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10. I Only Care About You - Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu (LIVE)

11. I Only Care About You - Addicted Heroin (MV Clip)

12. I Only Care About You - BOBO (Full Version)

13. I Only Care About You - Teresa Teng (English Version)


I forgot who requested these. Enjoy guys.


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11 hours ago, hailouyin17 said:

Hi all! Now, I had the courage to share my feelings out. So, please bear with me. 

It's been a week since I found Addicted  (Heroin) on YouTube. I watched the whole season 1 in 1 day. Throughout this week, I spent my days readings the endless pages of this forum. I wanted to know what happened in the Chinese novel. I relied on the translations and synopsis. I do not know Chinese. I watched the series every night. I ended up crying all the time. I do not know why, or I know but I just have the hardest time accepting what's happening in my life.

I loved the series. I have never watched any BL series before. I honestly hate TV series that are dramatic or most of the time, cheesy. I have watched films with gay themes. But nothing has affected me much, except for Addicted. 

The Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin relationship is something close to my heart. Although I am not like BLY wholly, I see my self in him - driven to be the successful, family is my weak spot, needs to achieve so I can make my life and my family's life better. I am kind to others but I always put walls around me. Because of some family problems, I developed trust issues. I feared to commit all of my self. Ironically, I would only commit my self if there is an achievement into what I am doing. Now here is what bothering me for now.

I had a great relationship in High School. Similar to GH and BLY. I loved his guy. We never said I love you to each other, but we knew it. We thought it was corny. I could say it. He could say it also. But we did not bother on it. Yes, we slept in one bed - even if we had our own beds. We lived in a dorm. We took care of each other but when we were in school, we hid it. Only his closest friends and my friends knew. Third Year High School was our best year. However, when the year of graduation came, things changed. I had decided that he was not part of my future. I belonged to a middle-class family while he belonged to a family of politicians. I have my own dreams. My family was my priority. He had his own. I could only imagined how hard our lives would be. We were applying for different universities. I got in a top school, while he did not. He settled in another school. 

A year after graduation, our class had a re-union. I did not go. I did not want to see him. Second year college came. We saw each other. We talked and updated each other. Exchanged numbers. Rekindled what was lost. During the school year, we would text (steamy text) each other. Sem break, christmas break, summer break. We would see each other again. HS class gathering was our cover up. Then again, graduation in college, my achiever self decided to leave things behind with him. I again left everything hanging. 

Fast forward. After 7 years of not seeing him. I have a great job. I have visited places abroad. I have been recognized internationally. He has graduated Law and poised to be part of the local politics. I have never seen nor communicated with him, except in Facebook. There I found he had a girlfriend. They now have a baby. Not married yet, though. 

Watching Addicted made me thought of my previous decisions in life. I have the things I need now but I seem to miss something. I love to run away from these kinds of questions. I bury myself in work so I would avoid asking about them. I realized that my achievements were just remedies or ways to run from these hard questions in life. But when I watched this series, things came back. It's hard watching a series that is almost similar to one's life.

I have been down for a week. I just jogged my feelings out. Hoping to forget all of these. Meanwhile, Addicted has been comforting and questioning me. 

>>> Sorry about this long story. I just need to let this out. :tears:

Some unsolicited advice, you don't have to listen to it, but your story hit my heart. My fiance passed away 4 years ago, and most of my "healing" has come from different movies and dramas, usually shows that would not seem to have any relation to him and I, Addicted included. But some aspect of the story would make me think about him, and us, and myself. A lot of questions I had been avoiding I suddenly began thinking about. What mistakes had I made? What mistakes had he made? What had we done wrong? What had we done right? All of those sort of things. 

One thing I have come to realize - don't regret. Regret comes from not learning anything. Every thing in life is a learning opportunity. Even if you make a horrible mistake, look for what you can learn from it. There were a lot of things I didn't handle well when it came to my fiance, but I can remember those things, and when I fall in love again (I can finally say 'when' and not 'if') I can make sure not to repeat those mistakes. 

