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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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12 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:

Does SHK and SJK live respectively alone in their apartments/house or with their parents?

Anyone knows?


Song Hye Kyo has one apartment in Itaewon and a house in Samseong dong where her mom lives, she lives in between those two and recently bought another family home and it's still under renovation.

SJK has an apartment in Cheongdam dong -Gangnam Gu (Kiaile correct me) the area is central and strategic yet very well protected you can never walk inside and even neighbours don't know each other. 

Basically both are a mature adult people they can basically do whatever they want and what is contrast between kdrama and reality.. you can and it's normal for dating couple to live together or BF stays in GF house or the other way around.. Seoul the megapolitan city I feel like in NYC sometimes but don't expect to see couples doing PDA -public display affection- it's rarely seen.

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The interview is out now. Here is an extract: 

Q: While filming “Descendants of the Sun,” which actor or actress gave you the most help or inspiration? (Partly asked by Melina, Nywe Elton-Bott Kara Wynona, Endah Purwaningsih, Feri Novita, Nur Amizah Rozali, San San Hirando, Meevie Love Toledo)

First of all, veteran actor Kang Shin-il, because I really respect him as an actor. He sent a long message to me after we exchanged phone numbers, and it really touched me. 
Also, I think Song Hye-kyo influenced me the most, as she spent the most time with me during the filming. She was always considerate of everyone around her and her behavior is a living proof of why she is such a great star. Actually, she filmed all the difficult scenes -- episodes in which Kang cries in sadness after Yoo’s death -- all at once when I was in bed due to the injury. It must have been really pressuring and difficult, but she volunteered to do it. 
For Jin Goo, he is always very relaxed and I really want to be like him the next time I work with people who are less experienced than me. 
Lastly, David McInnis was another actor that I‘m extremely thankful toward. I respect the attitude and passion he holds, even in a foreign country.

Here is the link for full details: http://m.kpopherald.com/view.php?ud=201604151849521813701_2


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Who said you guys could post updates while I was asleep?! I just had to backread maybe 10 pages! LOL. Naaah, thank you everyone for keeping this thread going :)

@Layna Minho Where did you find that part of the K-pop Herald interview? Is it already up on the English site? It looks like a lot of people must have asked the same question. I submitted something similar. I love his answer about change being necessary to deal with new responsibilities overtime. At the same time, it's interesting that immediately after mentioning Song Hye Kyo, he emphasized Lee Kwang Soo to close his response. LOL. Feels like he was trying hard to get folks not to focus on the Song Hye Kyo bit.

@joongkyo What? They went to Serengetea at least 3 times?! Haha. I will personally update @ilovesjk's timeline. LOL. :) Thanks for translating the gist of his PC! :) 


@thepixies and @sscouplefanvn Thank you for linking us to the 1st part of the interview! :) 

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@SeGafanlady thank you for answering me. Seems like SHK's wealth is increasing and I'm very happy to hear that. Of course I know she's very rich because she's one of the international actresses from South Korea and she's been acting from a long time. But hearing she has three properties in Korea plus that one in NYC makes me very happy. 

But what you said about PDA in Korea somehow feel different with my impression. 

I've been to Seoul twice and I see lots of couples holding hands and hugging in public places. That's why I thought Seoul couples must be really romantic. 

From what I observe, Seoul girls speak in a very gentle way and lots of aegyos to their men. And their men are all very dominant, like really the one leading and followed by the girl. Jakarta lately is visited by more Koreans and the young couples are like that too here. 

I don't know why our impressions are so different. Or is it maybe because we see different people there? Must be that. 

I was shocked with the PDA because one day at the MRT, a young man was talking to his gf with lots of aegyo and saranghaes and kissing his phone with smooches sounds until I went EW that's too much. 

I see a couple hugging each other so tight and nearly kissing all the way from the top of Namsan Tower to the stop below, in the mini train. 

Have we really seen completely different people then? Because I felt, "Wow, this is so western!"

Nevermind. I don't mean anything. Just sharing my impression of young people's habits there. 

