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Omo, My Octo friend just shared with me these 2 videos. Check out 永不放倒瑜洲大旗 Youtube account, this account uploaded the 2 BTS CDs Korean Version. I haven't watched it yet, but 5 hours worth of footage :blink:








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@bearology I think @psychology92's links are pretty similar in content to the disc 3 & 4 videos, except @psychology92's links contain mostly new bits with some old interspersed. Disc 3 & 4 videos probably mix more of the old footage. Although i think the good YZ candy moments have already been leaked. Are there any more discs of the BTS? 

I feel like i need to go watch the old BTS to balance me out YZ-wise lol. Need more candy.. Anyone know anything about the pic on ig where we see ZZ holding the dinosaur onesie in bed while JY is still sleeping? Lol that seems pretty meaningful considering the importance of the dinosaur onsie.

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From the new BTS: there's something so very, very precious when JY gets this look on his face. He looks so kind, loving and... mild. It looks like he's carefully studying ZZ's face. If JY was an anime character, he'd have hearts in his eyes. That little smile, it's so sweet. I love it so much.



@crystalclear18 - I think the bts in the Korean edition is 313 mins. So that's just over 5 hours. So all should be included in those two YT posts. 

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Congrats ZZ! Another award to you!


I was browsing some pictures of JY in google image and found this pic. Made me look at it intensely because it's clearly JY, but I can see ZZ here. 

Edit: because I thought I placed a picture  eb951417cf75f5ce9e70a1cb861c282a.jpg


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Hi guys, this is a continuation of my previous attempts at translating ZZ's CCTV15 Top Global Chinese Music episode. For the sake of ZZ's official TV appearance on a show i'm going to hopefully finish this eventually, even though better translators are probably going to be doing the translation later on (ryokise?? etc). It's like death for me every 10 mins of this show lol. When the thing they're all talking about is the thing you don't understand the translation is very full of holes lol.. Take it easy on me please!

Please let me know if there's anything wrong with my translation. If there is something i don't understand i'll mention i'm not sure with dashes/hyphens - -. The stuff in parenthesis () is me. The asterisks * are for actions.

Part 3:



Starting from 29:39

Host: Thank you, thank you LJL for bringing us the classic __song name__. As we were listening to him sing, BB was saying -'chunyui le, chunyui le'- (i'm really not sure what that is lol..)

BB: Yes there's this kind of.. Today after listening to his song and seeing his overall style, i had this feeling of -'chunyui'-, going back and listening to those kinds of songs. 

Host: Yes, his attire today -has a bit of a retro style(??)-.*Turns to ZZ

ZZ: Yes, his attire today -along with his song/singing, accommodates both modern and traditional styles very well.- I feel that it was especially good.

DY: There's a feeling of returning to childhood.

Host: Returning to your childhood? No way. 

DY: To everyone's childhood. (He's kind of implying that the clothes remind him of when he was a kid, kind of dated.)

Host: You're joking right, definitely not. Alright, the song after this is also a classic in the industry, -green light?- originally sung by __somebody__. I believe you guys also know how to sing this song. Let me tell you guys that you will hear a very sweet version of it today and back when this song first came out it was also very -popular/had a lot of votes?-. It previously received the most popular song award on the -8th global chinese music show-.Please welcome -Tian Han Li??- for bringing us -green light-.

*THL sings

Host: Thank you, thank you THL for bringing us a -green light- that carries a very sweet kind of feeling. While she was singing i was thinking that if it was BB who was singing -green light- it definitely wouldn't have such a sweet feeling.

BB: Right, if it was me singing -green light-, it might have become rock and called -laser-(?).

Host: A rock style -laser- version of -green light-?

BB: Yes.

Host: *Turns to ZZ. XWZ after listening to that song, what are your thoughts?

ZZ: After listening i feel like i am full of -passion(?).

Host: Ah..

ZZ: Full of energy(?),- I want get up and dance.  

