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1 hour ago, Xu Xu said:

SJK said : "SHK is too good to me" ( "She is at higher level so I can't reach her", this what I understand). Is this true??? 

I just read this in Eng. verse so I hope it was a misunderstanding of translation :bawling: :bawling:


giphy.gifand i hope you are not a troll..

because i aint buying any of it..


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Text report is interprete by the journalist....that's y I take it lightly, I prefer video PC ....so we can saw it with our own eyes....word by word....there several text report I read with difference interpretation....

i only believe what I wanna believe.....as long they don't say they date other person...that's different story....


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@joongkyo OHMY LOOK AT THAT GODDDDDDESS!!!!! :wub:

And looking forward to the epilogue so much, knowing it's filmed real time!! Thanks @MiAmour too!! 

Very very happy and proud reading SJK's interview today, his answers always fascinates me coming from that smart and sexy brain of his! Humble, down-to-earth and realistic through and through. I especially like how he's aware of the popularity surrounding him now and how this will inevitably introduce changes in his life, whether he likes it or not and instead of coming across as arrogant or let it get to his head, he embraces that it's a part and parcel of what his profession is and does so in a humble manner. (stop making me fall more for you SJK) 

And I love how a certain SHK will always creep into his answers (whether or not that was necessary kk but love it still, feels as tho she's there too heh) but everything he said bout her just shows how much he values and treasures her as a co-star, comrade, someone he admires and lastly, a person close to his heart. After all, most of his scenes are with her and vice versa hence the time spent together is smth both will rmb for a long long time. Definitely a worthy emotional investment for both of them! Yup, last I checked, I'm very much still in love with this pairing and in this faraway sailing ship! :D

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Hello all,,just wanna share my opinion,,i've been watching kdrama since AIMH and fans of shk since then,,i never ship her with anybody,,or while watching another kdrama, i just saw ah beautiful story, nah it just acting but its good. But why now, while im mature enough to not do all those ship thingy,,on the first episode i was like,,ah something not quite right, it just looks so real, since the first ep i keep on updating my ig, watching dots over n over again,,googling any info but still i cant find the answer,,finally i saw this forum,,and how you all guys, is not like any other shipper which mixed up rumor and fact,,here you all guys rationally ship them based on facts, body language etc. You know what, keep on believing, this ship is gonna be sailing,,now im back to silent reader mode on ^^v

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The kiss scene


Sjk's skin looks blackened, compared to kyo, but it looks more sexier to me when his skin is darker. Do the cameramen / director put an effect for this? He is so sexy. She is too. 

I hope that not because physical attraction they are united, among all, their personalities are blended hopefully become one major reason for them to be one, delulu and wish coming true..amen.

Hope these similar looks are because they are destined to be together and because they meet so often till their faces imitate each other. 


Song joong ki, if you happen read our posts (though not quite sure I m), don't doubt. Satisfy your partner by trusting shk to be the one bearing your children to be. She is a good cook and mature woman K ent. 

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What the HECK is going on Girls, Boys, Half-sies, Questioning and whoever is out there !!! 

People are getting their "panties in a bunch" for a mere word??? 

What is more important here was there wasn't a DENIAL in his part -  He merely answered a question.  The question that was asked was " did you learn from any of the actors".  So he answered in a more proper way --- 

I have been a HUGE fan of SHK for approximately 10 years.  I have followed and watched her career closely and feel that I have seen her through her ups and downs. I don't know -- but probably just plain instinct and intuition -- SJK's very neutral and respectful answer was to protect something that is very dear to him -- which is most likely our SHK.  I am here for the long haul and I am enjoying the fact that finally -- SHK is very happy (which is evident in her IG posts) and is cared for deeply.


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Reading all these posts on this thread and the official drama thread, its been very entertaining. I just backread like 40 pages in total cause I havent been reading as often but I do always back read cause I dont wanna miss even a single piece of information. 