And if ever Song2 couple reach the state of living together in one apartment, I will be the first person who'll jump and be hysterical. 

They should just do it, in my opinion, since they love privacy so much. Who can catch them if they live together? All interactions will be indoor ;)

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well I live in Amsterdam and used to live in the US for my school so it's definetely not the same opinion like yours.. here couples are basically almost making out anywhere but in Seoul they usually holding hands and I never seen a couple kissing in my 12 years yearly visit.. maybe they do kissed but I didn't see it. 

SHK is a very sassy and smart woman as well as careful when it comes to spend her hard earned money.. she loves shopping and collect top brands bags but who doesn't? a few million USD a year? I will run to Hermes and Chanel store in Paris everytime..

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What does he mean by this..

"When I want to satisfy a partner"

ok don't get me wrong, I don't talk about that "satisfy", or whetever. I mean it's like he is saying he wants to have a partner now? Omo, is he really going to confess he is indeed dating SHK soon?

This is me over thinking as usual, it's not what he meant. Ok, don't mind me.

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47 minutes ago, kumanye said:


in this article , he called her hye kyo noona. But I don't know what he is saying. Hopefully someone can translate this. 

Using google translate, he said about his romance rumor with song hye kyo "no more than senior". Is it true?

what???Is it true??why now?

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@SeGafanladyah, I see. We have different opinions of PDA then. For me, holding hands for a long time and hugging are already PDA. Obviously we have culture differences, and you know Korea better than me because you've visited annually for 12 years. 

I love SHK even more since DOTS that I feel like buying whatever clothes she wore or bags she used, lol. Definitely not good for my bank balance so I'm not doing it. But argh! She looks so good in everything!


31 minutes ago, sscouplefanvn said:

Also, I think Song Hye-kyo influenced me the most, as she spent the most time with me during the filming. She was always considerate of everyone around her and her behavior is a living proof of why she is such a great star. Actually, she filmed all the difficult scenes -- episodes in which Kang cries in sadness after Yoo’s death -- all at once when I was in bed due to the injury. It must have been really pressuring and difficult, but she volunteered to do it. 

Here is the link for full details: http://m.kpopherald.com/view.php?ud=201604151849521813701_2



Sorry for cutting your post @sscouplefanvn

I feel that he really admired her dedication to her work and really respect her a lot. SHK too, must really admire him a lot for shooting that dangerous action scene without stunts which caused him to get injured. 

SJK seems to admire her as a fan before DOTS ----> amazed by her beauty and acting skills, plus how caring she is -----> respect her so much from seeing her dedication ------> fell in love with her. 

This kind of love, you know. It runs deep, its roots planted deep in the heart. 

I think I have a reason to ship them for a long time. 

OMG I'm posting so many times here today. I haven't done this since Yongseo. The reason is because I'm staying home due to doctor's advice today. I guess I'll feel sad tomorrow and the next days because I won't be able to read this thread as much as I'm doing it today. This thread is just so addictive!

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2 hours ago, kumanye said:


in this article , he called her hye kyo noona. But I don't know what he is saying. Hopefully someone can translate this. 

Using google translate, he said about his romance rumor with song hye kyo "no more than senior". Is it true?


Why must you create panic in the thread?. I messaged you when you sent me a PM saying that people are working on the translation. You could have waited before using google translate.

Everyone please thank @thepixies for the ridiclulously fast translation courtesy her Korean friend. We wanted to make sure that a native Korean translated this bit so as not to create any confusion.

There was no denial on his part, once again he did what he does best...DIVERT!




Interviewer : You have a scandal with Ms. Song Hye-kyo because you two have a good chemistry.  What is your ideal woman ? Has it changed when you got older ?

