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27 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


I haven't read this latest fanfic first yet. I don't know whether you've read the spoiler about the accident but here I will add more to the previous spoiler and I was devastated when I heard it from my friend today... 


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I too just got tears in my eyes.BLY and GH love crazily ...This is driving me crazy to read novel...i wish someone translates the novel(completly)..

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2 hours ago, alvinboi said:


Novel comparisons for Episode 13

Gu Hai = GH, Bai LuoYin = BLY, You Qi = YQ, Yang Meng = YM


Source: Are you addicted, Vol. 1, Ch. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 107 & 108. Credits to author Chai Jidan.


1. Part from Ch. 94: Winning streak in mahjong

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>> This is the same as the episode. It's kinda funny how GH explained BLY's super memory to their friends. After saying it, I guess that's the last time they will come over for mahjong right? xD

**And GH strikes again with his tease when counting their winnings:

GH: "Twelve thousands in total. You are my good wifey after all."

BLY: "Say that again and see if I'll castrate you or not."

GH: "Castrate me? You will have to find a basin big enough for that."


2. Ch. 95:

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Missing from the episode: BLY's ice-cream craving

In school, everyone was doing a mass exercise. After that, GH & BLY were heading back to their classroom. Then, BLY said that he suddenly feels like having ice-cream. GH rebutted that the season now is so cold already. BLY insisted but GH rejected him with a strict tone. Then, BLY had some rebellious thoughts and turned towards the school supermart. GH chased him and finally decided to get it for him. The supermart was so packed. GH had to squeeze to the freezer to get the ice-cream. "In the past, even if it's not to the supermart, getting something for others is an unpleasant feeling of lowering his status."

>> It's cute how GH can't help but fulfill BLY's cravings. <3


Same as the episode: A sour ice-cream session

YM came to find BLY and ate the ice-cream that GH got from the supermart just for BLY. And this is the start of a series of discontentment from GH.

>> It's good to see that the episode did a voiceover for GH's thoughts, which was in the novel. :)


Generally same as the episode: YM complaining to BLY about YQ

**Different: 3 of them headed back to class. YM went past level 2 where his classroom is and went to level 3, where BLY and GH's classroom in. He told GH that he wanted to talk to BLY for a while. GH went back into class first. Note: In the episode, the chat between YM & BLY started with YM dragging BLY out of class instead.

>> Uh oh.

**Same: While YM was saying how YQ has been blocking his way at the school gate, YQ walked over and smiled only at BLY. When BLY returned to class, he found out GH took his worksheet. GH refused to admit it and said, "Who told you to be absent when the worksheets were given out? Do you still need it? Go chat! Chat as much as you want. Chat for one period and forget about doing the worksheet."

>> This is the second action of jealousy from GH. Wait for the last one. Also, the novel describes YM quite adorably here, using words like 'cat' and 'kid' on him. Actor Chen Wen embodies YM's personality pretty well.

**Missing from the episode: The bruise

At the end of the period, YM came back again. He called for BLY. And the novel writes:

BLY stood up. Someone from behind kick his chair fiercely. The chair leg knocked against BLY's leg. And with this fierce hit, BLY took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, pushed his chair, and walked out of the classroom without batting an eye at GH.

>> This is how BLY's bruise came about. Urgh. GH's hooligan trait is such a pain. He's hurting BLY!


**Same: YM continued to complain how YQ also has been blocking his way at his classroom even before his period ends. Seeing something's amiss, BLY went to confront YQ. YQ acted aloof. GH smacked the table and shouted to tell them to quiet down.

>> Stealing worksheet, kicking the chair and now smacking the table. Gosh, GH.


3. Ch. 96:

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**YM kept coming back to look BLY in between lessons. After school, YM wanted to go home together with BLY. BLY told GH all 3 of them will go back together, but GH totally ignore BLY. GH rode off. BLY concluded that YQ did 'harass' YM but to him, it wasn't anything serious to be alarmed. BLY sent YM to his doorstep and went back his house. GH was standing there with many cigarette butts at his feet.

>> GH's jealousy is rather ridiculous. YM is BLY's childhood buddy. YM behaves around BLY, just like how GH's buddies treat GH.

