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Guest skeletonworks
17 minutes ago, evedear said:

I still have my theory where that car scene was just because horny 20something years old. Trust me, I'm 20 something (?).



Hahaha. That's what the production trying to achieve. To get you excited that it's an adlib. (I'm such a killjoy, aren't I? Haha)

(Qingyu is already enough for me. I don't want to be cheated again actually. Haha)

You can see that Weizou lifted his head a bit to kiss Johnny.... :wub: My feelsssss...... And notice how Weizhou's hand casually rested on Johnny's hips? :w00t:


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@skeletonworks believe me when I say that I re watched that little video enough time to actually remember the color of the car... Of course is all part of the mainstream it makes, and it works! Look at us, I've never watched a chinese serie (movies yeah, web series? never) and then, because of a video on tumblr from someone I follow who has nothing to do with this BAM! I'm here talking with you all about all this hjhahahaha.

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Guest skeletonworks

Friend showed me this clip of a duet between Weizhou and Johnny. I already watched it before she told me though. Hehehe. I forgot if I've shared this in the earlier page. Anyway, they're singing a famous love song called "I only care about you". How fitting is that?! Wished Lovelythings would sub this video! I bet the lyrics is sweet as them :heart: Oh yeah, I also love their voice especially Weizhou <3

My friend said Weizhou looks shy during this live singing. I don't know about that but I know that Johnny couldn't stop staring at him :wub: You be the judge ;)

@lHenry I forgot to thank you for sharing that short brilliant MV of Guhai & Luoyin's kiss scene. That's brilliant edited fanvid. And the "Overdose" song by EXO totally match the clip. Hahaha.

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Guest skeletonworks

20160201 Easy Live Interview translated by LT (LovelyThings)

  • Gonna call Weizhou, Zhouzhou now. So cute! Haha
  • CJD confirming no kiss scene originally in the car kiss scene. Yeah right. I don't believe you!!! Haha.. (losing my mind actually)
  • Season 2 starts filming in May.... Don't tell me it's gonna air this summer??!!!


Anyone watching tonight's episode 9? I'm gonna hit the sack... Today has been a long day... Nite!

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18 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

20160201 Easy Live Interview translated by LT (LovelyThings)

  • Gonna call Weizhou, Zhouzhou now. So cute! Haha
  • CJD confirming no kiss scene originally in the car kiss scene. Yeah right. I don't believe you!!! Haha.. (losing my mind actually)
  • Season 2 starts filming in May.... Don't tell me it's gonna air this summer??!!!


Anyone watching tonight's episode 9? I'm gonna hit the sack... Today has been a long day... Nite!


Yesh! Love the interviewssssss hahaha. Well, now we know about the car scene from another source (?).

Wow, it would be awesome if they actually make the second season by Chinese summer, so close to the first one!

It's 11.50am in here so I will watch the episode when it airs =)

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1 hour ago, skeletonworks said:

Friend showed me this clip of a duet between Weizhou and Johnny. I already watched it before she told me though. Hehehe. I forgot if I've shared this in the earlier page. Anyway, they're singing a famous love song called "I only care about you". How fitting is that?! Wished Lovelythings would sub this video! I bet the lyrics is sweet as them :heart: Oh yeah, I also love their voice especially Weizhou <3

My friend said Weizhou looks shy during this live singing. I don't know about that but I know that Johnny couldn't stop staring at him :wub: You be the judge ;)

Woah! This duet is the cutest thing.  hahaha
People said that they're both straight in real life, however I can feel some kind of connection between then. I may sound biased saying this, cause I keep shipping actors together in LGBT roles in media. And when I say ''shipping'' I mean searching for a thousand of ''real life stuff'' like a ninja or a paparazzi, trying to see some kind of hidden relationship.  :P

By the way, as you mentined K-Pop @skeletonworks I have to say that everytime you folks say "BTS", always come up in my mind BangTan Boys.   HAHAHA
Ok, ok... I'm going to stop now.  :D

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I can't believe I created an account just to comment here but this Web drama gave me way too many feelings to handle them on my own lol 

that being said, thanks for all your "spoilers" I REALLY enjoy them and ...that duet between Weizhou and Johnny..gosh if they aren't the cutest! :wub: btw I'm not sure about weizhou being shy while singing but he sure seems to be extra shy around johnny( or while talking about him/guhai) in all the BTS I've seen!

oh and you named exo..is it just me or weizhou looks like the hotter version of d.o.? xD

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On 2/13/2016 at 6:09 AM, JTanis said:


>> Ep.9 will be release Tonight!!

