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18 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Also, since when does SJK listen to super sappy songs like Kiss Goodbye and Like a Child?.hehehe.... I love how SS's friends keep dropping clues along the way. Super supportive friends :D


They are all supportive to SS not only regarding their career but also love life aw

I am waiting the time LKS will drop hints too tho since he knows too much about SJK :lol:


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10 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Another of Kyo's friends updated IG with pictures, looks like they're staying at Sri Panwa Phuket Resorts. Thank you @applegirl2 for the tip :) 


What a beautiful resort! No doubt SHK and friends must have a relaxing vacation! :wub:

Anw I am curious with the caption: "vacation done right..." tho. Does it mean their holiday is gonna over already? lol. If yes, then SHK's stay in Thailand is just like her stay in HK a week before their HK PC. She's having holiday as well as checking the country her bf is going to come too :phew:

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One more thing to add on from my previous post bcuz i just cnt get enuf of that scene yet. The truck scene bts.

look at our beauty's left hand. When the director nim (?) direct them and while they're listenning, look at how comfortable uri beauty's hand is. First, it was touching with uri bigboss backhand and WHILE RESTING IT ON BIG BOSS LEG. Then after big boss leaning for a kiss , he have to hold uri beauty's face. look at uri beauty's left hand again! It was moving along with him and 'landed' well.  :wub: 

Please mind me bcuz i just cnt get enuf !

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to me, out of all the BTS these are the two scenes that were screaming out loud "these two have special feelings for each other"
the way SHK smiles while staring at him and her soft tone of voice tell me she really really likes him so much :)  
here I can almost feel how badly SJK wants to pull her closer and envelop her in his arms :wub:

and you can see in both scenes how the Director gets pushed aside by their sizzling chemistry :P  

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For the first time in years, I was finally able to talk to my Korean friend over the phone, and we spoke for over 2 hours. (Guess what the majority of the conversation was about? :phew: ) We've been corresponding through Kakaotalk and email prior to this, but today it was great to be able to hear each other's voice. And as I'm a Song Song shipper, I could get my answers to my Song Song questions a lot quicker. LOL. 

I actually have to get going, but I'll give you a quick peek into the exchange and write more about it later.

Let me preface it now that we know more about the K-ent happenings than my friend does because she's a busy person. She does her art during the day, and at night, she teaches English to adults in Gangnam. So, she lives in the real world as opposed to me who spends most of her time online. LOL.

Anyway, as we talked, she quickly caught herself up on the Song Song rumors, even finding the Chosun Ilbo article that @joongkyo translated for us. She raided Naver and looked at comments. She texted me a link to one of the pages she referred to: http://m.kin.naver.com/mobile/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=13&dirId=13040101&docId=249640497&qb=7Iah7KSR6riwIOyGoe2YnOq1kCDro6jrqLg=&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=1&search_sort=0&spq=1

As she's a Korean living in Korea, I wanted to get her perspective, and I didn't even have to ask her about what the media is doing. She offered her own observation/take on how the media and the general public (at least on the sites) seem to be treating the rumor. She feels there is this effort to protect the Songs, especially Song Hye Kyo. That made me think of @joongkyo's suspicions about Dispatch. My friend said that the comments or answers seem too uniform. Usually, they should be more diverse. There were comments that would ask about the veracity of the rumors, and basically, everyone seems to be saying to trust the media and what the actors' agencies have said. (One person said that her mother believes they are dating, but she was told not to listen to her mom and to trust the agencies. My thought was, a mom usually knows about these things.) I did tell her that I've read some positive and supportive comments about the Songs.

Despite what we see in dramas, she said that sometimes, Korean reporters (and the government) do censor and protect certain things from leaking to the public. (The following Radiolab broadcast is a tangential topic, but it might give you an understanding about how Dispatch runs things ... Listen to Radiolab's eye-opening podcast about Kpop and the birth of the paparazzi in Korea---yep, Dispatch. There's an interesting portion there about how Dispatch actually protected Ailee; they could have ruined her and suffered the backlash, but the Korean-American site AllKpop was the actual greedy one that's still feeling the effects of their unethical move. Culture definitely matters, and what I also learned is that there's really no free/independent press in Korea because reporters are still cautious about what they can cover, and they don't want to be blamed if there's a fallout. I think my friend expressed the same thoughts. Anyway, here's the broadcast: http://www.radiolab.org/story/kpoparazzi/) On the flip side, it is possible that Dispatch just doesn't have anything on the Songs or they just haven't caught them. But right now, there's really no way of knowing. And if they do have something or at least have a gut feeling, then, they're still probably investigating and keeping things close to the vest. In any case, the Songs can continue to enjoy their privacy :) 

I have more to say because while I filled her in on things, like I said, my friend enlightened me on a lot of other facets about her culture and why whatever special something Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki have will stay safe with their friends.

