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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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@whome, I wholeheartedly agree with you! After fast forwarding through much of today's episodes raw, I think I might give up, too. The story is starting to get ridiculous! After making it this far, I thought this drama could hold me to the end.....but no way, because at this point, it's just ridiculous. I agree, that JR and HR should be going after YJ, and not poor, innocent DY. I don't know WHY all the dailies are like this, they always turn the leads into pathetic creatures that have to endure everybody's crap that's thrown at them. It doesn't become fun to watch at that point, it's torturous!!!

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# Well it's noon and still no sign of the English Subbed version on Youtube. They have posted them before noon the last four days but the day after I tell people about it they stop. I should have kept quiet . [NOTE:  It was posted by 1:00.]. .

# I've only seen the Korean language version of ep. 94 but it is already clear that all of the principal actors did an outstanding job. Park Yeon-Soo (HR) and Gil Eun-Hye (SW) were especially convincing. E.g., Ms. Gil effectively portrayed the evil bee flitting from flower to flower injecting poison. In a scene with SW and DY in the preview for ep. 95, SW looks like a matador going in for the final kill. I usually like Ms. Park for her subtle, appropriate facial expressions but she does full-on psycho very well, too.

# It looks like HR may divorce YJ (she's already been there and done that with one husband.) If that happens, it could be a sign that Juran will continue as CEO thru the final episode. Juran would probably keep YJ around if HR divorced him. But if YJ wants to divorce HR and still stay at Bonjour, he needs to get rid of Juran first.

# It also looks like both of the young male residents may be moving out of Sul Manor very soon. HR is already packing YJ's suitcase and its time DT moved to the Village to fulfill his destiny as a Mulberry Mogul. After a full workday under Juran's thumb, it's hard to conceive of anyone going home to a full night of it without stopping for a very long happy hour.

# It does seem that, in the Sul family, the detective gene is recessive. DT now seems to recognize that there is a distinctly fishy odor when SW is around but he still hasn't figured out where it's coming from.

# When Juran purges DY in ep. 95, will DT "let it slide?"

@valsava    referred to the likelihood that YJ's dad would say "I told you so" if YJ and HR divorce. If YJ divorces HR, particularly if he divorces her after Juran loses her job as CEO and HR is clearly of no further use to him, he'll face the contempt of two angry dads. Both Messrs. Sul and Gu smelled a rat when YJ abruptly began to pursue HR and only half-heartedly accepted his professions of sincerity.

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E95 preview translation;

[YJ's mom] Can you keep it a secret, away from Brother-in-law? In truth, Sister-in-law is a dying patient.
[YJ's dad] Say what??
[YJ to DY] Madam president knows of our relationship? How did this happen...
[JR] Was DY deliberately kept(?) in the company?  [can't hear clearly]
[JY] Now I have nobody else but HR
[JR] Send DY out of the company right now. By yourself, personally!
[DY] Now what do I do? I fear I'll have to break up with the Director. I'm scared and fearful.
[SW] Don't be like this. At least now, just break up
[DY] Yes, you're right.

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14 hours ago, sgfan said:

Has anyone noticed that in the scene where DT visited Jangmiri the 2nd time to persuade DY to return to work ( after discovering YJ is her ex), he said its really  all my fault, but subs were I'm sorry 

Thanks for telling me that it was in E85. I went and checked. You're right. He said "I really made a mistake" (or "It was really wrong of me", perhaps more closely, as no specific "a" was there in front of the "mistake").  It was not an "I am sorry", even if the meaning is pretty much the same.  It just bothers me when the translators at all these sites just arbitrarily play God and think that a straight line will necessarily sound weird in English and pick some silly simpler line.  It happens way too often, and it's annoying as hell to many viewers who regularly watch Kdramas and know quite a few of the words being said.

Though I don't know Chinese, I think you're also right about the Chinese subs.  As I do subbing occasionally at darksmurfsub.com, I see the first translations (done into English by a software) of the Chinese subs.  Except in rare cases of idioms etc, the Chinese subbers seem to simply translate the line into Chinese rather than screw around and play God.  Just translate the damn line, damnit, and stop acting like you know better than the viewers all the time.