About SJK's PC: I feel that whatever he said pertaining to SHK was to protect her and himself. He politely told people off, like stop interfering in my private life. He won't be giving away any information about it so there is no point. You know what I found the most interesting though? It was when he mentioned SHK and Lee Kwang Soo, in the same sentence. You may all think, whats the big deal about that? But thats his best friend and we all have best friends but would we allow ourselves to put someone whos just a friend at the same level as our bestfriend? Probably not unless its a special someone, like our girlfriends/boyfriends. Thats the only other person we somewhat put on the same level as our best friend. [Well thats how it is for me]. We all know how important Kwang Soo is to him. They've been best friends for as long as I can remember and yet he is able to mention SHK with him saying that: 

"I learn a lot from people like Song Hye-kyo (who played Song Joong-ki’s love interest in “Descendants”) and Lee Kwang-soo (cast member of variety show “Running Man”), (they) are the ones that are really hallyu stars. (Kwang-soo) is the “Prince of Asia,” he’s the real star" (http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20160415000840)

If SHK was not important to SJK, or if she were merely a co-star I dont think he would've mentioned her with Lee Kwang Soo but because she is important to him, he mentioned her with the same level of importance and respect that he gives to his best friend. The way I read what he said in my head was: 

"I learn a lot from my girlfriend Song Hye Kyo and my bestfriend Lee Kwang Soo, (they) are the true hallyu stars in my eyes. They are the most important people in my life as of now." [THIS IS THE WAY MY BRAIN READ IT LOL (DELULU), IT IS NOT WHAT SJK SAID, PLEASE BE AWARE OF THAT].

Anyways, thats what I found most notable pertaining to our couple. I loved all of his answers to the questions. I don't ask for him or her to admit they are dating, I just want a wedding announcement a year or two from now. Also, a few selfies would be nice (very very nice). I did get to finish the drama and I loved the final episode. I did notice the scenes were cutting one to the next but I still loved it. I think i've liked every post that mentioned the kiss or posted a gif/picture of it LOL, I cant get enough of it!!! I'll probably give my full review on the drama later (on the other thread). I also noticed a scene in the drama that happened in real life to SHK and SJK. Maybe it was only me who noticed it but the second I saw that scene, my head thought of the real-life things that happened that are similar to it. Ill be sharing that later as well because why not? even though it might be totally inaccurate.

Finally, have a nice day guys! Ill be reading your posts and continue supporting the couple and the special episodes to come. :wub:

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Thoughts to fonder.....

Maybe all the answers of SJK in his recent interviews varies or depends on the location (country, particularly) ambience, culture, individual's artistic awareness and people's perception governed by the practice of society.

If you try to analyzed it, during Hong Kong fan's day both Song Song couple are relax and in their gutsy funny mode. Maybe, because

the people there are more open minded and straight forward when handling showbiz dating rumor. Real or not they don't take

it on personal level unlike in Korea. The stiffness, cold treatment, and reserved act we get from them on the 1st CF are the best way to

keep themselves safe from the press intrigues and general/public persecution. So, in general speaking - Different Nation with

different culture don't have the same level of liberality in dealing with entertainment gossip or showbiz scandal.

You can correct me if I'm wrong.

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After reading Song Joong Ki’s interview, I can’t help but be affected by grief. Of course I am aware that fame comes with a price but that does not justify the media’s actions that have been made of him. Going the extent of bringing in his family and loved ones, invading his property and/or his family’s, and publicizing the photos of him and his ex-girlfriend are all unacceptable! I can’t even begin to fathom the hardships he had to endure through a time like this. A time where he’s at the height of his career and his success should be celebrated but instead is being soiled by the media’s thirst for attention. It breaks my heart to hear him address the issue and admitting that he has been affected by it. He’s right, these are not things he should endure despite being a celebrity. I hope with this statement, his privacy and his loved ones’ will be left alone. With the road up ahead, it’s inevitable that it’ll be a bumpy ride but I know once he gets there, he’ll look back and know truly the hell he went through to get to where he’s at and it’ll give him every right to wear his title proudly. Oppa, I wish you happiness!

Furthermore, I would like to express how proud I am to be his fan. Reading his interviews always gives me a sense of the smart honest articulate man he is. He is mature beyond his years and is considerate of those around him. I assure you all, Song Hye Kyo is in good hands.

Regarding the coming out of SongSong, I wish to ask everyone to be patient. Give them their privacy and allow them this time together. It’s true, I have a tendency of wanting to know too for my own personal greed but truthfully I want what’s best for them. And at this point, staying mum seems to be the best bet. So just support them and don’t demand too much from them. At the end of the day, shipping an unconfirmed pair is dependent on faith and belief and we are all in it on our own will. They don’t owe us anything, don't forget that. Also, it's prudent to keep an open mind in the case that if all this turns out to be nothing but a figment of our imagination, it'll be much easier to let go.

Despite how this journey will end, I believe we can all agree that it was not wrong to ship them because they did give us a beautiful love story and gave us the best chemistry we could ever ask for in Descendants of the Sun.



