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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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Wow  So many interesting conversations happening here which kept me busy the whole morning googling. :o:phew:  

@stroppyse   mentioned about “that getting a job in Korea seems pretty difficult, especially a white collar job”.  I don’t know if it’s relevant but I came across an article ‘overeducated, underemployed’(2013)   In the US everyone touts success= education but nobody thinks there is flipside.  haha  The article says Korea was/is(?) faced with so much surplus of overeducated younger population who had difficulty finding jobs. When parents and their children invested so much money and time for education, it’s hard for anyone with a high degree to work in manual labor/non-skilled jobs( according to the article, “3-D: dirty, difficult and dangerous”) with poor pay.  This created a shortage and some had to import people from other countries to fill in this area.


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14 hours ago, maribella said:

I really hope DY get to do some slapping too. I won't find it pleasant but it is only fair.

Instead of slapping (this practice will just put her on the same page/level as those who condone such an act:sweatingbullets:), she should first start by standing up for herself and the man she proclaims to love by verbalizing her real feelings in the open. She should also learn to take what SW says with a pinch of salt and if possible confront SW and ask her how far is she planning to go with her "lies (at least the one on her real identity)" . 

I doubt she ventured/got herself into a new relationship without much thoughts...but she needs to regain her confidence. Many foresee a rough and bumpy ride ahead for her in her pursuit for real happiness, the key to success is to trust and team up with DT and have perseverance.

She should quit Bonjour along with DT if things get uglier (bound to happen:() and take their bestseller elsewhere if it has not been patented. Or they can set up a company with the help of MS and market their own brand.

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On 2016/9/10 at 6:52 AM, stroppyse said:

DY Mother: Thanks to the Seoul Gentleman, I was able to get the tests done and we went to the hospital and back in comfort. 

DY SIL: We’re really grateful.

Good to know the health examination Ms. Park has been putting off has been conducted, thanks to MS (who happens to share the same initials as Ms. Park's deceased son:)). JR was shown to have witnessed the conversation among MS, MP and SA in the preview for the next episode. A poster up thread mentioned the possibility of JR overhearing a conversation between SA and SW (in which SA addresses SW by her given name) that might lead to the disclosure of SW's real identity. It is highly probable this might be the scenario to expose SW. JR has seen SA on at four occasions and links her to MS (Bonjour's lobby/SA coming out from MS's JMR's house after he was taken ill (heatstroke)/MS's JMR's residence (SA was teaching MS how to make mulberry gochujang)/in front of MS's house in JMR). These sightings might in turn trigger JR's doubts/suspicions on a MS/SA "affair" way before MS's official move to JMR:sweatingbullets:.

On 2016/9/10 at 6:52 AM, stroppyse said:

HR: Watch. I’m going to make her go out on her own. (means she’s going to make DY quit rather than have to be fired)

It's absurd HR has the cheek to get mad here...HR and JR were the ones who enticed YJ which led to his breakup with DY.:angry:

@stroppyseThank you so much for enlightening each and everyone of us here on this board by generously sharing your wealth of information on the Korean language, culture and all things related.:) I look forward to reading more of your insights and translations on the topics here. Thank you once again!

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I like that everyone wants DYs fighting spirit back.  I do too.  I dont want her to leave the company though, instead, I would really love it if HR has a tantrum in YJ office about DY and spills the beans and then gossippy boy with the glasses overhears with the rest of the team who then goes to the marketing team (the one where he usually gets all of his gossip) and tells them what he heard who then (cause marketing and telling people things is their business) tells the whole compan.  Company wide YJ HR and JR all get the labels they deserve as follows: ambitious greedy ex fiance of DY, selfish entitled homewrecker and arrogant enabling mother

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@sk0317    I wish  the writernim  would add more scenes for DY/DT.   It looks like DY might be  the one who has to face most of the wrath from JR & HR and some from SW.   I don’t think DT could do much since he can only fight so much against his own family.  :huh::huh:

@sgfan   Thank you for mentioning about the voices.  I guess I didn’t pay much attention to actors’ voices before(except for my own bias hehe)   I noticed this emotional tone in DT’s voice  in the last preview when he called out DY’s name.