Song Joong ki :
My perfect lady is wise and sensible woman. I always value this the most. I know a lot of sensational report about me was on the press though.
I spent lots of time with Ms. Song Hye-kyo who helped me a lot throughout drama shooting. Ms. Song is so good to me. Throughout the time, I felt she really deserves the celebrity she currently enjoys – She is very well known TV celebrity in Korea. She is very considerate to me especially when in acting. For example, drama series # 15 and 16, Ms. Song (Her name is Kang Mo-yeon in drama) had lots of crying scenes. When Mr. Song Joong ki (Captain Yoo) was hospitalized, she volunteered to have shootings all crying scenes at one time. As you imagine, Ms. Song would be very difficult to have a mood of crying without a counterpart (Captian Yoo), But She did for me. I was touched so much. I thought I would do the same things for my counterpart in future. Ms. Song’s personality is relatively confident and clear. As a junior, I would like to learn such an attitude too.


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Happy Together


Many thanks, everyone, for your updates, comments and support. A big thank goes to the translators. I might have spent much more time here than I expected which has some impact on my daily work and life but I don't regret it at all. As a matter of fact, I am very thankful. It is hard to find a place with so many hearts where people come together because of love and share their love in a very lively, lovely, sometimes innocent and most of the time very respectful manner. Your posts indeed bring a lot of smiles to me. And I hope to continue to see that spirit in this thread. Whatever differences you have, I hope that we will continue to stay happy together as we have one common thread which has helped to connect us: our love and/or for Song Hye Kyo and/or Song Joong Ki individual and as a couple onscreen and offscreen.  

The drama has ended but our feelings remain, mostly thanks to Yoo Shi Jin acted by Song Joong Ki and Kang Mo Yeon acted by Song Hye Kyo. The couple both came off so sweetly but so naturally in their scenes. You don’t even need to hear them speak. You don't need to understand their joking or cheesy lines or love confession. You don’t even need to know the context. Just simply look at the way they look at each other, hug each other, smile with each other, kiss each other, touch each other, and act in front of each other, and you will see love, peace and happiness. All came off very naturally at a degree very rarely seen in movies and dramas, in Korea, Hollywood as well as elsewhere. This must be the result of the combination of two factors: the talents of the two actors and their personal and professional relationship.

And the peace and happiness go beyond the screen. And I'm not speaking about their conferences with the press, their interviews with the media or their interactions in the public, I'm talking about the behind-the-scenes footage and photos in real life that were captured when the two actors were most comfortable, and more or less just being themselves. Again, simply have a look at these photos and footage, and you will find peace and happiness of them being together. The photo posted above is an example. There is no need for you to investigate whether they were holding hands or not. This is not even the photo of only the two of them. But please have a look at the photo with heart and you will find heart. Like what they showed us onscreen, their smiles offscreen are also very natural, sincere and precious. I rarely see them (especially Song Hye Kyo since I know Song Hye Kyo more) this happy and comfortable while being with other friends and previous co-stars. I bet that the behind-the-scenes photos and footage that will be released next week will further confirm my point.

Again, I am not claiming that I have inside information to be sure of their relationship status. In other words, I can’t say where they are in their relationship at the moment. But from the observation of a guy who has experience in love and in life, I can say that at least for now, these two are happy together and like spending time with each other. 

As to whether, how and when they should make their relationship public if they are indeed in a relationship, I don’t think I am in the position to advise. They are both mature people with a lot of experience and stakes at hand and will make decisions that are best for them. More than anyone else, they know what would be in their best interests whether to confirm, stay silent or deny. As long as they are happy, I would support their decision. 

For now, let us treasure the moment of them being happy together and of us being happy together. Let us enjoy the moment while we can and as long as we can.

Credit of photo: photo owner

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Just a reminder to everyone on the thread 

Please do not post something that you KNOW will cause MASS PANIC unless you're 100% sure or have an AUTHENTIC SOURCE/TRANSLATION.

I feel extremely weird to have to correct everyone and constantly bring this up seeing how most of you are older than me, I don't feel comfortable doing it. But, I do so with the hope that when the translators are not active (which will be very often from now on) that people don't use this as a platform to vent their fears.

There is a PM facility available to each one of us, send a message to someone you know or don't know. BUT please DO NOT post things using only Google translate etc. Because Korean , like most Asian languages in extremely complex - just the use of a word in a different context can change the meaning of the entire passage.





On a lighter note @my_bazuka I like sea food, you  can treat me !



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