manner in order to be able to "keep a lid" on the supplement problems. Why would YJ take the risk of involving such a person in establishing an account for illicit funds?

Is this part of a pattern of deliberately leaving a trail to someone else's door?

Does anyone recall a "Mr. Kim" from previous episodes?

Was "Mr. Kim" the rogue stockholder who opposed Juran's elevation to CEO?

Thank you for bringing this up. I too never quite picked up on this since I'm too engrossed getting mad at SW, JR and HR

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2 hours ago, sk0317 said:

@booha How's your day? Thanks for the information (@jimb too) on the new drama "I Still Love You". I don't think I am going to watch and go through another marathon, especially one without SJH:P. Do you know why the new drama has been rescheduled to start on Nov. 28 instead of late October? Look what I have found on the internet:



The first two links listed the broadcast period as May 2, 2016 - Nov. 25, 2016, which means the drama has a total of 150 episodes:blink:. Are the information on these two links reliable??!! Does it mean the scriptwriters have to overstretch their already limited imagination to prolong the series to last for another 47 episodes before the new drama takes over??!!

However the link on the KBS World listed TUF's number of episodes as 120...


A 'sadistic' side of me tells me to "laugh and rewind" when the scene of SW crying comes on...:rolleyes:

I will have to give this new show a miss. Including TUF, I would've gone through 2 long-form dramas this year :sweatingbullets: the other show being Five Children. These shows run for like 6 months. I have to remind myself to be careful in my choice, hooked and I'm down for another half year :crazy:

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6 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Thank you for bringing this up. I too never quite picked up on this since I'm too engrossed getting mad at SW, JR and HR

Me too. I only gathered the "Mr. Kim" is now hiding somewhere in China. I was too engrossed with YJ's hairstyle which debuted this week. @jimb Would you classify YJ's hairdo as "helmet hair" too?

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28 minutes ago, sgfan said:

I will have to give this new show a miss. Including TUF, I would've gone through 2 long-form dramas this year :sweatingbullets: the other show being Five Children. These shows run for like 6 months. I have to remind myself to be careful in my choice, hooked and I'm down for another half year :crazy:

At least 'Five Children' had 'only' 54 episodes. If TUF goes beyond the 120 as originally intended/planned, it's going to make watching/following the remaining episodes too strenuous a task for most of us here:tears:. Yes can't agree more on we need to be careful when we pick a 'long-form' k-drama to follow; it's a commitment that will tie us down for a long time.

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19 hours ago, stroppyse said:

So, Busan seems to be the place for people the head office wants to get rid of. I always thought Busan was quite nice. :)

Have you ever been to Busan @stroppyse:)?

19 hours ago, stroppyse said:

DT: Why was Team Leader Shin Soo Bong (lanky office guy) suddenly transferred to Busan?

So our Gossip Trio will be reduced to a Gossip Duo with Lanky Guy's relocation to Busan...I hope DT would be able to restore Lanky Guy's position in the Head Office. He doesn't deserve this degrading demotion in return for revealing the truth.:tears:

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On 9/20/2016 at 5:33 PM, stroppyse said:


It's not so much DY that I wonder might go bat crazy at the last minute, but the writer. I'm not convinced that this writer has her story firmly in control actually, and can see scripts which are a pastiche which may not make much sense, to me at least.

Agreed that YJ wants out of his life with HR. Just think it would be fitting for him and his mother to be stuck with a broke HR and JR for the rest of their lives. :)

I'm not sure that DT will be CEO of Bonjour or any other corporation. DT and DY had a conversation in episode 101 about DT's former desire to be a movie director, and how his mother had promised to invest in his movie if DT worked at the office for awhile. So now, I wonder if in the end, DT will quit the office altogether especially if his family lose control over it, and look to go back to being a movie director, though he would still have the same problem of trying to fund his movies.


@stroppyse  JR deserves to get what she got coming, It's okay to want to appease your child but she can't have everything and she needs to understamd the meaning of "No" YJ had told her over and over but JR went dangling  that company in his face with some kind of title to make HR husband have some kind of power and authority within the company and that pleased YJ mom and him.. So dump DY or work at another branch if you don't marry HR because god forbid he gets engaged to someone else and HR stil;l have to see him with a brokenheart and a onesided crush and still yearn for him like they was in a relationship.. 