BTW Actually I don’t mind seeing YJ’s scheme to blow it all out soon which can distract JR’s attention from going after DY further??   I don’t expect SW’s true id will be revealed soon but, when it happens, maybe JR can see DY and SW are from the same family pod.  Well then if JR has no choice about which pea she has to live with, she might side with DY.   I think in JR’s eyes, poor people are nothing but tiny peas  :grimace:


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@yamiyugi  Star I can't help but marvel at your ability to read, analyze, and "dissect" the characters in TUF so brilliantly.  Your description of SW's role and character especially fits to a T. :)

On 2016/9/10 at 5:50 PM, yamiyugi said:

In other words she sees all the trees around her but not the forest.

This scene came to mind:).


On 2016/9/10 at 5:50 PM, yamiyugi said:

I predict that March's identity will be exposed max by episode 100 or 110 by the max.


On 2016/9/10 at 5:50 PM, yamiyugi said:

Another thing about March is that she doesn't usually get her hands dirty she lets other do all the dirty work so that she can claim plausible deniability later on.

SW has been over working and putting in more full shifts as a malicious hints' dropper Angry than required. So scriptwriters, please do her and us the viewers a big favor by giving SW an eternal break already.

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I spent my Saturday afternoon binge watching episodes 3-12 and noticed some things I missed or didn't fully appreciate the first time around:

# DT wasn't always the "mum's boy" I have come to fear he is. He frequently went toe to toe with his mother re his cinematic ambitions and at one point even moved out of the "Misery Manse." Now, of course, defying mum requires that he not only quit the house but his job as well. Will DT allow his mum to resume her assault on DY to avoid breaking his mother's heart? We'll know tomorrow.

# HR's behavior toward Bonjour's employees has actually improved since the days of hair-pulling cat fights with television hostesses and assaults on cleaning personnel.

# HR's studies in the U.S. didn't cool her jets any? We have our "mean girls" but they are much lower volume than HR. Also, HR has never thought to compare notes with SW re her experiences in the U.S.? The writers seem to be asleep at their laptops.

# I've often joked about the translators' overuse of "letting it slide" but it's a perfect description of YJ's frequent attempts to avoid momentary discomfort by failing to provide essential information or promising to take care of something and then, well, "letting it slide." I noticed an additional early example: YJ's failure to warn DY when Bonjour cancelled its mulberry promo at the last minute -- so DY and her fellow farmers only learned of the promo's cancellation when they tuned in to watch it tv.

# Commenters who noted that DY's home life prepared her for life at Bonjour are on the mark. Clearly abuse is all DY has ever known. YJ's mother also thoroughly prepared him for life under Juran's thumb.

# Soon after HR first encountered YJ, HR noticed his "couple's ring" and asked whether he was in a relationship with anyone working at Bonjour. YJ told her that he was in a relationship but the details were none of her business. Although this occurred shortly before DY was hired by Bonjour, it is was clear to HR from the beginning that she was not only poaching "another woman's man," but that the "other woman" might well be employed by Bonjour. So any hearts and flowers re HR's first husband and YJ both hid ongoing relationships can be foregone.  The whole first marriage makes no sense:  The groom was already rich, and had a significant other he was (and continued after his marriage to be) happy with.  Why sign on to a period of hazardous duty with HR?

# I am completely mystified as to why DY had any conversations with SW at Bonjour beyond "Listen up: behave or I will expose you in a second and you're on your way back to the village!" In the real world, life-long warfare between relatives has resulted from far less egregious behavior than SW's.

# In one of the episodes MS tells his wife that he didn't realize she "could stoop that low" and Juran replies that she was "willing to stoop even lower for Bonjour," adding a whole new dimension to the term "stoop labor" . .

