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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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In my opinion DH definitely has feeling for Feng Jiu.:blush:  I think because he has lived for so long, experiencing so many things in live,  being indifferent for so long that this kind of change (him liking someone)  might have "scare" him (its hard to break the comfort zone and love can make people become coward sometime).  You can see his subtle action n emotion whenever FJ os involved.  Its like he's always fighting with himself. Moreover,  DH's dying too. I really love Vengao subtle emotions and body language in this series. :heart:

FJ on the other hand is young (she's like in the sunrise phase of live while DH is in the sunset)  .  She's experiencing her first taste of love.  When she loves she loves deeply and totally. She goes all in without hesitation and regret, (thankfully not to the cray cray level of SJ)


I actually like FJ combative spirit haha ( I wish I havr that kind of courage to keep going for what you want in the face of obstacles :grimace:I believe that only by fighting to the bitter end that we can make a clean cut when its time to let go..so there will not be any "what ifs".  I feel that as we grow older,  we tend to have more reservations and less courage to do things that we think will take us out of our comfort zone..like DH in this case :dissapointed_relieved:).

Actually their story remind me of the korean drama Gentleman Dignity where there is this young girl that keep on pursuing much older lawyer.  She also fought to the very end before finally ready to let go. 



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58 minutes ago, Le_Amarant said:

I think people haven't doubted LYF yet because:

1) She such a visual powerhouse that even if her acting is subpar, her visuals will make up for the acting

2) Yang Mi didn't knock BQ out of the ballpark the way Mark Chao did. I found her SuSu depicting to be lacking many times.


I'm not a fan of her Susu acting. Her as Bai Qian is slightly better but lacking some depth. Her gestures and expressions are so awkward at times. Like she is trying too hard at times to convey that elegance/goddess aura of Bai Qian. Si Yin is probably more within her range. I was excited when the casting was announced. I thought she did well in Interpreter/Translator and had high hopes but slightly disappointed after 52 episodes. Not going to lie, maybe Dilraba might even make a more convincing Si Yin/Susu/Bai Qian. 

I think I'll fine with LYF. She and YM are about the same, give or take. Yang Yang got some pressure, but he's just sooo good looking...LOL. Chinese netizens will be forgiving since Yang Yang has amazing visuals. Loved him in Wei Wei but there wasn't much acting involved. He just had to walk into a room and stand there. It's going to be hard to beat Mark. Kudos to him for acting as Mo Yuan and Ye Hua and giving both characters such different auras. Best shifu. Mo Yuan over Zi Hua any day! And I totally loved Bai Zi Hua and even Wallace was awkward at times. 

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Ep 52 summary, let's enjoy it while we can, just 3 more days, 6 more episodes....


Little Yehua remembers what Bai Qian said to him, he looks at the beads. SuJin visits him and asked if he remembers him, he ignores her (hahahaha even if he doesn't remember her, he still doesn't like her, unlike Bai Qian). SuJin now becomes Little Yehua's cousin in mortal realm, again he ignores her, she keeps talking, then he said there are books at the back, you can read them, don't disturb me. (He doesn't like you, take the hint, woman) 

Bai Qian complains while cleaning the wine cellar. Mo Yuan walks in and said the past seventeen was lazy after 70,000 years she is now changed, wipes her dirty face (awwwww). She asked him if he knew she was a girl during the time when she was heartbroken over Li Jing and drunk to drown her sorrows. He replied from the first day I knew you were Fox tribe emperor's daughter. She asked why did you accept me as a disciple when Kunlunxu do not allow female disciples. 

MY- why do you think the reason was?

BQ- she thinks, then said cos of ZheYan, you are an easy going person, you wouldn't like the old Phoenix pestering you.

(this part, Mo Yuan's face broke my heart, did he like her from the beginning?)

BQ- bet you didn't think having a female disciple like me was so troublesome, even when I had to level up to an immortal, you had to bear it for me (lighting strikes). 

She was going to bow but he stopped her and asked if it is true that she gave her heart blood to him 70,000 years. She said she was grateful to teacher, even if she is to lose her life she wouldn't complain. 

