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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Now my great way to start a new week is sailing on our ship :lol: Thank you guys so much for your time and enthusiasm in updating news, translation, sharings (I always do backreading carefully to ensure that I won't miss anything ^_^). With the fast pace of increased pages, I would like to have a quick summary on things makes it reasonable to have a soju party tonight:

  • Our SongSong couple is nominated in Best Actor/Actress category (I was almost jump like crazy in the middle of crowd when reading the news but luckily I was able to contain myself). I remember Hye Kyo once shared that she's proud to see Joong Ki has become a Hallyu star after DOTS and with this nomination, I believe it makes her even prouder as his acting has been recognized. Witnessing the way Hye Kyo wholeheartedly cares about the partner's career and seeing her effort with DOTS is also being acknowledged makes me happy so much, and I believe Joong Ki also has the same feeling. 
  • Hye Kyo refused the payment for her narration in KBS's documentary for sick kids. The news warms my heart and I feel lucky to have the chance to know about such an inner beauty on earth like her. It makes me think about Joong Ki's secret charity donation. Their actions reflect their true colors, and I see the crosspoint of the two's universes here. 


And can't wait for more information on the vote procedures to be released. ^_^ Happy sailing, comrades :lol:


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Glad we are back on track...

I do hope Baeksang will have something for iPhone/Mac users, I am only limited to those processors and don't have any android devices I can access it with! Gosh, I've never done any voting besides one American idol contestant from way back! If I can do it religiously then, I can do it again, for the love of my OTP! We can do it together! Hahaha. 

@geronimoooo like your last post. LOL. It can't get any denser than that. Haha. 

@joongkyo Ooooh! It's almost the same pics that mad clown has posted only his is zoomed in and not a whole shot, these ones are! Love it even more!!! Oh wait, K.Will is in the middle, I guess they switched places to be really be close to SHK hahaha! I sense some fanboys as well! Can't blame them! 




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16 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:


If you are left out so be it!! 

You wouldn't die!! 

It's not like she is going to announce their wedding or something!! 


Lol i knew eonni @Chewy Hoe i'm as old as SJK and stay away from fangirling zone for almost a decade, but because this songsong couple my heart my body my soul can only think of them, visit this thread almost like every 5 minutes,,and giggling like a crazy teenage girl everytime i read something interesting about them. I'm longing for their news everyday, so when @joongkyo said she's going to pm some people im dying for her to count me in. This teenage fangirling soul was rescurrected because of this songsongcouple,,im so sorry for mumbling like crazy,,yeah maybe im crazy, even my husband said im crazy because i keep on talking about them instead of our kids or his works rofl,,crazy crazy crazy fangirl yes i am

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@Prentiss I feel you... Actually today I tried to refrain myself from the thread for about 2 or 3 hours hours and realized it's impossible. I was trying to increase my time on social interaction and somehow it turns out that I can't stop myself from giggling and reading each of shippers' posts so ok I will let it be, can't avoid the natural and universal power from KiKyo I guess :lol:

One of my most favorite photos of SongSong, to me, this picture can say hundred words :) Just look at their eyes.


(Photo credit to the owner, recolored by me)

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On 4/7/2016 at 11:36 PM, joongkyo said:


Sorry I wrongly quoted you but dunno how to remove it .



3. Did their coincidental meetings in cafes before his enlistment were really coincidental, or did he plan it like a general making his strategy before battle?

6. How close were they before the first script reading, to make him rubbed his forehead so comfortably on her shoulder without any sign of complain from her at all?

I've been wondering abt these 2 things too.  I've been speculating here and there because these 2 questions can relates to each other. I've known SJK since his SKKS days, not just him but all the quartet Jalgeum. And from my knowledge all 4 are close to each other irl especially SJK & YAI. PYC because he is with JYJ brothers most of the time while PMY because she's a girl, so they  dont hang around as much as SJK & YAI

At first,  I assumed YAI came in as cameo as SJK's good buddy. Little did I know SHK is a good friend to YAI too long before DOTs.  Now seeing how SJK casually rub his face on SHK,  If they are just a mere acquaintance or just a passing friend, my question,  would he dare to that to a senior even if they knew each other prior the script reading? So my 2 cents based on observations & speculations,  if YAI is close to SJK & at the same time he is close to SHK too, won't there be chances that all 3 hang out together at the cafes with or without other friends? If they did, doesn't it make more sense SJK  is already all familiar & friendly  with SHK even at their first script reading?   Enough familiarity to rub his face on her shoulder in front of so many people? So, yeah for me SHK & SJK  were already friends on friendly basis before the script reading, aka the very early stage of DOTS because most probably they run around in the same circle of friends. :)

