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1 hour ago, umajeevan said:

I've kept off this topic until now- been there. But an observation on this poison/rogue fan business: The same scenario minus govt intervention happened with a heterosexual acting couple in India some years back. 5 years down the lane, they married others, and are professionally nowhere. The paranoid individual fans literally psychologically poisoned actors' decisions and spoilt everything. So, prayers and a lot of crossed fingers for Yuzhou. Fans or no fans, I believe destiny makes marriages and careers at the end of the day. So...

Only one key to handle cyber fan wars, and I speak this from successful experience as I am sure others practice here as well: Ignore. And remember at the end of the day that nothing, not even our favourite actors are worth so much of our time and mental space. Let's not get that equation distorted ever. Fans and fanning will be healthy and fun as long as it is kept fun. Otherwise, it's just pain in the a** for all involved. *end of lecture soliloquy* :-)



What an sad situation. x_X Well the CPF are trying to stay low key, the unfortunate thing is poison fans weren't really letting them recently. Like they try to stay within their own thread as much as possible but poison fans really elevated the whole cyber warfare thing to whole new level. There's been a lot of fake CPF's that joined in the last couple of weeks, trying to post things that are prohibited and then adding likes and comments to those posts hoping that will get the whole CPF thread banned. These ppl pretend to be CPFs too, so their pics and names sound CPF but if you look at their weibo, probably all the CPF stuff is recent. CPF are still basically ignoring it while trying to tell ppl to stop commenting on the questionable posts, then deleting posts. 

I think the one time that CPFs had to do something was when a poison (it might have been someone pretending to be an only fan, so not an actual ZZ or JY fan), applied for a haiyin topic in weibo and got it. So these ppl started the haiyin topic knowing that its basically not good for ZZ or JY to have this topic cause its associated with addicted and the ban. They were going to post prohibited/inflammatory things and pretend to be CPF, dragging them both down. Once CPF found out that this thread was started they had to fight for the position of topic owner so they could control the posts and prevent them from posting questionable material. They had to do this by getting ppl to like and comment on the posts of the CPF applicants for the topic owner position. Like most of the fandom had to get involved in the space of basically 24 hours to push the posts of the CPF applicants to the top of the thread. This caused the haiyin topic to raise up to #1 CP pair in weibo, even though nobody wanted the topic to be so visible (like the fans of other CP topics were wondering what was going on lol). But they had no choice so the CPF had to win the topic owner position and then tell ppl to stop following the topic and stop posting in the thread and bring the 'heat' of the thread down. Basically except for the owner, nobody is allowed to post in that thread so that it doesn't cause problems for ZZ and JY.

And then a JY poison fan got hold of another addicted related topic, but basically CPF are all ignoring it now lol. I think that the ppl who started the haiyin topic were either fans of another CP or haters of addicted.. So there are basically 3 groups causing problems for CPF. It was pretty crazy.. I guess the CPF might be used to it already, but a lot of stuff still happened within a short period of time. 

Also, there are a lot of new CPF, fans who only watched addicted like days or weeks ago. They don't really know as much about staying low key about candies and stuff. This whole situation was just so crazy.. 

On top of that all the new regulations on prohibited material.............. X___X Seriously. 

I honestly think that nothing big should happen before red sea operation is out in theatres and already finished playing. Just have to try to prevent anything big from happening before then. Red sea operation is already going to be out in december this year, so that's pretty fast already. 



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On 7/5/2017 at 8:47 PM, umajeevan said:

I'm going to take your word for it, @lovehaiyin :)

Yeah.. haha.. watch it and you'll know, that program/show. 'daddy where are we going' IS BRILLIANT! Oh my world, even more so with JY on it!!! CAN'T WAITTTTTT!!! Good weekend, everyone!;))))...xx

2 hours ago, psychology92 said:
MTV中文频道 Webo update

重磅!#2017MTV全球华语音乐盛典# 全新海报出炉![鼓掌]#吴克群# #邓紫棋# #张杰# #蔡依林# #潘玮柏# #范玮琪# #李荣浩# #金志文# #黄绮珊# #迪玛希# #王祖蓝# #许魏洲# #吴莫愁# #丁当# #陈奂仁# #许艺娜# #鼓鼓# #吴思贤# #周柏豪# #周汤豪# #欧阳娜娜# #霍尊# #Twinko# #南征北战# #ID&MASA#,主持人 @apple黃暐婷 @江宇宸_KK @夏和熙-大野 @黑人建州 @HI郭涛 @黄柏煊 @薪瑞Super张晏端 ~[爱你]7月20日深圳湾体育场,快与偶像们一同迎接这场狂欢盛宴吧![色] @水滴无界 @娱人制造官微 更多活动具体信息之后公布,粉丝们不要着急哦!