Mo Yuan asked if he didn't use his soul to seal the bell, would she still be here in Kunlunxu? She said yes, i have always intended to stay here for a long time.

MY- Stay for a long time? (U see hope in his eyes)

Mo Yuan said as a girl she would have to marry one day, even if she wanted to stay, her parents wouldn't allow it.

BQ- there wasn't Yehua yet....before that, never thought about being with someone for a long time.

Mo Yuan- Yes, Yehua wasn't here that time yet (he is kicking himself, missed opportunity, didn't have a competitor then)

MY further said do you know the reason why I keep on trying to mend my soul for the last 70,000 years? (It is because of her.......he wanted to return to her....). 

BQ replied ZheYan said you will never disappoint people, you did it for us(all the disciples, maybe the whole god realm)

MY- Yes, I did it for the person who I care for (he means her......... I want to cry....) 

BQ- Yes I understand, we are all important to you (No......he means only you......)

HUG that has so much feels in it, you can feel MY's longingness.

 Ah Li is here to pay his respects to Mo Yuan, Bai Qian explains to him that Mo Yuan is actually his father's twin brother.

SuJin snatched the beads from little Yehua, asked him why he keeps holding it and whom it is from. (I hate her) She finds out that it is from Bai Qian (Qingqiu can only means her). She is now making a puppet of Susu for her evil plan.

Fengjiu finds out from Siming that Donghua went to mortal realm that time was because of her, she cried.

Donghua destroyed his own love fate from the 3 lifetime stone when he became heaven ruler.

More crying from Fengjiu, she is going against all rules even after SiMing warned her, so stubborn... cut off one of her tails to use it as a tool to engrave Donghua's name onto the stone.

@moonflower_ I agree Yang Mi's acting is inconsistent at some parts, but most parts I will still say I'm happy with. Yes, she was great in Translator with Huang Xuan. I think sometimes acting is also about rapport and suitability with co-stars, I'm not sure if Dilraba will have that rapport with Mark, we can only guess, but her rapport with Donghua's character seems good.

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@Purestupidity omg, thank you for the recap. Mo Yuan just breaks my heart with his misopportunity, timing, and his longing.

The interpretation definitely went with Mo Yuan liking BQ at first sight and all of Mark expression as Mo Yuan is giving me second lead syndrome.

Granted I did hope that there was a Shao-wan reference cause I want to see more of that interpretation (it could've of went both ways) but it seem that since that novel is in that work and there isn't much to go by on it, it seem like they squash that overall. 

Not that I mind that it interpret that he did like her from the start. It's just that it breaks my heart with that interpretation cause he lost his chance to Ye Hua. The thought that she would stay at Kunlun, that Ye Hua wasn't there yet. The feeling and expression of a "what could have been" - his hope, his longing just pang my heart. A love that isn't meant to be from the start.

I'll take you Mo Yuan, you have me! :)

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@Lyna you will have to fight me for Mo Yuan! Hahahaha :) 

Yes, very very heartbreaking indeed to see Mo Yuan's expressions of hope, turned disappointment. He keeps on asking questions of how it would have been, at the same time, it's difficult to swallow the truth- he missed his chance 70,000 years ago. He was with her 20,000 years and if he liked her from day one, he could have acted on it. But yet, I can't see him acting on it as they are teacher/disciple, it is taboo to have a relationship...sigh!

Mark Chao nailed it! 

Edit: We should start a list of pro and cons of Yehua vs Mo Yuan


-wears only black

-clean faced

-will give up crown prince title for Susu

-no musical interest that we know of, he only studies

-looks fit in a fighting amour

Mo Yuan

-wears very nice colour combo outfits

-rocking a sexy tache

-don't think he can give up God of War title, cos when there is a war there will be him ready as what he told Tianjun before.

-plays the guqing

-looks fit in a fighting amour too.

Hahahahaha all for fun!