Ep.9 trailer with English sub 

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i'm just going to say this because i just notice it now, but (lol) not being mean doesn't the "girlfriend" of guhai looks like a guy, just the structure of her face, once again i'm not saying she is ugly, she is so pretty, it's just how the hair is making her look like a guy, for me. what so you think. Loving this show sosososoooooo far, cant wait for EP. 9

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On 2/13/2016 at 8:59 AM, skeletonworks said:

Friend showed me this clip of a duet between Weizhou and Johnny. I already watched it before she told me though. Hehehe. I forgot if I've shared this in the earlier page. Anyway, they're singing a famous love song called "I only care about you". How fitting is that?! Wished Lovelythings would sub this video! I bet the lyrics is sweet as them :heart: Oh yeah, I also love their voice especially Weizhou <3

My friend said Weizhou looks shy during this live singing. I don't know about that but I know that Johnny couldn't stop staring at him :wub: You be the judge ;)

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@lHenry I forgot to thank you for sharing that short brilliant MV of Guhai & Luoyin's kiss scene. That's brilliant edited fanvid. And the "Overdose" song by EXO totally match the clip. Hahaha.



that song is originaly sung by Teresa Teng


here's the translation of the lyric,

PS : based on my broken english, i hope i didn't mess up the beautiful lyrics.


I Only Care About You


If I'd never  met you, where would i be? 
How could the days pass by, life must have a treasure  (something valuable)



Maybe i would met someone else, and had an ordinary life
i don't know whether if i would have such a sweet love


No matter how fast the time flows, 
i will only care about you
i'm willingy and reluctantly infected by your breath (or soul)

it's rarely that we can meet a soulmate in our life
it's okay even losing the strength in life
so i beg you, don't let me leave you
besides you (if it's not you), i can't feel any affection (love) even a liltle

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Guest lainavi3

Hi guys..... my friend @ghayal (some of you guys might remember him from the lovesick thread) just shared a spoiler from another source of the "rape scene" and the events leading to it and after..........i really liked it when i read it as it gave lot of insight into the characters'  behaviours..... so thought i'll share it here......

Cr. Amy Ortiz fb

1.    ADDICTED WEB SERIES RAPE SCENE (i want to read the novel :( ,read on your own risk or just skip this post    )


Cr: kyhfan4


the problem started with Shi Hui’s return. She was very much pursued BLY, stalked him, stubborn & persistent. And since BLY is kind hearted, he couldn’t refuse her completely. When GH knew, this stirred problem between them.


Then one day BLY had an appointment with SH & saw that SH was almost being rape by bad guys. She then framed GH. BLY was very angry & went to confront GH. He then accused GH for doing such thing (at this point, I actually want to smack BLY, lol.. how can he even believe it? They have been together for some times & he should know GH better than this. Shouldn’t he think first before charged GH arbitrarily?)


Actually before BLY came, GH had decided to believe BLY in SH’s matter. But then, hearing BLY’s accuse, GH of course felt very devastated. Angrily he asked if BLY did he not believe him. Since BLY didn’t respond, GH then told BLY to get out & broke up with him, noting that no matter what they won’t be back together again.


After that, BLY kinda regretted his action & asked his father about this matter. BLY’s dad without hesitation said he believed GH, that GH is not that kind of person (yay, viva daddy!! \(^^)/). This made BLY re-thought about this matter. At this point I think BLY actually missed GH (he even masturbated thinking of GH & we all know how “often” BLY did that kind of thing, lmao…)


So after talking with his dad, he began to question himself, starting to think that after all he might be misunderstood. He remembered in his dad’s wedding night, when he went to rooftop & cried, GH was beside him, hugged him & said “I assure you aside from your father, there is no one who loves you more than I do”.


GH at the moment had returned to his father’s house. But he needed to take something from his house (the house where he stayed together with BLY). So he returned there & when he opened the wardrobe, he saw his uniform which was washed by BLY back then & had been kept carefully all these times. Angrily he just threw it away (later, BLY found it when he visited the house, brought it home & washed it again)


Back to BLY, SH was still attached to him like a leech. BLY asked her to return abroad, which she refused & started the attitude so BLY didn’t say anything more & just kept smoking. SH realized that BLY had been smoking a lot recently & looked very depressed these days (geez, I really really hate this girl. Spoiled rich girl with annoying personality). She then started coaxing BLY to go abroad with her.


