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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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It's 1.30AM here right now. Apparently just done backreading. I swear i was super sleepy before that but now im wide awake! You guys should knw what's the reason im wide awake!! :D 

Ughhh, i cant wait to see more 'surprise' from SJK! There's few more fan meets in the future, so SJK sshi, you shall pour things out one by one alright bcuz our shipper heart cant handle everything at once. You see, bcuz of the pics that you showed us, we almost had an heart attack! :crazy:

I knw SJK's schedule has been really tight but i cnt help but to notice how SJK is all-so-glowing this whole day. Maybe, the power of love? :wub:

OMG, just let me go into my delulu world now, i just cant sleep !! 


I cant stop loving each of everyone of you in this thread! Except for some.. lol 


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Whooaa, finally i'm done with the back reading!

My shipper heart is jumping with joy right now and yes, i think i'm going to die from all the happiness and :wub: in this thread! 

Thanks so much everyone for all the updates/pics/videos/translations. You guys are really an ANGELS! I wish i can type all your names here but really thanks thanks thanks so much. You guys really made my day. My laptop was acting up, so i hv to use my phone to do the back reading n etc but still im so so happy and feel like flying to the moon and back right now!

SJK, thanks so much for sharing a personal pics of u and SHK:wub: (i know YAI was in it too,hehe). It's so revealing that my heart skipped a beat. You are truely our Captain n i know that this ship is sailing at it full speed now. We are waiting for more good news! Thanks again for making all of us the SS shipper happy/jumping with joy. I was waiting for u to mention SHK name again at the FM but it turned out you gave us much much more than that:wub: Cheongmal Kumawo!

Keep on posting a good vibes, comrades! Daebak!



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Oh my gosh, the feels!! I'm on fangirl-coma. I don't know what to say or write except SongSong KiKyo is REAL!!! Thanks to all for the updates, videos, photos, translations, etc. :heart: 

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Surely both have pictures taken with each other and surely SJK ask already permission from SHK that he will show their pics...and they're vary playful of choosing pics with YAI and not of them both only...they really teasing us

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OKAAAYYY. I missed the spazz and fun earlier!! Ugh. I woke up too late today. Anyway.. All I can say is WHOAAAAAAAMYYYGAAAAHHHHDD!!! As a shipper..that was the best Ki's FM for me so far as it made and still making my heart leap for joy!! ❤❤

Thanks so much for the updates everyone! most especially to @lov3kikyo, @finickyfray, @merry151,@pgaltr, @smoky1671 and @joongkyo for the translations!! so happy to see you posting again joongkyo! well yes, aside from posting announcements. Hihi. You'd never left actually, you're always here.. with us, sailing together.. but looks like the dear half of our OTP Joong-ki himself is taking over your place as the captain of this ship!! :P Hahaha. 

Please, please, please allow me to repost the collage below .. I JUST CANNNNNNNN'TTTT!! Yaaasss in one pic, Kyo is leaning to Ki's chest and in the other pic, his pouting his lips towards her. And this was 2 days before he left for Beijing? so literally 1 day he left for China! Gaaaahhh! ♡♡♡ So, what's with the *been a long time, you haven't met SHK* Ki???? Don't US!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Lol.

Somehow. There's a line that separates reality from drama/reel.  :wub::wub::wub: 


[credits to the rightful owner : Song Joong-ki himself LOL :D and to the one who made the collage posted by @human1981 few pages back]


Ahhh! What a great way to start the day!!   Thanks much Joong-ki! *virtual hugs* :lol:


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Still very hyped by today's pictures by SJK that I'm still awake at 3:30 AM! :w00t: So here's some (more?) pics from his beer cf! definitely looking radiant and  glowing here sjk-ssi :wub: gonna try my luck with iqiyi voting other than baeksang as usual and hope my internal hype over SS will take a rest now! 





Credits to SongJoongKi_SG 

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SongSongCouple always seem to surprise us... I really wish these pics were HD quality. Whether they are dating or not, at least we know that they still do meet up even though the show is finished! :P:wub: AND Song Joong Ki definitely is the CAPTAIN of SongSong ship ;)




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6 hours ago, larinalove said:

WOW, is the only reaction I can manage to write after back-reading and giggling and just being overjoyed with everything that is happening in our ship! 

Thank you all for sharing the videos, translations, pictures and all other updates regarding SJK and SHK, I am sooooo happy right now it's not a joke, we are such a blessed and a lucky ship, we have so many direct proof that strengthen our belief in them and it comes straight out of their own mouths, they themselves post pics of them together, share that they have been meeting privately, he insists on calling her SHK-ssii, the way he talks about her is very telling, now granted we see more of SJK these days since he is on fan-meets and I am very grateful because we have so many juicy things coming our way :D 

I am very happy to see you post again @joongkyo, and I agree with your earlier post, we can actually just sit back and enjoy the love story that is unfolding in front of us, we don't have to dig deep or make speculations or invent false information as some other people do in order to create a false hope, they themselves are open and sincere enough to subtly make people get used to the idea of them as a couple. I think they will continue to meet and share info about each other, making it seem like it's normal and then when the time comes and they will make the much awaited announcement everyone will be accepting and they'll be like "oh yeah, I knew this would happen".