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I'm going to post some FJ and DH spoilers (in a spoiler tag of course) in this so that you guys can see where their future lies in Pillow Book....

I know a lot of u are annoyed with FJ and I can get why you can be like that, but I actually like the tenacity of her love for DH.  Sure, she does need to learn how to lose some battles when it comes to him, but, I think for someone like DH, what he himself may not think he wants is actually what he may need.  Hence, I think FJ is perfect for him.

For those of you who have read Pillowbook like me, which is DH and FJ's story, you should know just how much of FJ's unwavering love, patience, loyalty, sacrifice, and perseverance can even attest to the impossible in her quest to win over what Xiao Yan (a new character in PB) affectionately calls "Ice Face" a.k.a DH.  

If you'd like to know some of what happens in that story, here you go.  


How long is Pillowbook (DH/FJ's story):  It is broken into two books and depending on where you read it, it can depend in length.

Does DH continue to treat FJ coldy/badly:  In book one, yes.  But not in book 2.

Is there any other w/m love interests?: Yes, but none of which our main characters reciprocate

Does FJ ever give up on DH/walk away?: Yes, and here is where the tables turn and it is DH pursuing and even more so getting mega protective over FJ.  

Does FJ ever grow up:  Yes, she definitely grows and matures greatly throughout this novel in its entirety.

Does DH ever get his own medicine when it comes to FJ:   Yes.  In bk1, he was cold and (in my opinion)indifferent to her at times.  But in bk2, we see a TREMENDOUS change in DH and we see him chasing after FJ and going through all kinds of trials and tribulations trying to reconnect with her and win back her love.  He even defies their original fated line and ignores it because no matter how hard he tries, he loves FJ so much and will not care whether fate says they are destined or not.  

Was DH ever attracted to FJ from the beginning: I can't remember all of the details on this, but I do know that DH always thought that FJ was a pretty girl.  But as he gets to know her and fall for her, he even admits that he thinks that she is beautiful and will be even more so as she gets older.

As for her personality, I can tell that DH always was attracted to FJ's innoncence and spirit.  Not to mention, she kept things interesting for him. :wink:

Does DH change personality wise:  Yes, his character does evolve a lot for the better.  He is still very much like his normal self, but you can also see with his words and subtle actions how much he has changed and sincerely loves FJ.  He becomes obsessive, jealous, petty, reckless at times, affectionate, and even romantic.  Not to the point though that you feel that DH's character is diminished and you think that his character is ruined.  I'm just summarizing things of which I had noticed.

DH clearly in book 2 finally opens his eyes to FJ and realizes how much he can no longer fight off the pull she has on him and realizes how empty he feels without her.  She is his missing half and everything he is not, so she balances him.   She is warm, passionate, and an uncorrupt soul.  She harbors no ill will onto others.

It was really nice to see DH actually get impressed/proud of FJ at times because compared to the other girls who liked him, FJ became more self-reliant and matured greatly throughout and didn't depend on him for everything.  DH even stated that he didn't like useless people and admired that FJ could do things for herself and would even take care of him and protect him even.  He was particularly fond of her cooking and didn't like sharing! lol

Was DH from a prestigous family/have a high family background?:  Contrary to what you may think, no. That was actually one of the things that FJ's family objected on.  They wanted someone from a high background, who had power, who didn't fight.  DH may have been the lord of the heavens before, but he was an orphan who was always alone until he was taken in out of charity, he has no actual power since he was no longer ruler, and he is an excellent and unparalled fighter.

When he meets FJ, he finally gets a family.  Something he has never had.

Is there any love/romantic scenes or anything between them: Yes

Do they get a HEA:  Yes, and more! :)

If you guys have any more questions on this couple you are welcome to PM me.  I literally just finished reading this book last night so the details are still fresh in my mind and will also be happy to point out on how to read this story in english in a message. :D

As for the drama version of DH and FJ:  I love the portrayal of FJ.  I think she is fine.  As for DH, personally to me, in the drama version, I do think that DH does have feelings for FJ.  Come on, for someone who does not give a smidge of time for anyone, no less let anybody touch him, he sure lets FJ get away with all of that.  Sure, she can be overbearing but no matter how much Dh may say he is not interested, you can see in his eyes and small actions that he does.  Body language does not lie my friends and we all know that DH will not do or let anything happen to him that he does not want.  Come on now.


