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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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He looked amazed at the number of fans that were planning to follow him to the next stop, also when the MC asked after the fans who would also go to HK, and ...even Korea!

Wish I could have captured the look on his face then! That open-mouthed amazement... MC jokingly said he'd be afraid the plane to Korea would be full :D

App stalling a little....

But first question seems to be whether he would pursue his love boldly. He answered No, only to be shocked by the truth or lie machine so he answered yes after that :)


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Thank you so much lovelies for all the updates:wub: Awww I'm so excited for Chanel's event can't wait to see Kyo wearing her dress.

Yes @imzeyxx Ms. Lee liked this gorgeous photoshoot of SJK. She was the hair stylist for the shoot;)


Here's Ms Lee with Kyo for her Star1 magazine photoshoot:)




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Does he think he's a flower boy


I think he got shocked but my livestream stalling so not entirely sure

He feels good hearing people talk of him as a flower boy 


He was encouraging the studennts who would take their exams. I think the MC asked what he used to do with his girlfriend at school, he said what could a couple do late at night? to many roars from the audience. Teasingly said of course they would be studying late at night. ANd what are the audience thinking of?!


Is he more for Love than friendship eg Gwangsoo

"Yes". . Got shocked again. MC queried him , he said there must be something wrong with the machine, as he would definitely pick love over his friendship with Gwangsoo.


Objects to his sister liking Gwang soo!



Too much trouble streaming tonight

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Now is the YES/NO segment. LKS is asked again LOL 

THEY ASK IF HIS SISTER LIKE LKS IS IT OKAY? HE'S LIKE NOOOOOOO.. even he is his most loved friend still no cos he's too tall. hahaha


1. they are talking about the picture taken in greece (the scene where he saved fatima?? not sure) cannot see the picture, the streaming link only show me his face.
2. They also show picture from his Wuhan FM, he said he was nervous that time. 
3. he said he's learning chinese on his own and it's difficult. don't know what is the picture. They are also talking about the "SONG HYE KYO" from HC.
4. There's a picture of him and PBG. 
5. He's also talking about him and YAI in SS but again i don't know what picture they are showing. 


He's drawing a fan face. it's screenshot his artwork later. LOL The girl is actually pretty :) 



move to next page.

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What would happen if you and LKS fall for the same girl, would you give up the girl?

The question he had to answer yes or no to was "Would you choose love over friendship?"

He said yes, but got shocked. (The host joked that the machine was acting up today because it only understands cantonese)

When the host asked him why he said yes, he said he would definitely choose love.

Even if its best friend LKS? He said yes and joked that he could bring LKS together on dates. He then said this was a hard question.

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I really don't get what's going on but he's suddenly drawing a female fan. 

he said she has an egg-shaped face /oval face.

Has the format of the fan-meeting changed?. Didn't someone say that the Yes-No section just started?

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One of the fan wishes is for him to draw her. He said her face is small, that it's egg shaped. MC kept talking so he told him he has to concentrate on his art and to keep quiet haha.

SJK mentioned as he was drawing that she has a mole above her eyebrow, said she's pretty.

says sorry at the end!


He writes I love you in hanyupinyin at the end of the drawing

because he is using Han Yu PinYin (a method of pronunciation in Mandarin) to learn Mandarin

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@joongkyo they finished the yes/no section and they have shown his pictures. I think now is the wish list section.

@smoky1671 yess there are more tones, a lot more than mandarin. he learned i love you and i like you :) 


they called fans on stage but cannot understand anything. SJK is playing catch ball with the fans. they are suppose to throw the ball then catch them while hugging. they have balls with different diameters. SO LUCKY THOSE FANS!!

HE CALLED HIS MANAGER ON STAGE, he said his manager is shy so he ask the audience to clap for his manager. They are showing picture again. His picture in thailand with LKS and JIS (not sure). He told them that he hangout with the two of them and also KWB and DO.

He's singing NICE GUY OST again. :):wub: 

I cannot hear the audio so i'll wait for others to translate. 

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He's trying to learn I love you in Cantonese!

I think it's a lot more difficult for him than Mandarin. There are 7 tones in Cantonese if I recall, as opposed to 4 in Mandarin


The Chinese wish seems to be for him to act coquettishly, though he interprets this as aegyo

says is difficult for him to do aegyo after acting as Yoo Si Jin


I think when they introduced one of the fans she was talking about yesterday being the anniversary (?of his discharge?) and made a promise that his fans would continue to walk with him no matter the road.

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