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Okay, people have to stop getting upset about little things.  She called him a reliable dongsaeng in the first press con, and this is after the whole NY vacation.   Now that DoTS is over they have little public reason to see each other, so they will be even more careful.  

I'd still advise people to chill out a bit and don't expect much.  Or  don't expect anything at all.  If you need constant affirmations they are dating to make you happy you should probably move along.   SHK is super private, much more so than SJK.  You don't see her daily life.  You don't see selfies with people on IG.  Look at it from her perspective and from the perspective of someone who has gone through tough times in the public eyes because of private matters.  Please respect that.  

SJK is also seriously bothered by the invasions in his privacy, and has been dealing with a whole new level of massive fame,  so I suspect he'll be following her lead more and more to protect himself.   Just ship quietly and respectfully and focus on the positive. 

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@twtwb I wish I could like your post 100 times over because I just nodded along with everything you said.  You should be a prime example to us all of shipping sanely and responsibly!

I guess shipping like so many other things can be subjective and people will choose to see what they want. More than enough compelling clues/evidence have been laid out here which have convinced some yet others still carry doubt. It's all a matter of perspective. The words don't need to come out of either SJK's or SHK's mouths for the fact that they're dating to be true. The nature of what they do makes them public figures but they're also entitled to their private lives which is something they both seem to hold in high value. They give so much of their lives to their fans already so they deserve whatever privacy they can manage to get. I think most of us are rooting for them to date privately and only make an announcement if/when they get married. How SJK addresses SHK in public is a trivial issue that I'm sure isn't a big deal to them and it certainly doesn't mean there isn't anything between them. It's more interesting how he doesn't confirm or deny anything and just dances around those dating rumor questions when he can just as easily shut them down. Let's stay calm and not forget about how they addressed each other in HK and all the compliments SJK went out of his way to shower on SHK! WHEN SHIPPING YOU HAVE TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES! 

It's more than obvious that SJK and SHK share a high level of mutual respect and they also share a mutual fondness as well otherwise they wouldn't spend so much time together off set both when they were working on DOTS and after production wrapped. The fact that they met up in NYC speaks volumes because you don't take long transatlantic flights for just anyone. They must be incredibly special! And this was also when SJK was still rehabbing from his injuries. They manage to get together despite busy schedules. Time is a precious commodity for them right now and you don't make time unless you care about someone.

We can all speculate about what stage their relationship may be at but as shippers we should really be happy that they share any type of relationship at all since most costars don't even keep in touch after they finish a project together. Even if they're just at a stage of friendship, this should be taken as a positive since the most stable and lasting love relationships form through solid friendships. I say this as a married lady and my husband is my best friend. We also secretly dated for months so I feel a certain affinity for SJK and SHK. I personally believe that they are already past friendship but I just wanted to mention it for those who happen to believe this is where they're at because it's a positive. Whatever comes of this, we should really just be glad that they are in each other's lives and wish for their happiness both together and as individuals.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the BTS special because it will undoubtedly capture moments when they were unguarded. Some of the glimpses we've gotten already have been quite telling so hopefully we will get loads more to discuss here next week ^_^
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1 hour ago, luvforever said:

I hope KBS won't deprived us and show the BTS for the kissing scene. I'm amazed how they were able to balance themselves while kissing:lol:

credit to the owner



That looks so romantic even with the crew members around... they still seem aloof and away from the crowd... I m loving this.

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Does that mean that its okay? NO!

I hope for the sake of these two that when he addressed that because of the popularity of the drama he and his family have endured such invasion of his privacy that it will deter these careless fans to stop WHAT THEY ARE DOING!..... Just because they are actors doesn't mean that fans have a right to invade whatever they think they can get their hands on. I am so glad that he has SHK to go through it with. She understands more than anyone and this would only make their relationship so much stronger. To be able to lean on one another for comfort, understanding and protection is a sign of a true relationship. I understand that for the life they are living and all the positives that come from being an A+ actor, they have to endure somethings but to involve loved ones is a whole other level. I APPLAUD AND RESPECT HIM FOR ADDRESSING IT IN SUCH AN ENDEARING MANNER. 

All the things we happen to find out through the best translators and detectives here should be left here, This is to reduce any confusion and involve AGAIN the people that are close to them. Lets not increase any sort of burden and pity they may feel because their friends are close to them. 



*TROLLS: Your posts will be IGNORED IN THE FUTURE, I know who you are.... (a.k.a -> trainee, 1 post) GIVE ME A BREAK.