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1 hour ago, Lyna said:

@Purestupidity omg, thank you for the recap. Mo Yuan just breaks my heart with his misopportunity, timing, and his longing.

The interpretation definitely went with Mo Yuan liking BQ at first sight and all of Mark expression as Mo Yuan is giving me second lead syndrome.

Granted I did hope that there was a Shao-wan reference cause I want to see more of that interpretation


  They're really going full throttle with Mo Yuan's feelings for BQ, isn't it? The MY likes her route wasn't all that surprising. Then the explicitness of it was more than any of us expected. And now it hinted at being love at first sight? I really couldn't imagine Mo Yuan being the love at first sight kind, but okay.  You can tell poor shifu planned to not hold back his feelings this time after 70,000 years,  and he is even more straightforward than before but he has no choice now really :( 

As for Shao Wan reference being scraped I imagined it to be the case. It won't make sense for drama to include more characters near the end even if by reference only . But mainly 'cause it's not very 'romantic' for purposes of MY likes BQ route they decided to head down.

@moonflower_  yes someone please write a Mo Yuan fanfic !! Or else I'll be tempted to write my own about Bai Qian and shifu lol

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1 hour ago, moonflower_ said:

@Lyna @Purestupidityi'm heart broken over shifu. i was hoping they would add in the shao wan reference so that i can pretend shifu is just waiting for his 3L3W with shao wan. *cries a river* 

if any awesome writers happen to read this: please write a mo yuan fanfic. lol. 

I think most of us are heartbroken over shifu and blame it on Mark. His acting is just so stellar in separating the 2 character that when you're heartbroken for shifu, you're heartbroken for shifu and Ye Hua for Ye Hua.

I am the same in that I was hoping that Shao-wan make a mention just for the purpose of interpretation because I just feel that the mention of the brother no matter how brief it was in the novel was important and it does give question that like BQ mention in the novel, there is a past to him that no one knows. There is so much question to this enigmatic man for me that I crave for answer like why Kunlun is a male only learning school, why Zheyan knows so well and much of Mo Yun, the friendship between the three, why he accepted BQ knowing she is a girl, why he and DH don't fall in love (from an imaginative mind, I want to say because of Shao-wan).

But given that appearance is squash, I will leave with this interpretation that he do have feelings for BQ and like her but miss his opportunity and chance. He is just not fated for her and that pang my heart at a love that cannot be. Even if she stays in Kunlun, she would still be link and fated to Ye Hua as she awaken him in his lotus state and even if Ye Hua was born later, their fate would be bound to meet again (sorry we can't have no A.Li, that cute little dough)

For BQ, he'll always be her shifu (whom she has a high regard and respect for) and she differentiate their sacrifice differently but admittedly both are sincere. One pang at her heart and the other makes her feel indebted to. I can see that even if he stay awake in that 70,000 years - given that BQ doesn't see him more than her highly respected shifu, it would still hold him back from confessing and he would just be content with her being there. However, I would say part is the fault of BQ because a person behavior can make one misunderstand. She highly respect her shifu and idolize him leading to her fondness of her shifu could make one misread her action. Like her giving blood to her shifu. She did it out of being indebt but others can read it as something more hence Zheyan did make the mention that it would make him question their relationship. Or maybe that's just me making the excuse that shifu is confuse to ease the heartache he's giving me.

I think the way to ease my broken heart on both these character portrayed by Mark would have been (if it was done the first time) was make Mo Yuan one of Ye Hua lifetime. It would allow my heart to be at ease but no, separating just makes it harder since I want shifu to get his happiness *tears*

Maybe I'll have to put on a thinking hat and do a fanfic for shifu happiness, lol.

