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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is my happy place and every day our lovely ship seems to grow stronger. We're all here for a common purpose which is to ship our amazing and talented SongSong/KiKyo couple. And even if we may feel in our hearts that SHK & SJK are truly in a place where they are already dating and in love (I know I do!) and many compelling clues pertaining to that have been discussed here, we're also in a place where nothing has been confirmed no matter what we believe.
This forum has definitely grown so much in the past few week and it's exciting that we have so many more shippers here and some of you may be new and sometimes you may get really excited about something that's talked be it a piece of news or a clue or a speculation. I'm sure everyone has the best intentions but let's not get carried away and keep in mind that actions have consequences. 
It's cool to monitor the social media accounts of Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki's friends and associates. It's not cool to bother them or ask them personal questions pertaining to the couple based on any speculations that have come up here. This amounts to harassment and may possibly raise red flags back to SHK/SJK themselves. The last thing we need is for all their friends and associates to privatize their accounts. This only hurts us shippers.
It seems people have been sharing certain insights posted here as fact on other forms of social media which is rather creepy IMO. Hey people credit your source and if something discussed here has been brought up as an observation, DON"T POST IT AS FACT ELSEWHERE. Spreading unverified speculations is not good for the ship.
I promise I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer. I'm all about this ship and I just had to say something in light of the incident that occurred earlier today with a tidbit that @joongkyo shared. She has been nothing short of awesome with her sleuthing skills and everything that she's contributed here so let's just keep it here okay. We're all here because we love this couple and we should be mindful of our actions so that nothing can come back to harm them in any way.
I can't believe we only have one more episode left and I'm expecting loads of  fan service with many closeup kisses and lovey dove moments. The more I watch I can't help but think we're not just watching the love story of YSJ and KMY but also the love story of SJK and SHK unfolding before our eyes. The way he hugs her ever so tenderly is just BAE and  these two really fit together perfectly in so many ways.  
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Ah... I finally get the timeline after watching the one with english sub. The reunion is 1 year after... That is a long time. I got the feeling today we'll see some flashback of what actually happened the last year.

SJK is a great hugger. Somehow I like his hugging better than his kissing. His hug portrayed a lot of emotion. Awwwwww.... :wub:

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So guys, just wanted to share my thoughts here. 

and before that, yes, finally able to finish reading everyone's forums and im like, DANG! you guys are awesome :D

i read some of the posts saying that how similar our songs are and yes, i couldnt agree no more !! their chemistry, their visuals (HEART EYES) and ofcourse their similarities on their face !

In my tradition, we have this saying, it goes like, if two people (male and female) have the similarities on their face, it means that they're meant to be together. where chinese called it the 夫妻相 (married-couple posture) and i cant stop myself from staring at them because they look so alike ! 

Just get married ! Age doesnt matter when it comes to love ! when both are meant to be, they are. 


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7 hours ago, Bambiina said:


KISSES FOR YOU muah muah muah muah...

I cannot sleep.. how can a rag look so good on him ... I am lost for word... please excuse my limited vocab ...  WITHOUT A DOUBT .. THEY ARE MADLY.. I REPEAT MADLY IN LOVE... and I madly in love with them

Kisses for you too chingu! Mwaaaaaah!

Right? Both SHK and SJK can wear a garbage bag and still look good in it. And he looked really hot when he's dirty. I was distracted by his sexy body and sexy face for a while. Lol

Everything, every fiber in their

being screams LOVE. They're indeed Madly and passionate in love! 

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Following up and updating all the details from the enthusiastic recap-ers here deliver to me roller coaster feelings at the same time: happy when you guys recap and describe the fun conversation and interaction between them, shock when knowing the accident of the 2 bros, confused whether it's reality or not when knowing that Big Boss comebacks etc, actually when reading your angry comments about writer-nim when the sad scenes broadcasted, I can't help but laughing because I realize yes, that's how DOTs is loved, I feel like as if I was watching the episode with my chingus and our feelings are matched, it makes the enjoyment double for sure.

Despite knowing all details in advance but I can't not burst into tears when seeing our girls cry in pain, to me it's not the characters only but the actresses themselves grow up too with the real feelings, I remember Hye Kyo once shared that after finishing a drama, she experienced a period of time living as the character in real life and I do wish the same situation repeats this time ;)

One more episode to go and I would like to be on this ship afterwards, for a long-term to witness our beloved SongSong's journey :)

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8 hours ago, ilovesjk said:

@redwinecouple Very well said. After DOTS, I want them to play a heart wrenching melodrama together. Just the way they're able to convey such emotions, ripping my heart out of my chest, is just beyond amazing! Plus I have a guilty pleasure of watching them both cry. They cry so beautifully. I'm probably weird, lol. This episode left me a train wreck so I admit it's serving as a huge influence on this post right now.  

Thank You! I guess we're both weird cos I share the same guilty pleasure lol. They can just stand there and look into each other's eyes but still wrench our hearts and take our souls. I know it's impossible, but a melodramatic movie with these two is beyond perfect and beautiful. Intense emotions.. bittersweet and beautifully heartbreaking. They can make a whole nation cry

Hands down, the best actors among this generation. There are great actors out there, but we rarely come across actors like them and their bigger than life talent, in this modern time. No words. Perfection and amazing is an understatement. 

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24 minutes ago, sugarbunnee said:
t's cool to monitor the social media accounts of Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki's friends and associates. It's not cool to bother them or ask them personal questions pertaining to the couple based on any speculations that have come up here. This amounts to harassment and may possibly raise red flags back to SHK/SJK themselves. The last thing we need is for all their friends and associates to privatize their accounts. This only hurts us shippers.
It seems people have been sharing certain insights posted here as fact on other forms of social media which is rather creepy IMO. Hey people credit your source and if something discussed here has been brought up as an observation, DON"T POST IT AS FACT ELSEWHERE. Spreading unverified speculations is not good for the ship.


@sugarbunnee damn, you couldn't have said it any better. It's so cringeworthy reading some ppl's comments on SHK and her associates' instagrams. Please ppl - if you love them PROTECT THEM. do not harrass them or their associates!!! else they will privatise their accounts or be more careful with posting ANYTHING related to them, then we won't be able to track anything at all!!


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2 hours ago, angelicXD said:

I love the hug at the end of episode 15. He only wears a shirt and she only wears a shirt. Nothing much between them. The soldier uniform is too thick lol and the jacket they wore were too thick too. But finalky SJK in just a t-shirt. The hug scene is so raw. 

But still, no kiss :P.

In my pov, the scene when Sijin meet MY in hospital to say he want to go to dept.store, thats must include at least one desperate kiss from those two.

Happy ending, more kiss, more skinship, then i will say farewell to DOTS with happy heart.

Tho i will still lurking here, to see uri Song couple :wub:

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21 minutes ago, joongkyo said:




Hmmm ... I hate saying this phrase, but it can't be helped ... THE FEELS! On so many levels, no?

Talk about Hye Kyo really being proud of this show or this moment or eeeeep! Is she being nostalgic? Is she missing him? LOL. I hope we'll hear something positive about them soon :D

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