2017MTV Global Chinese Music Festival will be held on 20July in Shenzhen Bay Stadium.New Poster for this event.

Original Link:https://m.weibo.cn/status/4126860180758824?luicode=10000011&lfid=1076031775214461&featurecode=20000180

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Sina Article about Shangyin i think

Original article is here

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Google Translate( i don't think it's accurate):

In the past, always look down on network drama. Compared with the film, it is a lot like with the binding cloth, not as thick as the film to the essence. Compared with the TV series, it is not as good as the TV series produced. However, in recent years, the development of network drama is getting better. Because the cost of network play is relatively low, but sometimes the benefits are very good, but also with a fire of fresh meat flowers, investment - efficiency is not high than do not want.

Network power of infinite, Huang Jingyu became popular with addiction, Zhang Yishan residual crime to return

The first fire up the network play should be a slash network drama "addiction." This comrades theme of the "addiction" network drama, can be on the Chinese side of the screen, can be considered a breakthrough, although did not last long was off the shelf but still can not withstand the fiery popularity. The works of such subjects, in addition to his brother Liang Chaowei's "Spring Chad" and Hu Jun Liu Ye's "Lan Yu", can be regarded as the most meaningful works, and the two starring was also successfully with the fire.

"Addiction" in the Huang Jingyu and Xu Weizhou two bursts of red night, "addiction" in Huang Jingyu played Gu Hai, the two successful male host, as the recent entertainment of the popular newcomers. "Addictive" one of the male Wei Xu Wei has signed a company, the more popular Huang Jingyu has become a number of brokerage firms competing to sign the characters. According to the news, including said Huayi Brothers, days of entertainment, the Tang Dynasty and many other entertainment companies compete for Huang Jingyu, out of a variety of attractive conditions.

Now they are not only in the local development of better and better, and even go out of the country, last year, Huang Jingyu a suit came out wearing a Cannes red carpet, there Xuzhou in South Korea by thousands of fans worship. Of course, they can so fire, naturally can not do without a group of rot female fans support, there is that play to come to the aesthetic dream "boat opera". Who can imagine, take the train to the audition of Huang Jingyu, because an "addiction" on the red purple!

JY- Shanghai to Beijing 200617

Cr. FireBallon_黄景瑜图博

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JY- Shanghai to Xiamen 160617

Cr. 吵吵其实很安静

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JY- Shanghai Birthday Party 301116

Cr. 黄景瑜_鲸鸿粉丝后援团

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YAY! I can vote now many times for YuZhou.I want ZZ to win this very much because JY will attend this event.I opened my mobile data connection for the first time just to vote for YuZhou.I can vote now many times after i open data connection.That link allows me to vote many times.I vote 5times after opening data connection and then i turn off the connection and then again on my connection and can vote again 5times immediately.I was so upset yesterday because i can't vote for ZZ more than 5times but now I'm so happy because i can vote many times now.I voted many times already.

@1blankstare As long as i remember it's not recent or just now,JY is following that" LMAO" account about 2months already i think because when @bearology mentioned this first then i went to that account and found that account is private.I don't remember accurate time but it's not recent.

Edit: Right now ZZ is currently no.1,so keep voting guys for ZZ.



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First of all, JY will have NetEase livestream in Beijing on the 10th July with Tong Lisa, Zhang Bicheng and Tongyao

#网易时尚直播#7月10日@佟丽娅 @张碧晨_ @童瑶 三大美女同台比美,作为在场的男神黄景瑜@Johnny黄景瑜 你站谁? 直播详情猛戳>>





Tfboys has huge fanbase, not to mention their fanbase will have more experience in voting than ours and we still have like 10 days to go so KEEP IT UP EVERYONE!!!