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My feelings about Ep 51/52,,

BQ/Shifu - OMG Shifu is so reserved! I reiterate my feelings that even if the two of them liked each other it would take like a bazillion years for them to admit it. I actually think there was a good chance BQ would have liked him before as well.. she did tell LJ that all her thoughts at the big battle were about MY, not about him. But because BQ is so dense/slow in matters of the heart (like 4th brother said, the complete opposite of Feng Jiu), the guy can't be that way as well or nothing is going to happen. The ONLY way she's going to realize something is going on is if the guy makes it SUPER obvious and pursues her really aggressively, like the way LJ and Yehua did. 

Think about it, imagine Yehua had not existed. I reckon when MY woke up they'll just continue the way they are now for like another ten thousand years. The only reason he's thinking about things now is because Yehua is on the scene and it's too late. I still kind of hope he'll come to realize he was just confused (maybe because BQ is supposed to be super beautiful and all those warm feelings of caring for her are confused). But seems to be the drama is definitely indicating that he fell in love with her slowly over those 20,000 years together but just sort of never got around to telling her. Stupid Shifu! Imagine if it was Yehua, he'd have pulled that stupid stunt about being injured and making her take care of him ages and then kissing her when her guard was down haha. You can tell Yehua is much younger.

DJ/FJ - I admit I'm not as a big a fan of them as of BQ/YH but the scene with Dilraba trying to carve the name back really made me cry. Someone else wrote that she's getting really annoying and imposing herself on DJ and turning into Sujin but I don't think that's necessarily true. Although I do think there's a good chance DJ cannot fight against the Demon King because what happened in the human world made him lose his powers, that's not really FJ's fault because he was also partly responsible for placing her in that situation. What's happening is FJ is the opposite of BQ and super aware of romance and destiny, and she can sense that DJ cares about her too and that they're truly meant to be together. Like BQ said he definitely encouraged her along the way, and I think these 2 eps made it clear he does have feelings for her, only because he destroyed his name off the three lives stone, now if he pursues any romance he's literally going against Heaven/Fate/Destiny and it's going to spell disaster.

Was it just me - I can't read the ancient Chinese script well - but was that DJ's name next to FJ's on the three lives stone? The one that's blurred out and she was trying in vain to carve it back in? I could see Yehua and BQ's name right next to it. And it was definitely "Bai" on both BQ's and FJ's name, I'm pretty sure because that's my surname too XD. If that's true then it makes even more sense that FJ is trying so hard because she's just trying her best to go back to way things are meant to be. They're really meant to be together. And when DJ removed his name and destroyed his marriage fate with FJ, he didn't realize he was destroying her chance at happiness too :( 

Sujin/Young YHu: This episode answered a lot of questions I had about just why Yehua did NOT have feelings for Sujin. It's true what she said, they spent their childhood together and they were each other's only same age companions. Usually in Kdrama that means romance LOL. She definitely had a huge advantage over every other  girl in his life. But seeing how Sujin interacted with Young YH really made it clear why he doesn't like her. She's completely clueless about his needs/wants and thinks because he's quiet and reserved that annoying him and forcing him to talk to her is "care" and "love". Like she told her maid sometimes she'd have to annoy him for days before he was forced to say one sentence to her- and that's a great memory of childhood for her. Geez girl, what's wrong with you? 

It's the same now. She claims to love him but doesn't actually think about what makes him happy, and she thinks just because she's annoyed him for his entire life that that gives her a claim over him more than any other girl. Just think if Sujin had been kind and understanding towards Yehua, especially when he didn't have much of that in his life since Tianjun was so strict with him, he probably would have fallen in love with her. Unfortunately she just probably bugged him day and night and was the bane of his life.


Side note as cute as the young version is, I miss adult Yehua! When is he coming back???

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2 hours ago, moonflower_ said:

Not going to lie, maybe Dilraba might even make a more convincing Si Yin/Susu/Bai Qian. 