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30 minutes ago, superbigcat said:

@Prentiss I feel you... Actually today I tried to refrain myself from the thread for about 2 or 3 hours hours and realized it's impossible. I was trying to increase my time on social interaction and somehow it turns out that I can't stop myself from giggling and reading each of shippers' posts so ok I will let it be, can't avoid the natural and universal power from KiKyo I guess :lol:

One of my most favorite photos of SongSong, to me, this picture can say hundred words :) When in doubt, look at their eyes. 

I am getting too attached to this thread. This is not healthy anymore. So my turn to bow out from this thread. In my own delulu world, I have pronounced uri Song2 couple husband and wife anyway. B) I promise I will vote for them on Baeksang apps but I really need to go back to the real world. Song Song shipper fighting... Annyeonghi gyeseyo... :blush:

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55 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:


Actually I didnt want to say this but just so you and others know, a week or so back remember @joongkyo deleted all her posts in 2 hours and one of the person that contributed to her doing this is you. Sorry to rain on your parade but it's not how often you post, is your content. 

And 23 have read and liked your post 


Unnie, those people will only throw shade and attack me. But like you said, I deleted several of my posts because of several people  - they know who they are and hopefully regular posters also know the people who are trolling the thread but pretending to be SS Shippers on the surface.

I only wish that if they're really genuine shippers then they should spend more time shipping the couple and less time worrying about whether I am friendly or not. 

Keep posting everyone (real shippers) because!....



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4 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


But like you said, I deleted several of my posts because of several people  - they know who they are and hopefully regular posters also know the people who are trolling the thread but pretending to be SS Shippers on the surface.

I only wish that if they're really genuine shippers then they should spend more time shipping the couple and less time worrying about whether I am friendly or not. 

Keep posting everyone (real shippers)


I need to start make a list of those people so that I can be aware of them really :sweatingbullets:

As you said, let's just keep spreading the SS love, and make this thread as happy and fun as usual:) 


Credit: as tagged.

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57 minutes ago, superbigcat said:

@Prentiss I feel you... Actually today I tried to refrain myself from the thread for about 2 or 3 hours hours and realized it's impossible. I was trying to increase my time on social interaction and somehow it turns out that I can't stop myself from giggling and reading each of shippers' posts so ok I will let it be, can't avoid the natural and universal power from KiKyo I guess :lol:

One of my most favorite photos of SongSong, to me, this picture can say hundred words :) Just look at their eyes.


(Photo credit to the owner, recolored by me)

yeah..glad someone has the same sentiment as me..group hug..haha..

my favourite photo currently  is this..

d54f96cd97c207ce557287f6b38c80de.jpg(credit to the owner)

the way he look at her...

thats all i need to stay in this ship..


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10 minutes ago, hyukgu said:


I need to start make a list of those people so that I can be aware of them really :sweatingbullets:


When people only post to say negative things or hint at negative things about OTP and there are people who support those comments. Then aren't they basically trolling? :)


I was hoping one of you would notice something in my posts since I don't like to disappoint shippers! I love all the genuine shippers on this thread!. So something for all of you.

Look at SHK's table - those guys were just there for pictures. Can you see Coffee?



Can you see the coffee in SJK's hand?





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1 hour ago, Chewy Hoe said:


Actually I didnt want to say this but just so you and others know, a week or so back remember @joongkyo deleted all her posts in 2 hours and one of the person that contributed to her doing this is you. Sorry to rain on your parade but it's not how often you post, is your content. 

And 23 have read and liked your post 


Was it where I disagreed that the director may have been pis.sing off sjk in the kiss truck scene? If not, please do elaborate. Unlike others, I don't delete my posts so if there was something I shouldn't have said please quote it and let me know. And don't feel like you shouldn't say anything  please continue so.

I will leave this here, again:

And it is a bit on immature side to act out when things don't go your way or if someone ships differently then you. Everyone should understand now that there is always going to be a difference of opinion.

And were people not supposed to like my post? Please elaborate. 

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