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2 hours ago, Scandani said:

@kyrie777 I really can't help you in that department. In the beginning of my Addiction I tried hard to resist. I even tried to recognize what is it and why am so deep with this fandom. Thinking if I understand it, I might know how to fight it better. Nope. Not at all. So, now as one of the bgm in the series I can just say : " So I'm giving in, to the trouble I'm in."


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Because I see sometimes so many posts in one page, at times without spoiler. We do too, are guilty of not using spoiler when we are so hype if there's big news/events from both boys i.e. Concerts. I get it, you love ZZ very much. We do too, we love him very much. Just a personal opinion that sometimes less is more? 




Hahhaha. I love how you can tie our addiction to the bgm music of the pivotal scene in the series!

Yeah it's a real addiction, with no known cure. 

I was checking the forum for the umpteenth time yesterday on my phone and one of my colleagues ask me what I was doing. I just mumbled something about some branch asking me to send some sort of report. Haha. 

I am blaming myself for not learning Chinese properly when my parents made me to. If I would've known I could bring lots of candies here, I would've made the 12 year old me to pay attention to the lau ze! :)

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YuZhou Daily

Source:   真爱瑜洲





Yaya Planet concert (072316)


Source:   C10xi








Source:   REDMOON9294



Beijing ee809d.png Shanghai (072516)


Source:   黄景瑜的萨摩小表妹








Source:   cantabile_a




Fan art


Source:   宇宙XC



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I'm telling you, all CP's fans will go mental one day. Anyone know where was Zheng ge during JY's performance?? Or anyone saw a 1.84,5m human being in dinosaur costume running around behind the camera man that night? :lol:


Cr on pic



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Yaya Planet concert (072316)


Source:    棍菊苣





Source:  Six_Two基地站



Beijing ee809d.png Shanghai (072516)


Source:  鲸鱼粥粥册








Source:  Johnny_黄景瑜同行站














Light Asian Tour in Shenzhen (071716)


Source:  OpiumZ_许魏洲个人图博








Source:  SandYaso














Source:   JTkds



Source:   碎碎碎碎子



Fan art


Source:   -M粥君-



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INMIX glasses with ZZ signature


Cr foryou_zz Twitter



That show JY filmed with someone from S.H.E (sorry I have close to zero knowledge about C-biz til YZ lol) will be aired today at 20:00? Promotional clip here. If you want to skip all the important parts, JY starts at 0:15 :D




BTS clip from ZZ's filming on 22/07



Oops sorry, @nedaaa posted the exact same links :lol:

@Scandani If 5MilesLove just keeps sending flowers, we will never know who is behind it, its the clip that makes people go crazy lol but still I don't think we will ever find out unless they want us to find out :sweatingbullets:

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The Mainland Chinese govt. is cracking down on independend journalism hard again! Top Chinese internet portals have been just forbidden from producing original reporting on politically sensitive topics and are hencefort permitted to publish stories on “social and political issues” only if they had been sourced from government-controlled news agencies.
Internet companies such as Netease, Sina and Sohu were ordered to pull the plug on their current affairs operations on Monday. I am just wondering how far it goes regarding societal issues, such as LGBT+, and whether the entertainment journalism would be rather left alone. I hope it won't compromise bringing news about YZ to the public any further. 

WHY, oh WHY there are never good news on that… it is getting usually from bad to worse…

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23 minutes ago, Ariodante said:

The Mainland Chinese govt. is cracking down on independend journalism hard again! Top Chinese internet portals have been just forbidden from producing original reporting on politically sensitive topics and are hencefort permitted to publish stories on “social and political issues” only if they had been sourced from government-controlled news agencies.
Internet companies such as Netease, Sina and Sohu were ordered to pull the plug on their current affairs operations on Monday. I am just wondering how far it goes regarding societal issues, such as LGBT+, and whether the entertainment journalism would be rather left alone. I hope it won't compromise bringing news about YZ to the public any further. 

WHY, oh WHY there are never good news on that… it is getting usually from bad to worse…


Is there an election or something major happening soon?

I really hope this is just a temporary spike in censoring and won't become the norm. The world is progressing ahead while China is regressing. 

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2 hours ago, Scandani said:

@bearology omg I just hope with the growing curiousity of who is behind 5MilesLove would not make her/him disappear on us!!!

@Scandani  I think that is a distinct possibility. The person or persons behind 5MilesLove wish to remain anonymous and with good reason. Whatever the reason its none of our business and we fans should not pry. What difference would it make if we were to find out the identity of 5MilesLove. So fans please let’s not continue to pry and respect this account holders privacy. If and/or when they reveal their identity let it be by their choice. I say let’s just continue to enjoy the high-quality goodies this account provides. :P

Because I feel some may feel this is a rant the rest is under spoiler.


