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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@missandrea ah I was watching that ytd but wasn't sure if it's entire thing? Nonetheless refreshing to watch it again and think bout HK all over again! Thanks for sharing! 

@ilovesjk liking all em 3 theories kk and I can't decide which theory is favourite! This why @joongkyo is the team's sherlock, totally didn't catch on the coffee cup! Thanks for that bit and getting us happy aha! 

@hyukgu @Prentiss ahjussi and JT gifs making me laugh in the morning here! Thanks! 

It's Tuesday for me here already, hope it'll be a good happy day for everyone here! *positive happy vibes OHMMMMMMM* :)


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Good morning people!

Kudos to that trained eye of our captain, now just the thought of them sharing that coffee at the party....and how he went out to buy them like a BF would makes me :) 

I kept thinking then why would the host leave the party halfway to get desserts and coffee and now it's all clear 

Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo our Song Song is irreplaceable 


May all of you start your day with a :) thinking of them 

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Congrats to all who are nominated in DOTS, hope that all will be receiving the awards.:):):). I love both shk and sjk acting skills, they really portray kmy and ysj well. Not forgetting the script writers who have come out with such good lines (should I confess or apologized) for them to act. Their directors deserve the compliment too as from those behind scenes, such as the wine scene, the scene where sjk making fun of shk when saluting to block her and adding shk drunk scene.. All these contributes to the success of DOTS. Really hope all of them got the awards! 

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5 hours ago, joongkyo said:

@hyukgu Actually, what I am thinking is that there are two possible scenarios - Given how the restaurant looks, they wouldn't be selling coffee and definitely not in one those paper coffee cups-to-go. So!

A. SHK wasn't drinking that night - remember when we heard that SJK went out to buy desserts?. He must have gone out to get her something to eat and drink, which is when he also got the two of them some coffee.. Which is such an adorable BF thing to do.

B. He was sitting with her the whole time --- lol, and they basically didn't let anyone take pictures when they were together. Again, sitting together in a restaurant and not letting people take pictures of the two of you together is another couple thing to do...hehe.

Basically, they were doing cute couple stuff. Which we shippers adore and love~


Im sure that you talk bout private party which been held on 1st April right?

If im not mistaken arent he left that event early since he got a schedule next morning?:phew: (Correct me im wrong lol)


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I know the Hongki thing was a while ago already, but I still wanted to say something about it.

Laughing and praising Hongki for his SHK obsession, while simulataneously hating Seolhyun for doing that to SJK is quite hypocritical and sexist.

I don't like her constantly mentioning him either, but I don't get why Hongki is "soooo cute" while doing it to SHK (in a more creepy way imo). So if we prohibit each other from posting SH stuff, let's do the same for others then.

This may not make sense since I've had a few beers lol, but I mean well. It's a double standard.

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@alleverything maybe because LHK doesn't brag about he being fan boy of SHK on every occasion unlike the other actress who always mention SJK almost everytime in her tv/interview appearance? Well that's just my opinion though CMIIW 

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40 minutes ago, alleverything said:

I know the Hongki thing was a while ago already, but I still wanted to say something about it.

Laughing and praising Hongki for his SHK obsession, while simulataneously hating Seolhyun for doing that to SJK is quite hypocritical and sexist.

I don't like her constantly mentioning him either, but I don't get why Hongki is "soooo cute" while doing it to SHK (in a more creepy way imo). So if we prohibit each other from posting SH stuff, let's do the same for others then.

This may not make sense since I've had a few beers lol, but I mean well. It's a double standard.

yes, i think you got the point. i notice that 'we' constantly being bias/sexist when it comes to the fangirl but when it comes to the fanboy 'we' completely okay with it.thank you for highlighting this and much appreciated.


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On 4/15/2016 at 4:44 AM, utkim said:

Hi all

My 1st thought of this ship :phew:

I'm first and foremost a shk fan and I consider myself not as an avid shipper, I'm more a MY-SJ hardshipper, but learns to love shk-SJK as a couple as well. Frankly, I am a rational type who believes in evidence than shipping a couple in a drama bcos of their onscreen chemistry, I have never done that before and have no plan for that in the future...it's tiresome. I don't have much imaginations in my mind and isn't the type who likes to speculate either. I never thought before the incident in NYC that I should ever visit this shipper thread though :lol:But since I really have  problems to buy the  NYC incident as a coincident encounter though coincidence do happen,  I cannot buy this one as much as i want to. I don't know what their relationship right now, but one thing is certainly for me that they are more than common friend.

