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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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37 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


It's already been confirmed!!! :)

THE KDRAMA GODS ARE REAL!!!!! (I also need to learn to back read LOL and why didn't they hear my prayers the last time ;)) THIS IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED! MY KIM BROTHERS LOST IN AFRICA (which country are they going to? I vote my home country of Ghana plus it fits in perfect with Ghana chocolate) AND THE OTHER SQUAD MEMBERS WILL BE THERE TOO (aww too bad my bb LDH can't go. He and RJY are such close friends and it would be nice to see their dynamic lost in Africa together...would it be possible to get Byun Yu Han and Ji Soo to jump in the last eps) KDRAMA GODS YOU ARE FORGIVEN....just don't blow it with Cheese in the Trap okay....


*even though Drake did not hit them moves right.  He tried 



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1 hour ago, carolinedl said:


It's already been confirmed!!! :)


I love his crazy ideas!!!! No wonder his IG account people are talking about Africa! He's already kidnapped for another 10 days.. And I love it that they can all go together... Pity for Dong Hwi though otherwise we'll have a full Ssamun-dong gang again to look forward to!!

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Just now, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay so imma have to ruin the fun by getting serious for one second, then I'll return to the happy spazzing fun.

As an African myself I have to say that I find the comments of "oh my gosh it's dangerous there. I hope they keep them safe" and "oh my gosh I hope nothing bad happens to them there bad country" offensive, distasteful, and also hurtful and disappointing. Africa is a huge continent, CONTINENT not a country with many many many safe countries within it. To generalize all of Africa as some terrorized and poorly developed place is down right closed minded. Let me  put it into perspective like this, I know someone here said they were from Mexico, what if the YOF team had decided to send them to Mexico and I made some comment like "oh my gosh why. with all the drug war going on there, what if someone beheads them or something. I hope the team keeps them safe" or "oh my gosh watch drugs get stuffed up their richard simmons or something.." or say they had decided to bring them to the US and I said "OMG really? I hope they don't walk into some movie theater or shopping mall and end up dead because some crazy white dude decides to mass shoot again." All of these comments would be dumb of me because I should know that incidents here and there is not representative of a whole country or nation or place or people.

Normally I would let something like this go, but it's a repeat action I notice almost everywhere when Africa comes up. People tend to generalize the continent and it's people as dangerous, underdeveloped, third world nation that you have to be extra extra careful in least you drink the water and come back with ebola or something. Africa is a very beautiful and safe continent. Like any place we have the good, the bad, and the in between. Also many countries within the continent are very well developed so if you are concerned no need; your oppas will have indoor bathrooms, the internet, buses, trains, hotels, banks, ATMs, etc They will be safe and the things they will and will not have access to all depends on not only the country but the specific place the team decides to drop them into. So if you have any sort of concern no need for it. I am sure they will be safe (yes we got police system and safe hospitals) and well provided for in Africa as they would be in any European country that never seems to bring such comments/concerns when announcements such as these are made (the whys of that are way too deep to even try to discuss it here). 

If I am being way too sensitive and or reading too much into some comments, I apologize. I just, it get at you when you see these types of things happen again and again (not only here but in general). 

Anyways I am so excited about RJY being on YOF because that show really allows you to see the hiarious strengths and weakness of actors and actresses that go on it. Someone mentioned it, and I would love to see Bogum being the adorable maknae that clings on to RJY hyung (I bet we'll see him cry at least once). I hope RJY's English skills helps them out and please let them be smart enough to out  smart Na PD. As for the coutry they go to, I hope it's somewhere that normally doesn't get a lot of shine like Gabon or Ivory Coast. I seen enough of South Africa tbh in tv and movies and also the world cup a few years ago. Tunisia and Morocco would be nice or...GHANA :D seriously we have so much they could see and do and eat. They would have to go to Kokrobite beach, oh and Accra (the capital and has lots to do) and visit Elmina for the castle and Cape Coast...and I'll stop because they most likely not going there and I'm getting too excited at all the possibilities....