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11 hours ago, anbud said:

my summer  is painful.  my  mother  died in  2015   but no one told me   till summer 2016. after the news    my x and my  sons knew.   and kept it  from  me.  so i am a  raging  bull  right  now ,  and  will   be  so   for  some time  . I   am  angry  at every  one.... but i  have a calm  anger... don't talk     .use  sign  language.  right now i   dislike  every one. whenever  i called my  mother  phone, i was  told she is  sleeping. these   people  they  all need  to pay  for  this.

@anbud  My condolences, I'm angry for you and with you.. You have every right to be upset something like that and they kept it a hush hush from you.. No matter the past rtelationship between the two of you someone should have told you gave you a chance to say your finale goodbye.. I just want to say no matter she your mom we always carry them in our hearts family members  are the worst so pick day for yourself to say your goodbye.. 


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Before I get into others comments I must say I'm so done with DY how could she let Hr slap her in the face like that she owed her no explanation, Also SW she keeps digging herself deeper and deeper wait to her chickens comes to hatch she will blame things didn't turn out right for her because of DY never herself and she's running around playing like she's someone else which some how will end up being DY fault for that and DY takes all this verbal and physical abuse  from them all.. I wish she start to stand up for her low self esteem self it's time for the writer to make her get a grip.. 

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Btw, can anyone help me here.....what ever happened to DY's transfer to Busan? I fast forward so much that I completely missed the outcome of that....anyone care to enlighten me? And let's drag SW out of there...she's like a cancer, spreading her toxins al over! I know they add her for drama, but it's not fun anymore, it's irritating! She's an adult who totally acts like a child! With her conniving mind, she really needs something to happen to HER! Ugh!

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@stroppyse, I'm with you about SW! The writer made her character so clever that she hasn't been "outed" by anyone yet! Wth! I hope it's DT that figures it out, and very soon, at that!

@jimb thanks for the info! Was she threatened to lose her job, if not? Or did she just keep her temporary position at the Seoul office?

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I kind of want to stop this drama. I think I might come back to it once it's about to end. This trainwreck is so hard to take. 

First off, why is DY such a pushover? She can't stand up for herself, and she can't defend herself in any situation at all. 

Second, I really hope this is just a drama and there is no company like Bounjour exists. Cause holy crap. There are psychopaths working in the higher positions. 

They can't run the company, and I'm sure the company is losing profits due to their crazy psycho minds. For example the Cheon Gi project going downhill.

Third, Everyone in the Seol household feel like they are entitled to everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. It's like people who looks my way need to worship me.

My point is no one in their right mind can have a mindset as such. JR oh god that woman. Is it normal to want to strangle her every time she comes on?

Most of the characters in this drama have an obsessive disorder. JR is obsessed with her self image that turned into self-absorbed. Her daughter follows suit. So is the GP. 

He is obsessed with the whole a family have to get along and everyday will be rainbows and happiness. YJ is obsessed with powers. I don't know if I should feel sorry for them. 

Oh the little witch SW is obsessed with money. Period. She is ugh... gets on my last nerve. She is so freaking irritated. The playing of a nice girl and a victim doesn't fit her face.

She looks so sly and someone I would look at at first and classify her as a two-faced. Which brings me back to this family is blind by validations. As long as people sugar coat everything they say around them 

automatically gets in the close friends list. 

I am done with my rants. I feel like Korean drama has gone downhill. Even weekly drama cannot keep my interest anymore. I don't want to name names, but I seriously feel like I lost the Korean touch that I once loved.

The music, the drama, and the celebrities as a whole. Maybe because I am much older than I once was, but.... sigh.

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@0ly40  Just checked and there are a lot of Kim Jin Woo music videos on Youtube.  I just watched one at random and with the floppy hair and informal clothing he looks like a different person altogether. [DISCLAIMER:  I am not receiving any referral fees from Youtube.]


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@auntyem JR told DY that she would make her a permanent employee if she accepted a reassignment to Busan.  When DY refused her offer, JR launched into a tirade and did her Ha! - eye roll thing.  After DY left her office JR summoned YJ and ordered him to invent an excuse to terminate DY.

