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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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I need to say that I'm in :heart: with episode 8. The episode was perfect! So far, the best episode.

The episode 7 began with him telling her that the person who knows it's love is supposed to move. "So just stay there. You don't have to move until you feel it too." :wub: And in the end of episode 8 she made the move and took his hand. Isn't it wonderful? I'm still smiling from ear to ear, as if that had happened to two friends who I love very much! :D:D:D

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Ok, this must have been my favorite episode so far.

As many of you said in the comments, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE JI HONG. This man is just.... out of this world. 

2 hours ago, sleepinthegarden said:

Its 2 a.m on my country. Still awake because i have 2 exams which i cant evade these hardest subjects. But i still have a time to sneakypeeky at this thread (this drama got me like). And for the recaps the recappers, kamsahamnida! Thank you a billion much. You guys had your hard-work and i really appreciate it even i cant read the live-recaps.


I had been my whole life (just kidding, since Doctors aired honestly) lurking at your posts. I agree almost at all of your thoughts. I was such a person who cant put my sight into words, even if i want to share it depressed1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928 

Most of all, id like to say that i love JH in the last ep. He was indeed childish, and he shared all those his childishness with HJ only. Well, in reality that happens in a relationship. I love how JH can boosts HJs mood all just being himself. He is so capable at anything, includes capable at making my heart flutter even more. KRW acts so natural, there is nothing awkward in any way he should be. And tall, and handsome as (hell) heaven.

HJ make a move already. So, now we can call it as a movement. And JH can clap his both hand with a sound (while before he thought it was one-sided love). So in love with JH. YES I AM.


EXACTLY!! :heart:

This episode made me so happy!!

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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I would like to point out that this drama is really about Hye Jun and her life. Sure, JH plays a big part in it, but there is more to it. How can we observe it? Simply with the picture at the beginning of each episode. People think that the first picture shown at the beginning will be seen at the end of the episode. But it is not true. I can use as example the picture of the second episode.

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Doctors episode 2 Beginning.png

 Here we see the bikes at the station. The scene is in the middle of the episode because the second ends with the fire and HJ's devastated face. I could use another example: the episode 5.

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Doctors episode 5 Beginning.png

 This is the surgery room and the episode ends with HJ lying on the floow who had been fighting against a man. 

As you can see, the pictures were not chosen because they mark the end of the episode but because these pictures represent the situations who had such an impact on HJ's life.

The scene with the bikes reveals how important JH became to her. IT was the place where she opened up for the first time. She talked about her childhood and her mother. She also gave JH the album he wanted to have. To me, this scene represents the turning point in HJ's life in the scene that JH starts falling for HJ without noticing it.

The picture of the episode 5: HJ was put under pressure in order to show her real skills. It was a difficult surgery in which HJ worked with JH for the first time. HJ got mental support from JH and this surgery was also the turning point in her relationship with YD. Finally YD recognised that she was a good surgeon and doctor and even started admiring her. 

As you can see, the chosen pictures reveal which event marked a turning point for HJ. The picture of the telephone booth is the place where she got her first kiss 

and the picture of the episode 8 was where she finally signalised to JH that she had kind of accepted him.

Between the end of the episode 6 and the end of the episode 8, we can observe a huge change in HJ: After her first kiss, she runs away because she doesn't know how to love a man. She is scared and the episode 8 ends with HJ holding JH's hand for the first time. He asked her to move on her own accord and the ending of the episode 8 illustrates that she is exactly doing what JH had told her.

That's why this drama is really about Hye Jun's life. Since JH plays a big part in her life, he will be often connected with her.

When we see the picture of the episode 3

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Doctors episode 3 Beginning.png

, it is clear that it is related to her grandmother's death. Her death had such an impact on her life. She was motivated by anger and her promise to her grandmother. 

As conlusion, the director paid attention to details and he is showing us the big events in HJ's life. 

@mujay This is my last post for tonight. I hope, you liked it. 