This. Thank you for your post. It is hurtful and very dehumanizing to generalize a continent of people whose cultures and countries are as varied and beautiful as yours and mine. I am excited to see the Reply 88 boys explore whichever African country they end up visiting. :D

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wake up to this!

Na PD-nim, you are my Santa! 

I never thougt YOF with 88 kids will happen this fast! i bet Ryu will be awesome at travelling, and he will cry so much on the last day, oh my baby...

and I hope they could beat Na PD at his own game! *evil laugh :D:D



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30 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay so imma have to ruin the fun by getting serious for one second, then I'll return to the happy spazzing fun.

As an African myself I have to say that I find the comments of "oh my gosh it's dangerous there. I hope they keep them safe" and "oh my gosh I hope nothing bad happens to them there bad country" offensive, distasteful, and also hurtful and disappointing. Africa is a huge continent, CONTINENT not a country with many many many safe countries within it. To generalize all of Africa as some terrorized and poorly developed place is down right closed minded. Let me  put it into perspective like this, I know someone here said they were from Mexico, what if the YOF team had decided to send them to Mexico and I made some comment like "oh my gosh why. with all the drug war going on there, what if someone beheads them or something. I hope the team keeps them safe" or "oh my gosh watch drugs get stuffed up their richard simmons or something.." or say they had decided to bring them to the US and I said "OMG really? I hope they don't walk into some movie theater or shopping mall and end up dead because some crazy white dude decides to mass shoot again." All of these comments would be dumb of me because I should know that incidents here and there is not representative of a whole country or nation or place or people.

Normally I would let something like this go, but it's a repeat action I notice almost everywhere when Africa comes up. People tend to generalize the continent and it's people as dangerous, underdeveloped, third world nation that you have to be extra extra careful in least you drink the water and come back with ebola or something. Africa is a very beautiful and safe continent. Like any place we have the good, the bad, and the in between. Also many countries within the continent are very well developed so if you are concerned no need; your oppas will have indoor bathrooms, the internet, buses, trains, hotels, banks, ATMs, etc They will be safe and the things they will and will not have access to all depends on not only the country but the specific place the team decides to drop them into. So if you have any sort of concern no need for it. I am sure they will be safe (yes we got police system and safe hospitals) and well provided for in Africa as they would be in any European country that never seems to bring such comments/concerns when announcements such as these are made (the whys of that are way too deep to even try to discuss it here). 

If I am being way too sensitive and or reading too much into some comments, I apologize. I just, it get at you when you see these types of things happen again and again (not only here but in general). 

Anyways I am so excited about RJY being on YOF because that show really allows you to see the hiarious strengths and weakness of actors and actresses that go on it. Someone mentioned it, and I would love to see Bogum being the adorable maknae that clings on to RJY hyung (I bet we'll see him cry at least once). I hope RJY's English skills helps them out and please let them be smart enough to out  smart Na PD. As for the coutry they go to, I hope it's somewhere that normally doesn't get a lot of shine like Gabon or Ivory Coast. I seen enough of South Africa tbh in tv and movies and also the world cup a few years ago. Tunisia and Morocco would be nice or...GHANA :D seriously we have so much they could see and do and eat. They would have to go to Kokrobite beach, oh and Accra (the capital and has lots to do) and visit Elmina for the castle and Cape Coast...and I'll stop because they most likely not going there and I'm getting too excited at all the possibilities....

Thank you! You're amazing! :lol: It sucks that these words needed to be said still since people obliviously took in their own stereotypical judgments about Africa.

I know nothing about Africa yet (but at least i know it's a continent not a country like so many other ignorant people in the world out there ><) and all that the media have fed to the public so far is the jungle/third-world-like side instead of everything else. So I have yet to do my own research elsewhere. And shamefully I do have those stereotypical thoughts in mind too. So Comments like yours 'slap' and wake me up from those thoughts!