# The episodes in which DY was arrested and berated by her mother and prospective MIL for a simple protest may not fairly represent Korean attitudes toward demonstrators. Did anyone else see Korean news coverage of the anti-missile defense protests, in which Korean officials were pelted with eggs and fruit? There's a reason that footage hasn't been shown on American television . . .

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9 hours ago, jimb said:

# DT wasn't always the "mum's boy" I have come to fear he is. He frequently went toe to toe with his mother re his cinematic ambitions and at one point even moved out of the "Misery Manse." Now, of course, defying mum requires that he not only quit the house but his job as well. Will DT allow his mum to resume her assault on DY to avoid breaking his mother's heart? We'll know tomorrow.

Before sending DY to the "raging hefty heifer"'s to get slapped/humiliated in episode 94, DT was contemplating quitting his job at Bonjour (DT told DY in the car).  So DT just might "quit the house and his job as well"?:) DT seems to enjoy the fresh air and tranquility in JMR. However, the most attractive incentive for him to move away from JR is he will be near DY, the woman he loves. I am going to keep my fingers crossed and have faith in him!

Going off topic...we see steak being featured in a lot of the meals DT/DY (first date), DT/JR/SW (lunch), YJ/HR (lunch) and HR/SW (lunch) ordered when they eat out. Is steak the favorite menu for the rich in Korea? In episode 21, there's a really cute scene of DT/DY grabbing a quick bite in a small shop that sells "sundae (not the American version)" and "ddeokbokki". DT didn't seem too fond of any of the "street food" DY selected though:P.

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On 9/10/2016 at 0:49 AM, jimb said:

@sgfan wrote "If YJ is really planning on the downfall of JR . . . ": Doesn't the path YJ is on result in JR's downfall regardless of YJ's intent? Even if JY simply takes the money and runs, rather than attempting to frame JR, would the Board of Directors keep her around after such a major embezzlement occurred right under her unobservant and lackadaisical nose?   Who would inherit the throne?  The Heir, of course (or maybe his father.)

YJ definitely can't enjoy the money while he's living with his in-laws . . . Can't, in fact, enjoy much of anything . . .


@jimb YJ is going full steam ahead with kicking out JR he wants the spot of president of that company and the rate she's going she will help him succeed..

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@sk0317, interesting observation, about the steak. Honestly, though.....I've watched a LOT of dramas.....and steak does seem to be a favorite of the rich and famous. The poor people in dramas eat ramen, middle income seem to eat at street carts, and the rich eat at posh restaurants, mostly steak, or fancy pasta! Lol

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@sk0317 @auntyem  Steak?  Gosh, I'd never noticed.  By "steak" do you mean a big American style slab of meat (not cut up and grilled in pieces Korean barbecue style)?  If so, would Koreans go to an "American restaurant" to eat steak like Americans go to a "Chinese restaurant" to eat Peking Duck? 

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@jimb Yes, steak. Whole cut steaks, like filet mignon or a nice ribeye steak.  It may not be at an American restaurant, it could be French, just know that it will always be at a POSH restaurant. Someplace ritzy, elegant, pricey! It's to give the message, "I'm rich, this is nothing!"

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I'm pleased to see that both LSA and SJH are leading the drama really well, despite being new comers. Increased screen time aside, they seem to have grown into their characters too. I can't say that the story or script is good, because it is simply a mix of the usual plots. But then again, they have made the most of what has been given, and I'm quite happy with how they have developed their on screen chemistry and their characters. They are not super good looking, but they have got that screen presence. Looking forward to their future projects. They clearly have more to offer than what we see here. 

Btw, @sk0317, when SJH has a fan meeting, lets hope that he sings I'm In Love. That may just be the highlight, along with acting out  some heart fluttering major scene. 

While l cringe now and then at the entire cast's acting,  I have to cut them some slack as, like I've mentioned previously, the overly dramatic style seems to be intended. So we have the shocked bug-eye look that almost everyone has adopted in the show.  Seriously KC's version is still the most hilarious to me. Forgive me though for harping on bug-eye, but I can't quite get past that almost every episode ends with someone giving that look. Oh well, I still watch the next day Lolx 


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