Link to vote for ZZ




Thirdly, I have no idea why they added JY today. I think its too late for them to add him now. Just my personal opinion but some how I feel they are trying to distract our vote for ZZ. Of course we have to vote for JY but please focus on ZZ. If one must win then ZZ has more chance than JY now :(

Link to vote for JY here



Also, after receiving some messages, I came to realise that some of you guys were still unsure how to vote so thank you for those who helped me to translate these.

I made this in hurry so please forgive all the spelling mistakes and feel free to ask any questions guys. For example, the flight mode trick :D

Repost this anywhere else that you guys want, no need to ask permission from me.

Keep voting for ZZ on behalf of JY everyone :wub:

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Edit: SHBJJ weibo update




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Okay.. Firstly, Helloooo to everybody, the fact that it's called Addicted/Shang Yin "family" got me here signing up and typing into my first ever forum. The level of fandom or addiction to the 2 actors of the people here is beyond commendable.. applause to all of you. I've regularly been visiting this site past few months, perhaps coz this is the only site to know about the 2 actors whereabouts.. finally thought of expressing my addiction to them today..

Well...Watching this series has no doubt made me fangirl over every gay i see..lol.. it has certainly made me feel love indeed is magical irrespective of gender (not that previously i was against it, i just had no opinion about it), now i truly truly support and standby this community..Talking of Are You Addicted the novel, it's the novel i'd read to death.. Everything about it is addictive, GuHai is the epitome of LOVE, he defines every aspect of true love- selfless, caring , obsessive & daring and.....everything one can ask for(short of words to describe). Reading it is ecstatic, blissful, rapturous and over the moon rather over the galaxy feeling. It has love, passion, humor, hardships, dedication and everything that make it 'perfect'. CJD has created a masterpiece. 

I'd vouch,if it were not played by JY and ZZ i'd not get this hooked to it definitely. They simply were destined to be GuHai and BaiLouYin... Their chemistry onscreen even sans any intimate scene(the cut version of the series) as well was ultimate(let alone the uncut one). Their behind the scenes video makes it more tough not to believe that they aren't meant to be together.. It's heart wrenching to see them separate.. JY's personality is so much like GuHai's.. Wish someday they can be themselves and stand with each other..

A few things that's bothering me: In a few videos and comments it read his fans gave him a tough time, What's the issue? And regarding their Wardrobe of Love, well, are there any other celebrity who happen to wear these similar wardrobe or is it only this couple who are dressed this similar? I also saw one of JY's video of him boarding a tram from Shanghai to Beijing, do the celebrities there walk in public places ? in my place they'd be mobbed to death.. also where does JY live in Beijing? (considering he's not originally from there, is it a hotel every time or he owns an apartment)..

P.S: Feels great venting my heart out as there's nobody around me who'd consider me 'sane' if i spoke about bl (problem with Asian countries like mine) also sorry for the length.. Looking forward for the replies.. :) 

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I have been lurking this thread for a few months now and I just signed up to say this. I have been keeping on eye on the voting for ZZ and TFBoys fans have been voting a lot during the past few hours and the gap between ZZ and TFBoys has become smaller. Ignore the votes of JY, ZZ has now the lead and let's keep it that way!

So steps to vote (click on the text below for the link!):

Use your mobile phone and turn on data usage. Vote five times by going to ZZ LINK and clicking on the green button. Turn off data usage. Turn on data usage again.  Vote five times by clicking on the green button.Turn off data usage. Turn on data usage. Vote five times by clicking on the green button. Rinse and repeat!

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14 hours ago, bearology said:

Anyone knows Thai, Korean, or any other languages rather than English and Vietnamese here? Please let me know. I have a small favour to ask XD. If you don't have soompi account, you can pm me in IG or Twitter or weibo. My account name is bearology everywhere. Thank you :wub:

I can help you with French, if you need it. :D

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Actually what is this Oppo Net Ease vote for? & what is the criteria for the actor/actress/singer to be voted there? It's weird that they suddenly add JY now..

