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11 minutes ago, daikyou said:

Omg yess!! @bearology I tried to use flight mode then on it again, I can immediately vote again. This is as far as I can do to make JY and ZZ meet in one event again (hopefully they do attend) T___T

JY will attend, thats confirmed. I don't think ZZ will but I could be wrong (I'm so hope I'm wrong though :lol:). At the very least, JY can see his baobei on screen winning the award :D 

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3 hours ago, daikyou said:

Omg yess!! @bearology I tried to use flight mode then on it again, I can immediately vote again. This is as far as I can do to make JY and ZZ meet in one event again (hopefully they do attend) T___T


Aaargh. Why doesn't that work at my end? :-( . 

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22 hours ago, pygmalion30 said:

And by the way, this TV programme airs also in Germany, since Arte is a French & German channel... 

Thank you! What good news  :D. I have always thought that I will never see the show on German TV, because the German channels show only nonsense. Luckily, Arte is special.

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10 hours ago, bearology said:

Thank you for voting everyone. Since its quiet nowadays, let's VOTE FOR ZZ!!! 

sarah94xx commented in my IG saying that if you switch to flight mode and switch back then you can vote again. I tried and it works :D

I know its hard to win TFboys but JY will attend this award so if ZZ wins, JY can...watch ZZ :lol:

Yeah, I'm despo but anything to help them appearing in the same frame/place right!! Yesterday it looked impossible but now looking at the number, we do have a chance so...

I created a short link to vote


  Reveal hidden contents


To vote tap on this green bar next to the number


Also one thing I forget to mention yesterday for JY studio post, the rest of the time when he's not attending events, JY will be filming Red Sea

And our bestfriends

  Reveal hidden contents


Last but not least, throw back one YZ gif to motivate everyone to vote :lol:

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@psychology92: Jingyu as an interim dad? DAD? Wth! :o :wacko: By god, his sexy dad phase, interim or otherwise can wait for another ten years atleast :blink:. But maybe I've understood it wrong-  it's all young good looking fellas in there. Okies- voted. Just one possible from my end too. Will check multiple wifi access possibilities for both beginning tomorrow. 

Hell, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd spend time and energy voting for actors from China. God! Yuzhou, you guys better make it bigger down the years. I need to see more of them together and otherwise on the small/big screens. 

Edit: Hey hey hey... I could vote 5 times again for ZZ right now. Thanks for reporting that, Psychology92. 

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9 minutes ago, umajeevan said:

@psychology92: Jingyu as an interim dad? DAD? Wth! :o :wacko: By god, his sexy dad phase, interim or otherwise can wait for another ten years atleast :blink:. But maybe I've understood it wrong-  it's all young good looking fellas in there. Okies- voted. Just one possible from my end too. Will check multiple wifi access possibilities for both beginning tomorrow. 

Hell, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd spend time and energy voting for actors from China. God! Yuzhou, you guys better make it bigger down the years. I need to see more of them together and otherwise on the small/big screens. 

Edit: Hey hey hey... I could vote 5 times again for ZZ right now. Thanks for reporting that, Psychology92. 

Hey, I have watched this 'Daddy, where are we going' show before and IT'S BRILLIANT! It's a really entertaining show, something like Amazing Race, that kind of concept, only with little toddlers haha... My broken Chinese managed to pick up what's happening in the show/series, it's really worth a watch and if JY gets to go on it with an adorable toddler, THAT'LL BE AWESOME!  It's a really really good show to watch! Wish our Zhou could participate in this too!! Anyways, I think the vote for JY to be on this is 'every hour', you can vote for him again.  I've just voted too so lets hope it's every hour voting ~~  FIGHTING EVERYONE, FOR OUR DEAREST YUZHOU! Big hugs to you all!  Oh yeah, and the news about France mentioning and showing pics of ShangYin, AWESOME! God bless our two Baobeis! 

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14 hours ago, urslae said:

@vtroo you're crazy lol but you gave me ideas here it's 8 am. Im going to vote later.


