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@Chewy Hoe Unnie, you know about the J.Estina lawsuit?. Since PBG is endorsing them now, I don't think he can mention SHK without it angering the company. Sigh...what a complete mess. Completely disappointed in J.Estina.

Also - SHK is flying out of Phuket back for Seoul at 1 A.M tonight. Looks like she has to go back and handle this legal mess.

@liln thanks for letting me know about SHK's flight plans.


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oh man!! After reading Joongkyo Pm, I want to say: J.Estina you cannot do this to Kyo after all she is the key to your sales hitting skyrocket! I am sure Kyo will win this! Kyo hwaiting!! 

And why PBG it must have been so awkward for him to face SJK ahhhhh I don't know..,..anymore 

Let @joongkyo decide if she wants this in the main. It's her call. But everyone is dying from withdrawal symptoms now so any news is news ya know what I mean 

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Read a funny article translated by Kkuljaem:


Mydaily -Nate: 'Virgin ghost' smitten with Song Joong Ki?... Spirit in a photo becomes a trending topic 

1. [+401, -7] It came out looking like a ghost but it's nothing

2. [+312, -9] A trending topic? How so?

3. [+244, -14] That's a ghost??? If it is, it must be a sign that something daebak is going to happen

4. [+28, -3] Doesn't look like a ghost no matter how I look at it. Song Joong Ki's handsome~ That's all I see

5. [+22, -4] I can't see anything else, just a handsome Song Joong Ki

6. [+17, -3] It's shaped more like a gorilla

7. [+16, -5] I only see Song Joong Ki ♥

8. [+13, -2] Can't even tell where the face or the head of the ghost is

English Translation by Kkuljaem

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Since, I received some queries regarding the Lawsuit. Posting information here just to make things clear for fans, please don't take this out of the thread. 

J.Estina is this jewellery brand that SHK was endorsing and they also sponsored parts of the drama, hence all that product placement in the drama. Viewers and fans all presumed that SHK was still the face of J.Estina because of the continued use of her images by the company to sell their products, especially the special line of jewellery that was made for KMY's character in DOTS. Unfortunately, it turns out the contract was over in 2016 January, they didn't renew her contract but instead hired Kim Yuna and PBG. Sadly, the brand continued to use her brand ambassador's image both online and in physical stores despite the contract ending 4 months ago.

The public was not made aware of this contract having ended so when everyone saw DOTS, people presumed SHK was still the brand ambassador which is why the sales for the jewellery brand went up and even their stock prices shot up as earlier reported.

SHK's agency has therefore decided to sue J.Estina and if they win, they will use the damages paid by J.estina to donate it to a fashion school.

Sadly, what is most disappointing is that J.Estina tried to drag up SHK's tax issue today. They reported that after SHK signed the contract in 2014, they were disappointed as the tax scandal came up later and according to them this made SHK's role as brand ambassador is ineffective/didn't add value to their brand.

Considering this had nothing to do with SHK's tax issue which was long resolved in 2012 , this is just a tacky attempt on J.Estina's part to remind the public of SHK's past misfortunes and to sway the public sentiment against her.

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19 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

I want to say: J.Estina you cannot do this to Kyo after all she is the key to your sales hitting skyrocket! I am sure Kyo will win this! Kyo hwaiting!! 


I just found out today that SHK unnie's contract with J. Estina is ended already, I thought she would be her ambassador alongside with PBG but after reading she's going to file a lawsuit, woah.... I wish SHK can win this too. That brand is going too much for still using her image to increase their sales :huh:

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@joongkyo Thanks for that detailed info. I hope the public will see through J.Estina's machinations. The tax issue is very irrelevant to the case, and I hope they receive a lot of backlash from fans of the show. She added value to their brand when DOTS is airing, so, why couldn't they extend or renew her contract? 

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8 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

@hyukgu Dongseang I would like to think it's just a reflective curtain? Lol and after blowing up, it looks like a BOY ET 


LOL I cannot even see clearly whose reflection is there, unnie ahahaha I just love to see Knetz's reaction: ghost is not important there, handsome SJK is the most important one ahahaha :lol:

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5 minutes ago, angieknows said:

@joongkyo Thanks for that detailed info. I hope the public will see through J.Estina's machinations. The tax issue is very irrelevant to the case, and I hope they receive a lot of backlash from fans of the show. She added value to their brand when DOTS is airing, so, why couldn't they extend or renew her contract? 


Because the contract was over in January, 2016 which was before the drama was aired. They obviously had no idea how successful the drama was going to be and decided to cash in on SHK's fame in that shameless and underhand manner. I'm sure they wanted to renew the contract in February but by then they had already signed Kim Yuna and usually big stars only agree to individual promotions. I am truly disgusted by J.Estina's blatant disregard for contractual rights....I thought they were a respectable brand.


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@angieknows I could be wrong here..but I think her contract ended before DotS started airing. Their loss. If only they knew DotS would be this successful..perhaps they would've extended her contract. Well I'm just glad they didn't renew it. Seeing how they're handling this matter...I don't wish to see her endorsing the brand again. 

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16 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Considering this had nothing to do with SHK's tax issue which was long resolved in 2012 , this is just a tacky attempt on J.Estina's part to remind the public of SHK's past misfortunes and to sway the public sentiment against her.


This is going too far, and irrelevant tho :huh: Filing a lawsuit is the best move to make them realized how many damages they have created to SHK.


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Wow. What a cheap shot J.Estina used.  First up, they are wrong for using her even after the contract ended. So when you are being sued, you dig up old dirt on people. That is really really darn cheap. Considering the fact that DOTS has helped you sell so much of your products. Can we actually air our woes and throw support to SHK in J.Estina's page (FB or IG or whatever). What they are doing is NOT right nor fair. Perhaps if our voices can shake them a bit and they will not use the tax thing against SHK. Some more the awards is just around the corner. 

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Eh everyone later more and more people will see this lawsuit thingy later in this thread and and gentle reminder that we must stay calm and not BASH the said company HERE because we don't want to get sued too lol plus now with the mods paying attention we want to be very careful. I have been so toned down with my comments even though I am so mad. 

Now only thing Kyo needs is love and support!! 

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5 minutes ago, applegirl2 said:

Thks @joongkyo that is super despicable of jestina for bringing up the tax scandal !! Esp with baeksang ard the corner ..

Read knetz are supporting kyo .. hope more voices will come out and support her.. 

I'm truly disgusted at That company 



Glad to hear that knetz are on her side. What are they saying though? Thank you for the info

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Just now, CatWhiskers said:

 Some more the awards is just around the corner. 


This is my BIGGEST worry.

Honestly, what happens in the court is beyond our control. But with award seasons less than a month away, this sort of publicity will not be seen as the "correct sort of publicity" that respectable award shows would want attached to their name.

I'm just really worried about the Baeksang awards at this point.

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@joongkyo thank you for sharing the information

SHK did the right thing by suing them.  Endorsing a product in a drama is one thing, but the constant use of her image without the proper consent is a different thing entirely....It is regrettable tough that the situation has to came out during baeksaeng award... 

@applegirl2 thank you for pointing it out that the K-nets are mostly supportive... 





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