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Guys please do not dwell too much in the negative side of things, we have so many reasons to be happy and hold on to that it's unfair to bring our insecurities so early on. What will happen when some times passes and there's a drought, with no new news of them? Will we just abandon the ship and  call it a quit? There will be hard times and difficulties, shipping is not easy and that's why it should be taken with a strong mindset but also not too seriously, we should be able to have fun and laugh and enjoy the ride together, share our thoughts, analysis, hope for the best but expect the worst.

SJK answered correctly, as he should and as he is expected to, he is in front of K-media giving an interview and sharing his opinions, of course he must address her correctly according to the question asked and the context of it. She is his sunbae and noona, isn't she? That's a fact and we cannot change that. Did you expect him to call her jagiya and confess his love for her there? We all know how K-entertainment works, at least we have an idea of it, dating is taken very seriously there, it's referred to as a "scandal", manners are very important, a good, pure image is your saving grace, so of course the educated, respectful and smart man that SJK is he handled the situation appropriately, for which I admire him even more. I was actually more touched and felt for him sharing his concern for the lack of respect to his privacy, he has every right to be upset, people need to set some boundaries, family and private life should be off limits. 

Remember, they don't owe us to live up to the idea we have created about them, they are two independent human beings with independent wills and they can choose to live their live however they want and with whoever they want to, just because we ship them and have these high expectations about them to act in a certain way or say certain things does not mean they have to, lower you expectations, I am speaking from experience, it's better to just enjoy the flow of things, respect their privacy and hope for the best, they won't just go out publicly say yes we are dating, especially at this time. If they're dating, I want them to let some time pass, strengthen their bond and relationship, have this DoTS fever pass and go public with when it's become serious and leading to marriage. SHK has suffered enough with her past public relationships, she won't publicize her love life one more time unless it's serious and I am sure SJK is the same way, which is very understandable, I cannot imagine millions of people watching my every move, analyse my every day life and have expectations of me of who I should date, so please try and understand their side of things.

Stay positive and think of all the juicy things we have as a ship, I think we are very lucky actually, we have been provided so much that it should be a sin to dwell into the negative, I mean there are ships that sunk and their shippers still choose to swim on their own, still believing and holding on so we should be grateful for what we have.

Stay strong Song-Song shippers, fighting!


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Already 2.39am my time...but I still here....repeating all the SongSong scene....the more I watch the more I found something interesting about them....

1. I really like all the scene when JK hand got cast. He act more natural and all their dialog also so natural....They can talk about byuntae shamelessly....kikiki....SJ wanna see MY take off her cloth....MY said sexy to SJ when he put his choc. In mug....:wub: is it even in the script or they just adlib...hahahaha

2. JK n HK look genuinely happy in the car when they go wash BigBoss...I love every dialog in the car...their line are like JK n HK convo...how they miss each other in real life coz JK just comeback from resting due to his injury....I dunno how to put it in word...but I can feel it....

Can I just rolling on the floor.....I just Love their pairing....SongSong....

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I am off to rewatch the whole season again. I mean finish the last rewatch that I stopped at episode 4. Couldnt bring myself to see SHK reject SJK second time kissing her in episode 5 beginning, so I stopped there. 

When it comes to SJK, I can only have the utmost respect for him. It is rarely seen to have an actor say something so boldly as he did. To say to press to not invade his privacy in such a manner. He was polite, yet quite clear and I dont think anyone will try to interfere with his private life anytime soon. 

I think he did this on behalf of SHK mostly. Sure, he mentioned his ex-girlfriend and his elections as private matters and that it bothers him. But he knows, that for SHK, what matters is, that she gets to enjoy herself without anyone interfering with heir life. He is very protective of her and tries to take care of her as much as he can. I only learned about their existence 11 days ago, but I can safely say, that SJK is a boyfriend, I wish I could be. I am too selfish to be like SJK. He is just so amazing. Like he said in interview, he learned a lot from his character and it shows. Whether it is SHK or any other person ( I hope it is SHK ), she is going to be very lucky to have a bf like SJK. 

I have to say, that I hope there will be confirmation about them dating at some point. But I dont care if it is tomorrow, or in a year or two. I am going to wish them my best. They both are made for each other and the was SJK treats this whole situation, it only shows that SHK can depend on him. That he is reliable, commited and ready to be part of her life. Whether she accepts him or not, is entirely up to her. But I am going to say, that no matter how she decides, I am going to believe in her and trust that the choice she makes, is the best for her. I wish her happiness and the best time of her life. 