More details from the novel & a missing part from the episode:

**GH kept standing outside, after BLY's dad, Bai Han Qi (BHQ), tried to get him in. And the novel writes:

BLY used much strength to pull BHQ, dragging him in step-by-step. GH stared at BLY, not saying a word, but he was screaming inside countless times: You really bear to leave me outside? Can't you say something to please me? Sometimes, guys are soft-hearted too. We also need some gentleness, right?

"It's raining ice crystals!"

BHQ sighed as he kept looking towards the door.

BLY glanced at the floor. Ice crystals covered the shoes with a layer of frost. He didn't enter the house all this while. He was kept himself busy with things in the yard. Actually, he kept feeling the temperature outside so that he would know when the temperature drops.

After BHQ said that, BLY finally went back into the house.

After about ten minutes, BLY dashed through the door with a frown.

GH was still standing there with much diligence, just like a soldier doing his guard duty.

BLY puffed a few mouthful of cold air, and said angrily, "Come in!"

Initially, GH didn't have any reaction. Moments later, he smiled. He felt so much joy that the frost on his lips melted.

BLY went into the house, and passed GH a hot water bag along the way.

GH put his hands in it, purposed stood close to BLY, raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's so warm! When did you charge it up? How did I not see you doing that?"

"Are you using it? If not, hand it over!" BLY reached out to grab it.

GH blocked him and felt that BLY's hands were colder than his.

"Why are your hands also so cold?" GH put away his smile.

BLY pulled his hands away, and said with an unfriendly tone, "You were standing outside. My dad kept showing me a face of displeasure. How can I dare to stay inside the house?"

GH felt touched yet a little regretful. He used the hot water bag to warm his own hands, and pull BLY's hands in to warm him up too. BLY resisted a little, but GH refused to let go. A pair of big hands wrapped the other. Once in a while, GH even puffed into the bag. Even though it was a little embarrassing, it also had an indescribable sense of warmth.

At night, before sleep, BLY was soaking his legs. GH didn't show up at all. After BLY was done, he went outside to take a look. GH was in the kitchen doing something.

"Uncle, it's been brewing for some time. Is it done?"

"Yes, it is. You can serve it."

GH fill a bowl with ginger soup and carried it carefully outside. Seeing BLY standing at the yard, he couldn't help but complained, "Why are you outside? Come back in quickly! It's so cold there!"

BLY looked at GH's bowl of ginger soup, moved his lips, but didn't say a word.

"Try it. How's the taste?" GH asked.

BLY took two big gulps, "A little hot."

"The hotter it is, the better it is to eliminate the cold. Have some more."

"Aren't you having some?" BLY glanced at GH.

GH was drowned in fondness, and smiled, "I'll drink after you finish yours."


More details from the novel & a missing part from the episode:

** GH saw the bruise on BLY's leg. And the novel writes:

His breathing stopped for an instant. Without any explanation, he pulled BLY's leg over, and asked, "How did you get this?"

"You are asking me that? Someone was being an idiot and gave that to me."

GH felt remorseful out of a sudden. He remembered that he didn't use so much force! How did a kick turn out like that? His fingers gently rubbed that area. He was feeling very vexed inside. BLY hurting himself is one thing. GH getting BLY hurt is yet another. The fiery of arrogance that he had in the afternoon was completely extinguished, leaving behind only remorse and concern.

"Does it hurt?" GH asked.

BLY took the chance to strike back, "Of course. Why don't you try getting a knock yourself?"

GH suddenly leaned down, and placed his lips gently on the knocked area. BLY's body tensed up, and immediately pulled GH away.

"Quit fooling around. My dad is outside!"

"I don't care. I'm concerned. I want to kiss no matter what. Otherwise, I won't be able to forgive myself."

"How big a thing is this?" BLY was conflicted with embarrassment and anger, "I was kidding! It doesn't hurt at all. I knock against things all the time. This is nothing. Hurry up and get up!"

GH not only didn't move, but also kissed that area in escalation. Initially, he only used his lips to rub, but later on he even used his tongue.

BLY's face changed, and gave GH a kick.

"Do you feel no shame?"

GH laughed and grabbed BLY's leg, feeling playful and concerned, "I know I am wrong on this issue. I shouldn't treat your buddies like that. But, Yin Zi, I really can't control my emotions. I feel very insecure inside. If you can give me a confirmation, I won't feel so miserable!"