@urslae Thanks for the Compliment?? Lol :wub:

so I vote on my whole family's devices, called my cousins gave them instructions and they all confirmed they voted and sent me screenshots to prove it. I think I am going crazy, I'm Addicted to YuZhou. Just seeing them in the same place would be heaven sent, were defiantly not far behind about 40,000 votes behind, a couple days ago it seemed unreachable but there's a lot of posts on Instagram to vote for ZZ since yesterday, so keep up the good work everyone. 

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4 hours ago, psychology92 said:

Another one voting information for JY.I don't understand what kind of category is this but fan says on twitter, Vote for JY to become a interim father on "Dad, where are we going?" You've to go to 2nd category like 2nd photo i posted.I went to this link but can vote just 1time but don't know how many times you can be vote.JY is currently no.1


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From what I know, the show will gather 6 trainees to train? And one will be chosen to appear in "Dad, where are we going?" JY is in their potential list so fans are voting. One vote every hour or if you have time, you can try that flight mode trick 

I read that ZZ's voting will end on the 18th too but I'm not sure so keep voting guys! ZZ is not far behind from Tfboys now! Normally these voting will need either weibo, qq or wechat so it's hard for international fans. Since this one don't need those things, let's show them the power of international fans XD

Have a good day everyone!

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A fan encountered ZZ, I'm not sure when or where lol



Also, my friend told me that the guy ZZ followed used to be a student from ZZ college and now a director so maybe...ZZ new movie's director or they met at...ZZ's graduation hahaha. Funny thing: the guy weibo is full of military photos lol

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Yeah power of international fans! Curently ZZ behind around 30000 votes. If the growth keep steady like this (or faster) till 18th, ZZ sure can win. We just have to keep voting

I tried to vote JY using flight mode too, and its working! You can vote multiple times

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Hey guys I need help, I was reading the Translated book and I was on Chapter 117 in Book 1 and accidentally exit out of the site, I'm not sure if it was on  wattpad or not but I can't seem to find it, can someone send me a link or links. 

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13 minutes ago, vtroo said:

Hey guys I need help, I was reading the Translated book and I was on Chapter 117 in Book 1 and accidentally exit out of the site, I'm not sure if it was on  wattpad or not but I can't seem to find it, can someone send me a link or links. 

There you go. Link here. You can follow Saehan and her team on this wattled account, they are translating Book 2 at the moment

@umajeevan Sorry I wanted to reply you the other day but I forgot. Not just BTS but if you would like to watch JY's and ZZ's old interviews, check out our member Gashupingo and Ryokise channels. They have tons of old to current subbed interviews. Also Lovelythings and Flukegirl Youtube channel


ZZ's voting. This is the current number. We are not far behind no.1. Keep it up guys :wub:



ZZ - Tiffany event 080617

Cr DTT大婷婷






ZZ - Beijing to Shanghai 200617

Cr PussyCat




ZZ - London to Beijing 030717

Cr daydreamer




Cr eversince




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Superdry Weibo update

#MySuperdry全橙燥动# 此次#许魏洲Superdry燥动伦敦# ,身为跩型先锋的Timmy无惧挑战,尝试了风格迥异的Superdry造型,将酷跩Tee、军装风夹克和牛仔外套穿出了潮爆街头的时髦范儿,混搭技能堪称满分!够型,更够跩!牛仔洲、涂鸦洲、户外洲,你爱哪只洲呢?大声告诉我们吧!更多精彩内容扫描二维码关注Superdry官方微信。

This jacket reminds me of JY's outfit in Guns and Kidneys






Looks like JY do have an event in Beijing on the 10th July. That was posted by his WeChat something :D

2017 07.10
北京 品牌活动 -> Beijing Brand activities
2017 07.18
上海 杂志拍摄 -> Shanghai Photoshoot
2017 07.19
北京 网易娱乐跨界盛典 -> Beijing that award that we've been voting for ZZ
2017 07.20
北京 杂志拍摄 -> Beijing Photoshoot

JY - Beijing to Shanghai 290617

Cr FireBallon











Huhu and Sally will be giving away 100 of these for fans who will be attending MTV award on the 20th July. Its so cuteee and they are sooo niceeee




Our rabbit in Fun MV :D


By Sally

How colorful you are




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JingYu followed an Emoji account called LMAO in IG. That might be what I got an update from him in IG. was it ZZ? Or JY? Because the only one we know who has a collab with an emoji event was ZZ. The account is private tho. Funny thing is a band member I'm follow in IG follows this account too. Is this recent following or just now?