ZZ today was leading & the gap actualy grow quite well but now TFBOYS leading again with bigger gaps :confused: roller coaster of emotions hahah. But one thing for sure never give up & keep voting! Dont forget to vote for JY too, you can vote more than 1 people at a time.

Big thanks to @bearology to spread out the awareness, with multiple language in addition. Good job :flushed:

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4 hours ago, bearology said:


Tfboys has huge fanbase, not to mention their fanbase will have more experience in voting than ours and we still have like 10 days to go so KEEP IT UP EVERYONE!!!

Link to vote for ZZ


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Thirdly, I have no idea why they added JY today. I think its too late for them to add him now. Just my personal opinion but some how I feel they are trying to distract our vote for ZZ. Of course we have to vote for JY but please focus on ZZ. If one must win then ZZ has more chance than JY now :(

Link to vote for JY here

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Also, after receiving some messages, I came to realise that some of you guys were still unsure how to vote so thank you for those who helped me to translate these.

I made this in hurry so please forgive all the spelling mistakes and feel free to ask any questions guys. For example, the flight mode trick :D

Repost this anywhere else that you guys want, no need to ask permission from me.

Keep voting for ZZ on behalf of JY everyone :wub:

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MOD, please let me quote photos just once...its important :D

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Thank you @SatiKaotika and @afineline and @umajeevan :wub:

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Unpopular opinion #626262.. 



I'm voting for ZZ too, maybe not as much as other ppl. But i am not sure whether i want ZZ to win the oppo voting thing or not.. I'm unsure for a couple of reasons and really i don't have any bad intentions writing this, i'm not telling ppl to stop voting either. 


Judging by the climate in weibo, also with the stricter prohibitions (?), i don't think it would be a likely chance or a good idea for ZZ and JY to be at the same event, even if they are not in the same frame. I would love it if they were, it would be like a dream come true.. If everyone is able to make it happen and things are good i would be very happy with that. But from all the backlash that has risen up from other things, i'm not sure its a good idea to bring attention to them like that. I'm not sure why the oppo event even invited JY in the first place, he wasn't even listed as a contestant until much later. Although to be honest, i don't know why they didn't have JY up there to start with. Maybe they wanted more publicity and they definitely got it.

Even ZZ winning the top spot over TFboys makes me feel a little ambivalent.. TFboys has a lot more popularity over ZZ right.. This oppo event probably isn't a really big deal in terms of rankings because it seems like oppo is a more recent company (?), so there might not be much history associated with this vote. But i'm not sure how TFboy's company and fans would view that. He's got so many haters already.. X__X;; I think a lot of the popular idols are under only a couple of companies, so its kind of like ZZ is direct competition to them. ZZ probably won't be able to show up in person since its so close to the MTV event for his other awards (i think), which are more significant and more well publicized.

At the end of the day, a respectable second place finish for ZZ would be pretty impressive already.. I would be satisfied with that. The event organizers and other ppl got to see ZZ's fans in action, so they can appreciate his impact. Of course if ppl stop voting there's no guarantee he'd even keep his second place. So i don't know, keep voting? But if he doesn't get first place there's reasons to be relieved. 



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On 7/5/2017 at 10:02 PM, vtroo said:


@urslae Thanks for the Compliment?? Lol :wub:

so I vote on my whole family's devices, called my cousins gave them instructions and they all confirmed they voted and sent me screenshots to prove it. I think I am going crazy, I'm Addicted to YuZhou. Just seeing them in the same place would be heaven sent, were defiantly not far behind about 40,000 votes behind, a couple days ago it seemed unreachable but there's a lot of posts on Instagram to vote for ZZ since yesterday, so keep up the good work everyone. 