Speaking of Busan, maybe the fact that Shin Ji Hoon is from Busan is interesting.  Or not.

@bobbythegreatx wrote: ". . . I really hope this is just a drama and . . . no company like Bonjour exists.": My wife, my authority on all things Korean, tells me that Bonjour is not atypical of family run corporations in Korea  (she has much to say about the intrigues of the Samsungs and the Lottes.)  Is HR's behavior much different than that of the Peanut Tantrum Heiress (who was VICE PRESIDENT (!) of her family's airline?)

When my wife sees KD's featuring political corruption she also says "Yes. That is the way it is."

This is all fascinating to me because I have an equally dark view of U.S. politics and (increasingly) business that my wife doesn't share.

If I rant about a KD (and I want to rant about this KD) I figure  the writers and actors must be doing their jobs.

My only complaint is that it looks like the writers are going to dangle DY from the cliff in ep.  95 and leave her hanging over the weekend.


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Wow  Finally a big bomb was blown up. :blink:  After watching today’s episode, I would like to rename this drama ‘the makjang family’. whahaha :rolleyes:  It was rather comical to see how everybody was scurrying around in a circle worrying about whether JR might find out about it(DY/YJ).  Suddenly DT and YJ became allies to keep it from JR!!  haha  Even HR said she didn’t want her mom to learn about it because her mom might kick YJ out. Through all that commotion I feel like seeing that HR loves YJ and she isn’t going to divorce YJ and same with YJ.  I know YJ has been acting like he wants to have two cakes. But in today’s episode it seems after seeing HR’s reaction, perhaps YJ realized that his feeling had moved onto HR and with DY it might be friendship(comforting/trusty) he had??  

However when I saw HR learned about DY/YJ today, I thought the writernim would drag out some more episodes before letting JR learn about the secret. But no, in one episode they both learned about it, HR at the beginning and JR at the end.  Actually I like how the PDnim edited together and showed how everybody acted with this bombshell in the kdrama universe.

I’m sorry to say I’m sort of amused by today’s episode.  As I said earlier I thought it was funny to watch such a hubbub of confusion and such nonsensical dialog: omg you dated my husband and now you are dating my brother … etc etc…    I should feel angry with SW but I don’t.  SW looks so pathetic with her trademark smirk. Besides she is the one who made DY/DT get closer together.  Even under such stress DY/DT showed their relationship became stronger.   It was so sweet to see the way DY and DT hugged.  I sincerely hope there isn’t going to be anything serious between DY’s SiL and DT’s dad. Hopefully it’s just a false teaser to torment the viewers.  Yet, if this drama is about a makjang family, I guess it would be possible to see DY/DT and DY’s SiL/DT’s dad at the end.  ^_^


@sk0317    Nice to see your brand new avatar   Lucky SJH-ssi  Yes SJH needs all the help as he’s already 28 and he still has to climb long and hard.   

Yeah DY looked shocked /dumbfounded /pained and she definitely was in need of a comforting shoulder so I was glad to see DT didn’t wait till the next day and hurried up to see her.  But it’s true he looked helpless too.  T TT   Hopefully the writernim would not move into a heavy terrain  with DY/DT.   I’m sure there will be another unpleasant cliffhanger tomorrow. It’s a good thing to have soompi where people poke fun at a drama or rant/cry/laugh about it.  I mentioned before that I wouldn’t watch any daily without soompi.  I want to enjoy it and not to have my sanity slapped around by insane daily.   Btw thank you for SIJ video. :)


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12 hours ago, whome said:

ITA! With each episode that airs, I can't stand her more!!! All her lies needs to be exposed now! She's such a hypocrite, and what's even sadder is that there's no love for her own aunt. She's so two-face to her own family member. Her own greed, pettiness and shallow self takes precedence above family. DY has been nothing but nice and supportive for SW, but SW only sees that as DY interfering and taking away her glory (e.g., the pageant/festival). There were many situations out of DY's control which ended up benefiting her, but it was not her intention. SW just can't see past her jealousy & greed. Does she really think that by getting rid of DY at the company or making DT's mom hate DY as a potential daughter-in-law will make DT even fall in love with her & marry her. NOPE!!! DT already knows DY's past now, and although he was hurt at first, he's past that now. He loves DY and wants to be with her regardless that she was engaged to YJ. Nothing will make him fall in love with SW, so her dreams of being his GF/wife is all for naught. It's never going to happen. If JR asks for a family dinner/meeting, how is she going to get SR's parents in on her lies? Hire actors to play her fake parents? How is her mom & grandma going to feel about her lying being someone else?!!! Her plan will never go through. 