I give a confirmation and I will lose my sense of security. That's what BLY wanted to reply GH with.

On the surface, BLY still pretended to be ignorant.

"What sense of security do you want? Isn't staying here without paying a cent enough? How much more do you want?"

GH grabbed the corner of the blanket forcefully and wrapped himself and BLY under it. Then, he hugged the one beside him tightly, without any slit of a gap in between. He placed his lips against his ears.

"You know what I want."

>> Here, GH tried to get an answer from BLY, but BLY acted like he didn't know what GH was saying. And the novel wrote how BLY actually felt!!! <3<3<3

>> Later on, in Ch. 97, GH got the answer he wanted, after their second passionate jerk-off session, during which BLY became an active player,  kissed and pleasured GH for the first time. That’s one chapter of smut. I’m not going to translate it. I don’t think I can write it in English as well as the author did in Mandarin. >_<


4. Ch. 98:

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Missing from the episode

**YM came to look for GH & BLY in the next morning. YM saw GH & BLY sleeping in the same room. During their walk to school, YM revealed the truth behind the mess at GH's dad & BLY's mum wedding, which completely skipped by the series.

>> I skipped the start of the novel and so, I'm also clueless as to what happened in that wedding. But, at least we know that fate brought GH & BLY together even before they knew each other. ^^

Different reaction by BLY in the novel

**While walking their dog, GH & BLY saw BHQ & Aunty Zou at the riverside. GH told BLY to pick a date and get BHQ & Aunty Zou married. BLY asked him why the hurry. GH teased that once they get married, BLY can move to his place and stay with him happily. Here, BLY told Ah Lang, the dog, to bite GH.

>> In the episode, BLY pulled Ah Lang away instead. I like BLY’s reaction in the novel more. It’s more BLY.


5. Ch. 107 & 108: BLY prompting his dad to get married & the wedding

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>> These are the same as the episode. The series skipped the part where Aunty Zou's 'husband' came back and caused some troubles, and the part where BHQ went to fetch his wife-to-be from her place.

>> The series brought forward the wedding to this episode, and pushed back the return of GH's brother, Gu Yang. The novel writes that BHQ’s wedding happened one week after Gu Yang went overseas. Anyway, Gu Yang doesn't need to attend the wedding.


Novel comparisons for Addicted Web Series

Episodes: 5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12


List of official channels:

YouTube Addicted Official YouTube China Huace (Investor)

Please show them support!!! :)

i so LOVE YOU @alvinboi :) .. thanks for the comparison again ..


about the smut ? :):) aheem aheem ahaha ..

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On February 24, 2016 at 10:34 PM, skeletonworks said:


I haven't read this latest fanfic first yet. I don't know whether you've read the spoiler about the accident but here I will add more to the previous spoiler and I was devastated when I heard it from my friend today... 


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There's not much to it yet :sweatingbullets: I just have an intro and a prologue up, and the rest is still in the form of word documents full of bullet points. Thank you so much for this tidbit though. It definitely helps me reshape how I'm thinking about this and it gives a lot of insight into the emotional aspect of their relationship/marriage (both for my personal understanding and fanfic writing). I literally put off responding to you because I had so many bullet points to change HAHA.

Edit: And yes! I did read the previous spoiler. It was the only reference I had going into this new fanfic ^_^


I'm assuming the "something" was probably glass from the window if it was scratching up Luoyin's hands :huh:?

On February 24, 2016 at 10:03 PM, thoron said:

Confession : I have never read your fanfic @guhai. The reason being I'm super addicted to the original series,  i want to read the original novel in English first. And to get in another addiction is like introducing me to yet another drug. Im already an addict, now you want me to be alcoholic too? Hehe

But if your quote above is any indication, then i must say it is one helluva great read. Am very much willing to try it out. I bet everyone should. To keep us sane in the coming weeks when the long absence of the series will be felt. 

link removed has barely anything yet (just an intro and a prologue), haha :sweatingbullets: I'm still working on it so please check it out when it's more updated. On another note, we're all pretty anxious for the English version of the novel, but I doubt that will be done any time soon. There's a team working on it but the original novel has hundreds of chapters so unless this team of translators is spending every waking hour working on it, I doubt it'll be done for months to come (or a year). I'll continue writing fanfics for this series if time allows and I continue to stay inspired. Hopefully some of you can find comfort in them now that the season is over ^_^

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On 20/2/2016 at 11:28 AM, lancei said:

At the rate of how the series has been going, Lou Yin's girl friend will probably appear at the season finale as a cliff hanger ( probably the last scene as well....). All the dramas with SH and Gu Hai's cousin are in season 2 and the season might end at the car accident. Season three will be the time skip and reunion. That's my estimation of how 300 chapters will be translated in 3 seasons. Now we are around chapter 90 and it is almost the end of season 1. Thus roughly 100 chapters per season seems reasonable.

