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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Hi @valsava. Your post item about SW and YJ ending up in bed together had me rolling on the floor lol-ing. That would be so great after all of SW's conniving and YJ's whining. Even funnier if SW ended up with YJ's kid, but I would feel too sorry for the kid.

@stroppyse  We don't have to feel sorry for the baby there's always YJ mom love to see the look on her face when she sees that SW is related to DY.. Who she thought wasn't good enough for her son both SW and YJ or greedy ambition people and SW telling her just were to get off at because her Halmoni would never allow her to do such a thing and she has to do it.. She will be worst then HR at least she played like she was learning to cook with SW it's not in her forte period and what time will dinner be ready she'll ask YJ mom..LOL

4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

As for SW's delusions, can we agree that she is completely a delusional nutcase, and a classic second lead female type who obsesses over someone who is completely not into her? She's kind of like a no-see-um. Annoying though perhaps not with the same stinging bites. Still, she's an agent to relay information to everyone who needs it, albeit with poisonous intent.

Yes the delusional nut job is thinking that JR will force him to marry her but she's isn't even contimplating the outcome of her secret lie and life she hasn't thought about how much JR will hate her she already dispises DY and just the thought of her being related to DY is enough to drive the woman insane.. I bet JR and HR will think all they confrontations with DY will seem laughable to DY which it is because the ones they thought was so much better then DY are far below her..

3 hours ago, jimb said:

@anbud     wrote regarding a post by @valsava  : "why is DY protecting YJ. she is lying and lying, but DT knows . . . : I think initially thru ep. 93 she lied to avoid drama at work and in recent episodes also to avoid creating additional problems for herself and DT. Any protection for YJ I think was purely incidental. Remember when YJ was harassing her and she threatened to out him?

@jimb  Your right DY wanted to keep commotion down but whats this part about Hr beating her in the chest I read from the KBS preview site HR has no rights to put her hands on anyone she should accept it with a grain of salt because it's her husband that she overhears his confession about going back to the past with his Ex mom and daughter both is going to want to get rid of DY but DT isn't going to have any of it.. HR will be running to YJ's mom to enlist to help her and I hope dad is around to hear the two of them and he tells YJ mom and HR both this is whay they both gets for breaking them up so deal with it.. Get YJ under  control not DY..


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1 hour ago, jayakris said:

I had said that earlier when @b2stsb2uty brought up the discussion about Korean language being colorful

So I waited till the subbed E88 to come out at the KBS world site today to check how they translated these lines.  The proposal line at the start of the episode from the kneeling DT was - "Can't you let me love you now?"  ....  A bit weird, but I was happy that at least they didn't sub it as "will you go out with me?" ... Or so I thought.  Just a few seconds later, after DY just nodded yes and didn't say anything, he asks "so you will accept my heart, for me?" (where the "for me" is neatly done in Korean with the verb "ju" (give) squeezed into the line effortlessly - implying that SHE is doing a favor to him. It's beautiful).  But this time the KBS translator had no choice and went to the mundane "so you mean you will go out with me?", and my heart sank!   But I see the translator's predicament.  What can he/she do when English just does not have such expressiveness, and the cultural details are alien to the viewers, to make it worse?

Later at 7:10 in the video DY tells her sister in law - "(he) confessed to me that he likes me".  The KBS line was "(he) asked me out today".  When the SIL asks what her reply was, DY says she said she "would accept his heart".  The KBS line was - "I decided to go out with him".  Oh well, what can I say?  A lot simply gets lost in translation like this.  No easy way out.

glad to see I'm not the only who is a little fussed over the transactions. I too watch an episode about 2 times. First raw, then english subbed when it's released a few hours later. I then watch with "official" subs when the episode is aired on kbs world a week later. I must say that the unofficial translators seem to be more accurate. Thank you guys!

For kbs, I think the mandarin subs are more accurate than English. From my years of watching KD, I've learnt to pick out words and phrases the characters say. So I do know some key words and can guess what a scene is roughly about when watching raw. 