I"M EXCITED TO SEE YOF TOO!!!!!!!! I think I'm gonna do a warm-up run with R94 trio YOF eps first to see and understand how the show is first. Man I hope the eng subs will be fast for R88 so We can watch RJY interactions in reality show faster! Is the weather gonna be hot there at the time of the filming? Does it mean more shirtless moments of RJY and the boys?! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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That's the reason why Na PD choose Africa, to break any stereotypical mindset about Africa. He always been like that, to break a mindset that traveling to Europe is expensive or to break stereotypical that Turkey was also dangerous. Break the stereotypical opiniom about SEA countries by choosing Laos and all.... I wish after the show, people will see Africa in different light! And RYU JUNYEOL in a supeeeeer mega bright one!!! Wahahahahaha... Still so happy since last night!!

Me and friends talked about this like a month ago, where should Na PD take them too, a place where they can't use their English skill will be funny, we throw out many different countries include SEA countries and Germany but Africa! Woooow!! That's super cool! How many pages of journal will be filled up Junyeol ah?? OMG super excited!!! 

Gabon! Jung Junha from Infinity Challenge went there to do their "delivery service" mission even got the chance to meet the President, he's sooooo nice to Jung Junha and Mudo Team. Ivory Coast yes yes yes pretty please Na PD!! I need to pray~~~ OMG OMG this is happening.. Junyeol ah where are you? Can you hear me?? 

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Wow the more I hear about this guy the more I love him. My longest K celeb crush is Yoo Seung Ho, the rest didn't last long hehe but RJY is definitely here to stay.  I judge by talent and RJY is full of talent.

So proud he was representing himself up till reply. True talent needs no agency but I'm glad he's with one now to handle "other affairs" casting wise he's definitely proven his self worth.

Btw, where can we watch YOF? My first time hearing of this show. I'm not big on variety shows. 

And confession time,  had another dream he was just an ordinary boy and we fell in love lol embarrassing but it was an awesome dream.

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@balladblue where you from? I'm from Ghana (obviously) but been living in the US since I was 4 (the questions and statements I've encountered about Africa all my life *rolls eyes* people legit wanted to know if I speak like this *clicks tongues insanely* and lived with lions in a hut like...wtf!?!). I visit Ghana almost every winter or summer break and I'm so sad faced I am not there (not like I could be with school and work) now. Ya'll better believe I would find what country and place the boys are staying in and find someway to seduce and make my Jungbong finally mine (what he's just a fictional character lalalala I can't hear you).

RYJ you are just the gift that keeps on giving this week. First you v-app, then the Marie Clear interview (thank you eyesonryu team for the translations), then the movie, and now YOF


I just need a drama casting (he would be perfect for the planned 'My Girl' kdrama adaption) and to joint statement that he and Hyeri are dating my weekend will be made. Do you guys know how long they would be in Africa for YOF filming? That shouldn't interfere with the planned R88 concert right? It would suck if none of the squad boys (minus LDH) were there.

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1 hour ago, nano1234 said:

I'm so excited and ready to hear him speak some English!! OMG!!!!

True! Hahaha let's see if his English capacity is way advance than correctly spelling Club Activity 

I think he travels often so adapting to a completely new environment is not going to be hard for him. What I'm looking forward to see is their dynamic as a group who will takes care of the itinerary, who is in charge of the money, who has the most initiative to explore and interacts with the locals, and who will be the idiot among them all... Hahahaa 

Will GKP or PBG be the maknae?? 

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay so imma have to ruin the fun by getting serious for one second, then I'll return to the happy spazzing fun.

As an African myself I have to say that I find the comments of "oh my gosh it's dangerous there. I hope they keep them safe" and "oh my gosh I hope nothing bad happens to them there bad country" offensive, distasteful, and also hurtful and disappointing. Africa is a huge continent, CONTINENT not a country with many many many safe countries within it. To generalize all of Africa as some terrorized and poorly developed place is down right closed minded. Let me  put it into perspective like this, I know someone here said they were from Mexico, what if the YOF team had decided to send them to Mexico and I made some comment like "oh my gosh why. with all the drug war going on there, what if someone beheads them or something. I hope the team keeps them safe" or "oh my gosh watch drugs get stuffed up their richard simmons or something.." or say they had decided to bring them to the US and I said "OMG really? I hope they don't walk into some movie theater or shopping mall and end up dead because some crazy white dude decides to mass shoot again." All of these comments would be dumb of me because I should know that incidents here and there is not representative of a whole country or nation or place or people.