So the way I see it YJ is only making them pay for being married to the immature brat and JR for telling him how to run his marriage if YJ is tired of HR well could you  blame him.. If it's left of to HR he wouldn't go to work at the company he would stay home and look in her face all day because  she's attention needy and clingy..  If the writer don't split up this marriage then something is wrong because there was no love there from the beginning it's just HR thinks she's in love with YJ  she'll change that tune once YJ it's found out how much money he has rip off.. But knowing HR she'll go screamig at DY saying she was laughing at her all the time and asking her about the money and is he going to use it to divorde her so he can marry DY and how DY and YJ conned her and the family.. SW sure is going to set it up  for HR to find YJ and DY together and she hears him begging DY and telling DY how much he's stil in love with her even if she can't put HR there to see it with her on eyes she will film it and show it to her..

I do recall DT saying he want to produce movies and the deal JR made with him DT has got a taste of compqny life but I still think he's hanging in there because of DY and no other reason.. Is he still interested in the movie business I don't know but he can produce the home shopping show in the company..  I don't think DT will let his family company go belly up and he just don't try and do a thing about it.. I still think it's going to be him and dad that saves the company from all the damage YJ has done.. 

TBH I'm Waiting For JR To Be Kick Out Of Her Position By YJ After He Has Framed Her For The Company Losses..

On 9/20/2016 at 8:01 PM, maribella said:


@valsava, @jimb

now that you have mentioned it, maybe the papa is not dead!! Therefore no photos? :w00t:

Oh yes and YJ's mother will tear her hair out when she finds out that DY is the daughter of a Chaebol- albeit an illegitimate one. That would solve the problem of her village background, And who knows she would even save Bonjour from YJs machinations...??? HR will eat humble pie....

I am on a roll... Sorry guys.

But jimb, I think a mysterious urbane passerby would probably impregnate the village belle. I find it hard to imagine halmoni to be irresistable at late 40s. :)

churchill said that? Must be Harrow for I would not put up with?


@maribella  I think you may be correct that DY father vis still alive and Halmoni never saying about him because she could also fault him for her son being dead just like she do DY..   Yes it would serve SW HR JR and YJ mom will all be upset especially SW I could see her shouting for DY to compensate her I don't expect to much from JR and HR but YJ mom she would want DY to get back with YJ if him and HR isn't in a good marriage she will tell him like she did would HR break up with HR to marry DY you loved DY first..

20 hours ago, 0ly40 said:

Many htanks sk0317  for your fast answer. Poor SW she doesn't understand that DT's mom don't change his heart about DY. DT has by his side grandfather, aunt and father (for sure), just two histeric women don't want DY. SW can't  compares with DY, she's bad mannered and doesn't have the academic education like DY. She is just greed and opportunist.

@Oly40  Sw character I really don't get why would the writer write her character this way she's not rich nor comes from a middle class family her and DY are relate4d in the same way just about.. How can she stand there with that look on her face to DY as if she's any better she's always looking for something that's not fitting for her due to her greed and lies she has gotten away with all these years.. I can't wait til HR JR and SW world collides because that's going to be a fun watch we got about another 7or8 episodes to go before all the fun begins..

18 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Absolutely yes!! DY must fight for her man!! Now is the time for DY to spill the beans! How much longer before SW's deceits and lies become exposed? The writers really seem to adore the SW character. Despite all the malicious deeds she has done, she came through unscathed . I think SW has been given too much leeway. I am really running out of patience with her, the very sight of her makes me sick and nauseous ick .

Sorry to come to this party late, But @sk0317  You can best believe when Sw is exposed she will expose YJ to Because HR snobby but she is going to try and give her, SW a piece of her mind.. When these two fall out it's going to be funny because SW will embarasse her about how she stole her Aunts man so don't feel bad about your brother being head over hills for my Aunt so was your husband to he married you out of pity and bruse HR ego..