Season 1: Cute, bubbly, push-pull boy love. It carries most of the typical BL's elements which I enjoy.

Season 2: Dramalicious. Probably the heart-breaking season for me. I am not a fan of drama, plus, there may be the biggest and most painful cliffhanger at the end.

Season 3: Matured love and hopefully.....actions. Fulfilling. It is the taste of sweetness after all the bitterness. One order of fairy-tale ending incoming.

And for when this season 2!??? ...ahhh i need more translation of the novel chapters...

On 21/2/2016 at 6:38 PM, skeletonworks said:

If anyone is gonna write a fanfic, maybe can try writing about Johnny & Zhouzhou's feeling when they kissed in the car since we know it's ad lib right? Added by themselves.. Also if you read the Easy interview translation by LT, it seems like the kissing question was removed from the original audio after it was uploaded a few minutes online. And Zhouzhou was surprised that Chai Jidan told the interviewer that the kiss was added by themselves... 

Is the kiss scene in the car will be in this season or we ll have to wait for the season 2?

36 minutes ago, mym999 said:

Why YM shows cctv to GH...does this 8 yrs GH never searches for BLY even though after knowing he is alive???

If BLY joins militry inplace of GH doesnt this mean GH family knows of BLY wherabouts..???

What car accident. ..ahhh plz pass me a link where i can read the novel in english...what will happened after the ep 15. ...plz HELP

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I have some news for today, I translated from my country's fanpage for anyone hasn't known hehe:

1> The negotion to DVD sales is on going and still find no positivity between the investor and the ummm. The investor is trying to convince about the "soft core *I'm not sure if it translate it right, about the money, the budget* to make it possible to release official DVD and will give them to their fans asap. The DVD for the dramas is already finished and ready to be out.

2> The number of Foreign registration to weibo has been keeping flying up like  a rocket since the ban. Trying to get news from the investor, the clips of dramas affects the internet connection of main weibo page and investor's page. Videos about Addicted are still being deleted, while fans keep reup and share them .

3>Because of the growth of number of fans, social media now has an eye on that. Many meetings are made, and Taiwan meeting will be on March 31th. And social media from Taipei now take part in this topic, and so Chinese fans hope Addicted will be saved.

4> Actors from the dramas have to join the meetings, the shows, the interviews and even the fashion brands  :V especially Fans are trying to search and buy clothes and accessories that Johnny has worn in the dramas.

5> Season 2, as planned, will start recording on May 2016 with scripts and locations. Airtime schedule will be showed on next year :v, and the dramas will be on youtube *yayme*. During that time, they will update news and photos for fans.

Fun fact:

6> Johnny and Weizhou still keep their relationships :v Rumors or not, fangirls tried to search their old school time and they know that Johnny and Wizhou still don't have any girl friends, and this fact is confirmed by their friends. In spite of their good acting, Johnny still wants to stay in room with Weizhou to practice more, especially hard acts, and Weizhou spends time for training Johnny's speech voice.  And... they still sleep in one bed * errrgh huhmm*

That's all what I got.

p/s: Weizhou's nickname is Timmy or something?


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Guest skeletonworks

Dear Heroin addicts!

I got a message from LT. She hopes everyone will cheer up upon hearing this good news :-)

  1. CJD will be releasing the DVD in Taiwan because it's impossible to release in China.
  2. The production has approached the Taiwanese fanclub themselves!!!!!


Everyone. REJOICE!!!!!!

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19 minutes ago, Randa Cassiopeia said:

And for when this season 2!??? ...ahhh i need more translation of the novel chapters...

Is the kiss scene in the car will be in this season or we ll have to wait for the season 2?