LOL... SUPER COOL @vtroo!! Please say 'THANKYOU' to your whole family and cousins and etc...lol... Big hugs to you!;))))).... Okay, let's all 'fight on' soldiers of YuZhou lol... yeah, we ARE our two Baobeis soldiers! JY & ZZhou are the TWO KINGS OF YUZHOU UNIVERSE! ...What's happening with us..??! What have these two done to mee.../us..?? People outside YuZhou world would definitely think WE'RE ALL ALIENS FROM SOMEWHERE CALLED YUZHOU LAND! LOL.... OH MY, I'M JUST SO EXCITED FOR ZHOU'S VOTE, PLEASE KEEP HIM ON NUMBER ONE, SOLDIERS! AND SOON OUR DREAMS WILL COME TRUE..!  YUZHOU '''TOGETHER''' IN ONE FRAME!!! AFTER ALL THE HARDSHIPS.. ALL THE UNFAIR TREATMENTS... Shooottttt... too much for my heart even thinking about it now... OKAYYYY..... IT'S TOO EARLY TO GET EMOTIONAL YET...!  THANKYOU EVERYONE FOR VOTING CRAZILY FOR ZHOU!..;)))... YuZhou fans are POWERFUL because we have the 'UNIVERSE' (for those who don't know, YuZhou sounds/pronounce exactly the same as 'universe' in Chinese, that's why we called the boys 'universe' also~~), AWESOME, ain't it??? And you still don't believe they are DESTINED???! Anyone here DON'T believe???! lol...We've all gone nuts, no doubt lol... a very cute YuZhou way, don't worry!hahaha...

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1 hour ago, crystalclear18 said:

Unpopular opinion #626262.. 

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I'm voting for ZZ too, maybe not as much as other ppl. But i am not sure whether i want ZZ to win the oppo voting thing or not.. I'm unsure for a couple of reasons and really i don't have any bad intentions writing this, i'm not telling ppl to stop voting either. 


Judging by the climate in weibo, also with the stricter prohibitions (?), i don't think it would be a likely chance or a good idea for ZZ and JY to be at the same event, even if they are not in the same frame. I would love it if they were, it would be like a dream come true.. If everyone is able to make it happen and things are good i would be very happy with that. But from all the backlash that has risen up from other things, i'm not sure its a good idea to bring attention to them like that. I'm not sure why the oppo event even invited JY in the first place, he wasn't even listed as a contestant until much later. Although to be honest, i don't know why they didn't have JY up there to start with. Maybe they wanted more publicity and they definitely got it.

Even ZZ winning the top spot over TFboys makes me feel a little ambivalent.. TFboys has a lot more popularity over ZZ right.. This oppo event probably isn't a really big deal in terms of rankings because it seems like oppo is a more recent company (?), so there might not be much history associated with this vote. But i'm not sure how TFboy's company and fans would view that. He's got so many haters already.. X__X;; I think a lot of the popular idols are under only a couple of companies, so its kind of like ZZ is direct competition to them. ZZ probably won't be able to show up in person since its so close to the MTV event for his other awards (i think), which are more significant and more well publicized.

At the end of the day, a respectable second place finish for ZZ would be pretty impressive already.. I would be satisfied with that. The event organizers and other ppl got to see ZZ's fans in action, so they can appreciate his impact. Of course if ppl stop voting there's no guarantee he'd even keep his second place. So i don't know, keep voting? But if he doesn't get first place there's reasons to be relieved. 



I'm sorry but for me it's hard to understand why beeing 2 of them in one place is such a big deal? Because for me it's stupid when people have problem with that... I can't understand this fans... It's not like beeing in one place make them a couple ! And it's still some kind of award show, then whyyyyy? And this fans which are sooo anti for both of them make me laugh xD I't been more then a year when the show ended and both of them went theit own path, doing their own things! And even when they met and shake a hand or whatever then is shouldn't be a problem. And it's always pissed me off when fans think that they own an idol and he/she should do things which they want... Pffff...

And I'm sorry but I think that they were/are/ and if only be a good friends... When I was watching a series i was thinking... yes, they have some kind of chemistry on screen but that's all... I coud see that Wei Zhou was not feeling this "romantic" scene. In every freaking kiss scene he was always clenched his lips... even in scene where Bai Luo Yin actually was suposed to kiss Gu Hai. It was like he never kiss back.

It's a really good series, and good novel, and I'm trully sad that it's ends like that ;( It is in some way tragic that they was treat like that and the series cannot even ends properly, and there was sooo many cuts ;/ And I'm kinda can't understand a chinese governmant if it comes to this issue... it's not like that make some big harm to their country, and this whole baning thing it's like some kind of regression...

Sorry, I just needed to say what i think of this stupid fans and this all baning thing.