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Dear great friends in this forum, 

There are so many thoughts that I have now, but one very well-written, very essential post from @twtwb have taken everything that I believe the most important to address, SHK-SJK happiness, in person, and particularly in the presence of each other. That, my friend, is really what matters for shippers, since ship may come and go with time, but happiness, at least the memory of happiness will stay forever. They are happy now its undeniable. For that, we shall thank you @twtwb. 


However, lets dissect some points here to -hopefully- keep the balance of our sanity in check with facts. Beforehand, I need to reiterate that I believe we are all entitled to our own speculation, belief, notion, interpretation, etc, as long as we do not fabricate it as fact, let alone spread it in other social media. We shall keep it straight as our theory, or merely keep it here in forum, as no matter how small our writing, in this era, it could bring massive impact to people whom we addressed, -SS- in this matter. 


On to the points, today's highlight for me are:

- Now that DoTS have ended, we all the shippers may face the reality of them not being in public together very often, due to their next projects and schedules, which of course is sad, but hey, life goes on. On the positive side, we still have many possible interviews, IG exploring, detecting, probing, inquiring, etc..etc..by the means of interviews, photo shoots (if any), friends, and relations. Courtesy of many of our devoted, great detectives here. (And spare time for our real life). 

- Now that DoTS have ended, we shall remind ourselves that SHK and SJK, after all, are human being. Their work as actors may be magnificent and mesmerize us to the point of beyond believing, but at the end of the day, they are human with their own issues and stakes to address. In regards to their relationship, whether it is there (I believe!) and whatever the stage is,The fact is, they are private persons, who choose to keep private matters private. Add to the complexity SHK's past relationships and how harsh she has to face people's criticism alone, I don't think any considerate man will let his friend, let alone his woman, to face it again if they are not yet 100% certain of what the future holds for them (as in, marriage). SJK in particular should know this fact, since he is undergoing skyrocketing popularity right now and his base of fan balooning in mere days. He might have been the reason for her to glow, to be truer to express herself, and to let herself enjoy the new friendship and relationship with others, but that doesn't mean they have to go public with it if they are not ready. We might see what transpires between them, and in recent occasions in HK when they loosen a bit, we could get a glimpse of their true interaction. But that might be the line that we've yet to cross, to simply admit it will probably too much for them at the time. Try to put ourselves in their shoes. Relationship, no matter how sweet, endearing, or bewitching, have many ordeals of its own. They are not teenagers anymore, they've been through failed relationships before, they work in the same industry and now are almost at the same height of fame and peak of career (to be frank, SJK is not really there yet, he is at peak at the moment, but SHK has been at peak all time and enduring it), they know best how things work in the ent-world, so, whatever they do, I think we shall let them to decide and support whatever the decision is. (Although we, of course, go public or not, will still ship them till the end, hehe). Like some of us here said, they owe us nothing that make them have to share the details of their private life to us.

In light of this point, I think it the way they, SJK in particular never deny or address the rumor to the point speaks greater volume. Like we've observed and discussed earlier, he has too many chances to stop the rumor, and he has all the right reasons to do it, for example, DoTS itself has been very massive at the beginning. No need to add any rumor to fuel it, especially when the rumor could backlash SHK the most, and his popularity as well. The drama itself might or might not be postively effected by the rumor. Etc. Not to mention his own savviness in PR department. Yet he never denies it or even address the rumor appropriately. We know that he should know how the rumor starts, or what the rumor was really about, yet he... Why? It is still puzzling for me (as well as their inconsistencies in showing the true color of their interaction, period of their photo drought, etc). The only reason I can think of is, he, being the man of principle and one that -as I've read in one interview or piece of fact that our friend in this forum brought- want to always be true to his character, still want to keep this trait of him to the end. Meaning that there is something special going between them, he doesn't want to lie or deny about it, but he doesn't see the need of addressing or refuting it as long as he could avoid it. In case, in the future they do admit it to the public, there are no lies so the impact could be minimized. Or, maybe anyone could shed some light to this matter?