Oh well, whatever happens, I am simply overjoyed and happy to be part of this ship, they both are amazing together and as individuals so I will be patient and see where all this leads too :)

Have a great weekend everyone! Here's to the fist bump couple 



I could not agree more! I am begging everybody to be a responsible shipper. He is generous enough to share those pictures to us. Think first before you share anything about those private pictures. Making assumptions simply means believing things are a certain way with little or no evidence that shows you are correct, and you can see at once how this can lead to a terrible trouble. Please don't feed people who would want to hurt our couple. When dealing with critics (antis and some media)  always remember this: Critics judge things based on what is outside of their content of understanding. They have a unique ability to listen to one story and understand another. I will leave you with these quotes:

" Your assumptions are your windows on the world, Scrub them off every once In a while, or the light won't come in.  (quote Isaac Asimov). 

" A tornado of thought is unleashed after each new insight. This in turn results in an earthquake of assumptions. These are natural disasters that re-shape the spirit. (Vera Nazarian).

Thank you SJK for being there for my SHK. That is also what I request from all of you. I truly believe that any gossip in Korea hurts a woman more than a man.

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Credit oncc.tv HK


HK media report of SJK fan meeting in Beijing.

just a brief translation as my Cantonese is so so :)

SJK coming to HK next month...but now in Bejing.  Many fans turned up, some even dressed as soldiers.

even some dressed as Mrs Song ..haha..

questions to SJK ...he prefer his best friend Or fan girls ...replies fan girls..

reveals personal pictures from his phone and fans go wild...

One of his friends turns up PBG to play piano and SJK sings 2 songs.one in perfect mandarin.

what other surprises are installed at his other fan meetings?






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this Song Song fanart!!:wub:

bf5ce9c7gw1f3u116rw99j20qo0qoadm.jpg[credit to the owner as tagged]


Everyone, kindly give full credit for the two latest Song Song pics to their rightful owner : SONG JOONGKI-ssi himself!! The captain of our ship! LOL :D 


[cr: @alittlerythm twitter]


Btw, tooooooo immature IG peeps are getting on my nerves!! Seriously, when are they going to stop????!!!! I am hopeless.. really!! Geez! Holding onto my patience though. phew!

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A couple of days ago, I can't seem to find the the post here, someone ask SJK, what you would tell SHK or something along those line and he said "I haven't seen you in a really long time"

But he said he just saw her 2 days ago when he explained the picture!lol so clearly.... 

Well you guys fill in the blanks lol :wub:


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Morning Comrades! It's 7.28am here to be exact and i'm still on cloud 9 from what happened in SJK Beijing FM last night:wub:

Just thought of dropping by before i'm off to work later. @AuroraRain, thanks for sharing the fanart, i see love when i see those precious and priceless pics of uri SongSong! @ssnooow, thanks also for sharing those pics! BTW, we really miss uri @Chewy Hoe! We miss your post/insight/opinions, looking forward to your post :) And yes, also to @sigang!

Last but not least, @joongkyo, thanks for coming back and always reminding us on not to go overboard with our post in order to protect our beautiful SS couple. Really appreciate that! We'll do our best to keep on sailing in a good vibes!

Have a good day, everyone! Please fill this thread with more :wub::wub::wub:

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Ugh more speculations are sprouting in other SNS HEY LURKERS AND MEMBERS OF THIS BOARD CAN WE JUST SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE FOR NOW? Yeah speculating is fun but it's more fun when it is supported by hard evidences and for pete's sake stop asking their friends if they are real or to post pictures and for the love of all things holy stop asking hye kyo to marry him or admit that they are together or post a pic...in short stop looking like fools. 


Sorry for this bad vibes post but seriously...it's irritating. SJK already gave us something to spazz about so just focus on that and stop bombarding SHK and her friends. 


I don't know if I'll be reprimanded with this post but IT NEEDS TO BE SAID.



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11 hours ago, merry151 said:

Update from SJK fm:

Never before seen pictures are being shown

-A picture of SHK, SJK, and YAI was shown with all of them posing very closely. YAI invited both of them together for a meetup. He said that this was a few days before he came to beijing. While talking about the photo, he said that SHK-ssi is very petite so her face always looks small in photos

Best 3 scenes:

- (3)Blood type scene, (2) apologize or confess, (1) "then save him"

Regarding the wine kiss scene, he said he was really nervous and had a few NGs. The MC asked him if he did NG on purpose. Seeing the fans reaction, he jokingly said, "Yes, it was on purpose!"



OMG, I'm still back reading. I can't follow the tread last night. And this, this is... let me scream first, KYAAAAAAA!!!

Thanks so much for this @merry151 :love: Scream some more, kyaaaaaa...my heart, please be still. Calm down, calm down... 

Continue back reading... 

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