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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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19 minutes ago, alleverything said:


that one also says the special episodes are on the 27th and 28th, which is incorrect because they already aired lol


Ops i missed to see it .  Too focused on words the epilogue there .  Ahhh maybe it 's from kbsworld tv   They aired rather late on KBS2 .  hmmm so it is definitely tonight is the epilogue :  bts and ng . yeyy

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2 hours ago, ~*kYo*~ said:


Thanks for the hug gifs :wub: I wonder if SHK wears perfume (you know how you would usually spritz it on your neck/behind your ear), I actually submitted that as a question for SHK to Kpop Herald (unfortunately it wasn't asked---I guess it's kinda too personal hehe). But she does look like she would smell nice (pardon my bias). And lowering his neck like that actually requires more effort on his part, but it does make the hug that much more intimate :wub:

 I read somewhere that SHK likes to collect perfumes so I guess she wears perfume

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7 hours ago, joongkyo said:


Best school for giving such sound advice to young boys growing up. Cheers to that school!..hehe


Okay, so since everyone is freaking out about whether or not SJK was with Team Haesung+KMS in the picture that KYO posted yesterday. Well, first of all now we know where they were eating - Mapa Chicken (same place where the Owner said SJK came with LKS to meet SHK + rest of DOTS cast) . Check out Onew and Daisy's clothes - exact same as the picture posted last night. [Cr to @applegirl2 for leading me to the pictures....hehe]

Personally I think these pictures are from yesterday because it was too well co-ordinated not to be, SHK, Onew, Daisy and the owner all uploaded pictures around the same time.


The owner was replying to all comments until 5 hours ago but stopped once someone asked if SJK was also there.

Another person asked if this picture was from yesterday or from last year - Again, no answer given.


Interesting fact revealed by the owner was that it was SHK who bought all of them there on the 20th of September and when someone asked if SJK was there he replied saying SJK had come with LKS and left a little before the others.

Now the Owner is definitely someone who values SHK, not just as a customer though. So I am not surprised that given the scrutiny these days that he didn't reply to the question about SJK being present there , he may even deny it..but as of now he's keeping silent.


Look at all the times SHK has been to his place.


13th December (according to his comment)


14th May(according to his comment)


16th March (according to day of post)



Now his restaurant - Mapa Chicken is Beside Grand Hyatt Seoul where a certain Mr.SJK chose to have his PC....maybe to pick up SHK's favourite Chicken before he met her at the KBS station to record the Epilogue?.....hehehehehe.

@joongkyo...I maybe late in saying this...but you really are the BEST!!!!!!

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@songsong6416 @Ohsh The one thing I was never satisfied with from SJK's previous projects were the hugs! Not even kidding. I'm not sure if the script calls for certain hugs to be a certain way but I always felt they were lacking warmth and comfort. What should've been a heartfelt hug didn't get me feeling much. When I saw the hug in DOTS, I was so satisfied and wondered where SJK had been hiding that all along. Even factors like height difference had been ruled out since SJK also acted with a small actress who he can very well envelope into those arms of his. And the swaying, never saw the swaying before. His previous hugs were the typical kdrama hugs where both stood still like statues. Though I will say he has a bit of a tendency to stroke the girl's hair and snuggle his face near their hair but never as deep as he did with SHK, even snuggling her neck sometimes. So unless the script specifically states details on how to perform these hugs, I'd say judging from the hugs alone, it's obvious SJK was way comfortable with SHK. 

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Before I do some back reading... I made this. 

In reel and real life she is more comfortable and playful with no inhibition. She's more loose and relaxed compared to her previous and recent projects she has done (my only exception is FH which is not recent). With SJK, he brings out the best in her and does not feel guarded and put out a big wall. I swear, SJK is the perfect match for SHK. With his cheerful personality, he was able to bring out the crazy in her and soften her prudent and reserved self as well. With that, she was able to enjoy each day filming with the staff, fellow castmates and of course, his time with SJK!! Haha! Gaaaaaahhh. 



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Man, this thread can go pages and pages to explore even a single aspect of our SongSong Couple, case in point: The SJK-SHK warmest-sweetest hug :)

Don't get me wrong - No complaints here, I am in fact enjoying it and glad that everyone seems to be in agreement - even those who've watched past SJK dramas and have seen how he hugged them girls back then and how his hugs with (his) Beauty is by far the sweetest :) - Aren't we all bright minds that think alike ? High-five gurlfriends :lol:

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1 hour ago, Ohsh said:

I was curious about that too. Thought of watching his NIce Guy but couldn't bring myself to go any further than the beginning. 

For some reason I just couldn't watch Nice Guy too. Skipped through many scenes. Which was why I didn't notice SJK until DOTS. 

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Also I wanted to mention this. About SJK's kiss scenes since I read multiple comments saying that SongSong's kiss scenes were more sweet and innocent compared to SJK's previous kiss scenes which were aggressive and full of sexual tension. I'd like to disagree but before that I wanted to state the root of my reasoning. These comparisons are of course going to be made with the kisses in Nice Guy as that was his first lead role. First and foremost though, I'm a fan of Nice Guy and MCW and sure enough swooned at their kisses too so I believe my comment is nonbias. 