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34 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I don't know if I can stick around for 47 more episodes of SW, HR, and JR shrieking. It might be different if the story kept moving along, e.g. DT and DY settle in Jangmari with their gochujang factory, or get married, both of them having left Bonjour so that DT can become a documentary filmmaker while DY becomes the star of his documentaries showing the state of farming in South Korea or something. Not sure how they'll keep the Three Harpies in the story, but perhaps they could randomly show up to various filming locales where they go into a rant of some kind, but only for a few seconds before they get shushed by some nearby fan who want to watch DY filming? It's an idea. I would be okay as long as the story went somewhere other than SW and JR's pointless machinations and HR crying to herself that the husband she bought herself won't play with her the way she wants him to.

The thing that I want to see play out in the current scenarios, however, is YJ's downfall hopefully triggering some remorse in his mother for being so rapaciously greedy on his behalf. I did say I can understand why she might want something better for the one she considered her promising son than a simple country girl, but she should have respected him enough once he refused saying that he wanted to be with DY not to push him into accepting HR. I think having her well born son divorced and in jail will hopefully cause her to evaluate her priorities and her culpability. I think YJ is just weak-willed on his own right, however. No matter how much his mother pushed him, he was a grown man, and he ultimately made his own decisions. He traded away the love of a steadfast woman for the chance to get ahead in his career by marrying the boss' daughter who he knew was a spoiled princess with one failed marriage under her belt whom he did not love. I just want both YJ and his mother to wallow in their own shallowness and the consequences of their actions. Also, I hope YJ's mother suffers from taking care of KC's ex since she's the one who colluded with her to get her into the house and all, though my guess is that they are either not going to make much ado about taking care of a terminally ill person, or perhaps they'll make big GJ do it if they even bother to show it, as pregnant as she is, in the interest of achieving the Big Kumbaya in the Gu household.  YJ's mother is not a good person. I think of the various bad mothers in the show, she may be my least favorite. In addition to all her other flaws as a person, she differentiates too much between her children CJ and YJ based on her perception of their success. CJ is a kind and honest man, at this point, definitely more so than YJ. It's too bad that they seem to be trying to put him back with SW. JR is a witch, but at least she loves both of her children, though she's too lenient with HR, she doesn't seem to be differentiating them based on their earning potential. DY's mother is also strangely anti-DY, however, she's good to her daughter-in-law and she's also been trying to be fair to DY with dating DT. 


Thank you for sharing your imagination of DT and DY's blissful happily ever after. I can picture this in my head and it looks good! :wub:

YJ's mum will want to have a little chat with DY once she knows that DY is in a relationship with DT. This woman just cannot mind her own business. Yes, I want to see her regret ever pushing her son to be with HR, and encouraging his growing greed.


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2 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Thank you for sharing your imagination of DT and DY's blissful happily ever after. I can picture this in my head and it looks good! :wub:

YJ's mum will want to have a little chat with DY once she knows that DY is in a relationship with DT. This woman just cannot mind her own business. Yes, I want to see her regret ever pushing her son to be with HR, and encouraging his growing greed.


@sgfan  This is whats keeping me hanging on to watching this drama but if it goes to 150 episodes then I'll stop watching and continue to read the recaps until something breaks in it worth watching, I'm looking forward to YJ bringing this shame to his mom face because her encouragement forhim to marry someone else brought all of this upon him.. YJ dad saw it long time ago his ambitions and knew it wasn't good for him to keep working those long hours trying to rush to success.. I still believe YJ wanted out of his parents house,but I can't wait for dad to blame it all on her because he sure azz hell going to tell her it's her own fault he turn out this way if he would have married DY then things wouldn't have come to this.. 

Also Yj mom is going to look for DY once she finds out that HR brother is also madly in love with DY she's not going to want DY married into that family in a higher position then her own son..  

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I've been there a couple of times on trips to South Korea. It's mostly an industrial port town, albeit with lots of dressing up with various resort beaches and shopping malls. Plus, it's now a big convention area, so has a general touristy veneer. The mountains just outside Busan are really pretty, though scant in resources, e.g. toilets and running water, though plenty of creeks and rivers as long as one is careful not to drink any of it. Stayed overnight with a Buddhist monk in her room while on a backpacking trip. Literally an 8 ft by 6 ft room, with three of us sleeping there plus the monk herself. It was very cozy. The accent in that region takes some adjustment to understand. 

