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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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1 hour ago, ck1Oz said:

I think you guys need someone to write down a Korean medical hierarchy chart. If you listen HJ keeps getting called a Fellow- ie finished neurosurgery training. Isn't JH a  clinical neurosurgery professor? I presume YD is the chief resident. 

I did not read much about this drama before airing. So I presume I know less than you all. I am basing this on what I watched in ep 3 and 4. What I heard I mean. I presume Kim Tae Ho is still head of neurosurgery? I just read his name didn't check his title. In fact pretty much have no clue who everyone is... just what I see. SW can't be a neurosurgery resident right? How come she didn't finish her training? Can someone enter medical school just based on a GED result? It's usually not good enough. 

I wouldn't fuss over the accuracy here. I am still trying to get over them wearing a cloth masks. And when I wake up going to google about aspirating a bleed. It's late so I was watching fast not bothering to repeat any scenes. I've never seen so many people dropping from aneurysms until Doctors and Beautiful Mind started. I started both dramas this week and about died laughing from all the random collapses.


 RESIDENT - 1st year to fourth Year; usually rotates on different services like surgery and internal medicine

     JH / SW - i would believe they are in their 3rd year becuase they seem to be quite senior compared to other doctors

Chief Resident - the boss of the resident doctors either on internal medicine or surgery,  They are on their final year and just about to choose their specialization

Fellow - once you graduate on the residency, you will now choose your speciality, then you become a fellow doctor. It will rtake a few years of fellowship again before you can be called a consultant on a specific area of specialization

Consultant - the bosses of bosses on clinical areas.  They lead the team in general and call the shots on clinical decisions.

I will put insights to those interested on medical side esp neurosurgery hahaha :P but i hope this helps

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11 minutes ago, maplekist said:


 RESIDENT - 1st year to fourth Year; usually rotates on different services like surgery and internal medicine

     JH / SW - i would believe they are in their 3rd year becuase they seem to be quite senior compared to other doctors

Chief Resident - the boss of the resident doctors either on internal medicine or surgery,  They are on their final year and just about to choose their specialization

Fellow - once you graduate on the residency, you will now choose your speciality, then you become a fellow doctor. It will rtake a few years of fellowship again before you can be called a consultant on a specific area of specialization

Consultant - the bosses of bosses on clinical areas.  They lead the team in general and call the shots on clinical decisions.

I will put insights to those interested on medical side esp neurosurgery hahaha :P but i hope this helps

finally I have a clue, so basically HJ/SW is on a same grade/level?? thought HJ is a bit higher from SW since she's the one who doing important surgery last night. 

now i see how it comes up as a new rivalry thing for sw, not just slapped on the face because suddenly HJ come out from no where and have a higher level from her. 


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First and foremost I would once again like to thank the live recappers. :wub: VIKI is at 78% subbed.

I jumped out of my seat when I saw the last scene. Wow!!! Just Wow!!! I think my heart fluttered and I can't stop looping that sweaty fighting scene from Naver (seriously, it's just sexy). Thank you writernim and PDnim for giving us that scene and this funny episode compared to yesterday's tear-jerker.




I am not too bothered about the accuracy of medical details because this is a drama after all. Guk Il must be a big neurology hospital to have all these brain haemorrhage cases because smaller hospitals only have ischemic stroke as their main cases. 

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I agree with one in-depth analysis about Ji Hong's weakness is his overly high moral standard.. I think this reminds me even more of Dr. McDreamy in Greys Anatomy. I remember in one episode, his death rate of patients hits all-time high and he began to question himself as a doctor, even making his relationship with Meredith more strained.. I can see this happening as potential angst in future episodes with Ji Hong and Hye Jung.. I want her to reach out and comforting him, that it's not his fault.. Doctors are not God.. you cant save everyone, it doesnt work that way.. I can see them both growing up the more they're working on cases together..  and one thing I want: for them to have lunch together in the hospital canteen, and having back and forth banter as usual(I really love their banter! their banter after the surgery in ep4 is so cute and I love how other doctors seems amused with it lol), and also Im looking forward to them flirting here and there.. all that sexual tension between them just makes me wanting to see more and more! and Kim Rae Won gets hotter as he got older, like a fiineee wine!

