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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I’m giving some lesson to those ‘newbie’

Example – There was a photo of SHK/Raymond/AhIn (correct me if I’m wrong)… Uri SHK look like a lovesick puppy, shooting love tip arrow with her eyes to whomever taking the photo (HER FACIAL EXPRESSION INTERPRETATION - IS NOT A FACT MERELY OBSERVATION CAN BE DELULU CAN BE REAL BASE ON ONE INTERPRETATION)

So friends joked that it could be SJK taking the photo (AGAIN THIS IS ASSUMPTION) and some tried their detective skill trying to see through reflection from glass/spec/back of spoon/fork/chopstick. Heeee :D crazy bored ppl wakakaka.. and me another cray cray waited patiently for the result … wakakaka.

So idiots will start spreading the rumor – it’s SJK that took the photo … I have inside source - my grandma friend that have a grandpa that has a stepson that was yada yada yada …  hiyaaa ..

Those matured shippers will laugh this off and not repeat this on any social media …

This is an example of how a rumor start off .. such silly banter between shippers :D … very very innocent .. can turn into one ugly rumor .. huhu …

I hope we can still keep this type of ‘discussion’ :D … It’s my therapeutic release .. I giggled a lot when I am in this thread … hihihihi .. thank you for being my medicine ..


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I woke up with the happiest mood today because it's Wednesday. Just when i thought I couldn't get any happier, you guys bring us another happy news of SongSong couple. Thank you @ChiobiD and @annypooh for the happy happy news ♡ 

Although I love Kdramas, enjoy it from time to time, I've never been this invested to the drama and the main leads. I'm a Jang Keun Suk fan for so long but even him doesn't make me want to dig more infos about him or his drama. This is the very first time for me to join a forum for Kdrama Lover, and boy, how I enjoy this experience. I'm not good with words so most of the time I only read the posts here, I love reading so I consider this as my new novel since I haven't got any new book to read lol. I really enjoy your comments and insights, how you all support the drama and SongSong couple with class and maturity. As a casual fan, I only admire them but never tried to know about them more so I also enjoy the insights of long time fan of SHK and SJK (shout out to @SeGafanlady and @ilovesjk) because of you I get to know them more and get to love them more as an individual and as a couple. Thank you chingus ♡

About that Instagram page who always wrote she got her information from secret chingu, I must admit that I used to rely on her page so much to feed my delulu mind until I noticed that she shared some infos after members shared it here. Then @joongkyo shared the signature photo here, the following day that account posted the picture with caption "i knew this since last night yada yada yada.." maybe the secret chingu is this thread after all :phew:



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I think I know those ig accounts, I happened to read some of their posts. At first I thought they really have legit source and all but the more I read the more I feel they are getting out of context so I stop reading. Soompi tread is the best place to have or share information. The members here are not always delulu, well sometimes I am, hehe. But everytime there is an update all the awesome girls or detectives here will try to find the source as not to make other confuse, I really appreciate all of the efforts in providing those precious information. I hope they will also appreciate all members here and try to protect KyoKi too, we don't want hatters to have more things to attack them.

What I also admire here is when we found out some info turn out to be untrue, member here will help to remind others that it's not true so we don't get too delulu or way ahead of ourselves. That's what I love for being here. You guys discuss based on facts not just rumors. We are not shipping blindly but based on facts. 

I only hope the best for KyoKi (I love this nickname so much, thanks!) even if they are not gonna say anything as long as they are happy, that's enough for me. 


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Netizens could be two sided knife for famous people. They can spread good publication and bad publication. And there's is no ethics consensus about how we should behave in social media. So it's really need maturity & wise thinking about what we want to share with others, especially to write down opinion about someone we hate. What is the used of writing a hatred post about someone? When you don't have any prove about the things we write down, people will think us "crazy" and currently the person can sued us back for spreading bad things that isn't true. And as we already knew UAA / SHK had been done this to the netizens and they win. So better be careful if you don't want to be sued.

Another thing is "Please read carefully & understand it clearly. Don't just read a few lines, and start your own thinking" It's ok if it just you don't understand what being post and just keep silent about that. Sometimes people who are so excited but didn't really know what is going on, pass on news to others with their own version which is already been mix up with their thougths. So I thinks it's not because they read some delulu posts, but because they already had delulu mind and post it on social media. We all can differentiate which post is news and which one is delulu (my post mostly just analysis & delulu :))

And lastly, I just want to cheer up our team again. As always in this thread we are on a roller coaster ride. On Monday we will get a blockbuster news that make us high, and suddenly there is a little trouble that makes us down, and don't forget today is WEDNESDAY.... The day that we all waiting for because it's the day of Song Song Couple.


