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I think we can only vote for popularity award and netizen awards? Or are they just the same, lol. I really need to shut my mouth up.

Edit: Dang, why do I always be the first poster in a new page today, I have nothing to share.

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@angieknows I think the best thing for someone like you who has a Korean friend is to vote via her. She'll be able to understand the process better and there is little to no room for mistake. I'm not clear exactly how this works, my guess is that it's probably be voting via texting.

@kikyo486 there is no category for best couple. That only happens in the award shows hosted by the networks i.e KBS, MBC and SBS - it's basically a way to make all actors/actresses feel good.

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2 minutes ago, angieknows said:

@Chewy Hoe So what exactly is the process involved in voting for the popularity awards? I'm willing to shell out a few bucks (within reason), but where and how can international fans participate in the voting process? I have never done this before (and I never imagined I would even consider doing this!), so, as much information and guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!


Angie, I believe the voting is not out as yet. But frankly even joongkyo thinks it's hard to win popularity for both of them. Why? Because kpop fans are willing to spent their entire fortune in order to drive their idol up on stage to see them!! Anyone can be voted and win! It's getting depressing for me because this is the only category that we fans can participate in but we are up against so much because just in case they both don't get anything from the panel since they are the ones deciding and they don't get wins in popularity. Then we won't even see them on stage at all or they may not even go?? 

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1 hour ago, hclover96 said:

Congratulations to DotS for getting nominated in all 5 major categories :)

Best Drama:

Best Director:

Best Actor:

Best Actress:

Best Scriptwriter:


Waahhh!! It's amazing that DOTS get nominated in 5 categories, and it's Baeksang Awards we are talking about!! :D Even though other nominees are not easy to defeat, but still let's keep our fingers crossed that we will win in some categories especially in best actor, best actress, and best drama kkkk :wub:


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I hope SHK attend with SJK. It will be lonely. Lol buy he will be with the casts and directors as well. But it's always great to see them there as the main couple. 

What a horror it will be to see SJK on stage with someone else :crazy::crazy::crazy:

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1 hour ago, lynne22 said:


Best Actor

Best Actress

Best Drama

Here's to Praying they will winnn... :wub::wub::wub:


 Hoping they will win all three!  Thanks for the info. :smile:

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@joongkyo Yep, I'll ask my friend. LOL. She must think I'm nuts by now. LOL.

@Chewy Hoe Nah, don't let it get you down too much. For now, let's just be happy they've both been nominated. (Though, I'm hoping Hye Kyo will show up since she is nominated.) But even if they don't win, even a popularity award, they're already a cut above the rest. The whole of Asia will attest to that :) Sure, it would be a bummer if we don't see them share a stage together, but eh, there still is the chance that the opposite can happen ... *Ohm*Immathinkpositivethoughts*ohm* LOL.

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hi everyone!

i'm newbie in kikyo shipper but not in shipper paradise. :grimace: I'm forgot my old account lol so i must create a new one.

Nice to meet you all! :) *TAN-GYEOL*

Best wishes for DOTS and kikyo in Baeksang Art Award this June! \o/ and they have the hardest rival from Sign*l. :bawling:

Because almost based on jury judgement so my predictions are best award for sign*l and popularity award for DOTS :cold_sweat:

But still my pray and faith for DOTS and Kikyo!


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@angieknows to me if they go then the pride of the moment is to walk up that stage to receive an award, why would I want them to just sit downstairs just looking at others winning? Can you bear to see that? 

So the only thing we can do for them is to spent money by voting to make sure at least they get on stage because we are not even sure if they can get actor actress looking at the people they are up against since we cannot decide at all! 

i cannot bear coming back to this thread seeing everyone go: SO SAD THEY NEVER WIN blah blah blah when everyone could have done something in the first place


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i would love to vote for them but this is first for me (i think my bf would think i am crazy lol) anyway i will give them my vote. please let me know how if anyone know. :)

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@Chewy Hoe LOL. Of course, I would love to see them leave their seats to accept their recognitions up on the stage! But right now, I would just be happy if Hye Kyo shows up! LOL. And if they're both there, I just know the cameras won't be able to resist panning to them every time. I guess, I'll deal with my emotions later on if everything I've hoped for isn't met. ;) For now, I want to bask in the pride we have for them, especially for Hye Kyo, considering the J.estina debacle put her nomination in peril. The worrying on that dark day was too taxing, so, let's embrace this happy moment for now. It's not like we can't do something about the voting :)

Of course, there will be many fans voting for them :) If Chinese citizens banded together against J.estina and if days ago, folks here voted like crazy for DOTS on that mistaken Baeksang nomination page, then, surely, everyone will do what they can to help the Songs win their popularity awards. Yeah, we might get outnumbered by K-pop idol fans, that's a possibility, but SJK's and SHK's fans all over Asia won't just sit back. They'll do their best to vote even if it means depleting their bank account. Let's be positive! :) 


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I think it's a good idea for the rest of you who want to vote to reach out to large SS/SJK/SHK/DOTS fan clubs in your region. You can pay them the money for voting if they have a way/means to vote. This way you won't have to worry about how to vote, but please check and see if the people who are voting for you are credible sources. You don't want to pay money to someone and get cheated in the process.

