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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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6 minutes ago, finickyfray said:


people on insta should chill really, no need to speculate so much for now. they gonna give it to us anyway :phew:


 Sorry to cut your post, i agree with you,,stop speculating when the facts is lay on the table for us,,i forgot who said that whether its Chewy eoni or who,, sorry i borrow your sentence :)


my dinner :P i keep on delaying cooking

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Oh btw SHK just posted on a public IG. On the drama that she helped to promote afew days ago..her caption "thank you"


she's on IG. I saw a lot of users tagging her on the fan meet btw.....wonder how she will feel

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19 minutes ago, lovely_skham_stv said:

Wow what a morning! Thank you for the pictures!

I love that 2 out of the 6 pictures that were shown..... are IDENTICAL [He looks like he's about to kiss her forehead or something and she is definitely leaning more towards SJK in all the pictures. Love Love Love.... What a beautiful day/night!

4 out of the 6 pictures have a direct tie to SHK! YES lets keep on shipping!!. Thank you all for the updates :)



Look at the last photo in Greece (ship), SHK got similar photo in her IG. Not sure if they are same ship. :D


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the host asked did u really taste the wine during the wine kiss ? joong ki : just a little . host : did u ng on purpose ? jk : no i didn't do it on purpose .Hahhha okay i just did it on purpose .What ? what do uguys want.Hahaha . Cr : on that link above

ps : Omg joong ki...U really something hehhehe . I love u 

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Guys..it's 5:45am and I should be sleeping but the explosive pics sjk shared just did it for me. Can we request to have a pic of just them 2 pls?? Lol...I'm not greedy...just 1!!! I should be happy that he actually shared it publicly. I can just see them announcing to the whole world soon...maybe at the Baeksang awards?!  *delulu mode* now...nite everyone! 

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And WOW!!! SHK unnie, what a really really right-timing for you to update your IG!! :phew:

This "SJK attending a public event and SHK updating her IG around the same time" really has become such a usual thing for us to look forward to lol


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I just want to say to all the shippers. Why do we even need to dig around for clues for a lovestagram?.

SJK is busy showing pictures at his fan meeting in China, all we need to do is grab some pop-corn and ice cream. Just sit back and enjoy, we don't need to speculate like shippers of other OTPs. Our OTP will share things with us in good time :)


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WAAAAAAH! today's a great day for songsong shippers <333333 i think i saw someone say the photos came from his own phone? now i wonder how many more he's hiding omygosh. i bet he has pics of him and hyekyo only but i guess they need yai to cover up for them hehehee ofc he'd only share the ones with yai. anyways i love that even though sjk is REALLY REALLY REALLY busy they can still spend time w/ friends together aw. 


btw is there a masterpost of shk and sjk'a circle of friends? studio concrete and tmi(????) because ive read this thhread from start to finish but i cant seem o memorize their names ahahaha. 

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5 minutes ago, lov3kikyo said:

credits: kikyo_cn_official

The host asked: what is your wish?

audience: SHK!!!!!!

SJK: :) *blush smile*

and wow, not denied but smile? hahaha, we know that you know we know :wub:

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