As far as the show goes, since Busan is the second largest city in South Korea, wonder why they seem to be treating it as a Siberia. Then again, even Siberia is pretty lively these days.

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely adventure and trip's episode here with me:). Although I was born and raised in a cosmopolitan garden city state, I tend to love places with a smaller crowd and one with plenty of flora and fauna. Busan sounds heavenly and I believe it is the largest seafood market in South Korea? I love seafood so would love to visit the less touristy spots and venture into the more local areas. I read that the Busan International FIlm Festival is held there due to its large convention area. Do you think foreigners who speak little or no Korean would be able to navigate and explore Busan with little or no difficulties? Would a tourist who is armed with buzz words, Korean Language vocabularies and K-drama lingo be sufficient to enjoy traveling in Busan alone:sweatingbullets:?

# BTW does JMR exist in reality:)?

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33 minutes ago, valsava said:

  This is whats keeping me hanging on to watching this drama but if it goes to 150 episodes then I'll stop watching and continue to read the recaps until something breaks in it worth watching, I'm looking forward to YJ bringing this shame to his mom face because her encouragement forhim to marry someone else brought all of this upon him.. YJ dad saw it long time ago his ambitions and knew it wasn't good for him to keep working those long hours trying to rush to success.. I still believe YJ wanted out of his parents house,but I can't wait for dad to blame it all on her because he sure azz hell going to tell her it's her own fault he turn out this way if he would have married DY then things wouldn't have come to this.. 

Also Yj mom is going to look for DY once she finds out that HR brother is also madly in love with DY she's not going to want DY married into that family in a higher position then her own son..  

@valsava I've always thought YJ was quite a decent guy in the beginning. If it wasn't for his mum, he wouldn't have finally succumbed to using a shortcut route to money and a better job title. Although JR and HR are no good themselves, YJ's mum should've known better as a mother and an elder. She's just not wise enough.

14 minutes ago, Jackie1048 said:

Well Done, Dong Tak! "I will marry Kang Dan Yi for sure".

Woohoo! @Jackie1048, I might've shocked my neighbours when I screamed with joy. DT said that in front of SW and the entire family. :wub:

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37 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Woohoo! @Jackie1048, I might've shocked my neighbours when I screamed with joy. DT said that in front of SW and the entire family. :wub:

"Mansei" was the first word I uttered when DT announced he will most certainly marry DY in front of SW and the whole family! Not forgetting the side eye/'hate stare' he gave the malicious schemer:lol:.

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19 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I'm with you all on this one. When DT told his family and SW that he's marrying DY, that was priceless. 
Also, how funny was it that JR asked SW over and introduced her as DT's future partner, but when DT heard and suggested she leave, JR took umbrage that he was being rude to HER guest. Even for a Korean person with all the obligations of hospitality, that was a bit much on JR's part. 

Thanks to JR's insistence for her guest to stay despite DT asking her to leave, SW got to hear DT's very public announcement of his intention/plan to marry DY:).

24 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I may have to watch DT's declaration again, just for the sheer joy of it.

Me too:lol:.

26 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Btw, does YJ know that SR is SW?

I don't think so.

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Sam Wol must be deaf and dumb (in the head). How many time she needs to hear over and over again Dong Tak telling her and everyone else that he loves Kang Dan Yi and does not see Sam Wol as a woman.

I sincerely hope next week Dan Yi doing her best to win her happiness. She needs to project her status as Sam Wol's elder and put Sam Wol in her place.

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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Not sure if JMR exists. Not that familiar with the lesser known areas of South Korea. 

Busan is used to foreigners actually, so you should be fine in the city itself. Most Koreans know some English because it's mandatory studying in schools, plus quite a few English words have entered the Korean language, though the pronunciation gets a bit changed in the translation. Anyone who has finished high school in South Korea should be good for some communication, plus they can usually find someone who speaks it better who might be of more help. Not mention that there are tourist information centers in a few locations, most of whom have at least one person who can manage in English. 

Once outside the city, however, and it may be a little tougher going. Fewer people who can speak English or who can even understand foreign-accented Korean. If you do venture outside of the city, and you don't feel like joining a tour group of some kind, just make sure you have good maps and clear instructions to where you want to get to. Most people are friendly, but a lone traveler always has to be somewhat careful. Getting good directions on transportation is a must, especially if traveling by bus.