When BLY’s mother knew about this news, she then shared it with GH & his dad. She asked GH to go abroad together with BLY, which GH immediately refused, thus saying to his dad that he didn’t want to enlist in army.


The next morning, BLY’s dad was going out with Aunt Zhou & her son, so BLY was alone at home. He went to the washroom to wash his face, someone came in & kidnapped him. BLY could felt the familiar atmosphere & started calling GH.


GH brought BLY to a room & started undressing him, while BLY kept calling him. He then gagged BLY’s mouth & opened his blindfold. Then without any preparation, he forced himself to BLY. GH then texting SH using BLY’s phone & told her to come, thus she witnessed the rape scene (tbh, this part was hard for me to read. The story was dark & hurtful, and I hate seeing how GH hurted BLY brutally).


After SH left, GH then told BLY it’s okay for him to hate GH forever & realized that BLY was unconscious. He panicked & called the doctor. When the doctor explained how suffering BLY was, GH felt deeply remorse.


When BLY conscious, he was somehow hate, afraid & disgusted to GH. GH then heartily apologized to him, trying to explain his act. There was silent treatment from BLY, but when he hungry he asked for food to GH. GH said that BLY couldn’t eat anything yet & said that he wouldn’t eat either, which he really proven with not eating for 3 days. All those days, while BLY was recuperating, GH was just silently stayed by his side. No talking (unless BLY initiated it), no eating, no sleeping, just helped BLY for his daily needs. Once BLY asked GH why he didn’t sleep at night. GH didn’t answer, but when BLY slept he said “Coz I want to extend our time together”.


When BLY finally healed, he then left the house. GH tried to halt him, but BLY’s didn’t want to forgive him & left him alone. BLY then went to SH’s home. SH since the incident had been very depressed. When BLY came, she ran to him & began to cry. She asked BLY to tell her that it was not true, but BLY calmly admitted his relationship with GH. He told SH that he knew SH’s scheme all these time, but chose not to expose her, hoping to talk to her to give up on her love, but unfortunately the impatient GH ruined everything. He then bid farewell to SH.


(after that there are some stories about how BLY’s disappearance had caused some uproars in the family, but I’ll skip that part).


Few days later, when BLY’s whole family celebrated Lantern Festival, BLY watched his family’s happiness quietly & his heart suddenly felt so warm. He then got up & went to his room. His father followed him to find his son was packing his luggage. BLY said he wanted to go back to his house (aka GH’s house). His father asked to wait till the event was over, but BLY wouldn’t

budge so his father let him go.


Meanwhile, GH was drowning himself with alcohol, everyday he was drunk & didn’t care about anything. That moment, he heard someone rang the bell & went to open the door. BLY stood outside & GH was stunned. Both went silent for a long moment, then GH reached & hugged BLY in his arms. Both reconciled in this part of the story.


@ghayal thanks so much sharing the spoiler

P.S. Thank you everyone here for all the spoilers and videos.....really appreciate it.......also love reading all the engrossing discussions here about the characters n the story :heart:

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7 hours ago, araKitty said:


Ah I’m always a step behind. thanks @alvinboi

for the latest post. Like i said before, i'm not a good translator. it's kinda hard to express my point of view.

@araKitty Hey! Thanks for sharing what you know about the novel. I got to read those wonderful chapters because of you. Also, your translation and English is superb! :rolleyes: I can totally understand your words. Pls translate more of what you know about the novel in the future! :D

5 hours ago, evedear said:

The only thing I like about this whole other-side-of-the-world thing is that I get, in days, the episodes earlier. Sundays are helldays for me, and I love to get them earlier pfff.

OMG now I'm jealous. I wanna get the episodes as early as possible! :tears:

4 hours ago, AmelliceB said:

I know a lot of people don't like her but I actually feel sorry for Lulu. Okay she doesn't have the best personality or looks (but that terrible hairstyle has probably a lot to do with it) but the girl must be so confused. Her boyfriend of three years suddenly changes behavior and looses interest in her when he was - according to his friends - really into her before. It seems like he now goes to her more because of a sense of duty rather than real interest.

I don't know if it's the same thing in the novel but to me it kinda shows how obsessive and devoted Gu hai can be. He chooses to focus on one person only. His heart can only be at one place at a time... 