Oftentimes I feel in our rush to know everything (why is that necessary anyway?) fans can become inconsiderate and disrespectful to the idols they proclaim to love (ugh!!! airport cam I just can’t anymore :tears:) Give the idols their privacy. One last thing about 5MilesLove, whether fan/fans or an insider if they wanted to identify themselves don’t you think they would have done so by now? I think as fans there are things we simply should not do… and this is one of them. It’s not our right to expose this account holder even if we are curious. Leave them to their privacy and let’s keep our speculations respectful. I’m sorry if it seems as if I’m ranting but it gets to me, the thought of if I become famous, I give up the right to normalcy and privacy. We can love our Idols without crossing the line.



I’m more interested in what collaboration JY will do with Terrance Chang. :wub:

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3 minutes ago, kyrie777 said:


Is there an election or something major happening soon?

I really hope this is just a temporary spike in censoring and won't become the norm. The world is progressing ahead while China is regressing. 

No election, just general trend… to the dogs…

Link to the article here 

Thinking of it, YZ could actually fly under the radar… They are still going strong… getting nothing but better every week:) while continuously throwing so much sugar and candies on the way that diabetes is a serious concern in the fandom

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@Ariodante, yeah. Don't get too worried for now. China is just trying to control journalists who vie to get news out before the official announcements on social and political sensitive issues. Many of these columns are really click baits anyway. For now, I believe entertainment is safe. Actually the official media recently also tried to clamp down on the reporting of a minority group of irrational Chinese who tried to boycott KFC, Apple, etc due to the Hague ruling. In other words, it is a balancing act to ensure a "rational and harmonious" society. .


Obviously, there are some propaganda involved here but who when in the power will want others to spread rumours that spoil their plans. Even Obama was crossed with Snowden. But it also explains why it is important for the boys to show their support for their country a couple of weeks back. 


By the way, this might be a net positive because when I search for HJY and XWZ in Chinese, some of the articles are really clickbaits with sensational headlines like "Are they really gay", "JY had a big fight with ZZ? How come?". The actual article has ZERO relationship with the title. In fact, I also don't like the style of sina news reporting. Highly sensationalised. For example, some news recently are 


alluding to JY being a toy boy for Zhang Jiazheng (Terrance Zhang) due to the lavish party he threw for him the day after the concert... They don't need such news.

@bearology and @aeislaeigh, sorry could you help us clarify if it is 99 or 100 days since the fan meet. I think there is some confusion here. Is it because one of you started counting from the day of the fan meet itself and the other counted from the day after the fan meet?

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On 7/24/2016 at 5:26 AM, mrsaturn said:

Yea i checked and see that the likes is lower than the previous post (selfie) but definitely not the lowest of all! Hmmm so only fans are more than cpf? I always thought cpfs are higher haha.



Hmm I am not understanding the CPF and JY only fans?  What's the distinction here.  Isn't the point of being a fan is to fully support your idol in whatever decisions he makes because he is the person who made them?  Isn't this the whole point of falling for your idol to begin with??? We all love him because of who he is.  Why the segregation =(...

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31 minutes ago, kyrie777 said:


Is there an election or something major happening soon?

I really hope this is just a temporary spike in censoring and won't become the norm. The world is progressing ahead while China is regressing. 


First time poster here (but definitely a long time lurker). To answer, China does not hold elections (especially for high positions). Only lower tier ones AFAIK have any semblance of an election - they are an authoritarian country geared toward economic development after all. This tense state between free media and the CCP's crackdown on free speech has been a long time issue - there has been many protest about it and the Chinese still continue to fight against it. 

Maybe this is why the support from the industry towards YuZhou is quite astounding because they are undeniably a major victim of this crackdown which the Chinese Media (and in effect its people) are fighting against. This topic is actually quite a goldmine but I'm gonna cut it short here! :) 

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I think 5MilesLove just updated weibo again. Lyrics 
5마일 웨이보) だからもっともっと未来はこれから 好きな色に変わるよ, 夢を抱いて歩こう, Just keep dreaming, Let's try こわくない 君と僕ならばずっと。 @许魏洲ZZ
What was JY singing? The clip has no sound or just OP's clip has technical issue? Edit: oh its a gif. I see





JY's fingers :rolleyes: remind me of ZZ using one hand to use his phone so that he wouldn't disturb his whale sleeping soundly on his shoulder :wub:



Which poll is it? ZZ and JY is no 2 and 3, the weibo post mention both of their names. OMG how long ago since the last time we saw their names together




hm...reading my emails...I just realised...its 100 days since TFM today, and what's the date today everyone? The 26 July :sweatingbullets:

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Support "Papa 5MilesLove" Forever!!!
Keep on posting "Papa" <3  <3  <3

We love you... <3 <3  <3

They re  in diff places (again and again)... it breaks my heart T__________T

Also... Support all Cpf!!!  Thank you for your hard work!!!

I just miss them so bad!  Get Addicted...  Arghhhhhhhhhhhh...  T_________________T

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