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1 hour ago, melissala said:

@redwinecouple  Totally agree with everything you wrote.  Those people who are making foolish comments on IG, please stop it.  I know you guys are reading this thread.  Join and chat with us iif you want to talk about the couple, but  don't make stupid comments to Kyo's friends, don't repeat things you see here and twist it and post it as your "scoop", and in general just try to keep your shipping classy and adult.  These aren't teenage idols, or people looking for attention, and we as fans shouldn't act like they are and keep it respectful. 

And I was thinking about end of the year awards.  They can win popularity, best couple, acting awards,  etc...   should be fun. :D 

@melissala....After DOTS airing...the special episodes to be aired by KBS will be an added bonus. Then what???? I am looking forward to see them on interviews (TV or Magazines), CFs and other photoshoots...but I will definitely look forward to KBS Year End Awards by December....wishing and hoping they will walk the red carpet together...if not, fine I will be happy seeing them both in the same table and seated right next each other...along with other casts and director and writer....and of course...I would love to see the expression on their face when they are called as winners (be it individual or couple awards) and lastly...their winning speech and message...will they acknowledge each other.....awwwwww! :wub:

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According to HK media On.cc today, for SHK SJK's Viu promo event in HK on 5 April, it's been confirmed they will not be attending any public events (contrary to earlier reports there would be fan gathering and public event). Article states that "Korea side (meaning their agencies i assume) due to security fears, have requested both of them to not attend public events, to avoid ten thousand people crowd crush and loss of control or accidents occuring in HK. They will be attending the Tues 5 April Viu TV opening private party, and will not attend any other public event"
cr: http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20160330/bkn-20160330022859309-0330_00862_001.html

Interesting since they're flying in on the 4 April reportedly arriving at 11.30am HK time. That's quite early if the private party is on the 5th.

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2 minutes ago, 2cents said:

According to HK media On.cc today, for SHK SJK's Viu promo event in HK on 5 April, it's been confirmed they will not be attending any public events (contrary to earlier reports there would be fan gathering and public event). Article states that "Korea side (meaning their agencies i assume) due to security fears, have requested both of them to not attend public events, to avoid ten thousand people crowd crush and loss of control or accidents occuring in HK. They will be attending the Tues 5 April Viu TV opening private party, and will not attend any other public event"
cr: http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20160330/bkn-20160330022859309-0330_00862_001.html

Interesting since they're flying in on the 4 April reportedly arriving at 11.30am HK time. That's quite early if the private party is on the 5th.


I'm sure the agencies are right but now I'm worried about the number of people who will turn up at the airport, as it is the HK airport is crazy busy at all times. The fans knowing that this could be the only opportunity to catch them will probably descend in even larger numbers than earlier planned. Maybe they're arriving early to do a photo shoot in HK?, Since Elle HK alluded to something of that sort via their instagram post.


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You know what makes me really happy to think about? The fact that they filmed this drama over the course of 7 months and they all got so close. They spent more than half a year together and still continue to see each other even though the filming has been completed. SJK and SHK must be pretty close as even before this drama, they had mutual friends and probably met up once or twice with them, so they know each other. If they are dating or decide to date, their friends would definitely support them and so will all of us!! 7 months and counting spent together, thats a lot of time. If they aren't dating after that much time spent together than I'm giving up on love LOL. 

Its finally Wednesday here, I wont be able to watch the live broadcast but I hope to come home and read the live recaps! DOTS FIGHTING!!!

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There is no such fansite that I know of.  Uh, I think we should take such rumors with a grain of salt.  We already know they went out , we don't really need to know all the details of what they did or how they looked.  

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3 hours ago, applegirl2 said:

Wow @ChiobiD that's the best news ever for us.. thanks for sharing. . Hope what the shippers report is the truth.  That's the best confirmation we need to get.. 