Just like the novel title says, it is a problem of addiction. Hai could not pull himself away from LuoYin. Hai has every ounce of attention on him. He even did horrible things to LuoYin just not let others take him away. Also, Hai always has a strong lust for LuoYin. Lastly, the novel uses the words "drugs" a number of times in describing Hai's thoughts towards LuoYin.

This is just my guess and absolute bias towards Hai. :sweatingbullets: 

4 hours ago, Drew Beltran said:

About the rape-kidnap scene .. I think I having mixed feelings about it. Im happy they reconciled after that, (pervy thought) Happy they did; but on a different incident, now Im not quite sated with what how hey they patched things up .. I think thats a bit awkward. 

Hi @Drew Beltran! Could you explain more on what's awkward? Maybe we can help.

2 hours ago, skeletonworks said:

Friend showed me this clip of a duet between Weizhou and Johnny. I already watched it before she told me though. Hehehe. I forgot if I've shared this in the earlier page. Anyway, they're singing a famous love song called "I only care about you". How fitting is that?! Wished Lovelythings would sub this video! I bet the lyrics is sweet as them :heart: Oh yeah, I also love their voice especially Weizhou <3

My friend said Weizhou looks shy during this live singing. I don't know about that but I know that Johnny couldn't stop staring at him :wub: You be the judge ;)

I love Johnny's voice!!!! Someone go get him make an album already!!!


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4 hours ago, AmelliceB said:

I know a lot of people don't like her but I actually feel sorry for Lulu. Okay she doesn't have the best personality or looks (but that terrible hairstyle has probably a lot to do with it) but the girl must be so confused. Her boyfriend of three years suddenly changes behavior and looses interest in her when he was - according to his friends - really into her before. It seems like he now goes to her more because of a sense of duty rather than real interest.

>> I feel sorry for her too. Her BF has changed, that's what girls in the same situation will do. If she didn't hang out with other guy, It'd be like LY breaks their relationship. I really don't wanna feel that way toward them.

19 minutes ago, dejavoe said:


That song is originaly sung by Teresa Teng

here's the translation of the lyric

>> Wow! thank you very much. This song is so sweet and it suits their story.

BTW, do you know this song they duet too? I really like this song. It's so intense and they both sang very well.


Blake on Youtube channel posted some videos. They're like drama CD of Addicted with English subtitle!!!


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@lainavi3 that post actually came from this thread .. uhm guys anyone whose been reading and to the person who translated it .. im sorry if I forgot to place "credits (cr)"  I plan on just sharing to other forum site .. again im so sorry if I offended you. Sorry I feel bad about it,I didnt mean to plagiarize it, trust me it was my pure intention just to share. Btw im using my phone right now .. so you guys might be confused .. just got logged using my gmail(alternate acct)

@alvinboi im actually bad at explaining things up .. what I mean about that is .. for them to just to forget those bad things happened, BLY only agreed to GH to switch .. for him to top GH to even things out. I guess there could be more that they could do or CJD to have any arguements settled. Its not that Im complaining or so. Im very addicted on this series. 

Edited by Andrew Beltran
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On 2/13/2016 at 0:09 PM, Gilda Chan said:

EP. 9 raw version 


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no kissing scene... :tears:

Right no kissing scene -_- this episode kinda feels flat on some point. Initially idk how to read/understand mandarin. This was all based on what Im seeing. 

My guess here was GH kept on telling stories about BLY and he just cant stop, I feel bad on Lulu's side tho .. shes really not in the zone, shes out of place. Idk what was going on with BLYs father and the company, maybe a promotion or their manager is retiring and entrusting someone new to handle it. I was looking for more extra special highlights on these recent release. :(  maybe episode 10 is my most waited episode of all .. Im looking for it, maybe thats they both fall into pieces and breakdown. I wanna see them on that state, be more compassionate, broken.