Host: You want to get up and dance? I guarantee after you listen to the next song you might want to dance even more.

ZZ: Oh really?

Host: -Something about how the song was chosen- The song is called __something__. It is one song but you can also say its many songs, because inside this song you will hear lyrics from a lot of other songs. In the next part we will test the hearing of everyone (ZZ and guests) here, after listening to this song you guys have to tell me how many songs you identified the lyrics of, the names of the songs  and also sing the songs. How's that sound?

BB: Wah..

Host: We welcome everyone (audience) to participate in our activity, you can leave us a message at __something__, if you guess correctly there will be prizes waiting for you. Ok, next let us welcome -Shi Zi Ming- for bringing us __something__.

*SZM sings

Host: Thank you, thank you SZM. Just now SZM brought us __something__, now here's our question, for this song how many songs did it include lyrics from in total?

BB: Wah..

DY: I actually did count just now, I counted 21 songs. 

Host: 21 songs? BB?

BB: Then i will say something different from him, 20 songs.

Host: You are just randomly guessing?

BB: Yes.

DY: -something can't hear-

Host: XWZ? *Turns to ZZ

ZZ: I counted many, many songs.

Host: Many, many songs? It was just many, many songs?

ZZ: Many, many songs.

BB: -something can't hear-

Host: *Calls girl sitting next to ZZ, can't hear her name properly -Yiu Je???-

YJ: 20 songs, about 20 songs. -If you count there being 40 lines of lyrics(?)-. He changes songs every 2 lines.

Host: Is that how you are calculating it? 

YJ: Yeah that's how i'm calculating it. -7 minutes, that's about how many lines there are.-

BB: That's smart.

ZZ: You are much smarter than me.

Host: And now for the second question. Since you guys are able to count the number of different songs he sang, can you guys sing a couple of lines from the ones he sang?

BB: Eh, let me go first for this one ok?

DY: You go first.

Host: *Something can't hear

BB: Right, right, i'm going to take the ones i can sing first.

Host: Ok, you first.

BB: There's -something- Jay Chou's (*sings*) "give me two more minutes". There's also __something__, but i forgot how to sing it.

Host: *Prompts -something-

BB: *Sings -something- *Turns to DY. Alright, come on.

Host: I know you -can- only sing half a line. Right? DY?

BB: This song is quite -something-.

DY: I'm not only going to sing, i'm going to imitate the original singer's voice. How about it?

BB & host: Yes, do it.

DY: *Sings *everyone ooh and aww lol

Host: Very similar!

DY: *Sings

BB: Goodness..

(ZZ going whooo in the background? lol)

BB: Impressive, impressive, impressive.

ZZ: Impressive.

DY: In the song there is this line.

BB: No, DY-teacher (laoshi), is there really such a song? Or are you just thinking it..

YJ: Yeah, i didn't hear it.

Host: Very -confusing-.

ZZ: This, are we counting songs or are we competing?

Host: Right, are you feeling very nervous?

ZZ: I feel so much pressure. Just now i heard 'onion'. *Sings onion :)

BB: Aiyowei (LOL)

ZZ: *Makes a heart with hands. For you guys.

DY: Impressive.

Host:-Something about how he knows how to sweet talk ppl? LOL-

YJ: I heard -red bean-. *Sings. It's this line.

BB: Very beautiful.

Host: Very beautiful

DY: Sounds very good.

Host: Has it occurred to you guys that it's already really hard to guess the number of songs in this song, what about if you actually had to sing the song, with so many songs lyrics from different songs one after the other, wouldn't you get mixed up? What about if it was you guys?

BB: I would definitely already be lost.

Host: You wouldn't be able to continue with the next line right?

BB: Right, i would definitely -keep singing the song from the lyrics in the first part-.

DY: That's right, that's right, -something- compared to this -other song- this song is even more difficult.

