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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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You always be the captain in this ship @joongkyo. Sharp eye! You even know how PBY reaction about our lovely song2. Thank you for all the positive and good news here. We owe you so much. :blush:

And thank you for all the troopers here. Can't say the name one by one. But i love everyone in this thread, especially with the true shipper. hahaha

Good night from here, btw i'm from Indonesia. Keep sailing!

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12 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Omg @ilovesjk I wrote a huge descriptive post about SS's interactions and the sort of "tone and language" they used because I wanted everyone to have a better understanding of their interaction. SOOMPI ATE MY POST!. Dammmit!

There is a lot of stuff that doesn't get translated into the subs.

Now I have to type it all again! *Weeping and typing*


Praying you've found the will to rewrite that again TT________TT. Hoping I'll find it in the next pages. 

Hoping to read you confirming the t-shirt is different too, that grey t-shirt. Because if it's true, I might crash and really write a rated Song2 fic.

I rather not, though, really. I don't wanna trespass the limit of my sanity.


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21 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

 SHE is the one who goes out of her way to coordinate with the director, she says she will do the bulk of the shootings while he's injured. Actually this MEANS A LOT, you see the shooting could have been deferred after all the cast wouldn't have expected SHK to continuously work non-stop and nobody would have made such a request of her. But however the fact that she offered to do so, a big part of it for me is because she didn't want people on the set to have any ill feelings towards SJK and secondly she didn't want him to be at home worrying about what the crew was going through while he recovered. By doing so she's taking care of him in two ways - protecting his image on set and making sure that he doesn't have to worry about the delay in shooting. To me this speaks volumes about HOW MUCH she cares about him, she could have easily have asked the shoot to be postponed for the two weeks that SJK was recovering from the injury but she didn't, do you see why?


And now, the drama has ended, SHE still shows her caring toward HIM (i.e. letting her stylist to accompany SJK even though that's not related directly with HER at all) :phew:

SHK. The more we find out her awesome personality, the more we fall in love with her!


Credit: as tagged.

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11 hours ago, angelicXD said:

SJK is teasing her about her taking the wine! He's saying that is so Hye Kyo. The real Song Hye Kyo. Hahhah she has to tell him to stop teasing her. 

So, do they the staffs take them talking to each other in that aegyo way as sibling? That's super weird. 


SJK-ssi, you mean you watched this real SHK when she's drunk WHEN YOU WERE DRINKING WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND DOTS CAST OR CREW, RIGHT?



*strangling the world's current favorite Korean guy*

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16 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Before I post my other translations, this is a she she she post. I think @Chewy Hoe unnie might agree with me.

During the part in the BTS where SJK is talking about his injuries, let's draw a comparison between the Director and SHK.

The director talks about SJK's nature and his will/drive to film action scenes on his own and talks about how SJK came back on set after two weeks even though his leg hadn't healed and he was unable to walk. SJK responds saying that he's apologetic to the Director for the inconvenience he caused. From this interaction itself one understands that the two view each other as colleagues, therefore  while the Directors respects SJK's commitment , SJK is apologetic to a colleague for the changes in shooting that his injury caused. It's not like the Director talks about SJK's emotions at that point of time nor is SJK overly explanatory about his apology. 

However, we see the next part and while it's SJK who is doing the talking - the actions being described are that of SHK.

  • SHE calls HIM
  • SJK says, SHK knows his personality - which means SHK is someone who has taken the time and effort to understand SJK, and even as a SJK fan I can see that his personality isn't the easiest to decipher. The fact that he knows that she knows him means that SHK definitely definitely TOOK AN ACTIVE INTEREST IN HIM.
  • SHE is the one to reach out to him and comfort him when he's at his worst, she is worried that he is feeling bad that he allowed himself to get into an accident but her foremost concern is to offer him comfort and she's worried that he's feeling guilty.
  • SHE is the one who said she UNDERSTANDS HIM, but told him he shouldn't beat himself up over the accident and asked him to concentrate on feeling better. (this shows a deeper concern for him rather than shooting. Honestly, if he was just another colleague she could have just been really irritated that his injury would mean extra work for everyone, instead her first instinct is to comfort him which shows their relationship and feelings towards one another).
  •  SHE is the one who goes out of her way to coordinate with the director, she says she will do the bulk of the shootings while he's injured. Actually this MEANS A LOT, you see the shooting could have been deferred after all the cast wouldn't have expected SHK to continuously work non-stop and nobody would have made such a request of her. But however the fact that she offered to do so, a big part of it for me is because she didn't want people on the set to have any ill feelings towards SJK and secondly she didn't want him to be at home worrying about what the crew was going through while he recovered. By doing so she's taking care of him in two ways - protecting his image on set and making sure that he doesn't have to worry about the delay in shooting. To me this speaks volumes about HOW MUCH she cares about him, she could have easily have asked the shoot to be postponed for the two weeks that SJK was recovering from the injury but she didn't, do you see why?