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Guest lainavi3
38 minutes ago, Andrew Beltran said:

@lainavi3 that post actually came from this thread .. uhm guys anyone whose been reading and to the person who translated it .. im sorry if I forgot to place "credits (cr)"  I plan on just sharing to other forum site .. again im so sorry if I offended you. Sorry I feel bad about it,I didnt mean to plagiarize it, trust me it was my pure intention just to share. Btw im using my phone right now .. so you guys might be confused .. just got logged using my gmail(alternate acct)

@Andrew Beltran oh dear! I had no idea! Thanks for pointing it out. :) Sorry if I had reposted the same spoiler that was posted here already.:)

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That song title is 离歌 (Li Ge)  Leaving Song

here's the translation



at the beginning I only believed
The feeling is powerful
but lastly I realize
The fate is the strongest


Johnny(1st) ZZ (2nd) : 
You still choose to go back
He pierced and tore your heart but you dont want to be awaken
You said, love is the dreamworld
The happiness that I've borrowed from you, I can only give it back to you


ZZ (1st), Johnny(2nd), Both(3rd):

the feeling that want to stay, but unable to stay, is the most lonely thing
Unfinished warmth only becomes a leaving song
A second before the heart is broken
forcefully embracing the silence
Use my heartbeat to send you a bitter leaving song 



so actually love is a form of stubborness
shouldn't have so much consideration
Love, is not about smart ot not smart.
is only about willing or not

can not see forever , only heard the leaving song

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1 hour ago, lainavi3 said:

Hi guys..... my friend @ghayal (some of you guys might remember him from the lovesick thread) just shared a spoiler from another source of the "rape scene" and the events leading to it and after..........i really liked it when i read it so thought i'll share it here......

Cr. Amy Ortiz fb

1.    ADDICTED WEB SERIES RAPE SCENE (i want to read the novel :( ,read on your own risk or just skip this post    )


Cr: kyhfan4

I'll add a few things that I remember from reading these chapters earlier in the day. :)

the problem started with Shi Hui’s return. She was very much pursued BLY, stalked him, stubborn & persistent. And since BLY is kind hearted, he couldn’t refuse her completely. When GH knew, this stirred problem between them.


Then one day BLY had an appointment with SH & saw that SH was almost being rape by bad guys. She then framed GH. BLY was very angry & went to confront GH. He then accused GH for doing such thing (at this point, I actually want to smack BLY, lol.. how can he even believe it? They have been together for some times & he should know GH better than this. Shouldn’t he think first before charged GH arbitrarily?)

>> Shi Hui didn't frame it by telling BLY directly that the culprit is GH. But, BLY did assume that GH's the culprit.

>> Also, I believe the rape happened on the next day of the motel incident (below). The incident that caused BLY to be mad at GH here was that BLY found out GH sent two soldiers to the place where BLY had an appointment with Shu Hu. BLY couldn't tolerate GH's act of mistrust.

Actually before BLY came, GH had decided to believe BLY in SH’s matter. But then, hearing BLY’s accuse, GH of course felt very devastated. Angrily he asked if BLY did he not believe him. Since BLY didn’t respond, GH then told BLY to get out & broke up with him, noting that no matter what they won’t be back together again.

>> After BLY fell out with GH, BLY went to stay in a motel without telling anyone. While he went missing, Shi Hui went to find GH tp ask about BLY's wherabouts. Notably, in reply to Shi Hui's question, GH told her that the one that BLY likes is him.

>> After that, GH tried to find him using his army connections, but Shi Hui found the motel first and stayed overnight there. She slept naked because "she likes to sleep naked". (They did nothing though.) When GH eventually found the motel, he stayed outside on the ground floor in the cold because he saw the lights for BLY's room are already out. And on the next day, when GH went to BLY's room and saw naked Shi Hui in the room, his feelings towards BLY completely vanished.

After that, BLY kinda regretted his action & asked his father about this matter. BLY’s dad without hesitation said he believed GH, that GH is not that kind of person (yay, viva daddy!! \(^^)/). This made BLY re-thought about this matter. At this point I think BLY actually missed GH (he even masturbated thinking of GH & we all know how “often” BLY did that kind of thing, lmao… >> :rolleyes::rolleyes:)

>> GH's dad made a strong point for GH saying that GH didn't even do anything like that even though he hated his stepmum, Jiang Yuan, a lot more. BLY didn't say another word after hearing this.

So after talking with his dad, he began to question himself, starting to think that after all he might be misunderstood. He remembered in his dad’s wedding night, when he went to rooftop & cried, GH was beside him, hugged him & said “I assure you aside from your father, there is no one who loves you more than I do”.