Now.. let's just leave them alone to date and be happy. . I only wish to hear a public announcement IF they are getting married.. don't need to confirm anything else 

Announcing they are a couple and dating in public view is truly stressful for them .. so please let's not go there :tears:

i agree with you. the confirmation from the evidence here is enough for me. even if song joong ki or song hye kyo avoid or keep low key about the dating and relationship issue at the public its ok. right now let's them stabilize their relationship and go out together without pressure. in the upcoming interview from KBS about DOTS i really want they focus about DOTS. their experience when filming and other things. song hye kyo is know as great actress and act in many dramas and movies so now i want song joong ki to get more recognition after this too because his hard work as actor not just because he's dating song hye kyo. make the public announcement only when they want to get married. i want their relationship like ji sung and lee bo young - dating then marriage!

but i'm curious since when they started dating? from what i know, song joong ki want to act with song hye kyo and really hope her to accept this script right? so maybe at that time he's in crush stage but when they went filming together they started to know more about each other and then dating? in this drama the way song joong ki talk,stare and his body language when interact with song hye kyo really looks like a man who's smitten and fall in love. he's a great actor but this different from his way of acting romantic in his previous dramas. i hope my word makes sense for you guys to understand:sweatingbullets:

and i want they to do photo shoot together. pleaseee!



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I totally agree with you @melissala however, at least what about them we know need come from a clear and reliable source. I don't want to know all details. I absolutely respect their privacy . I just think what we spread onl can harm their relationship. Maybe my comment will always cause negative thought so I will edit it


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6 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

Wait did I read that correctly? So there will be no fan meeting afterall? But more of private party and interviews? Correct me if I'm wrong. Nevertheless, I hope they have a photoshoot at the very least!

with the craziness about this dramas and amount of their fans, it's not weird. they had to brought the real soldiers to protect song hye kyo and song joong ki if it too open. but i hope we can get access about the interviews:tears:

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@enzek , I think it's safe to presume that their interactions with each other had started way before the shooting ever started. Aside from the fact that SJK said he had gone to TWTWB's set to meet SHK (so that was in February - April 2013 ) we know that they had met each other at different cafes (as per SHK's Elle article of 2015 June issue) when hanging out with other friends. Joong Ki enlisted in August of 2013, so they had already started becoming friendly two years prior to the shooting of DOTS. 

If one reads SHK's article carefully, she talks about Joong Ki's personality and mannerisms - this was before the shooting for DOTS began, the interview most probably happened sometime in May, 2015 since the edition came out in June and the photoshoot had happened in March (which is why Elle journalist teases Hye Kyo about hiding the news of DOTS from them while being in Paris). Since she is able to describe him in such detail, it's obvious that the two had become quite close already at this point of time.Of course it's customary to say nice things about your would-be co-star but note that she doesn't talk about his acting capabilities as much as she does about his real personality off camera.

The main hints really however come from Joong Ki's article for Elle which came out in October, 2015 - when the journalist talks about Hye Kyo's interview , Joong Ki's response is "I saw that photo shoot. It was in Paris." which shows that he was in fact very aware of that interview and even remembered the location of the photo shoot which is surprising that he remembered such small details considering these actors and actresses give so many photo shoots in so many magazines. He then goes on to say that the staff and writer were so taken by their chemistry while shooting that they wished that the two of them would seriously consider going out. (at this point of time half the shooting was over, they had begun shooting in June, 2015). 

So while it would be virtually impossible for us to pinpoint the time they started dating, but their friendship obviously has started sometime by the end of 2013 or so. So one needn't be surprised and think that they're moving too fast because after all they are at a stage of (however they choose to define it ) relationship where they meet up in NYC , hang out with each others friends ,go out for meals late at night and co-host a party. 

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3 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I’m giving some lesson to those ‘newbie’

Example – There was a photo of SHK/Raymond/AhIn (correct me if I’m wrong)… Uri SHK look like a lovesick puppy, shooting love tip arrow with her eyes to whomever taking the photo (HER FACIAL EXPRESSION INTERPRETATION - IS NOT A FACT MERELY OBSERVATION CAN BE DELULU CAN BE REAL BASE ON ONE INTERPRETATION)

So friends joked that it could be SJK taking the photo (AGAIN THIS IS ASSUMPTION) and some tried their detective skill trying to see through reflection from glass/spec/back of spoon/fork/chopstick. Heeee :D crazy bored ppl wakakaka.. and me another cray cray waited patiently for the result … wakakaka.

So idiots will start spreading the rumor – it’s SJK that took the photo … I have inside source - my grandma friend that have a grandpa that has a stepson that was yada yada yada …  hiyaaa ..

Those matured shippers will laugh this off and not repeat this on any social media …

This is an example of how a rumor start off .. such silly banter between shippers :D … very very innocent .. can turn into one ugly rumor .. huhu …

I hope we can still keep this type of ‘discussion’ :D … It’s my therapeutic release .. I giggled a lot when I am in this thread … hihihihi .. thank you for being my medicine ..


Yeah... that's so true.... the lunatic shipper will cut & paste here & there .. make it new different story ....

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