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1 hour ago, leim said:

No one really mentioned it but it's all in our mind. That That wrestling right there is one HOT foreplay, waiting to happen... 13 years is a long time to wait.

or it's on our fingertips but forgot to type it.. Well saying tho LOL. 

from JH frankly question to HJ can I presume he is already realize his feeling the moment he chased after HJ 13 years ago?? if that case he will persue HJ to the max for sure,since they don't have any social barrier anymore right now. looks how all smiley he is when he declair he's not married yet or little smile in his face when HJ answer she didn't have any bf

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4 hours ago, alexandria2207 said:

Thanks for this week recaps. 

Can we have times jump please!

Can't wait next Monday coming fast. 

The ending really a teaser, so sweet. 

Did you ever watch K-Drama OTP doing wrestling??? Nope... just uri HJ - JH can do this! Nyahahahaha...


Actually the scenario kinda reminds me of 'oh my venus' where so ji sub and shin min ah ended up on top of each other as well he3….

but only krw can make it seem playful frisky hot and sexy all at the same time :D

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2 hours ago, ck1Oz said:

I think you guys need someone to write down a Korean medical hierarchy chart. If you listen HJ keeps getting called a Fellow- ie finished neurosurgery training. Isn't JH a  clinical neurosurgery professor? I presume YD is the chief resident. 

 Just like most of you I watched and enjoyed it raw and am anxiously awaiting the subs.  In terms of the Korean medical hierarchy chart, I looked but did not see any, however, I'm going on the assumption that they follow most other hospital administration layout, see below:

↓  Medical director - HJH's father/SW's grandfather

↓  Head of department - TH & SW's father

↓  Attending physician or hospitalist - HJH

↓  Fellow  -  HJ 

↓  Chief resident - YD

↓  Senior resident (usually third year resident) - SW & the other doctor who bullies KS

↓  Junior resident (usually second year resident) - KS - possible

↓  Intern (first year resident) - KS - possible

↓  Medical student


2 hours ago, ck1Oz said:

Can someone enter medical school just based on a GED result? It's usually not good enough. 

 I was also doing some general research on this - a fellow basically has gone through close to 10 -12 years of medical training,  the last 1 to 3 years are allocated towards medical specialties so it may be possible to HJ.  The reason why I am saying this is that it appears that we have forgotten that despite being a misunderstood teenager she had an IQ of 156, she got the highest grade in school in maths for midterms after attending school for 2 weeks, one that was claimed to be difficult by the students.  HJ has proven when preparing for her tests how very dedicated and determined she could be, so therefore if she applied herself more so with her grandmother as her goal in mind it is possible that she could achieve that fellow within that time jump.  Remember she kept personal relationships excluding her BFF SH out of her life for  most of that time.  HJ could have receive some excellent GED scores &  requisite additional qualifications that qualifies her entering medical school, plus the money that she received from grandma with scholarships are enabling factors/resources that could allow her to do so. In addition, the meeting of the pregnant mom and her family (ep 2)  was a spark in HJ's dream as to what should she do with her life. 

Episode 3 was sad, but it had a lot of personal wisdom given to HJ from her grandmother before she died, HJ's dream was to fulfill her grandmother's dream of living; being a doctor; and being an educated woman.   HJ has fulfilled all of that in the past 13 years without the help of anyone except her grandma from above & support from her BFF; it is for her & herself that she has taken that path of medicine and she is respected in her field.

It appears that the subs are now out, gone to watch.


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I know that HJ is trying to unravel the mystery of  her grandmother's death.  I just hope that the writer will not go to a point that making a bad medical error on SW's dad.  I mean before all things happened, he was very caring with HJ's halmoni thus encouraging her to do the surgery.  During the surgery, he said that the cancer was widespread than what he thought it was.  This can happen, things comes out after opening the patient.  Even if you had tests or scans right before the surgery there can be something that can come out unexpectedly.  AS some of us here mentioned that doctors are not God.  And there are things that are explained prior to surgery anyway, like risks of bleeding, infection etc.  In halmoni's case i think its more of the bleeding that has happened why she died.  But yes there can be something that has been unseen prior to the op but i hope they dont condemn the medical team.  I see it as one of those cases that turned awry.