- Now that DoTS have ended, and in SJK's most recent PC, it is interesting that in relation to SHK, I note that this kind of revelation should come at the first or at least mid presscon of the drama. I mean, the way he viewed the impact SHK has on him as actor and junior, how she behaved, the qualities that made her the bigger star; it will be natural for any actors to compliment their co-stars at the beginning of the promotion. I don't even mind the way he called her, because that is what he supposed to address her from the start. That is the default situation and the fact. She is older than him. She is his senior in the industry. She is the bigger star (she has more successful projects and steadier than him at this point, not that he is a lesser actor in terms of quality). It is very normal for him to address her with proper honorifics. However, I'd like to point that the HK PC happened first, and we all witnessed how he dropped the honorific from her name. I think they are very aware of the consequences of it, or else he wont use it all the time in HK. Once again, all the time, per what I've read. He didn't call her noona or sunbae during the exposed events in HK (please CMIIW). Thus, the fact that now he address her in appropriate manner especially when she's not around, doesn't faze me at all. It is the normal respond. Fortunately for us shippers, it is preceded by the abnormal respond in stronger manner. And that wins shipping point for us. 

- Now that DoTS have ended, and SJK has issued a polite and stern warning regarding his private life, I respect him more, and can't help but believing , like truly truly believing, he is the right man for beautiful SHK. Along with the fact that he is longing for real love, and his statement of willingness to protect and spare time for his partner once he finds one. He himself said that he now prefers woman with wisdom and sense, doesn't it perfect to describe SHK? He used to say his type was this and that, but recent events change it. Many factors could contribute to it, but I can't help but directly thinking of SHK when I read that answer of his. If I'm not mistaken, the last relationship of SHK shattered mostly because of time issues between them; I'm not in any position to judge or side. But I think if that's the case, then SJK could probably make it work. This man really has a good head on his shoulders and good heart at its place. As for SHK, as I love her to pieces even more praises will be overwhelming here. Miss her already. 

- The fact that our very sharp detective @joongkyo found about them filming the epilogue together and being in the cafe for three times with various friends, help us to gain more insights as to how close and good their relationship is. Although they do not publicly declare anything, they still go out and do not really care to be spotted (they did give their signatures for us to believe that they did hang out together). It is very nice to hear that.  Another shipping point! 

- Last but not least, the scenes of SS couple at the last episode of DoTS. Simply memorable. The hugging, as everyone else in this forum has mentioned, was very intimate. I don't watch many K-dramas, never really completing any but this one, so I've got no comparison but other OTP's hug (and kisses), which was nowhere near the level of SS. The feeling of huge relieve was so real, and their upper body was definitely very tight, he pulled her close while caressing her back, and she did as well. Next the kissing scene...was definitely sweet, gentle, passionate, and deep. He was the one who worked the most though, and the way he started, closing the gap, caressing her cheek, neck, and chin, maintaing the kiss, and steadily looking into her eyes were very, very intimate. But one thing that I notice, simple movements from SHK could turn the ambience of sweetness to a very sexy one... See when in the second kiss, how she moved her hands to him and he immediately seize her shoulders, pulled her even closer..and then she brushed and touched his hands..., for several seconds, I thought he would really lay her down and continue something more serious. Or probably they did, only the editing wont allow it to be aired (since the cut felt too abrupt?). Once again, SJK is great kisser (just quoting people here as I don't see much to compare), some of us here said his previous kisses could be hotter, but that doesn't mean the one with greatest impact. The kiss that leaves us with lingering feeling of butterflies in our stomach (and squeeing fest) is definitely more profound in sincerity department compared to kisses with lust, like, ones that they looked like they could harm other people's face, if you know what I mean. The kiss that make you want to rewatch it because you love it, not cringe because of it, the one that makes you relate to them kissers feeling at the moment, for me, is better compared than kissing fiercely without any lingering feeling after. And here, in DoTS, we got two kisses that belong to that lingering category, the truck scene, and this last one. His loving and intense gaze to her, the way his hands keep lingering on her face and neck, the way he smiled and cheekily joked in between (this sequence, as many of you believe, I see SJK, not YSJ, like, its out of character how he (YSJ) who was in solemn and serious mood along the scene, suddenly, in between kisses, stopped and grinned, almost giggled while keep looking so lovingly at her), just...very sweet. Like he really, really grateful for her presence, and treasure her the most above everything hence the delicate but passionate movement. Thumbs up for them! Yet I don't know what'll happen if they let SHK took more initiative, the censor will probably be everywhere and we'll be left with another drone shoot....


My apology if the post is too long. Once again, thank you to all the sunbaes and friends here for all good news, piece of facts, mystery-solving post, pics, opinions, insights, etc. Just keep the positivity aboard, the ship need not anything burdensome. Still sailing strong and have a nice, happy day everyone. 


Sidenote: To anyone new, or not, before posting something questionable, please do the backread, its worth your time and the other diligents posters as well. Thank you. 

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