Love isn't vertical, it's horizontal. It's not about loving someone "more" than someone else, but "differently." I can never say that I love someone more than my fiance. I truly believe he was my soulmate (I had dreams about him for 15 years before I met him). What I can say is I can love someone as much, just differently. Don't think that you have to let go of your feelings for your friend to move on. Those feelings are a part of you, and if someone is worth your care, he/she will understand that. And if you feel the push, let him know. Let him know he still holds a high place in your heart. No expectations, no answer needed. Sometimes, just being able to say it is the best medicine. 

My thoughts are with you, hon. :cry::heart:

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4 minutes ago, sohocomo said:

Some unsolicited advice, you don't have to listen to it, but your story hit my heart. My fiance passed away 4 years ago, and most of my "healing" has come from different movies and dramas, usually shows that would not seem to have any relation to him and I, Addicted included. But some aspect of the story would make me think about him, and us, and myself. A lot of questions I had been avoiding I suddenly began thinking about. What mistakes had I made? What mistakes had he made? What had we done wrong? What had we done right? All of those sort of things. 

One thing I have come to realize - don't regret. Regret comes from not learning anything. Every thing in life is a learning opportunity. Even if you make a horrible mistake, look for what you can learn from it. There were a lot of things I didn't handle well when it came to my fiance, but I can remember those things, and when I fall in love again (I can finally say 'when' and not 'if') I can make sure not to repeat those mistakes. 

Love isn't vertical, it's horizontal. It's not about loving someone "more" than someone else, but "differently." I can never say that I love someone more than my fiance. I truly believe he was my soulmate (I had dreams about him for 15 years before I met him). What I can say is I can love someone as much, just differently. Don't think that you have to let go of your feelings for your friend to move on. Those feelings are a part of you, and if someone is worth your care, he/she will understand that. And if you feel the push, let him know. Let him know he still holds a high place in your heart. No expectations, no answer needed. Sometimes, just being able to say it is the best medicine. 

My thoughts are with you, hon. :cry::heart:


So beautifully written. Thank you for writing this. :') This touches my heart.

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Guest skeletonworks
1 hour ago, hellolive said:

Then when it came to ZZ, he (don't forget to mention he looked at JY before answer this LOL) was kinda confused, and spontaneously ask whether that was ideal type of girl or guy. That clicked me the most "Why would he confused to answer ideal type?!" And at the end he decides to differ what for girl and what for guy.. and the odd thing that he mention ideal type of guy in a very detail.

If you ask me, I thought that ZZ might be bi.. but I find it JY is between bi or gay. But he looks more comfortable with male friends (but I know he looks pretty shy when it comes to ZZ.. he's always shy when talking to him on-screen, but I noticed he like to touch him *look at those vids of them together, you'll know what I mean*),

1 hour ago, samscheetah said:

Awwww I thought that it was Timmy who described alot in that interview and what I linked to his attitude like act cute, love face filter alot, wear over 200 lens, dance, sing, play guitar, smiles, be active and love fans in life :((( So it was Johnny lollll

25 minutes ago, t00addicted said:

i also think that it was Johnny who initiated that scene. and there was an interview when they were asked about kissing scenes (i don't remember on which page it was) aaaaaand WZ said that he imagined Johnny as a girl while Johnny said that he just went with the flow... after these words my imagination gone wild XD

about kissing again, i kissed (kheheheh) both males n females but the thing is - i can do that only if i like a person. in this case gender plays no role for me. n if, as i said about that interview, Johnny didn't imagine WZ as someone else, i think that means that he likes him (idk how deep this feelings r but they do exist!!!) 


I'm with you guys on this! I thought Zhouzhou is bi too from the interview! Told my friend about it and she told me about the Chinese fans' speculation. But she also believe Zhouzhou is straight! I told her you want him to be straight because he's your bias, didn't you?? :P She likes Zhouzhou hahahahaha.

I also felt the same way as you @hellolive when he asked the host to confirm. And if you're not interested on boys that much, you'd have just answered I like guys who are good looking and understanding.. Something simple just like how he answered his ideal type for girl.. There's no need to elaborate so much...