>> Aaawww... :tears:

GH at the moment had returned to his father’s house. But he needed to take something from his house (the house where he stayed together with BLY). So he returned there & when he opened the wardrobe, he saw his uniform which was washed by BLY back then & had been kept carefully all these times. Angrily he just threw it away (later, BLY found it when he visited the house, brought it home & washed it again)

>> :tears::tears::tears:

Back to BLY, SH was still attached to him like a leech. BLY asked her to return abroad, which she refused & started the attitude so BLY didn’t say anything more & just kept smoking. SH realized that BLY had been smoking a lot recently & looked very depressed these days (geez, I really really hate this girl. Spoiled rich girl with annoying personality). She then started coaxing BLY to go abroad with her.

>> Urgh. She just doesn't stop trying. :angry::angry:

When BLY’s mother knew about this news, she then shared it with GH & his dad. She asked GH to go abroad together with BLY, which GH immediately refused, thus saying to his dad that he didn’t want to enlist in army.


The next morning, BLY’s dad was going out with Aunt Zhou & her son, so BLY was alone at home. He went to the washroom to wash his face, someone came in & kidnapped him. BLY could felt the familiar atmosphere & started calling GH.


GH brought BLY to a room & started undressing him, while BLY kept calling him. He then gagged BLY’s mouth & opened his blindfold. Then without any preparation, he forced himself to BLY. GH then texting SH using BLY’s phone & told her to come, thus she witnessed the rape scene (tbh, this part was hard for me to read. The story was dark & hurtful, and I hate seeing how GH hurted BLY brutally).

>> Me too. It was so heart-wrenching. :tears:

>> Right after doing it, GH said, "I know, you will hate me for the rest of your life for this." He also said," I know, we have reached an end in their relationship. My only wish is that as long as you don't get together with Shi Hui, I won't care who you get together with." When he took the handcuffs off BLY's hands and saw the blood, his eyes filled with tears.

After SH left, GH then told BLY it’s okay for him to hate GH forever & realized that BLY was unconscious. He panicked & called the doctor. When the doctor explained how suffering BLY was, GH felt deeply remorse.


When BLY conscious, he was somehow hate, afraid & disgusted to GH. GH then heartily apologized to him, trying to explain his act. There was silent treatment from BLY, but when he hungry he asked for food to GH. GH said that BLY couldn’t eat anything yet & said that he wouldn’t eat either, which he really proven with not eating for 3 days. All those days, while BLY was recuperating, GH was just silently stayed by his side. No talking (unless BLY initiated it), no eating, no sleeping, just helped BLY for his daily needs. Once BLY asked GH why he didn’t sleep at night. GH didn’t answer, but when BLY slept he said “Coz I want to extend our time together”.

>> Aaaww... :tears:

When BLY finally healed, he then left the house. GH tried to halt him, but BLY’s didn’t want to forgive him & left him alone. BLY then went to SH’s home. SH since the incident had been very depressed. When BLY came, she ran to him & began to cry. She asked BLY to tell her that it was not true, but BLY calmly admitted his relationship with GH. He told SH that he knew SH’s scheme all these time, but chose not to expose her, hoping to talk to her to give up on her love, but unfortunately the impatient GH ruined everything. He then bid farewell to SH.

>> That was the first thing BLY did after leaving the hospital (other than having some food). Even though he was hurt the most in this incident, he consoled the girl who indirectly caused him his pain while confronting her with the truth. BLY is really an incredible guy. :tears:

(after that there are some stories about how BLY’s disappearance had caused some uproars in the family, but I’ll skip that part).

>> One important thing that happened here is this. BLY came to Jiang Yuan's place. From his mum's words, he realised the scheme that she had in her mind (e.g. BLY's grandma got hospitalised) and got mad at her. He told her to stop thinking of sending him abroad,accused her of using Shi Hui and threatened her not to hurt his family.

Few days later, when BLY’s whole family celebrated Lantern Festival, BLY watched his family’s happiness quietly & his heart suddenly felt so warm. He then got up & went to his room. His father followed him to find his son was packing his luggage. BLY said he wanted to go back to his house (aka GH’s house). His father asked to wait till the event was over, but BLY wouldn’t budge so his father let him go.


Meanwhile, GH was drowning himself with alcohol, everyday he was drunk & didn’t care about anything. That moment, he heard someone rang the bell & went to open the door. BLY stood outside & GH was stunned. Both went silent for a long moment, then GH reached & hugged BLY in his arms. Both reconciled in this part of the story.

>> A reconciliation on Latern Festival is so very meaningful. :tears::tears::tears:

@ghayal thanks so much sharing the spoiler

>> Thank you, @ghayal:D


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