I've been a fan of SHK over 10 years and has cried a lot over the years through the difficult times she had esp the time Kyo and HB break up. She was a lot in China and also had her korean movie *Today* at that time  and HB with SG. Kyo got a lot of bashings and nonsense comments from everywhere. It was the time where every day there were tons of crap reports about her and while Binnie was up there in the moon, she was down in hell :tears:. It was not Binnie's faults of cos, perhaps  they were just not meant for each other...we are outsiders and we dun know the truth, but i could understand for somehow why the break up  * sighs *. I think most shk fans were heartbroken as i was and we understand how hurtful and tough time she had and  that was the price for having an open relationship . Kyo has talked many times then that she will never be open if she is in a relationship anymore and I understand that and supports her 1000%. I don't expect anything from them at this time honestly . In fact, I kind of relieved for the PC today, I can understand based on sjk's interview which posted at the Dots thread that he did not want his private should be exposed to the media, which I  completely have understanding for why he was saying so. Somehow i feel he was protecting Kyo as well and i'm thankful for that, I don't think we could hear anything from them soon unless they are ready and i am all for this. They don't need this kind of exposure. I think we should just be glad if we can get occasionally hints that they are out to eat with friends or they still share the same stylish. Such small hint is more than enough for me and i'm not even an avid shipper :lol: . I'm happy as long as they are happy.

I love both and want both 2 the best in life whether they are in rel or not...i believe they are more than friends though.

I'm a quietly shipper :P

very well said utkim when i read your post  my tears went down because i love Kyo so much and if she is hurting inside we are her fans also hurt and i pity her when some of her anti saying bad things about her i will forever protecting her and praying to God that the man she will end up will give her all the happiness in the world she deserve it and to be love by her partner to be,God will always there for her, god bless you utkim


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lol if HK starts using SHK name in vain just like how SH is using SJK, I am pretty sure there will be backlash too! 

Using his name like a broken record as compared to sleeping beside her pillow in a freak way are totally 2 different things 

i am not at all bothered by these 2 as Long as they don't come here lol 

Added: I forgot to say that I don't think HK was being a cute fan boy at all!!! He is just totally being WEIRD 

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57 minutes ago, MiAmour said:


Im sure that you talk bout private party which been held on 1st April right?

If im not mistaken arent he left that event early since he got a schedule next morning?:phew: (Correct me im wrong lol)


I think he left around 3am. Not exactly early. Lol

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1 hour ago, o2bubble said:

This is not the first time I'm shipping but I have high hopes for our couple. This is just my observation, and some may disagree with me, which is fine; I mean, we can agree to disagree and still be virtual friends right? after all, we have our SONG2X hearts that bind us all together. I can only comment on the chemistry of Kyo with her last 2 drama leading men. Kyo, she makes her leading men look great, I feel like she has this innate gift of bringing the best out of the people she works with. My guess is that, for their part, the actors who are already good at their craft, also do their best knowing that it's Kyo they are working with. They have to at least measure up to her level. 

I also got addicted to TWTWB and really believed that Oh2 couple could be destined for each other hehehe. Out of my love for them both, I even decided to have my 1st solo travel to South Korea and was uncaring with how I looked like when I took selfies with the huge billboards of InSung. Yeah, I was that crazy. But then, DOTS happened. Believe me, I'm about one of the most loyal follower/fan a celebrity can have (hahaha I think), but suddenly, my shipping heart was singing a whole new tune. woohoo, Song2x couple for the win!!! So for now, my Oh2x hopes are taking a back seat.

Looking at the BTS, I can feel how SJK almost always wanted/want to make Kyo laugh. In his attempts to do that, he ends up looking really shy and cute ... and this one, sorry, I'm gonna say this in the most nonchalant way I can - the tension (if you know what I mean) between these two was/is palpable (roll bts - wine kiss blocking; SJK wearing that white shirt). 

Again, this is my personal observation, I hope I have not offended anyone. Happy sailing!


Totally agree!!! Oh the tension! ;)

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6 hours ago, joongkyo said:

@hyukgu Actually, what I am thinking is that there are two possible scenarios - Given how the restaurant looks, they wouldn't be selling coffee and definitely not in one those paper coffee cups-to-go. So!

A. SHK wasn't drinking that night - remember when we heard that SJK went out to buy desserts?. He must have gone out to get her something to eat and drink, which is when he also got the two of them some coffee.. Which is such an adorable BF thing to do.

B. He was sitting with her the whole time --- lol, and they basically didn't let anyone take pictures when they were together. Again, sitting together in a restaurant and not letting people take pictures of the two of you together is another couple thing to do...hehe.

Basically, they were doing cute couple stuff. Which we shippers adore and love~

@ilovesjk I never thought of 3rd option - HEY, that's the most couplish thing to do!!... I want option 3, please!!...hehehe


Again, please PM me your grievances.

Loving all these theories!! Gives me the energy to start my work week :D

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