Excellent post and observations! SW is going to end up a very bitter and lonely person. She has no friends, and her family will abandon her when the truths about her malicious deeds are exposed.

Parts in italics: that very thought did cross my mind too.

Is it required of someone to produce an ID when registering a marriage in Korea? Even if one is needed, I foresee SW making up excuses to insist on registering one all by herself so that her real identity will not be revealed. Heck! SW would even go as far as to have a Deed Poll drawn up to make her "LSR" officially:blink:.

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2 hours ago, jimb said:

My only complaint is that it looks like the writers are going to dangle DY from the cliff in ep.  95 and leave her hanging over the weekend.

I am just going to clutch my pearls for another day in the hope SW will be outed next week!

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Hi and great post! @bobbythegreatx

On 2016/9/9 at 6:46 AM, bobbythegreatx said:

Second, I really hope this is just a drama and there is no company like Bounjour exists. Cause holy crap. There are psychopaths working in the higher positions.


On 2016/9/9 at 6:46 AM, bobbythegreatx said:

Which brings me back to this family is blind by validations. As long as people sugar coat everything they say around them automatically gets in the close friends list. 

These psychopaths who like a strong of dose of "sugar" should be renamed "Sychopaths" IMHO.:sweatingbullets:

On 2016/9/9 at 6:46 AM, bobbythegreatx said:

First off, why is DY such a pushover? She can't stand up for herself, and she can't defend herself in any situation at all. 

I understand DY is frightened, shocked and very worried her relationship with DT will be doomed. BUT she needs to get a grip and stand up and FIGHT already! Enough with the self-pity and denial. No more "taking one for the team"! What made DY initially attractive to me was her feisty personality with confidence; she is kind and seems smart and hardworking. Now it is the time for DY to wake up and buck up; join hands with the right group of people and get to the bottom of this mess ASAP! If you want your love with DT to stand the test of time, stop playing nice and protect yourself.

DY, do you remember the significance of the pretty bouquet of flowers you accepted during DT's confession to love and be a couple? You are agreeing to get involved with someone with a huge baggage; there will be hindrances and obstacles so high you would need more than stamina to climb. Please look back and reflect on that moment. DT and you even made a promise pact to be "we are in this together!" and a reassurance not to run away from said hardship you two are to face (episode 88). So DY are you going to be the heroine or victim in this drama? Make your choice.

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On 2016/9/9 at 6:29 AM, stroppyse said:

I really, really need someone to get a clue about SW. Please? I don't think I can stand to watch SW basically get away with everything for another dozen episodes or so. Not enough DT-DY cuteness to put up with that. 


On 2016/9/9 at 6:45 AM, auntyem said:

@stroppyse, I'm with you about SW! The writer made her character so clever that she hasn't been "outed" by anyone yet! Wth! I hope it's DT that figures it out, and very soon, at that!

Why is YJ made to look more "vulnerable" of the two? We see lapses in YJ with the health product coverup and nothing in SW's?? Why does SW get away with her horrendous acts? My disdain for SW stamps from the fact that her deeds are so malicious in nature she makes YJ look like an angel in comparison.

Scriptwriters please, we have had enough of SW; just please Drop.Her.Off.The.Radar. for good already.

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49 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

I am just going to clutch my pearls for another day in the hope SW will be outed next week!

I hope the writers will give us a very satisfying oust for SW! 

You are right about DY. Want to see her return to her old self. I'm just frustrated that she doesn't seem to know SW at all, despite growing up together under the same roof. I understand if they didn't live together but this is just absurd. 


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