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3 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

I think it's a good idea for the rest of you who want to vote to reach out to large SS/SJK/SHK/DOTS fan clubs in your region. You can pay them the money for voting if they have a way/means to vote. This way you won't have to worry about how to vote, but please check and see if the people who are voting for you are credible sources. You don't want to pay money to someone and get cheated in the process.


Adding on, ok here's a tip: you reach out to your biggest and reputable fan clubs with reliable sources in your respective countries to assist in voting together as a group in case international voting is not possible at all!!! Make sure it's a big club and the agent or resource in Korea is legit and has proof!! 

DO NOT TRUST small or unknow groups in Twitter, IG or Facebook that come up to bank on this because it's probably scam and they are not going to do anything for you except run away with your money!! It must be a big community with reliable admin or people that are trustable!! 

For example: I am going along with a big Taiwanese community that has been around long time and I know the person and they are tagging with Baidu who have credible sources(company) in Korea that will assist in voting. One vote is only 1RM so it depends on how far you want to take this. 

Hope this helps anyone!! 

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29 minutes ago, Ur_Imja said:

uri doctor is really good in acting and potraying KMY but I am not sure about this KMY characther.. is it strong enough to competes as best actrees against other characters? I am sorry for saying this but this is just waht I feel now hiks T_T


Well that might be your opinion but people in S.Korea LOVED the character of KMY. Also, the Award is given for an actress's portrayal of the character and not the character itself so I don't get your logic for saying that SHK won't win. 

Personally, I loved KMY's character - it was the most relatable character in the drama and anyone who has a problem with KMY's character, obviously just doesn't get the premise of the drama. Her character was also the character which showed the most growth from episode 1 to 16. 

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A little late but, hooray!! 5 categories for DOTS including our SS couple for Best Actor and Best Actress respectively is incredible!! I too, just like @angieknows is willing to spare a few change just to help out SS couple, hopefully, win the popularity award, a very tough category but hey, all votes count guys, so it will be a team effort!! 

My hopes are high for them to win all category but I know for a fact that would be an astounding task, however, winning a couple out of those categories especially our OTP's category that they were nominated for, will be immensely phenomenal, especially to this thread!! 

Regardless of the outcome, being nominated and recognized is already a huge accomplishment for DOTS staff and crew including SHK & SJK! Our OTP is really great, aren't they!? Yaaaaaas!!! 

Another wishful thinking, I hope both were to attend the said award ceremony although, in reality, either one of them may not attend. Ooooh, I just hope they will so we can spazz some more on their appearance, their outfit especially their interaction, I don't care, I just want to see them together again! I know, they will again shy away from the media spotlight! Gaaaaaah!

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I will definitely help with the vote as long as I know how, I don't really understand the system. This is the first time for me to do this.

But I don't know why, I don't concern about the popularity awards that much, I'm more to best actor and best actress. I'm more to the recognition of their acting skills rather than popularity, this is just my personal opinion.  And we know just how much popular they are now.

I think Baeksang is the most prestigious award body in SK, correct me if I'm wrong here. So being nominated is already good enough for me. And I still have my hope they will win some awards. I really hope they will attend, even if they will not walk the red carpet together at least they will sit next to each other during the whole ceremony. 

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I totally understand but sadly we cannot control the best actor and actress and even the bakseang award itself, the panel decides so it's up to them really! 

So if no win which they would probably be revealed to their respective agencies beforehand so the given actor and actress can decide if they want to go, they may not turn up so.....

thats why I am hoping at least in the popularity awards category can help in whatever way possible to make them appear especially for SHK 

added: like what @joongkyo has been saying bakseang has not given any award to SHK before and now with DOTS everyone is looking at her again!! And can you just imagine the sheer joy of fans and SHK herself if she received AT LEAST the popularity award in Bakseang awards no less!!

unless SHK don't care for such awards then I rest my case. Anyone who knows her better can advise so I don't have to fret for her anymore

for SJK I am not expecting him to get best actor like I said earlier even though he is my bias because of who he is up against and and am not sure if he can even get the popularity too because anyone can vote for anyone to win

i have been very very fair in all my statements even though I am SJK bias because as you can see I want SHK to win in all!!! Because she stand a better chance !!! I am begining to think I am becoming more of a SHK bias already!! 


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