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While waiting for joongkyo translation, just wanna share this with you guys. Our KiKyo shared even the same favourite traveling destination :3 It's Japan.

Sorry you guys I cant attach the photo from the IG of yeo_fa account :(

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This is what @uknowthat, a Korean well-wisher of the thread sent me. It seems she made an account just to send me this message,so I hope everyone here can thank her. I am posting her entire message, including her message for me.

My translations's are not that of a native Korean, so please take it only as a summarised version of the intent behind her message to me. Also, please understand that this whole segment it turns out was a game made especially for the fans...lol, SJK was supposed to pick one of them as his ideal type and give her a sponsored gift. But, I've still gone ahead and TRANSLATED THE WHOLE THING - I think a little bit of my soul died because of pure exhaustion.



안녕하세요~ joongkyo님이 한국어를 좀 잘 하시는 것 같아서, 한국어로 메세지를 보냅니다. 제가 영어를 잘 못해서 그렇기도 하고요. ㅎ

아래 내용은 오늘 송중기씨 팬미팅에서 나왔던 'Ideal type' 부분을 그대로 받아쓰기(dictation) 한 내용이에요.

'동생같은 여자'가 어떤 상황에서 나온 말인지, 여기 계신 팬분들이 이해하시는 데 도움이 되길 바라는 마음으로 이 메세지를 보냅니다.



진행자 : 이번 코너는요, 여러분 모두와 함께 하는 시간을 마련해 봤습니다. 이름하여 '복불복 이상형 찾기'.
팬들 : (환호) 와~
진행자 : 송중기씨의 이상형이 누굴까가 굉장히 궁금하고, 여러분들 중 단 한 분만 무대위에서 송중기씨의 이상형으로 선정이
되서, 휴롬믹서기(<-협찬사에서 제공하는 선물)를 받으실 수 있습니다.
송중기 : 협찬이 어마하게....
진행자 : 협찬이 어마해요.
팬들 : (웃음)
진행자: (웃으며) 그래요... 네. 1층, 2층, 3층에 계신 분들 모두 지금 함께 하도록 하겠고요, 다양한 라운드를 거쳐서, 서바
이벌로... 무대위로 10여 분 정도 모시게 되고, 그 중에 한 분을 뽑게 되겠습니다. 일단 좀 몸풀기 차원에서, 송중기씨의 이상
형을 저희가 스무고개처럼 한번 구체적으로 질문을 드려 볼게요.
송중기 : 네.
진행자 : 두 가지 중에 하나 정도만 선택하시면 되고요
송중기 : 한 가지 정도만?
진행자 : 네
진행자 : (팬)여러분은 과연 내가 이상형이 맞는지... 
진행자 : 이건 본격 라운드가 아니고 몸풀기예요.
송중기 : 연습으로?
진행자 : 가보도록 하겠습니다. 워밍업입니다.
송중기 : 네.
진행자 : 순대 먹을 때 간이냐 허파냐?
송중기 : 허파
진행자 : (팬들한테) 허파 좋아하시는 분들 계시죠? 예, 좋습니다.
진행자 : 청순한 여자 VS 섹시한 여자
송중기 : 섹시한 여자
진행자 : 여성스러운 스타일 VS 보이시한(boyish) 스타일
송중기 : 여성스러운 스타일
진행자 : 나를 휘어잡을 수 있는 여자 VS 내가 리드할 수 있는 여자
송중기 : 내가 리드할 수 있는 여자
진행자 : good~
진행자 : 운동하는 여자 VS 독서하는 여자
송중기 : 운동하고.... ? (또 뭐라고요)
진행자 : 운동, 독서
송중기 : 운동하는 여자
진행자 : 운동하는 여자! 운동... (팬들 향해) 많이 계시네요.
진행자 : 노래 잘 하는 여자 VS 춤 잘 추는 여자
팬들 : 노래! 노래!
송중기 : 노래 잘 하는 여자
진행자 : 아, 노래, 노래요. 자꾸만 탄식이 늘어나고 있어요. (웃음)
진행자 : 몸매 좋은 여자 VS 성격 좋은 여자
송중기 : 성격 좋은 여자
팬들 : (일부는 박수치고, 일부는 에이~ )
송중기 : 성격이 좋은면... (뒷부분 잘 안 들림)
진행자 : 아, 성격이 좋으면 .... (뒷부분 잘 안 들림)
진행자 : 또 하나, 음식 잘 하는 여자 VS 음식 잘 먹는 여자
송중기 : 음식 잘 하는 여자
진행자 : 오~ 잘 하는 여자. 대박.... 네요. (중간에 잘 안 들림)
진행자 : 동생 같은 여자 VS 누나 같은 여자
송중기 : ... (대답 고민 중)
팬들 : 동생~ 누나~
송중기 : 동생 같은 여자
진행자 : 동생 같은 여자~ 아, 송중기씨 보다 연하분들~ 네, 좋았습니다.
진행자 : 마지막, 톡톡 튀는 센스냐 VS 소소하고 한결같은 여자냐
송중기 : 센스 있는 여자
진행자 : 센스 있는 여자! 좋습니다. 이렇게 대충 송중기씨 이상형을 알아봤고, (팬들에게) 나와 해당된다 하시는 분들 손들어
진행자 : 네... 확인 안 된다고 마음껏 들지 마시고요. 웃음.