I think I'll fine with LYF. She and YM are about the same, give or take. Yang Yang got some pressure, but he's just sooo good looking...LOL. Chinese netizens will be forgiving since Yang Yang has amazing visuals. Loved him in Wei Wei but there wasn't much acting involved. He just had to walk into a room and stand there. It's going to be hard to beat Mark. Kudos to him for acting as Mo Yuan and Ye Hua and giving both characters such different auras. Best shifu. Mo Yuan over Zi Hua any day! And I totally loved Bai Zi Hua and even Wallace was awkward at times. 


Diliraba is a surprisingly good actress. She can do coy without resorting to over-the-top antics and annoying viewers, which is a rare skill. She's very natural.

Idk if Yang Yang's visuals alone will help him carry this role. Yehua needs a lot of oomph, and Yang Yang might just stand around and be a pretty flower vase.

Can someone explain to me what the Bai family is? Are they like the Celestial family, but ruler of 5 realms on Earth? Why are they squatting around in dingy fox holes without a retinue of servants? And why are all of them living in separate residences?

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9 minutes ago, Le_Amarant said:


Diliraba is a surprisingly good actress. She can do coy without resorting to over-the-top antics and annoying viewers, which is a rare skill. She's very natural.

Idk if Yang Yang's visuals alone will help him carry this role. Yehua needs a lot of oomph, and Yang Yang might just stand around and be a pretty flower vase.

Can someone explain to me what the Bai family is? Are they like the Celestial family, but ruler of 5 realms on Earth? Why are they squatting around in dingy fox holes without a retinue of servants? And why are all of them living in separate residences?


They're the rulers of the Qing Qiu realm which is one of the different realms like you said, kind of how Tianjun is the ruler of the Tian (Heaven) realm and LJ is the ruler of the Yi realm. 

The connotation is that Qing Qiu is a really progressive/forward thinking realm where instead of having one ruler, they just split it up in 5 because they had 5 kids and everyone is equal. So so far we've only seen BQ and 2nd brother's realm. 2nd brother's realm looks more organised and he has servants if you recall.

However based on BQ's personality she likes things free and easy. Yehua commented once how come her realm doesn't have any magical stuff and just looks like the human world (eg they still cook food the regular way), and she said if she just uses magic to make everything happen it would be too boring. I think she likes a casual way of living as does the people living in the realm. Theoretically they're all her servants but she doesn't make them do anything. She was telling Yehua she was thinking about orchestrating a small war for them to keep them amused and he said he'd send some soldiers to help make it more legit haha. She doesn't seem the type that likes servants keeping tabs on her all the time. She always talks about how there's too much rules in the Heaven realm. I can see her as the kind of ruler that kind of just lets people govern themselves and if they're a problem she'll step in to resolve it. 

The Bai family are all nine tailed foxes underneath their human form so they probably have a propensity for living in a fox holes anyway haha. 

Which brings to me to thinking.. what does 4th brother's realm look like? It must be super disorganised because he literally spends NO time there. He's always with Zheyan!

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So far, in this drama, I like A Li, he is so cute...

But for the two leads, I cannot appreciate them, as the book described, BQ is 90,000years older than YH, but in the drama, YH looks much older makes me cannot concentrate on them.

Let's see whether the movie will surprise us...

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22 minutes ago, Lyna said:

I am the same in that I was hoping that Shao-wan make a mention just for the purpose of interpretation because I just feel that the mention of the brother no matter how brief it was in the novel was important and it does give question that like BQ mention in the novel, there is a past to him that no one knows. There is so much question to this enigmatic man for me that I crave for answer like why Kunlun is a male only learning school, why Zheyan knows so well and much of Mo Yun, the friendship between the three, why he accepted BQ knowing she is a girl, why he and DH don't fall in love (from an imaginative mind, I want to say because of Shao-wan).

That reminds me of the drinking scene in ep 51 after Bai Qian returned from her mortal world visit, where Bai Qian asked Zhe Yan why Dong Hua has no interest in women. Mo Yuan was like because for the world and Zhe Yan looked at him. I was like *overactive mind at work* what if Dong Hua and Mo Yuan was in a love triangle with Shao Wan? I mean Tang Qi made Dong Hua as Shao Wan's best friend...lol 

Anyway, if you write, I will totally read!! *send thousands of virtual peach blossoms/flowers* (LOL)

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24 minutes ago, gingertj831 said:

So far, in this drama, I like A Li, he is so cute...