What car accident. ..ahhh plz pass me a link where i can read the novel in english...what will happened after the ep 15. ...plz HELP

Season 2 is rumored to air next winter. Well the definition of winter is very board, so anywhere between Nov-February.

Car scene is the cut scene toward the end of ep 15.

You can find more about spoiler in the first page. Skeleton did a great job compiling most of the information there

20 minutes ago, samscheetah said:

2> The number of Foreign registration to weibo has been keeping flying up like  a rocket since the ban. Trying to get news from the investor, the clips of dramas affects the internet connection of main weibo page and investor's page. Videos about Addicted are still being deleted, while fans keep reup and share them .

3>Because of the growth of number of fans, social media now has an eye on that. Many meetings are made, and Taiwan meeting will be on March 31th. And social media from Taipei now take part in this topic, and so Chinese fans hope Addicted will be saved.

As I expected. Banning a series will create a huge surge of interest. People are attracted to controversial, forbidden stuff. Hell, it could be the start of something.....magical. When the series make it into history, does it make us the original supporter:rolleyes: *slap myself to snap out of it*

5> Season 2, as planned, will start recording on May 2016 with scripts and locations. Airtime schedule will be showed on next year :v, and the dramas will be on youtube *yayme*. During that time, they will update news and photos for fans.

During that time, CJD should work on translating the novel and racking more revenue ;)

Fun fact:

6> Johnny and Weizhou still keep their relationships :v Rumors or not, fangirls tried to search their old school time and they know that Johnny and Wizhou still don't have any girl friends, and this fact is confirmed by their friends. In spite of their good acting, Johnny still wants to stay in room with Weizhou to practice more, especially hard acts, and Weizhou spends time for training Johnny's speech voice.  And... they still sleep in one bed * errrgh huhmm*

I was not shipping Johnzhou before.....But I might have a change of heart.... How could such desirable men like them not have girlfriend yet.....Could it be......And how hard is the act they are practicing........??




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4 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

Dear Heroin addicts!

I got a message from LT. She hopes everyone will cheer up upon hearing this good news :-)

  1. CJD will be releasing the DVD in Taiwan because it's impossible to release in China.
  2. The production has approached the Taiwanese fanclub themselves!!!!!


Everyone. REJOICE!!!!!!

Excuse me for asking, who is LT ..... :(

And who is your HUSBANDS???? *slap* Skeleton, r you Lu Lu or SH in disguise ????

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3 minutes ago, lancei said:

I was not shipping Johnzhou before.....But I might have a change of heart.... How could such desirable men like them not have girlfriend yet.....Could it be......And how hard is the act they are practicing........??


Yeah I don't care about their relationship is more than friends or not, if yes, good, if no, still good haha. Shipping is still shipping, acting is still acting and #reallife is not thing to be determined. #teehee

Hmmm I think that Johnny is not a professional actor compared to Weizhou, he's a model at first, and my experience that the emotion for being model and emotion for actor is really different, from acting, to voice, to express the face, maybe his voice tone is somehow a thing he wants to be better.



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1 minute ago, samscheetah said:


Yeah I don't care about their relationship is more than friends or not, if yes, good, if no, still good haha. Shipping is still shipping, acting is still acting and #reallife is not thing to be determined. #teehee

Hmmm I think that Johnny is not a professional actor compared to Weizhou, he's a model at first, and my experience that the emotion for being model and emotion for actor is really different, from acting, to voice, to express the face, maybe his voice tone is somehow a thing he wants to be better.



That's not the kind of practice I was thinking about!!!!! Might be something more physical??:phew:

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10 minutes ago, alvinboi said:



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BB: To what extent did the cut bed scenes go?
CJD: Taking off clothes and pants too. Only left with underwear...

BB: Was this extent suggested by you all?
CJD: Nope. This extent wasn't discussed beforehand. It came naturally to this extent as the acting proceeds. It was written in the script though.




Not relevant, rumors said that WZ got OCD, is that true?


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Guest skeletonworks
11 minutes ago, lancei said:

Excuse me for asking, who is LT ..... :(

And who is your HUSBANDS???? *slap* Skeleton, r you Lu Lu or SH in disguise ????


LT = Lovelythings who updated about the banning, translated the SMUTS, subbed the BTS on wattpad

I'm not Lulu nor Shihui. I'm an addict. Addicted to my husbands :w00t:

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