BB: Right, -it's hard to change the flavour/style of the song-.

DY: There's some parts where its one line and other parts where it's two lines together. 

Host: Right.

DY: So it's very hard.

Host: Yes, just listening -i would think it's this song and then in the next part it's already changed to another song-.*Turns to ZZ. And -this person, this person (she forgot his name lol)-

ZZ: This person, this person (teasing her).

Host: This person, this person. *laugh

ZZ: -Don't worry, i'll wait for you.(? joke part 2 lol)- The difficulty of this song is especially high. -Something about if he were composing this(?) song, he wouldn't be able to keep the lyrics straight.-

Host: Ah, it really can be like that.

YJ: -Something about knowing SZM-. I am his (SZM's) elder sister/senpai/upper classman, he is my younger brother/under classman. (I don't think there is a direct translation. Basically both the guy who just performed and YJ are taught by the same singing teacher, it's kind of like they are both under an apprenticeship to the teacher. The two students can be referred to as siblings within the same school (teacher). She is the 'elder/older' sibling probably because she learned from the teacher earlier. It is not related to age, but related to when you have entered the tutelage of someone. The interesting thing is this system goes back to ancient times and can be applied to other types of learning including martial arts). So i feel that his performance today definitely has not reflected poorly on our musical standards. -Something- was especially good.

ZZ: *Says something and gives thumbs up

YJ: Because it is really very hard to sing. -Comparing this song with other types- It is not easy to sing, -something- it's especially hard for one person to sing the whole thing.

Host: You see, including XWZ (she remembered this time LOL) and BB, we all think that this song is especially hard to sing. What do our three judges/critics think? 

Judge 2: Just now there was a feeling of 'chunyui' and a feeling of first love. A lot of songs sung together. I especially like how its almost like a game to compose this song because originally music brings us happiness. Finding happiness within music is especially important. The advantage of this type of song is there is definitely a line (of the lyrics?) that you would like. You can advertise/make a commercial out of it that no matter what there will be a song for you. SZM is a singer who.. -is a strong singer?- I have heard him sing -other songs-, many songs of different styles. This song itself already presents quite a few challenges, this shows that he -has a strong singing ability.- It's very good. Now for the first two songs, i feel that because they are a bit too classic if you want to -sing them especially well?- it is quite hard. -(It gets more technical now, but i think the gist of it is it's easier to detect flaws in singing when the song is so well known and classic?)- I hope that in the future, when he's singing these classic songs and if for some reason it's not sung optimally that he can try to make it his own song by singing in his own style. That would be the best.

Host: Thank you, thank you for our judge/critic's comments. Actually, SZM is being live streamed right now on our cellphone live stream if anyone has any questions you can ask SZM. Of course SZM will reveal the answer to us, telling us how many different songs were included in his song.

BB: Yes.

Host: Everyone please hurry to participate in our activity because wonderful prizes are awaiting you. Ok after this we will have a commercial break, after the break our show will have even more exciting events and we will announce our next -voting/billboard results(?).-

Finally got to the part where ZZ sings onion! :)

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雨甜Wang weibo update. The caption "The last training"

So JY will be back soon????? OPENING CHAMPAGNE FOR MEOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

But thats not the most important thing right now! LOOK AT JY HAND SIGNSSSSSS

Is this normal to pose like this people?????




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2 hours ago, bearology said:

雨甜Wang weibo update. The caption "The last training"

So JY will be back soon????? OPENING CHAMPAGNE FOR MEOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

But thats not the most important thing right now! LOOK AT JY HAND SIGNSSSSSS

Is this normal to pose like this people?????



Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh.. Caaaaannnndyy! :cookie::heart::cookie::heart: Thanks to JY! lol


19 hours ago, charlie10 said:


@crystalclear18 - I think the bts in the Korean edition is 313 mins. So that's just over 5 hours. So all should be included in those two YT posts. 