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1 hour ago, crystalclear18 said:

Unpopular opinion #626262.. 

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I'm voting for ZZ too, maybe not as much as other ppl. But i am not sure whether i want ZZ to win the oppo voting thing or not.. I'm unsure for a couple of reasons and really i don't have any bad intentions writing this, i'm not telling ppl to stop voting either. 


Judging by the climate in weibo, also with the stricter prohibitions (?), i don't think it would be a likely chance or a good idea for ZZ and JY to be at the same event, even if they are not in the same frame. I would love it if they were, it would be like a dream come true.. If everyone is able to make it happen and things are good i would be very happy with that. But from all the backlash that has risen up from other things, i'm not sure its a good idea to bring attention to them like that. I'm not sure why the oppo event even invited JY in the first place, he wasn't even listed as a contestant until much later. Although to be honest, i don't know why they didn't have JY up there to start with. Maybe they wanted more publicity and they definitely got it.

Even ZZ winning the top spot over TFboys makes me feel a little ambivalent.. TFboys has a lot more popularity over ZZ right.. This oppo event probably isn't a really big deal in terms of rankings because it seems like oppo is a more recent company (?), so there might not be much history associated with this vote. But i'm not sure how TFboy's company and fans would view that. He's got so many haters already.. X__X;; I think a lot of the popular idols are under only a couple of companies, so its kind of like ZZ is direct competition to them. ZZ probably won't be able to show up in person since its so close to the MTV event for his other awards (i think), which are more significant and more well publicized.

At the end of the day, a respectable second place finish for ZZ would be pretty impressive already.. I would be satisfied with that. The event organizers and other ppl got to see ZZ's fans in action, so they can appreciate his impact. Of course if ppl stop voting there's no guarantee he'd even keep his second place. So i don't know, keep voting? But if he doesn't get first place there's reasons to be relieved. 



Hey @crystalclear.. I appreciate your sharing, it makes a lot of sense what you've shared there... Sigh... it's a real roller coaster with our boys huh..! ...No matter what, I just want our boys to be happy and don't want to cause them anymore trouble!.. No matter what the outcome of this, with the vote/not,  I hope our boys will always have good decent elders and people around them to help, lead and guide them with every step and decision..  I feel so much for them and worried for them for being in such complex celebrity world, especially in China! It's so not easy for them.. !  Aaah.., and on top of that, those crazy buggers, the 'poison nonsense fans'...! How could they even called themselves fans of Zhou/JY when they're opposing their opposite loved one..??!!  SO UNCOMPREHENSIBLE!!!  Just continue with the vote and see what happens.. maybe if Zhou won, we still won't get to see them in one frame.. in that way, let's just take it that IT'S NOT THE RIGHT TIMING FOR THEM TO BE IN ONE FRAME, AND JUST LET'S SUPPORT THEM EVEN MORE REGARDLESS, AND TRUST THAT OUR BOYS ARE SMART AND MATURE TO PREPARE THEMSELVES AND GET THEMSELVES READY FOR THE RIGHT MOMENT/TIMING THAT THEY COULD BE TOGETHER IN ONE FRAME IN PUBLIC...  NO MATTER WHAT... DON'T DOUBT YUZHOU AND DON'T HATE LIKE THE 'HATERS', JUST KEEP SUPPORTING AND LOVING OUR BOYS, NO MATTER WHAT DO/DON'T!   

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Adding 2 more for Spanish and Italian fans. Translated by woshangyinle







Dear, we are aware that ZZ won't be attending this award. We are voting it firstly for ZZ of course and secondly for JY to see ZZ winning "video". That is it! Although ZZ has never made an announcement for this award but we all know he will be attending MTV award the next day in another city (ShenZhen). We have never said "ZZ will be attending so vote for YZ to be in the same event" either. 

As for ZZ winning TFBoys, I don't see why can't ZZ win?? I agree that TFBoys is more popular than ZZ but they have been in the industry much longer than ZZ. Also, this is not the first time ZZ or JY won TFBoys. IIRC, they did win TFBoys back in Shangyin days. Once someone asked either JY or ZZ how they felt when they won TFBoys and I think it was JY who said it "Is it hard to win TFBoys? I don't know". Not just TFBoys but any other famous celebrities, because they are much more famous than JY and ZZ doesn't mean we should be worried that JY or ZZ win them.