Don't get me wrong, I am not defending totally SW's dad.  He has done something wrong but not on the table.  For me his massive mistake is the way he handled things when he finished the operation and seeing HJ outside the OR.  How can he be so cruel in dealing with a young teen who is living with this patient, who he should know will be the most affected on this situation.  And yet he shrugged of and put her out of the equation to be considered.  He handled it so wrongly.  MAybe not so intentional during that precise moment as he may still be in awe of what had happened.  Ofcourse, in a way doctors will blame themselves a bit for failed cases, its normal.  No one wants to have a patient dying in their hands anyway. I will be waiting for him to apologize to HJ on how he treated her instead of consoling her.  Because what happened at that time really made a scar of her thus she thinks that he is trying to cover up something that he may have done wrong.  

She is now a doctor, so she will now have the understanding on how things are.... just my two cents.. hahah im trying to catch up from first episodes since im awaiting for the subbed episode...saying that i am at work so i cant watch it either lol!

Oh additional note... i wanted the head of the gangster make a go on HJ as well.... the more the merrier and the competition gets tougher...and the more that our JH will try his hardest to get her... the hotter it will get hahaha

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Guest ktiminie

Nationwide AGB Nielsen Ratings DOCTORSEpisode 04: 15,6% (+1,2)


Source: Daum


Daebak :w00t:. This episode was the best, Congrats to the cast and crew gckg.gif

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Guest myasally

At the gym, hye jung ask him why he come when they just can meet at the hospital the next day, jihong said he need to clear something with her....

He really don't waste any time anymore, he go to the gym late at night just to explain his marriage rumor to her......

Arghhhh.... i think hye jung still protecting her feeling towards him...aishhh that injoo girl's word must taunted her a lot

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Episode 4 truly had some gooodies the ending was epic. You seen what JH felt and you felt what HJ seen. My question is who tiped HJ off about her grandmother that she's looking at her record? You don't just "Oh I'll look at my grandmother's file" without something to go on. I am looking forward to that being revealed.

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Weekly Top 10 K-dramas

by Nancy Z on Tue, Jun 28, 2016


Ding Ding Ding! We have really exciting changes to the Top 10 K-dramas this week. There is a new champion. Guess who! Also, one of the brand new dramas leaped all the way to #2 in its first week. Is it Doctor CrushSquad 38 or Wanted? Is your favorite drama among the Top 10? Let's find out.

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Among those new dramas, Doctor Crush jumped to #2 in the first week, and star Park Shin Hye has promised to dance and sing if ratings hits 15%. Don't you think she set the bar too low? Her performance as a delinquent high school student, along with her chemistry with Kim Rae Won and Cheer Up's Ji Soo, is so impressive that I predict this drama will soon become the new ratings winner. In the meantime, catch up on the action with the great recaps HERE and HERE, as well as 5 reasons to start your crush.

skipped . . . . . .

New Weekly Top 10 in order of popularity:

x    x    x

2. Doctor Crush





Rainbow Recaps: Doctor Crush Episode 3

by Bel Watson on Tue, Jun 28, 2016


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Rating ( nationwide )

1. Doctors ( SBS ) : 15.6 % ( + 1.2 % )  -----------> Ep. 4

2. Monster ( MBC ) : 11.1 % ( + 0.5 % )  ----------> Ep. 28

3. Beautiful Mind ( KBS2 ) : 4.5 % ( - 0.2 % )  ---> Ep. 4

Credit : http://www.segye.com/content/html/2016/06/29/20160629000314.html?OutUrl=daum


Daum Top Topic Discussion on Ep. 4






Credit : SBS Drama

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I don't know about the rest, but I think Seo Woo's dad becomes the president and Kim Tae Ho is now yhe vice president. Kim Tae Ho also called Ji Hong professor, right. I guess he's going to be the head of neurosurgery? And Yoon Do is the head of reisdence.

Seo Woo doesn't look like doctors at all. She hesitated when the ahjumma fell and her teaction was not to help someone.