Maybe i need to watch those ones too then.. X_____X 

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JY you sneaky thing! I didn't even realise what he was doing at first, it's so discreet. Is there any other way to interpret those signs together than as related to YZ? One or the other would have been normal, but together...? And since he's doing it almot secretly, it's like he doesn't want the people in the room to notice, but is only for those seeing the photo. Yay for JY, he is indeed the captain of this ship!

I've watched more of those five hours worth of BTS and it inspired some gifs. Particularly the more 'racy' scenes are quite inspirational. Heh. So, behind the spoiler cuts, slightly racy gifs...

I can from this scene conclude that JY really loves to have his hands on ZZ, regardless if they're filming or not. I can also conclude that even when they're visibly embarrassed by the situation, they're also having fun and are into it a 100 %. 

JY is ever so casually stroking ZZ's side, while ZZ is a little bothered by how his bathrobe is in disarray. I just love how JY is pretending (I think he is, at least) to be unaware of what he's doing, he just happens to have his hand there.



And then he keeps his hand on ZZ's stomach (feeling his six pack?) for the longest time. Completely normal. They're not filming...



I get the feeling JY has a thing for ZZ's stomach and chest... His hand is strong and sure and without hesitation on ZZ's chest.



I'd swear JY is looking at ZZ's nipple here and so is deliberately stroking it. JY, you cad!



Their entagled legs... Need I say more? JY's smooth ones together with ZZ's hairy ones (JY loves that leg hair. Had to say it bearo). I love that mix of embarrassement and joy on their faces. 



Lastly, this proves to me that they had fun with this. That they could laugh at the absurd situation, that they're willing to do what it takes. That they love doing this together. And that they're quite naughty boys! So here's a  naughty gif. :tongue:




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This morning, around 5:21am JY posted a new photo in his IG but quickly deleted it. Not sure why he deleted it, just JY and lots lots lots of cactus :lol:

According to fans, today is 520 since YZ first met. Geez, time flies!!!




This photoshoot is very interesting, some I can't decide whether ZZ is wearing a skirt or pants :lol: And that infamous countless pocket pants have a short version too???


Cr 维他奶超人zy







Fanart by 有的是青春_沒的是時間. New family photo haha



Fanart by 许魏洲PROME




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3 hours ago, charlie10 said:

Their entagled legs... Need I say more? JY's smooth ones together with ZZ's hairy ones (JY loves that leg hair. Had to say it bearo). I love that mix of embarrassement and joy on their faces. 

JY lovessss everything about ZZ, he spent monthssssss looking at every single inch from head to toes. So far we got leg hair, waist, long legs, butt, abs, chest, eyes, neck, hair B)

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10 hours ago, bearology said:

雨甜Wang weibo update. The caption "The last training"

So JY will be back soon????? OPENING CHAMPAGNE FOR MEOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

But thats not the most important thing right now! LOOK AT JY HAND SIGNSSSSSS

Is this normal to pose like this people?????






 I smiled so widely when I realised what JY was doing in this photo that my cheeks hurt! Good on ya JY, our captain of the ship! 

Lately I've been questioning whether we are reading too much into nothing, especially with lack of candy and new materials of the two boys together. Then this happened, and I'm back on the ship :)

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23 hours ago, kyrie777 said:



 I smiled so widely when I realised what JY was doing in this photo that my cheeks hurt! Good on ya JY, our captain of the ship! 

Lately I've been questioning whether we are reading too much into nothing, especially with lack of candy and new materials of the two boys together. Then this happened, and I'm back on the ship :)


ok help me guys, i dont get the hand signs :blush: please.. 

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On 4/9/2017 at 7:35 PM, bearology said:

JY weibo update

看到了我家黄铁柱的未来 [吃惊] 

Translated by Ryokise: I see the future of my house's Huang tiezhu [吃惊] 

*"Tiezhu" means iron pillar




why does he have to delete these pictures! its just cactuses ^_^

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