Normally I would let something like this go, but it's a repeat action I notice almost everywhere when Africa comes up. People tend to generalize the continent and it's people as dangerous, underdeveloped, third world nation that you have to be extra extra careful in least you drink the water and come back with ebola or something. Africa is a very beautiful and safe continent. Like any place we have the good, the bad, and the in between. Also many countries within the continent are very well developed so if you are concerned no need; your oppas will have indoor bathrooms, the internet, buses, trains, hotels, banks, ATMs, etc They will be safe and the things they will and will not have access to all depends on not only the country but the specific place the team decides to drop them into. So if you have any sort of concern no need for it. I am sure they will be safe (yes we got police system and safe hospitals) and well provided for in Africa as they would be in any European country that never seems to bring such comments/concerns when announcements such as these are made (the whys of that are way too deep to even try to discuss it here). 

If I am being way too sensitive and or reading too much into some comments, I apologize. I just, it get at you when you see these types of things happen again and again (not only here but in general). 

Anyways I am so excited about RJY being on YOF because that show really allows you to see the hiarious strengths and weakness of actors and actresses that go on it. Someone mentioned it, and I would love to see Bogum being the adorable maknae that clings on to RJY hyung (I bet we'll see him cry at least once). I hope RJY's English skills helps them out and please let them be smart enough to out  smart Na PD. As for the coutry they go to, I hope it's somewhere that normally doesn't get a lot of shine like Gabon or Ivory Coast. I seen enough of South Africa tbh in tv and movies and also the world cup a few years ago. Tunisia and Morocco would be nice or...GHANA :D seriously we have so much they could see and do and eat. They would have to go to Kokrobite beach, oh and Accra (the capital and has lots to do) and visit Elmina for the castle and Cape Coast...and I'll stop because they most likely not going there and I'm getting too excited at all the possibilities....

Just a background note, Korean celebrities and the Korean media have been doing shows, shoots and volunteering work in the continent of Africa, notably in Infinite Challenge, one of the cast member Jung Junha is well known for showing a different face of Africa to the Korean media. In terms of ambassador of the African continent to the Korean media, notable foreigner celebrities on the famous talk show Abnormal Summit are from the continent (bad with names, there's this guy from Ghana, and a few from Egypt). Not only that, there are a few numbers of Korean expats in smaller African countries too, as shown in Infinite Challenge. So I think Korean viewers are exposed to a different side of Africa and are very interested to know more about what the continent can offer. Don't just write it off and say that it's dangerous because in actual fact, danger is everywhere, even in your own home. (Sorry, don't mean to sound condescending, it's just I'm a frequent adventurous traveller (part of my job), and I always have to dispel my very Asian parents' fear when I travel to unknown places and it's something I always say).

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay so imma have to ruin the fun by getting serious for one second, then I'll return to the happy spazzing fun

I seen enough of South Africa tbh in tv and movies and also the world cup a few years ago. Tunisia and Morocco would be nice or...GHANA :D 

Sorry to cut your post!  I agree 100% with your post here, there's really alot of beautiful unseen places Africa has yet to show and reacting to something negative prematurely when you don't know much is just regretful. YOF, GOF, NOF, FOF has really inspired me to take a road trip with my friends and suffer together with all the limited budget we have but having such a wonderful rewarding experience and memory 

Wouldn't it be really fun if they indeed go to Ghana? Isn't R88 sponsored by Ghana Chocolate??  what chocolate commercial are they showing in every R88 clips in TVN YT site??? 

Na PD sure is quick to bank to those who are rising  gaaahhh when are they going to broadcast it?