Hello ~Joongkyo-nim it seems that you have good knowledge of Korean which is why I am sending this message in Korean. I apologise because my English isn't very good.

I hope that you will accept the transcript of the question pertaining to Mr. Song Joong Ki's answer to the "Ideal type" question that came up at his fanmeeting today.

It seems there was a lot of doubts regarding the part about "Woman who is like a Dongsaeng *younger*" statement, therefore I hope that you will accept this offering.

Please note.

Host : Now for the next corner (part) that we have prepared for you. It is called "Finding out your Ideal type" 

Fans : (cheers) Wow.

Host : Who is the ideal type of Mr Song Joong Ki, we're all very curious and then we shall pick one of from the audience who receives this sponsored gift of a blender (*I think the whole purpose of this segment was to pick a woman from the audience who FIT THE DESCRIPTION OF HIS CHOICES SO THAT THEY COULD GIVE HER THE GIFT).

Song Joong-ki : The sponsored gift bags are really good....

Coordinator : What is the worth of the sponsored gift bag?

Fans : (laughter)

Host : (laugh)  Isn't it so... Yes. (She then addresses the audience of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor etc. telling them that SJK will be asked a round of specific questions after which one person will be chosen from amongst them).

Song Joong-ki : Yes.

Host : You can only choose one of the two choices.

Song Joong-ki : Only one of them?

Host : Yes.

Host : (fans) Everyone  ... you will accept this right?

Host : This is not the final round, it's a warm up round

Song Joong-ki : practice session?

Host : I will start. This is for warming up.

Song Joong-ki : Yes.

Host : When you eat Sundae, do you choose liver or lungs?

Song Joong-ki : Lungs

Host : (to the fans) people in the audience who like lungs? Okay, all right then.

Host : Innocent woman VS Sexy woman

 Song Joong-ki : Sexy woman

Host : feminine style VS a (boyish) style 

Song Joong-ki: feminine style

Host : A woman who holds my hand to lead me VS a woman whose hand I hold to lead her.

Song Joong-ki : A woman who I can lead.

Host : good ~

Host : woman who is into sports/exercises VS a woman who is into academics.

Song Joong-ki : exercises, and ... ? (What did you say again.)

Host : sports, reading

Song Joong-ki : Women who exercises.

Host : girls who like to exercise (looking at fans) ... I see many of you

Host : The woman who sings well VS the woman who can dance well

Fans : sing! Sing!

Song Joong-ki: someone who sings.

Host : Ah, singing, singing. (laughs)

Host : good body VS good personality 

Song Joong ki : a woman with a good personality.

Fans : (Some cheer for him, and some tease him by saying *Aye!* - meaning that they don't believe him.)

Song Joong-ki : a good natured woman ... (inaudible voices in background)

Host : Ah, someone with a good personality ... (inaudible voices in background)

Host : another, woman who makes good food VS a woman who can eat good (meaning, eat a lot)

Song Joong-ki: a woman who makes good food.

Host : Oh, woman who is good at cooking. That's daebak - many of the people are good at cooking.(Inaudible sounds)

Host : a woman who is  like a younger woman or a woman who is like an older woman (the words Dongsaeng and Noona are immaterial here with reference to age. It's talking about personality).

Song Joong-ki : ... ( trying to come up with an answer)

Fans : Dongsaeng~ Noona~

Song Joong-ki : a woman who is like a younger woman.

Host :  a woman who is like a younger woman.. Ah, SJK-shi likes people who seem younger than him  ~ Okay, very good.

Host : last, somebody who has smart sense VS immature (?)/naive woman.

Song Joong-ki : a woman with sense.

Host: a woman with sense, thank you!. So after listening to all of his answers.  Everyone who thinks that these choices are applicable to them please raise your hands.Would you like to see how many of them satisfy the choices made by SJK ? 

Host : Yes. (she cracks some joke..maybe because a lot of women raised their hands.)














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1 hour ago, Hồ Vi said:


While waiting for joongkyo translation, just wanna share this with you guys. Our KiKyo shared even the same favourite traveling destination :3 

Sorry you guys I cant attach the photo from the IG of yeo_fa account :(


who is yeo_fa? someone related to kikyo?


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His wallpaper on this phone was the shipwreck in Greece ..... He gotta love that one a lot. Dun really care about the other stuff though, not a big deal.. the wallpaper is good enough :lol:



hahaha..You tell dearie...i dun know why i'm doing this :lol: . lame lah.