Has anyone noticed that in the scene where DT visited Jangmiri the 2nd time to persuade DY to return to work ( after discovering YJ is her ex), he said its really  all my fault, but subs were I'm sorry 

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2 hours ago, sgfan said:

Has anyone noticed that in the scene where DT visited Jangmiri the 2nd time to persuade DY to return to work ( after discovering YJ is her ex), he said its really  all my fault, but subs were I'm sorry 

In which episode was this?  Some of these things have happened so many times repeatedly (just to kill time and keep episodes going) in this drama, that I can never keep track of it :)

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my summer  is painful.  my  mother  died in  2015   but no one told me   till summer 2016. after the news    my x and my  sons knew.   and kept it  from  me.  so i am a  raging  bull  right  now ,  and  will   be  so   for  some time  . I   am  angry  at every  one.... but i  have a calm  anger... don't talk     .use  sign  language.  right now i   dislike  every one. whenever  i called my  mother  phone, i was  told she is  sleeping. these   people  they  all need  to pay  for  this.

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46 minutes ago, jayakris said:

In which episode was this?  Some of these things have happened so many times repeatedly (just to kill time and keep episodes going) in this drama, that I can never keep track of it :)

Episode 85 :) 

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   i  called my  mother  once a week.  but  last  year  they  kept  saying she is  sleeping. i   even   asked,  can you tell  me when she is  awake  so i  can  call her.my  mother  got her own  mobile  phone... oh  call whenever  you want. we  will wake  her  up.. i kept  calling to  hear  my  mother  voice . i  even  called  last week. my oldest  son make a mistake and said but  granny  died  last year. then i  got the   eye  scare, my eyes popped up   from the  socket.


 i  thought it  was  weird  when  my  x  bought me a  new  car. i did not   understand     why. it is in my  driveway.. will  take a  pic and  post   it. fed up  with all   these  people lies..  don't care  what    my x and oldest  son  do after the   fact. they  both  lie.   i dislike them  even   more.. fools. and by the  way i  am  not touching  that  car. got  my own.... i am raging  with anger  right now.

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1 hour ago, anbud said:

my summer  is painful.  my  mother  died in  2015   but no one told me   till summer 2016. after the news    my x and my  sons knew.   and kept it  from  me.  so i am a  raging  bull  right  now ,  and  will   be  so   for  some time  . I   am  angry  at every  one.... but i  have a calm  anger... don't talk     .use  sign  language.  right now i   dislike  every one. whenever  i called my  mother  phone, i was  told she is  sleeping. these   people  they  all need  to pay  for  this.

First of all, my deepest condolences to the passing and loss of your beloved mother.

As an outsider/third party, I think your ex-husband and sons should have set aside their personal issues/conflicts and kept you informed when the actual news of such a gravity broke of your mother. It might take a long time before your feelings of anger, pain and sorrow can be healed; I sincerely wish you will find some closure and solace with each passing day. Virtual hugs to you @anbud wherever you are.

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44 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

First of all, my deepest condolences to the passing and loss of your beloved mother.

As an outsider/third party, I think your ex-husband and sons should have set aside their personal issues/conflicts and kept you informed when the actual news of such a gravity broke of your mother. It might take a long time before your feelings of anger, pain and sorrow can be healed; I sincerely wish you will find some closure and solace with each passing day. Virtual hugs to you @anbud wherever you are.

i will be back  after  my  chest  stop  pounding  like a  hammer  with large  nails.. I am  in norway. live in skandi   .  right now i will take a  break. i  feel  so toxic. . hugs to you and everyone on this  forum..my mother died in  spain where she was   living   with  my  sister.  she  changed   places. she was living in the usa  with my  3rd oldest sister, then moved to  my  5th sister in  spain.  where she  died. we  are 6 sisters and 1 brother . after  my  father  died, my  mom  went on to  live   a few  months  at   each  of  her daughters  home.

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11 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Will someone just get rid of SW already? I am so dumbfounded I have no more words for such a conniving individual anymore. I don't want and can't stand to see her any longer...please, just please take her away.