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Na PD kidnaps Ryu Junyeol, Ahn Jae Hong, Park Bogum and Go Kyung Pyo for next season of 'Youths Over Flowers'd.jpg



Ilgan Sports - Naver: [Exclusive] Ryu Junyeol, Ahn Jae Hong, Go Kyung Pyo and Park Bogum to head to Africa for 'Youth Over Flowers'
1. [+19,528, -118] Heol daebak.....

2. [+18,903, -125] Na Young Seok PD is crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+9,826, -103] ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠWow daebak

4. [+8,056, -109] That's really daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠ

5. [+8,152, -637]  Heol Bogum-ah. Daebak...

6. [+4,315, -38] Dongryong-ah, where are you? Do you hear me?

7. [3,405, -27] Please take Dongryong with youㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠ

8. [+2,854, -26] Having fun while on vacation but got kidnapped on the spot ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAs expected of Na PD

9. [+2,499, -27] Daebakㅋㅋㅋ This will be the best YOF series everㄷㄷ Definitely gonna watch it

10. [+2,534, -47] Heol daebak!!!!!!!God Young Seok!!!! But where's Lee Dong Hwi? It would be a shame if you don't take him with you ㅠㅠㅠ


Star News - Nate: 'Youth Over Flowers', Na Young Seok PD kidnaps Ryu Junyeol, Go Kyung Pyo and Ahn Jae Hong in Phuket 

1. [+1,110, -30] As expected of Na PD.. I can already picture how good this will turn out, but why aren't they taking Dongryong with them?

2. [+942, -18] Daebak! He went all the way abroad to kidnap them ㅎㅎ How does he come up with these ideas? Just when they're preparing to go home, they got kidnapped and be taken to somewhere farther away. Make good use of these it boys^^

3. [+683, -7] Kyaa! You guys are the next sacrificial lambs ~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

1. [+4,582, 71] Na PD-nim.. Thank you for kidnapping them

2. [+3,656, -71] Bless you Na PD-nim ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

3. [+2,605, -92] I hope Reply 1988 gets a sequel

4. [+1,084, -17] Should've kidnapped Dongryong too

1. [+623, -15] Woah that must be tiring. Bogum flew this morning from Phuket because he has a Music Bank schedule and then he's leaving for Africa right after his Music Bank taping

2. [+584, -12] ㅋㅋㅋEven Bogum!!! I'm really looking forward to these boysㅠㅠ A shame that Lee Dong Hwi couldn't join them

3. [+516, -15] Why do I feel like this is gonna be the best YOF ever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ



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I am sooo happy with the YOF news..i can imagine how freak out they're to find out their flight is like...3 hours from now lmao.

I am watching almost every season of YOF. all the season are soooo cute and interesting. first Peru (3 musician) and then Laos (Reply 1994 cast minus Jungwoo who's filming ) and now that still on broadcast is Iceland (Musical actress : Jungwoo from Reply 1994, Kang Hanuel, Jo joensuk and sangho?).

amongst the 3 season i find Laos episode the most boring. it's because YYS are too smart and dependable compare the Iceland season. YYS carrying all the burden himself and doing too perfect job for someone who had been thrown in the middle of nowhere by PD Na. for me the most fun season is this Iceland season where every cast (exclude Hanuel who joined later) dont know English and dont know what they should be doing beside having fun. they dont worry about food, hotels etc if not because of the snow. they didnt even exchange the money to local currency for 3 days..it's so funny.

I dont know about this 4 cast of reply 88, but i do think that RJY had experienced travelling before. but where Africa they're now, that's the question. Egypt, Marokko, South Africa, Ghana, Namibia, etc, there's a lot of country in this continent that very interesting to visit. Eventhough English probably will not a problem for him (and probably Bogum, since i heard he's fluent too), but if they're in the middle of nowhere and only meet some local region people they would find it difficult. I think some country in Africa is dangerous like Ivory coast or Somalia. but most of the country are as safe as America (where you can be shoot out of nowhere as well) or Turkey or even Paris. Dangerous can be everywhere.

i think this Africa episode will be broadcast around March or April ? considering the iceland episode which was filming on Nov broadcast on January.


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