i see why why. i can see sparks in her eyes when their eyes met. she approach him and she care for him. she compliment him. she pat him lovingly. she joke with him. a lot of other moments @Chewy Hoe i'll wait for urs :) 

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@joongkyo Thank you for your breakdown of the SongSong BTS! I have to go and give that scene another watch! My limited understanding of Korean is such a pity. Please keep them coming! And PBY is so cute! She totally ships SongSong! I remember during runningman days when she appeared as a guest, she hated when SJK stood next to Song Ji Hyo and demanded them to be separated because she shipped Monday Couple. LOL. I think she may have been let in on a clue or two about SongSong since she's close to LKS. In fact, I have a feeling SongSong's relationship isn't a secret amongst people in the entertainment business. 

So I wanted to weigh in on the topic of when SongSong started to get close since it's evident they were familiar at the script reading already. In my opinion, I believe SHK when she said they occasionally bumped into each other at cafes and whatnot, following the times they met on the set of TWTWB. They probably frequent the same places since they have mutual friends and/or acquaintances but I don't think they were close since then.

During the 3 months prior to SJK's military discharge, he made sure to utilize all his vacation days. Though it was not known to the public, kiailes knew that he had been meeting up with SHK and writernim to discuss and fine tune the script. I personally think the two got familiar during these more intimate meetings but not to the point of being in a relationship or even trying to pursue one. I'd say an appropriate label for them at that point would be "close colleagues".

Now when did SJK start making his moves like actually telling her he'd like them to be something more? I say after filming wrapped up. Of course mutual attraction was shown during filming but I doubt it was anything they forwardly admitted to at the time. I wouldn't be surprise if they saw each other every day after that though because SJK was nursing his injuries and had no schedule and SHK was also resting. And thanks to joongkyo, it seems like SHK was dog sitting LKS's sister's pup.

During filming, it was a casual thing for the cast to share meals and I see SongSong smoothly transitioning that to be a normal thing in their daily lives, at the same time both parties meeting each other favorably. I'd like to call this stage the getting to know each other as Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo and not Yoo Si Jin and Kang Mo Yeon stage. Why I don't think they were a couple during filming? I feel that though they were very close in the BTS, I sense some reservations they still had that if they were a couple they wouldn't have had. 

When they officially became an item? I personally believe it was when SJK busted his sangnamja move and flew across the world to be with SHK in February, the month of love. At this rate, there clearly wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her and I felt she can agree to this! That's my take on it. 

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Firstly, this account proves that SHK was there with the medical team on the 20th of April [NO MORE DOUBTS OR SPECULATION NECESSARY.] PLEASE REFER TO THE DATE OF THE AUTOGRAPH.

Secondly, since when does SHK give autographs on pictures of her with SJK?. I've never seen such a thing, stars only give autographs on individual pictures.

Thirdly, MORE PICTURES!!.... I AM DEAD!!!!.



#태양의후예 #송혜교 #맛집 #강모연 #太陽之子 #혜교의맛집 #내일은무슨사진?

#DOTS #SHK #FamousRestraurant #DOTS(Japanese) #HyeKyo'sRestaurant #What_picture_will_I_post_tomorrow?

zigai.41.20.166@mark_ryu0621 우와....이 사진을 누가 가져 왔는데요??

zigai.41.20.166@mark_ryu0621 Wow..... who brought this picture to you/how did you get a hold of this picture ?

mark_ryu0621@zigai.41.20.166 혜교씨요...몇장더있어요 기대하세요

mark_ryu0621@zigai.41.20.166 Hye Kyo-shi....there are more picture, please look forward to them.

zigai.41.20.166@mark_ryu0621 우와... 이미 2장인데... 다른 사진을 또 있었어요??? 기대할게요...(emoticons)

zigai.41.20.166@mark_ryu0621 Wow... these pictures itself are great already... There is another picture? I am looking forward to it!

zigai.41.20.166@mark_ryu0621 근대요 사징님...@/songjoongkionly는 송중기의 인스타 아닙니다...

zigai.41.20.166@mark_ryu0621 By the way Owner (with respect).. the account you're following @/songjoongkionly is not his real account..