Maybe this wallpaper :P joke





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Thank you so much @joongkyo for your hard work in translating. I like how you're like the captain of this thread, plus a fierce mother hen for Song2 and Song2 shippers too. 

Thank you @uknowthatfor sharing as a native Korean speaker. We need you here, hehe. Please stay around and share your thoughts her too. We'll love to read it. 

So. The accurate translation is, he prefers a woman who seems younger than her age. 

Doesn't that just SCREAM SHK? To you? It does to me. 

Add to preferring a girl who likes to cook, exercise and can sing too. 

Now we know that the preferences are just a game for fanservice, but still he must have someone special in mind. Sometimes, though we don't want to tell the truth, the truth just often spills out from the words we say to cover the truth. 

By the way, why do I have this feeling that SHK can be a really cute and adorable girlfriend? I hope she can be clingy and dependent to SJK, in terms of........

I want SJK to pamper her, treat her like a princess or even as a child sometimes. 

Because her past relationships that ended with so much pain and all the backlash from Korean female netizens, to have someone she could rely on, be clingy to and depend on, would be amazing. 

Especially because she has been a very strong, independent woman for so long who takes full responsibility of herself and her mom. 

I want someone who can treat her like a princess all the time.

Someone like SJK would be perfect, hahah. 

If he really did disappeared from the DOTS dinner just to buy her dessert.......

That kind of pampering, please, SJK. In return, she can cook you healthy meals. 

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27 minutes ago, Prentiss said:


who is yeo_fa? someone related to kikyo?


yeo_fa and hanie are two IG accounts which are both hard shippers for KiKyo like us. They posted a lot of hints collected from many different sources such as baidu, daum, ... and from chinese fans

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Thanks for the translation @joongkyo.  Go rest!  

I do think the whole is not to be taken too seriously one way or the other since he's only given two choices.  It's a fun event for fans.   He's so funny though seriously. 

Probably won't happen, but we do know people are trying to get them! 


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@joongkyo: Thank you so much for the translation. I hope this complete description of the situation will help the remaining shippers from freaking out.  We all know he is smart enough not to give complete information. He understands the fun/humuor side of the game as well as unstated intention of the media to dig out more about his relationship with our "Hye Kyo shi".  His answers seems very straight forward accept for one question. For that he had to take a moment and think about it. hmm....

Anyway, I am done freaking about these trivial statements long time ago. I am waiting for their wedding announcements. ( Hope I don't have to wait for more than 2 years) 

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29 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

@joongkyo Thank you! You've worked hard! If we ever meet, I will treat you to a no nights and 3 days round of soju! :P 




I am such a cheap drunk though, I hope you're ready to drag me back home like SJ. Because after three days of drinking - I will be this



Also, people that translation was for THIS THREAD - DON'T STEAL IT - DON'T TAKE IT OUT...OR NO MORE TRANSLATING ...EVER AGAIN.




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@uknowthat You are awesome! Thanks for keeping this ship afloat :), helping us out during our weird little chaos. LOL. Please join us here!

@joongkyo What more can I say? You deserve every superlative in the dictionary! Thanks for all your continued hard work to keep us calm and sane. You're motivating me to learn the Korean language.

Since we now have the context of the this vs. this segment (it's a game for fans), it makes more sense why he said like a younger woman than an older one. I would have also picked younger---or youthful personality---because there's nothing old about Hye Kyo.

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So despite SJK not naming those qualities off the top of his head, the qualities he chose still matches SHK completely so there's no need to feel disappointed! Also with the question regarding someone with a younger or older demeanor than him, based on the transcript we even got to see that he paused and thought for a bit before answering, almost second guessing in a sense. That's very telling! I'd like to think he was taken aback and had to think twice how to answer. Perhaps he was in a dilemma trying to decide which department SHK fit best since she's older than him but is also a child at heart. With his answer, it's safe to say he disregarded age as it's just a number and went with her cute childlike personality. LOL I'm half delusional, half sincere here.

Nevertheless, this was mentioned before the fan meet yesterday but these things shouldn't be taken too seriously anyway. It's a fan meet so it's obvious he will provide fan service and sometimes we will hear things we don't particularly want to hear. But SJK stating firm his desire to get married, now is even a possibility, is something we should be happy about. Also the wallpaper on his phone. Overall SJK is such a funny witty guy! He's so likable on so many levels. The entire thing was just absolutely entertaining and fun! Making me more envious that I wasn't there. Heol!

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Oh, and before I forget. SJK spoke about his phone's wall paper  - it's a picture of that shipwreck beach but that's not the most exciting part. (* this is not part of the earlier transcript*)

He said it was a picture that he personally took. So basically it's a private memory - it's not from the show /BTS.....it's all his, a precious memory taken on the beach between September - October of 2015 and today it's April, 2016. So, yeah....a memory that's still precious after all these months.

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