Whew! I got so stressed out just watching this episode. Can't wait to see SW getting busted, confronted and shamed. Btw, suddenly we do not see the other show host? I used to feel bad for SW when she got sneered at, but all that has gone. Does she have any redeeming quality? I think YJ has, but not her. While them teaming up to break DY and DT is highly possible, I kind of hope that YJ will seek revenge against her for stirring up trouble


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I watched the raw ep 94, or rather beginning and end.

oh no oh no, how could the writers do that to DY. From a feisty peasant girl who picketed a corporate, they reduced her to a subservient employee who puts up with that hefty heifer abusing her physically and verbally. Now the snob JR has got wind of her relationship  with YJ ( i am guessing), she will put up with more abuse because she wants to be accepted by DT's family. This stage is always present in this kind of show, the main girl is now a weak annoying character whose passive acceptance to insults and  slurs is considered forbearance? I feel like slapping her. HR deserves a flying kick. She manipulated her way into the marriage and now she is angry that YJ  has a past. Or is it just DY that she can't stand. Horrid    bullying female!! 

What's with DY hiding the fact she's meeting HR? She does not snitch? :angry::angry: sing girl sing to DT. You need support when dealing with HR and her mother.

 I cant take it people, I have to stay away and rely on you guys. Otherwise, I might break my iPhone. ;)

chat with you later.


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41 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Whew! I got so stressed out just watching this episode. Can't wait to see SW getting busted, confronted and shamed. Btw, suddenly we do not see the other show host? I used to feel bad for SW when she got sneered at, but all that has gone. Does she have any redeeming quality? I think YJ has, but not her. While them teaming up to break DY and DT is highly possible, I kind of hope that YJ will seek revenge against her for stirring up trouble

I stopped watching "Uncontrollably Fond" after two episodes because it was too emotionally draining for me. After watching the series of events unfolded and developed in today's show, it may be too unbearable for me to continue; seeing DT/DY suffering and DY crying. Depressing and heart wrenching:tears:. I found myself weeping in sympathy along with DY; and the next preview isn't encouraging as SW told her to give up on DT and DY was seen to have wavered:tears:. Yes I want SW exposed and it should be done now and quickly. I can't wait for the pool of landmines to explode one at a time in SW's face when her deceitful lies and evil ways come to light. And YJ, if you still have some conscience and a bit of guilt from the way you abandoned DY, I am pleading you to act ruthlessly and give SW a piece of her own medicine.

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Will someone just get rid of SW already? I am so dumbfounded I have no more words for such a conniving individual anymore. I don't want and can't stand to see her any longer...please, just please take her away.


ITA! With each episode that airs, I can't stand her more!!! All her lies needs to be exposed now! She's such a hypocrite, and what's even sadder is that there's no love for her own aunt. She's so two-face to her own family member. Her own greed, pettiness and shallow self takes precedence above family. DY has been nothing but nice and supportive for SW, but SW only sees that as DY interfering and taking away her glory (e.g., the pageant/festival). There were many situations out of DY's control which ended up benefiting her, but it was not her intention. SW just can't see past her jealousy & greed. Does she really think that by getting rid of DY at the company or making DT's mom hate DY as a potential daughter-in-law will make DT even fall in love with her & marry her. NOPE!!! DT already knows DY's past now, and although he was hurt at first, he's past that now. He loves DY and wants to be with her regardless that she was engaged to YJ. Nothing will make him fall in love with SW, so her dreams of being his GF/wife is all for naught. It's never going to happen. If JR asks for a family dinner/meeting, how is she going to get SR's parents in on her lies? Hire actors to play her fake parents? How is her mom & grandma going to feel about her lying being someone else?!!! Her plan will never go through. 

The  more she's on screen, the more I FF it. I just don't want to put up with whatever lies comes out of her mouth. HR & family is really stupid for believing her. Plus, don't the company look at resumes and run background checks when hiring people. I'm still so surprised her lies has made it this far. The real SR is from a wealthy & influential family. I'm surprised no one has looked up on the internet as to her family and not see a picture of the real SR!

I don't know if I can last +120 eps for this. The plot is just going downhill left & right. I just might bail and tune in for the ending.

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Concur, SW is an evil bi****; so is JR/HR and YJ such a loser.  I really don't watch this daily; lurking on this thread to see if their is an improvement.  I don't want to have high blood pressure:wub:.

Chingu's on this thread, thanks for all your comments and insight.:blush: Happy weekend to all!!



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