So it's true, the kisses in Nice Guy were quite aggressive. All of them were. The ones he had with the girl who appeared as a cameo, the ones he had with the female lead, and the ones he had with the second female lead. They were so aggressive he quickly earned a spot on the Worst Kisser's List, further gaining the name "vacuum kiss" to describe his kissing style, as he always appeared to be sucking the life out of his partner's lips. LOL. But of course that didn't change that he still continued to be known as one of the best kissers in fangirls' eyes.

Anyway, I'm sure SJK was well aware of all these news and since then changed his kissing style, as can clearly be seen in DOTS. I personally find the way he kisses SHK to be so sensual with a slow sexual burn. His lips moving from her top lip to her bottom, savoring the taste and caressing her face ever so gently. Seems so genuine to me and gets me excited everytime. I nod my head proud that he's really one of the best kissers from the kisses in DOTS! So yes, I disagree that his previous kisses were hotter and exuded more sexual tension. They were certainly more aggressive but that does not equate to them being hotter. There's a difference. 

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Really, SJK has a thing for her neck and hair. He seems like he's always kissing her neck and hair especially during the reunion scene. Well, it might be bec he was taller so he needs to lean down but I don't see the need to further bury his face deep into her shoulder. I saw a few taller guy-smaller girl hug scenes but usually the guy would just hug and not lean near the neck. And can you guys notice how he has a thing for her lower back too? Even irl!! I wish I knew how to make gifs I'd love to make a compilation.

That coffee hug scene still gives me the feels. That was their REALEST tightest hug ever in this drama! The sweetest too! (on a tie with the reunion hug scene for me) It's sooo real and genuine like SJK have longed for this hug for a long time and now he can finally hug her like she accepted his confession. The hug was tight already, but he even squeezed for more, like "I can't breathe" tighter. 

The carwash hug scene, try to zoom a little and focus on her face.. You can see her giggling or laughing like its real. Like she was caught off guard with that cute, cold and cheeky, random SJK hug. Which leads me to conclude that was an adlib. Gives me a feeling that the PD's supposed to cut but the scene too cute he continued. *Lol pardon my overanalyzing delulu self*

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Good morning from the other side of the world :lol:

Thank you guys so much for the beautiful capture of their hugs :wub: Honestly it should be the kiss scene that brings the most excited feelings but in DOTs, I am surprised to find the same feeling when see they hug each other. I can feel the special connection between the two and especially on the 16th episode, in the hugging scene on desert, I noticed that at first his hands put on the back of Kyo at the brassiere part unintentionally, then he quickly acknowledges the situation and moves his hand to the other part, that's when Kyo at the same time put her hand on his back and they hug each other closely. I guess I'm not the only one but Kyo can feel the manner of a namja here with much of appreciation of him, to her. 

And couldn't agree more with the overwhelming feeling of the way he lower his head, snuggle her hair and neck, I can watch it many times with the same excitement and be touched with heart, aigoo, seriously can't get enough of these two ^_^

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it really seems not many watched SJK dramas prior to DOTS. Truth be told, there wasn't a single drama he was in that he did what he did with Kyo. Everything you see in DOTS is exclusive between them! 


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24 minutes ago, serenaf95 said:



these two cinnamon rolls are perfect for each other :bawling::bawling: 

(make mini cinnamon rolls already :phew:)

Someone must love cinnamon rolls to have the gifs made. Heheheh but I agree they belong together. 

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@ilovesjk Thanks for you reply!

By the way, I found this thread in tieba baidu which supposedly had a picture of the script. They were also talking about the hug scenes in the show. Not sure what the script wrote or if it is indeed relevant. Maybe someone who understands korean can take a look at:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4449321075?lp=5028&mo_device=1&is_jingpost=1&pn=960&

(scroll to the middle of the thread)

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Thanks @ilovesjk for the back ground on his hugs and kisses.  

Rationally, maybe his style is different because of the character he's playing.. Nice guy is more of a ruthless, cold-hearted character (?) while YSJ is all kinds of perfect boyfriend and also maybe as you said, based on feedback from his fans. . He has changed it to being less aggressive 

However, I still prefer to think it's all to do with his co-star and the inability to hide his true feelings , despite being a great and professional actor. after all, the script does call for ysj to be a really sweet and tender type ;)

Can someone verify from korean news ? Will there be a director DVD or not ? Pleas let's petition for one if there isn't :tears:

Seems like there won't be one... I am devastated. ...:(

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@redwinecouple - i notice SJK's hands almost always on SHK's lower back too :D whenever they hug. Really adds to the sweetness-sexiness of their hugs. How could their hugs be both sweet and sensual at the same time - you can feel the respect between them. These two, sooo adorbs!

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@Ohsh Ahhh ! someone need to do the translating of the scripts ! and I saw some of the comments there saying that there's isn't any director DVD? and im like, "issit there's too much 'details' or uncut scene so they dont wan to release?" HAHA just my self-opinion. :D:D 


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