But for the two leads, I cannot appreciate them, as the book described, BQ is 90,000years older than YH, but in the drama, YH looks much older makes me cannot concentrate on them.

Let's see whether the movie will surprise us...


I think how old they appear has nothing to do with how old they actually are. Maybe it's a personal choice?

I remember there was one episode where there was a bunch of xian standing around gossiping in the Heaven Kingdom about BQ and what happened to her engagement with the Emperors second son. Chen Yu was one of them. Then this super dooper old looking guy with white hair and eyebrows mentioned he saw BQ from far away dancing in the plum blossom tree when he was YOUNG. So he must have aged quick!!

Also Mo Yuan and Yehua are supposed to look similar enough people would mistake them for each other and Mo Yuan is even older than Bai Qian so...



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8 hours ago, faythe said:

I totally agree about FJ. Right now, she is just pure desperate. Why is it all these women can't accept the word NO? If it wasn't for Dilabra, I would have hate her character. FJ from the novel is so much better. She tried no less harder than the drama version, but she has a limit. I swear to god it's like the writer is doing this out of their hatred for the couple. They tried to destroy this could image in every way possible. 


So true. I feel that way too. The writer want us to hate this couple. Sorry. Not working for me. I cry when Fengjiu cry TT.TT but now Fengjiu act similar as Su Jin.

Donghua in the book did not hesitated to carving half his heart. His half heart that he made into a wedding ring for Fengjiu. Because he was dying too. He even registered his and her name to Nuwa's marriage register list at first place. He tricked her actually. Fengjiu avoid him as she could. Comedy tragic happy end story for the pillow book.

I wish Donghua in drama (I want to strangling him..lol), the writer team (want to strangling them either....just joking), can wrote a happy ending. Give them closure. At least they already change the characters why don't change their story as well. Fengjiu in the book is more tomboy boyish attitude. Donghua in the book is more naive and tricky as Loki from Avenger or almost look like Sherlock (bennedict cumberbatch). He tricked Fengjiu whenever he can. He love Fengjiu at the first sight when Fengjiu turn into a 9th tails red fox when he was playing chess with 3rd Prince Liansong. Zhe Yan right, Donghua did love thick furr velvet animal :D

I miss Yehua though. Mo Yuan .... hugs him. Heheheheehe Poor Mo Yuan 

About Sujin


She hate Bai Qian. She was carving Bai Qian doll from wood. How hate can make Bai Qian face so memorable to Su Jin....Isn't that ironic? If I hate people, I would erase them from my mind. Not worthy to occupying my memories.


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I see a few people are making a move on my man. Looking at you @Purestupidity, @Lyna and @ultimateauj. Sexy sifu is mine and I'll fight anyone who dare try to put a claim on him and I fight dirty :grin:. Joking aside, won't someone please write a MY/BQ fanfic to assuage poor sifu suffering. I would do it myself, but I can't write for peanuts and nobody should be subjected to my bad attempt at fanfiction.

On another note there were some cute Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen interactions in last night episodes. The way ZY affectionately referred to BZ as Zhen Zhen - "Zhen Zhen likes sweet food"! Or the way ZY restarted their chess game because he was afraid that BZ would be upset if he loses and won't speak to him for 10 days or half a month. These two have the best relationship in the drama - no angst or separation, just plenty of time enjoying life together. The writers are cleverly giving us a ZY/BZ pairing without triggering the censorship board. 

And watching poor sifu attempting to clue in BQ about his feelings for her was both sad and funny. Like ZY and BZ said, subtlety doesn't works on BQ. He needs to drop it on her head like an anvil. I guess with everything being the way it is, he doesn't feel comfortable making an outright confession. Too late for sexy sifu, but at least he has a lot of viewers who are more than happy to take him.

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