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here's another nice MV from Vitriana...the one who made an MV featuring the very first PC and has garnered over 1.5 million views...

BGM---Like a Child


by the way...thank you very much @joongkyo (and the rest) for the EFFORTS...I should be sleeping by now..but here I am waiting for updates... 

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To expand on @joongkyo post, from her findings to my own observations 

It's obvious she very much likes to share with he( did you see her sharing with other he's before Ki??) 

-she agrees to eating in New York with he when he calls which she didn't have to because you get indigestion from eating with people you don't like and no one in the world would know you rejected he because only you and he knows but you choose to tell us 

-she shares her friends with he 

-she shares Long time personal hairstylist with he 

-she mobilise her UAA team for he 

-she even shares Ellen park with he

-she probably shares more drinks than you think with he( I don't even know she likes to drink this often)

-she is not shy to always say nice things or compliements he and she didn't have to do that just because she is being professional as a co-star or for promotion sake because DOTS needs no promoting at all 

-she calls to comfort he when he is down and needed to halt from filming 

-she aegyo he with body language 

-she acts like a child infront of he ( I don't even see this side when she is with other co-stars) 

-she don't understand why he had to ask his mum before the truck kiss since they are already so close? (Lol ok this one is a teaser)

-she laughs at everything he says 

Last but not least 

She looks much happier and smiles much more these days ever since he came along!! Isn't this what everyone wants to see? 

P.S. I will add somemore when I am more sober or think of anything ya lol 


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11 hours ago, joongkyo said:


1:16:44 SJK uses noona for the first and only time, he said he received a call from Hye Kyo noona if you noticed he pauses after that and says that she's someone who understands his real personality, so she reached out to him and told him not to feel any guilt and immediately at 1:16:50 he calls her HK-shi (it didn't take even 6 seconds for SJK to change the way he addresses her..I can see that it's a constant struggle for SJK to be addressing her in a *correct way*. There is absolutely no consistency in the interview unlike the actual scenes where he calls her Hye Kyo and Song Hye Kyo.)

The hair tying scene - SJK says arasso and doesn't use the more formal arassoyo or aragesimida, which means "Okay , I understand" but in this situation it also means "Okay, got it don't keep nagging me". You know when couples nag at each other?. Yeah, like that. Then he says Khaman isso which is again banmal, but it's more than just banmal -it's an instruction or an order when you tell someone to stay still and not move. It'd be really weird for a junior/dongsaeng to be taking that tone with someone if they weren't in some kind of a relationship. If you see Koreans take seniority of age very seriously and it's weird that he doesn't even address her as noona in that situation because if he had then at least the banmal would make more sense and seem more normal. (If he had said noona and then used banmal after that then it would show that he's close to this noona and she's allowed him to drop formal titles/language between them.)

The conversation continues with him asking her if he's doing a good job (mind you , this whole conversation is in banmal tone and more than that can you make out his tone?. It's not like that of someone who considers himself to be a dongsaeng) and she says yes, to which SJK replies "If that's the case then why don't you use complimentary words to ecourage me" it basically means that she should be giving him positive re-inforcement which would result in him doing a better job. Again, such a couple thing to say. ..It's just like when you're having a hard day at school/work and you ask your BF to say something nice to make you feel better. It was obvious that he was struggling with the hair tying scene and he really needed her to say he was doing a good job.



@joongkyo Thank you for rewriting this post and didn't give up though Soompi ate the previous one you typed. 

This might sound pointless to you, but thank you so much for shipping Song2 couple. Really. Thank you 1000x.

I hope you'll get a personal fanmeeting with Song2 couple. Or if that's too ambitious, may you get something only a little less good than that. 

My Korean skills is close to zero and I got it only from watching Korean dramas, but I'm happy I understand the difference of banmal and jeondemal. That's why I'm so giddy when SJK speaks banmal with SHK. It's huge. 

"I can see that it's a constant struggle for SJK to be addressing her in a *correct way*. "

This makes me giddy. ACKKKKKKKKKK!!!

Anyway, I also love his tone when he's speaking to her too. Sometimes he sounds very gentle. Different with the way he talked about other people and to other people in the BTS.

Ah, Song2 is love, indeed!



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@applegirl2 @joongkyo thankyou both of you. jjang. thumbs up thumbs up

@Chewy Hoe FINALLY AHHH so great super agree. she she she did a lot of things huh? i think the list she do will get longer in the near future. :) 

time to bed. thankyou guys for making today extraordinary. i will be out the whole day tomorrow. so let me spazz tmrw night. see yall!

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