On the other hand I think Johnny is straight but... can love a man if he fell in love with one.. He seems like the type who doesn't care about the gender of his other half as long as he likes them... I've never noticed him looking shy when around Zhouzhou. Unless if you think him being all serious = shy (because when I'm around my crush, I'd act all serious lol weird me). Even with fans, he's always serious because he's probably shy..? I felt that he's originally a reserved and shy type of guy (but with charisma and confidence!). I saw Zhouzhou recording a short video of him and Johnny about to head to the Madame Figarro festival and Johnny looked so serious in the video :sweatingbullets: I wonder if he's shy because he's with Zhouzhou and gonna ride together in the same car to the festival? So his heart is like thump thump?? LOL. *delulu mode*


1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:

So there was no kiss on the script?

That's good improvisation! Keep it up, boys!!! I expect more for season 2, LOL.


According to the interview, there was none. But if you see the BTS, it was Johnny who planted the kiss first... Then in the Netease interview, during the reenactment.. Johnny said he was going to do adlib then Zhouzhou quickly yelled "Director!". As if this has happened before :w00t:

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26 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

@lightyears OMG, OMG, OMG, soooooo beautiful!

can you translate the Chinese words? I got the story from the pics but knowing the words will make me feeling better (or, more miserable LOL)

I can only read some words (like one or two at most lol) so I can't translate. I now deeply regret not taking my Mandarin classes 2 years ago at uni seriously xD


26 minutes ago, hellolive said:

Oh my Goooooodddd, that was sooo good!! AMAZING~

If you don't mind, in which account you get that fanart?


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1 hour ago, lightyears said:

SO KAWAII I CANT :heart::blush:

(saw this on twitter; credits to the owner)

tagging @gayyoxx, the queen of #YuZhouConspiracy... I ship them so hard now >.<


The pic before Rubic's cube, JY hugging his legs: WZ: Why are you silent? Do your legs need amputation? (I think his legs were feeling cold.)

At Rubic's cube pic: WZ: A fool like you is playing Rubic's cube? Stop wasting your time. (WZ smacks JY.)

Next pic: JY: Rascal, you hit me? WZ: Hahaha

Next pic: JY: Wanna play? Still wanna play? WZ: F f f f f...

The pic right after both of them read the script together: JY: Later, I'll kiss you for real / Don't be shy. WZ: ... / You said it like you have not kissed me before.

The pic with WZ holding up a phone: Left: Oh, I accidentally took a photo of a fool staring into blank space. Right: If I didn't call for you, are you intending to stand here for the whole day?

Next pic: WZ: Let's go.

Okay I'm done. That's most of it. Sorry to trouble you guys to open two tabs to find the pictures and read the translations...

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I'm just a spectator in this whole ZhouYu or YuZhou Conspiracy..


If im not mistaken, @gayyoxx  is the main conspirator. You're more of team YuZhou right?


Each team has offered their proofs and arguments.. and mighty convincing at that!

But reading each passing thread page, i am now MORE CONFUSED than ever.


This is like a few weeks/pages back.. Our WHO TOPPED WHO FIRST debacle. (which was finally put to rest by chapter analysis and spoiler/summaries by the noble ones)


This ZhouYu or YuZhou Conspiracy is definitely version 2.0 of that.


Only this time.. will we ever get a definite answer?


So, whos team are you on??

Next time you post, Put your hashtags to use.


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On 3/3/2016 at 4:36 AM, thoron said:

GuHai's Swelling Chrysanthemum --->  lololol. In the future, if ever i get to have my own company,  this would be an awesome company logo. Hehe

Thank you @mchansk07 for that wonderful summary. Nice thing to cap off the day. 

@thoronhow about we establish HaiYin company with red chrysanthemum as the logo? :blush: (and thank you for the soundtrack addition ^^!)

@alvinboithank you very much for all the translations. great jobs as always & placed in great order, making them easier to read ^^! i hope you can correct my summaries (esp.ly the smut ones when you have time :) )

@samscheetah & @ryokiseyay, for our champion reporters ^^! thank you very much for always sharing the news & translations. i have no time to stalk them, so your informations are my only resources. greatly appreciate them :wub: 


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Guest skeletonworks
5 minutes ago, thoron said:

I'm just a spectator in this whole ZhouYu or YuZhou Conspiracy..


If im not mistaken, @gayyoxx  is the main conspirator. You're more of team YuZhou right?


Each team has offered their proofs and arguments.. and mighty convincing at that!