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8 hours ago, bearology said:


@umajeevan Sorry I wanted to reply you the other day but I forgot. Not just BTS but if you would like to watch JY's and ZZ's old interviews, check out our member Gashupingo and Ryokise channels. They have tons of old to current subbed interviews. Also Lovelythings and Flukegirl Youtube channel


Super thanks, @bearology. I binged watched a lot of old stuff, but some surprises still keep cropping up. There are some of JJ's particularly er... lovelorn-seeming hyper-calm conversations that I need subs for. Will look around for a while and if nothing comes by, will drop in and beg for a softsub here... hehe. 

That rabbity MV of ZZ is adorable! And nothing much beats either of the guys in white and denims :wub:


Alright, reporting my share of voting happening from all sorts of nooks and corners as much I can. Hail Yuzhou :D. Okay, that's it- I've gone insane with all the travel, forum-dropping for Yuzhou pic-stalking, and voting efforts in the midst of conferences :ph34r:. Ciao! 

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Anyone knows Thai, Korean, or any other languages rather than English and Vietnamese here? Please let me know. I have a small favour to ask XD. If you don't have soompi account, you can pm me in IG or Twitter or weibo. My account name is bearology everywhere. Thank you :wub:

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On 2017-6-20 at 6:06 AM, Chaa_Sastro said:

Should we prepare our heart more? those candies worth for months already. We used to have low sugar or even no candies. I just hope that they could manage to have better and better future without scandals. Its okay if we just see one or two candies once in a while. I prefer good career with less sugar than preparing my heart for another storm, really. Everytime we got so much sugars i cant help but worried too.


I’m sorry for worrying you sigh.. I think what the post I read meant was either some kind of scandal might happen or like somebody else mentioned, some kind of ‘knife’ from the haters/poison fans. Since I took a little break from soompi, I was on weibo more recently. Man were there a lot of things going on in the fandom in the last couple of weeks…………

It’s pretty crazy how far the ZZ only fans/poison fans took it by banning CPF from ZZ’s thread. Like they might be his fans but they don’t have his permission to block a large part of his fanbase from activities that might help promote him officially. The CPF are still talking about this on their thread and i'm not surprised cause its a pretty big deal. They probably decided to ban CPF because of this 'candy moment' from JY recently, but if these ZZ only fans are so sure that there's nothing going on between JY or ZZ then they shouldn't have had such a big reaction. =____= If anything it should only be the JY fans reacting, although JY poison has been active too. I guess they're just super sensitive about anything addicted related. 

I'm sure that ZZ and his team as well as JY were not happy to hear about it. The CPF fanbase is more active than the only fanbase, even if there are less people. So there will be some effect on ZZ's only thread. Plus the poison only fans keep getting themselves riled up when they come to the CPF thread to see what they're saying. This point cannot be stressed enough, they just cannot stay in their own threads. They have this jealous gf/bf mentality, even if they're no one's gf/bf............

In the last week alone there were a lot of attacks from poison fans. I feel like maybe i need to read 'the art of war' before going back in, cause its basically cyber warfare..... 


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@bearology: What language do you have in mind and what's the purpose?  Can manage some Indian languages and a limited smattering of Arabic.


I've kept off this topic until now- been there. But an observation on this poison/rogue fan business: The same scenario minus govt intervention happened with a heterosexual acting couple in India some years back. 5 years down the lane, they married others (both are not in particularly happy spaces right now), and are professionally nowhere. The paranoid individual fans literally psychologically poisoned actors' decisions and spoilt everything. So, prayers and a lot of crossed fingers for Yuzhou.

Fans or no fans though, I believe destiny makes marriages and careers at the end of the day. So...

Only one key to handle cyber fan wars, and I speak this from successful experience as I am sure others practice here as well: Ignore the nonsense. And remember at the end of the day that nothing, not even our favourite actors are worth so much of our time and mental space. Let's not get that equation distorted ever. Fans and fanning will be healthy and fun as long as it is kept fun. Otherwise, it's just pain in the a** for all involved. *end of lecture soliloquy* :-)

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