@bebebisous33, i love your analysis. I was thinking about the same thing but the bicycles don't fit the pattern. Now, with your explanation I realized that it's a way to show the growth of HJ. Again, I love how they tell the story and how they handle the symbolisms.  Thnaks!

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6 hours ago, littleloony said:

Hi chingu :) you are too kind to her.....in my opinion she should not be in the medical field at all :angry: I had said way back when that she had a callous nature which is dangerous for those around her and now I see how dangerous it is for any patient who is under her! I think this is part of her DNA really.....her dad has that inconsiderate attitude towards patients and his coaching + genes is bound to make her the way she is.

What would have actually been good is that if SW's dad ad given up medicine and set up his own hospitality business....he would have done great.....he has a talent in that area.....plus SW could have learned from her dad and become his successor! Both are so wrong in the medical field :angry:

chingu yeah, it's too cruel to say it's a disgrace for the medical field to have SW. SW is quite smart and she works hard to be in her position. The only problem with her is that she is too sensitive and easily emotional. That's why I say she is not suitable for the surgery field. Her emotions may stop her making proper judgments necessary in the operation room. We've seen her inability in her daily life and she carries this habit into the operation room; that's quite dangerous for patients. But it'll be too harsh to kick her out of the medical field; in the end some people are not made into being surgeons and we need to understand such humanly imperfection. SW unfortunately turns out to be in such category. 

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7 hours ago, salz said:

I hope sbs gonna share that pic England send to SW handphone in hq 

Tbh it hard to feel sorry to princess sw esp after her behavior in today surgery and how she don't understand what she did wrong instead once again blaming hj for everything while making jh being unfair when he only want to teach her but she wayyy to stubborn..as long as she forever having this victim mentality where everyone else is the bad guy who against her she will never grow up and stuck in the same pathetic loop for rest of her life...her biggest enemy is herself

Seem she still wanna force YD marrying her even after he reject many times...even if they end up married she just gonna end up just like her mom being unhappy wife when the husband don't love her.maybe yd being harsh and cruel rejecting her but at least he is honest to her instead of giving false hope.she don't own him so she have no right to stop him from liking hj or any other girl

Im super happy SC survive and seem he still gonna appear more being patient there hopefully

Even someone say hj being useless when sc accident at least it is realistic situation.some say she like robot too perfect and calm and wanna see her make mistake or losing patient for a change.at least through sc she show she is like any normal human with emotion come first when it come to dealing with her loves one she can't be the calm doctor unlike with someone she don't know

Im sure she will grow as doctor

While sw she definitely not helping at all and only making thing worse with her panicking especially with awake patient she is not a trainee or resident...before saying hj is rival she need to have mentality as doctor first rather than being overconfident bossing everyone but have no skill to back her up only family power.she just gonna end like her dad if she still like this much longer

Pats and hug YD :(

This is never a fair battle from beginning since jh already the winner before he even start

Im really hoping for YKS to work again with PSH in future and maybe 3rd time the charm for them to be couple but hopefully this time he will be the one who being close since beginning sharing history together and not start as stranger again 

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Btw i find ppl who dislike yd and hj ship just because he is her bro inlaw in pinocchio is such lame and ridiculous excuse..im like dude please move on.

it like totally different universe and they both pro actor who can act completely different role from past work

Yoondo is not Ki Jae Myung and HJ is not Inha



@salz... Chingu , I too will never like SW because she is a Minnie version of her father (Jin Myeong Hoon) . They are both careless and immature but very arrogant. I wonder how can that ever be a good combination for someone to have.  She thinks she is better than anyone and people beneath her can't possibly be up to her level. She walks in room with ought knocking and loves to order people around. When she speaks to someone it is so condescending that no one is ever to happy to speak to her. Everything about he is soooo fake Chingu. She is helping in a "Awake Sugery" and she is showing doubt that the lead surgeon is doing a good job. What disappointed me is that HJ's knowledge has helped the patient all SW felt was rejection. How is s surgery about you and. KT the patient.  SMH SMH SMH SMH 

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