But reading each passing thread page, i am now MORE CONFUSED than ever.


This is like a few weeks/pages back.. Our WHO TOPPED WHO FIRST debacle. (which was finally put to rest by chapter analysis and spoiler/summaries by the noble ones)


This ZhouYu or YuZhou Conspiracy is definitely version 2.0 of that.


Only this time.. will we ever get a definite answer?


So, whos team are you on??

Next time you post, Put your hashtags to use.



So who topped first? I always thought it was Guhai :P

And I'm #TeamYuZhou obviously. Hahahaha. Of course I wouldn't mind occasional #ZhouYu :w00t:

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47 minutes ago, samscheetah said:

I really don't know which one is the real official one, could you share me the link? Cauz I liked 2 pages but have no idea which one is legal or not haha

oh i guess calling it "official" was too much XD (my mistake:confounded:)... it's just that it was mentioned in wiki (as their chinese fanpage... n i paid no attention to that part =__=) n i think it's the biggest one. (looks like there's no real official page at all, just fanpages XD)

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Just checked the thread after flying from Japan back to America and so many updates and translations! Thanks guys ^_^

@thoron Team YuZhou in life, Team ZhouYu in bed ;) HAHA. (What can I say, I like my masculine men topped...:phew:)

Edit: Oh my god @thoron not in reference to myself HAHA. In my BL world :wub:

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Lol. I was suddenly hit by a mental picture. @guhai. Almost TMI but what the heck, this is a friendly thread anyway. hehe


Btw, You've got soo much backreading to do mate. Goodluck

Edit. If you say sooo.. Hehe

9 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


So who topped first? I always thought it was Guhai :P

And I'm #TeamYuZhou obviously. Hahahaha. Of course I wouldn't mind occasional #ZhouYu :w00t:


Thats what's wrong with us addicts, were damn too GREEDY haha.

#TeamTHEGIRL lol

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12 minutes ago, mchansk07 said:

@thoronhow about we establish HaiYin company with red chrysanthemum as the logo? :blush: (and thank you for the soundtrack addition ^^!)



I'm not sure about red.. maybe PINKISH. hehe

Oh wait, RED coz' its overused.. afterall they did it 4-5 times lolol.

Sorry. I might be spamming.

No Probs. with the mp3s. More to come. ;)

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16 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


So who topped first? I always thought it was Guhai :P

And I'm #TeamYuZhou obviously. Hahahaha. Of course I wouldn't mind occasional #ZhouYu :w00t:

@thoron me, me, ME!! i'm #TeamYuZhou too. but like @skeletonworks said i don't mind #ZhouYu once in a while :wub:

ps: i want to share this movie as recommendation. it's very famous, so i believe many LGBT & yaoi fans know about this already, but in case someone haven't heard about it, here it is :) it's 


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@alvinboi Thank you for the translation! Heh, it was Zhouzhou who reached out, yes? Johnny is too reserved :P 

But, darn, the manga captures many important scenes! Reading this while listening to Zhouzhou's song really set my mood :bawling:

@thoron I am more... 85% YuZhou and 15% ZhouYu? Only in special occasion like last night (when Johnny sat in his infamous style), I think ZhouYu had a chance! XD

Anyway, last week end Zhouzhou released his full version of Walk Slowly. I was hoping for another song tonight. No chance for that?

@samscheetah What's this? YuFeng? Or YuZhouFeng? :P 

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28 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


I'm with you guys on this! I thought Zhouzhou is bi too from the interview! Told my friend about it and she told me about the Chinese fans' speculation. But she also believe Zhouzhou is straight! I told her you want him to be straight because he's your bias, didn't you?? :P She likes Zhouzhou hahahahaha.

ahaha my mum does the same thing!! if she likes a guy (she loves k-pop n her bias is Junho from 2PM) n i say he's GAY she imagines him being gay, enjoys it n then comes back to earth saying "no way. even if he's gay he's not gay. he doesn't look like straight n i'm sure he's not one. it's better if he's gay but then i don't stand a chance... nah, i don't care, he's mine anyways." i guess i shoud let her watch Heroin n make her suffer cause she already saw Johny n said that she likes him:D n then i'll just say "he's gay...." ohohohooh 

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