The food in the Busan area is amazing in terms of seafood. It is the largest fishing port as well as the largest shipping port in South Korea. Not sure that there is a specific well known market per se like the Tsukiji Market in Tokyo, but in terms of diversity of sea food available, it's an amazing site. Most of the beach areas also have tons of seafood restaurants. It's hard to go wrong with any of them since the seafood is so fresh. Plus it's always interesting to see what side dishes are provided in addition to the kimchees which are a given. My favorites are the spicy fish soups and the raw oysters and sashimi. One thing I should mention, however, when eating raw in country, you're taking your chances. It should be fine, but the bacteria are different than your home country, so you may have some digestive issues afterwards. Or you could go to a pricey restaurant that caters to foreigners, but they're pricey versus eating dockside/beachside where the meal can be pretty cheap. If you don't want to take the chance, though, I strongly recommend the spicy fish stews and the spicy steamed fishes. :) Btw, the spicy dishes are better than the non-spicy dishes, to my tastebuds anyway.

Since you're talking seafood, it doesn't seem as if you're vegetarian. It can be really difficult to be a strict vegetarian in Busan or with a seafood allergy. Even if there is no noticeable meat/poultry/seafood, a lot of the marinades, soup base, and flavorings tend to contain shrimp, oyster, fish sauce, beef bone broth, etc. Speaking of seasonings, most places still use MSG as well, so if you're intolerant of that, it may be a problem. 

Okay, I need to stop. For one, I'm making myself hungry. Also, I realize that yet again, I'm dribbling about something off-topic. 

Are you planning to go some time? If you do, you should take a boat or plane to Jeju Island. Especially from Busan, it's not far at all, and it's a really beautiful place, worth seeing at least once. It's a big tourist destination, though, especially for Korean people, so that is both a good thing and a bad thing, depending on how you feel about crowds of Korean people. :) The island is big enough, though, that with a little effort, you can find serene places to explore on the island without going too far out of the way.

Thank you for all the tips and words of precaution for a lone traveler:). I feel like I have just been given a virtual tour of Busan after reading your post! It takes between 2 hours 15 minutes and  2 hours 30 minutes from Narita Airport which is located in Chiba prefecture. The nearest airport from my house is Haneda which unfortunately doesn't offer any direct flights to Busan.  

I am practically salivating after reading your descriptions of the array of delicious seafood stews. And 'banchan' wow. And I look forward to tasting the different types of 'kimchis' offered in Busan too. I have read that the 'kimchis' offered in every city/province has distinctive characteristics depending on the "ami" or "shiokara (sorry I don't know the Korean words to use)" used to ferment the kimchi.  Can't wait to taste Busan's other local produce apart from seafood. How spicy are the spicy versions of the stews? I like spicy food but my tummy might not be agreeable with overly spicy cuisines. And TBH MSG is a big turn off:sweatingbullets:. My family and I don't usually eat out and I cook all our meals including making 'obentos' daily. I make my own version of 'chigae' using the ingredients available in Japan and condiments such as 'gochujang' that I purchase from Costco here. We are also fans of 'okususucha'.

I can't wait to travel there ASAP but have to plan around my kids' schedules if I am permitted to go... And having a dog who is so attached to you poses a problem too:sweatingbullets:. I am going to save up and make this trip a ’reward' for myself in the very near future.

And yes, Jeju Island is a well known destination for honeymoon. I have heard favorable reviews from my niece who was there during her short term stay (university's student exchange program) in Korea.

Thank you once again and wishing you an eventful weekend!



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I Still Love You,

Hangul: 그래도 사랑해
Director: Kwak Ki-Won
Writer: Kim Hyo-Eun
Network: KBS1
Release Date: October, 2016 --
Runtime: Mon.-Fri. 20:25-21:00
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea

cast: Kim Dong-Joon, Lee Young-Eun, Choi Jung-Won

A girl and a woman meet as student and teacher. 7 years later, they become sisters-in-law through marrying brothers and even become stepsisters after remarriage of parents.

This serie will replace "unusually family" next month.

Source: http://asianwiki.com/I_Still_Love_You



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