@dziwna Hi there, if you back read the thread a few pages back, our auntie @sohocomo reposted the reason why we believe JY and ZZ were banned to be in the same frame/event/stage together. I don't say its still currently true but they were absolutely banned to appear as JY/ZZ. Either the ban is still there or JY and ZZ are trying to avoid each other (because they themselves not sure the condition of the ban now) or shows/organisers are still wary of what happened to previous shows YZ attended...anyway, no one can force them to appear together if they think its stillnot the right time. Chinese/Asian culture is very different with Western so you can't apply what Westerners think to YZ situation :) 


Edit: ZZ is now no.2 and the gap is quite big so keep voting for ZZ everyone!!!!!

Edited by bearology
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Cr 一只喜欢钓鱼的喵. Looks like Shangyin will be aired in Japan. They are asking what Japanese name should they use for Shangyin



Fanart by Sally




JY today, he's flying to ZhanJiang to continue filming Red Sea but JY will have an event in Beijing on the 10th so maybe he will fly to Beijing tomorrow

Cr 小妞儿0517

I just said yesterday ZZ's jacket reminds me of JY's outfit in Guns and Kidneys :lol:






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From XWZ Fanclub

Question: What are you doing in your freetime

ZZ while fanning :lol: Playing games, King of Glory (this is the game JY were playing too)



Ok, continue spamming for our mafia :lol:

Cr .JHIEee_






Cr Dolly





Cr ZYH的空气






Cr 饭爱豆

JY looks like he's going to punch someone :D












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Cr .斑斓心情有我写的挑剔Look










Cr FireBallon_黄景瑜图博






Cr 锦瑟_黄景瑜个站





Cr Merci_Merci_







Cr JunoTien





Cr 热爱思10000








Cr UV家的无花果







Cr yjs






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4 hours ago, bearology said:


@dziwna Hi there, if you back read the thread a few pages back, our auntie @sohocomo reposted the reason why we believe JY and ZZ were banned to be in the same frame/event/stage together. I don't say its still currently true but they were absolutely banned to appear as JY/ZZ. Either the ban is still there or JY and ZZ are trying to avoid each other (because they themselves not sure the condition of the ban now) or shows/organisers are still wary of what happened to previous shows YZ attended...anyway, no one can force them to appear together if they think its stillnot the right time. Chinese/Asian culture is very different with Western so you can't apply what Westerners think to YZ situation :)

I read that, because it was me who ask about that then... but still if they together not together ( it's freaking award show guys, they even might not see eachother! and yes I know that ZZ will not be attending this show, its just like an eg) in one place doesn't mean that they promoting a drama which was broadcast more than year ago! So there shouldn't be a problem... I still can't get it how this fans thinks. How that what they do suposed to help them? Lol, people can belive in what they want, if they want to live in delulu land and belive they a couple that let them be, until they are not like obssesed and will be try to ruin they lifes if they are not a cp and one of them will get a  grf or something... So this fans which try to cut off totaly CP fans are just stupid in my opinion! Like seriously... it was looong time ago! And I'm aware that asian culture is different but that's imo things and logic which every normal people should have xDD Sorry

Edit2: Ohh, and look at QingYu... they could stand on one staige together widout a problem... And sometimes they still are... So why only ZZ nad JY? XD I know that the Addicted was really popular, but..

Edit: JY looks soooo fine <3 Everything is perfect (he rally looks good in this hair cut! not everyone look good in short hair like that) but that ugly bag... I know it's branded, I know it's expensive but for me it's just ugly XD And more girly XDDDDDD

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14 minutes ago, psychology92 said:

@bearology Your Profile pic behind JY


It's my favourite photoshoot of YZ!!!! The photoshoot that JY opened the can drink for ZZ and ZZ proudly showed off his leg hair!!!

So, DONT FORGET TO VOTE FOR ZZ EVERYONE!!!! Yes, absolutely related :lol:

PLEASE VOTE FOR ZZ!!! We have been trying very hard, just...another week to go lol. I believe we can do it!!!!!!!

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