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On 6/27/2016 at 9:59 AM, kiaandre said:

And now our second lead guy and girl is shown


On 6/27/2016 at 10:04 AM, Nymeria289 said:

I really don't give a damn about them, to be honest. Marry each other and make babies, where is Ji Hong.

LOL I feel you and am right w/you. Were is my OTP is all I could think/shout during that 13yrs later part of episode 3.  I just got home from work,  Viki is at 95% for episode 4cheer2-onion-head-emoticon.gif I was going to wait until 100% but I read this:


On 6/27/2016 at 11:12 AM, Adwina Oltariani said:

and I really cant wait to see how JH and HJ reaction when they saw each other again in that rooftop.. AND DID YOU SEE THE WAY THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER? SO MUCH LONGING.. I mean, it isnt the way a teacher looks at his old student, or a student looks at her teacher, obviously. BRING IT ON, BRING ON THE ANGST.

m0106.gif I'm ready for the angst, the longing looks...

I really wanted to discuss the sadness that our Hye Jung has experienced, really wanted to slap that step monster but I'm just going to have to watch episode 4

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I think SW didnt developed as a good doctor because she become too complacent due to her connections.  It is very possible that even for just a passable or poor grade that she will be able to get to that hospital.  The hospital is a major trauma center that is why they have neurosurgery department.  

JH's dad is the hospital director and i would think possibly one of the major stocklholder whilst SW's grandfather is one of the major stockholder as well that is why he comes to big meetings.

SW's father may be the operational director who gets involved more on clinical issues and managemet issues within the clinical areas.  he may also be a head of one of the departments.

JH's teacher is the head of neurosurgery.  I love their relationship and i hope they stay like that til the end.

Let SW's family be the greedy ones themselves hahaha...we need to keep good people on our OTP side.

Btw...i am really curious as to what happened.... to that cute puppy who always wants to be snuggled with halmoni and HJ...:wub:

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Doctors rating Ep.4 AGB Nielsen Korea: Nationwide 15.6 (+1.2) | Metropolitan 18 (+1.1) TnMS: Nationwide 14.6 (+1.8) | Seoul 17.8 (+1.3)


Ratings 160628:

#Doctors : 15.6% #Monster : 11.1% #BeautifulMind : 4.5% #OhHaeYoungAgain : 9.9%



"Doctors" Kim Rae-won and Park Shin-hye reunite for the first time in 13 years



"Doctors" set a record.

According to Nielsen Korea, the new SBS drama "Doctors" rated 15.6%. This is 1.2% more than the previous episode.

Hong Ji-hong (Kim Rae-won) and Yoo Hye-jeong (Park Shin-hye) reunited for the first time in 13 years.

Meanwhile, MBC "Monster - 2016" rated 11.1% and KBS 2TV "Beautiful Mind" came in last with 4.5%.

Source : www.ajunews.com/view/...




[Drama Review] 'Doctors' - Episode 3

By eric_r_wirsing    3 hours ago    






"But we were only trying to roast marshmallows!"

Seo Woo blames Hye Jung for the fire, claiming she was trying to kill her. She goes to prison, but is released when Soon Hee takes the blame over our heroine's protests.Grandma dies on the operating table, and it incenses Hye Jung that her family is so cavalier about it. So now she has no place to live, no school to attend, and no friends. We fast forward 13 years, and learn more about the dynamics at the hospital...

Ji Hong finds out how much his psychic hotline addiction costs...

The devil-may-care attitude of Hye Jung's family is...well... different. She breaks down in tears, but no one else seems particularly affected by Grandma's death, not even the surgeon who lost her. This has to serve some kind of purpose because I've rarely seen more than one person in a drama be so callous. Maybe it shows how she was so done with her family.

How did she get to the hospital? We don't know yet, but I presume they're going to tell us. The time shifts are an interesting plot device -- and risky. You do it wrong and you end up confusing your audience. So far they're not too jarring.

He must be trying to jog his memory

With every episode, I get more and more sucked in. It's too early to dub it best drama of 2016, but it's certainly the best I've seen so far (I haven't yet seen 'Descendants of the Sun,' so a judgement is definitely premature).







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