Also, one of her students is a cameraman for SBS, and specifically, he's been working on the set of Come back, Ahjussi. He actually hasn't been to class in the last couple of weeks because the drama was ending. LOL. I told her to ask him if he knows anyone who works for KBS or who worked on the set of DOTS. LOL. If so, to ask him how all the actors are since I'm a fan of the show. We'll see if he returns to class, and I hope he does ... Even if he works for another network, maybe he can have some insight into the rumors ...

I'll have more later. I have to jot down notes from our conversation; I don't want to forget a thing. There is no breaking news, but I just wanted to offer the thoughts  of a Korean and the general feel about the Songs in Korea. She also talked about the manner in which Joong Ki addresses Hye Kyo, but @joongkyo is already on point with that explanation :) 

Okay, see you guys around later. I'll try to add more then :) I wish I could have just recorded our conversation and share it with you guys. LOL. It was fun, and she indulged me. LOL.

Thanks for the updates!



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I'm not sure but I think it was mentioned here that SJK will be taking a few days off this April? April 20something onwards? Or am I just imagining things? delulu? lol

Anyway, if he is indeed taking a break (and I hope he does because he looks like he needs it badly :(), a nice way to spend his break would be to go on a vacation. You know, like in Phuket or something? Heehee. ;) Since someone he knows is already there, he can call her up and have dinner with her friends and whatnot. :wub: That's what close colleagues do, right? ;) 

Sounds familiar, eh? :phew: Oh my delulu mind. Lalalalalala

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@joongkyoyou really are amazing, girl.. to notice all these things.  The onew interaction completely escaped me. . And your point Abt sjk doing all this , just to show what a darling his girl is, to the public... are you sure you're not a mind reader? You've completely read sjk's true intentions I believe ..

And everyone. . Joongkyo has posted all this for us.. despite feeling under the weather. . Please give her a big virtual hug and kiss :wub:

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9 minutes ago, MrKobegiant said:

Just trying out my first post and answering a previous post. SJK sprained his knee and broke a small bone in his hand 

I love reading all the posts and certainly hopes they end up together.  He's smitten by her, that's obvious. But I want to put this out there because I am curious to see how many share my sentiments. 

We all know SJK went to NY and looked up SHK. Did anyone think that SJK confessed to her and SHK rejected him at that time and hence his initial restraint approach at the Korean PC? By the end of the PC somehow the old feelings returned. Hence, he was way more relaxed and confident around her in HK and probably started pursuing her again.  Then came Friday's BTS.  SHK must have been shocked to see how much of their feelings showed on screen and took off to Phuket to try and cool things down.  She can't afford to make another mistake at 35. SJK was not tired at Dior event.  He looked SAD. 

Apologies for the long post and please delete if this is trolling.  


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4 minutes ago, applegirl2 said:

@joongkyoyou really are amazing, girl.. to notice all these things.  The onew interaction completely escaped me. . And your point Abt sjk doing all this , just to show what a darling his girl is, to the public... are you sure you're not a mind reader? You've completely read sjk's true intentions I believe ..

And everyone. . Joongkyo has posted all this for us.. despite feeling under the weather. . Please give her a big virtual hug and kiss :wub:

Here's for you, joongkyo, from all of us! A BIG hug  bighugand a wave  wavegroup

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i cannot say i am a songsong/kikyo shipper. in fact many times i secretly shipped our SHK with other goodlooking costars and colleagues too. but since i am a loyal viewer of DOTS and a diehard kyonatic, i am really enjoying my visits here in this thread. whatever the outcome of this ship, i know that we all want our favorite stars to be happy and loved. and if that happiness and love would come from each other, then let this ship sail forever. All aboard :-))))

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4 minutes ago, MrKobegiant said:

I love reading all the posts and certainly hopes they end up together.  He's smitten by her, that's obvious. But I want to put this out there because I am curious to see how many share my sentiments. 

We all know SJK went to NY and looked up SHK. Did anyone think that SJK confessed to her and SHK rejected him at that time and hence his initial restraint approach at the Korean PC? By the end of the PC somehow the old feelings returned. Hence, he was way more relaxed and confident around her in HK and probably started pursuing her again.  Then came Friday's BTS.  SHK must have been shocked to see how much of their feelings showed on screen and took off to Phuket to try and cool things down.  She can't afford to make another mistake at 35. SJK was not tired at Dior event.  He looked SAD. 

Apologies for the long post and please delete if this is trolling.  


Are you wrote a new script for Dots2???hihihi

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@joongkyo omg another one, you're amazing and please go rest! :) and like you posted yesterday and what most of us have realised and rewatched the bts again after your posts, just reiterates the subtle ways SJK takes to show to everyone SHK's personality and showing his girl off to the world like a proud bf he is. He's already doing this subtly via interviews and directing others to offer their praises of SHK, and we're already cooing at his efforts.. so I can't imagine how he'll be like if one day their true relationship status is revealed and if he freely praises her, grinning from ear to ear, it's just gonna be too sweet for us to handle!

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