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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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annyeong chingudeul ......

I see that the disccusion still going on at full speed here. Happy to have so many people still on board even after everything that has happened to us.

Our bond are getting stronger after all that trials and tribulations (lol, dramaqueen much ??? :sweatingbullets:)

I love you guys..you know who you are 


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9 hours ago, b020 said:

“Ewwww, Um-maaaah!!!”

Deoksun's face broke into a wide smile as her 10 year old eldest son walked into the room, making a face, “What's wrong?”

“Don't talk about kissing stuff!”

The interviewer laughed, “Is he your eldest?”

Deokson grabbed her son and gave him a bear hug, “Yes, this is Joon. He was born 2 minutes before Minguk and five minutes before Dongwan.” She blew a raspberry against Joon's neck and smiled at his giggles, “What's wrong with kissing?”

“How do you handle all three boys? It must have been really hard on you while your husband was at base.”

Deoksun smiled, fond memories, lighting up her face, “When we found out we were pregnant, my mother and father-in-law moved next door.” She opened her arms as the other two boys raced towards her and scrambled up to either side of her as her father-in-law entered the room to collapse in a chair, her mother-in-law hustled into the kitchen, grabbing banana's for the boys.

“When we found out we were having triplets, my parents moved in across from us.” Deoksun cuddled her boys, who looked at her with adoration. She laughed a little to herself as she remembered how Junghwan had passed out as they looked at three little blobs on the ultrasound.

“I heard that you almost d...” The interviewer cut herself off at the quick fierce glare from Mi-ran and her eyes widened as Kim Sung-kyun cleared his throat in disapproval.

Miran snapped, “We don't talk about that. Not ever. Don't ever bring that up to my son.” She stroked Deoksun's hair, a flash of fear crossed her face before she calmed and walked away, so much like her youngest son. Deoksun remembered the same look on his face that day in the hospital.

She went into labor two weeks early and Appa Kim had to call Junghwan at work. He got two speeding tickets as he raced to get to her at the hospital. His face had an odd pale look as she started to scream with pain but he calmly walked her through her breathing exercises. That calm timber in his voice soothed Deoksun like nothing could and she held back her curses, most of them, anyway. When he and the families were removed for the delivery, she heard him as he paced up and down the hall, ignoring the families.

She couldn’t remember what happened next, but when she woke up, she saw her families and Dongryong gathered around her bed and her hand was held in a vise-like grip. Junghwan lay on a cot beside her, passed out with an IV drip in his other arm. She grinned and tried to sit up, ready to make a joke about new fathers, but she gasped with pain, everything hurt. Her mom rushed to help her settle back down. She saw the worry in her mom’s eyes and thought the worst, “What’s wrong? Is it the babies? Are they alright?”

Panic filled her, why hadn’t the babies come in yet? Where were they?

“Deoksun-ah, the babies are fine. You've got three healthy strong boys. It’s you we’ve been worried about,” her mom responded, gently stroking her hair, holding her hand.

“What? What about me?”

Deoksun’s mom burst into tears and her dad had to drag her away, looking like he was about to cry too. She looked around the room. Sunwoo was holding her unnie who wiped at her eyes as she comforted a crying No-eul. Umma Ra and Appa Kim and JungBong looked grimly cheerful. Teuk’s eyes were red and Dongyrong…looked like his hemorrhoids were back again. Dongyrong cleared his throat and quietly suggested everyone get some air and visit the babies.

The families cleared out, each stopping to touch Deoksun before they left. She turned to Dongyrong and he cleared his throat a couple of times before he explained. “Deoksun-ah, do you know what day it is?”

“It’s Tuesday, the babies came 2 weeks early.”

“Today is Saturday. You started bleeding as the last baby was delivered. They couldn’t get it to stop.” Dongryong stopped to choke back a sob. “They gave you a blood transfusion, but you crashed...they said you had a mild heart attack. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up since Tuesday.”

“Five days?” No wonder she felt so weak and sore. She looked over at her sleeping husband and asked, “What happened to him?”

Dongryong pulled off his glasses and wiped them, pausing to blink rapidly before putting them back on, “He lost it. When the alarm went off and the nurses came running, we knew it was bad. Junghwan tried to get in the room to see you, screaming for you - it took all of us to hold him back. Never knew the bastard was so strong.”

He paused, looked away across the room, “The doctor came out to tell us…they said they got you stable, but...” A small sob slipped out, “th-they weren’t sure you were going to make it. Junghwan punched the doctor and ran to you – he grabbed your hand and wouldn’t let go. Not even when the security team tried to remove him. They finally gave up after JungBong hyung got him to promise that he would settle down. He spent the last five days by your side. He only left to shower and change once, two days ago and that was down the hall. He’s barely slept and refused to eat this whole time. His mom finally talked the doctor into knocking him out so that he could sleep.”

Deoksun clung to her husband’s fingers and tried not to cry.

“Bastard kept saying everything was fine, that you’d wake up any minute and that you were just joking.” Dongryong shook his head, “I don’t know which was worse, batshit crazy Junghwan, or calm Junghwan.”

“Your mom and dad are going to want to fuss over you, noona Bora is going to yell at you for worrying them all, and the Mrs. Ra is going to insist that you eat everything that she made Mr. Kim buy. Sunwoo’s mom and Taek’s dad are babysitting your nieces, but Sunwoo will give them a call. My mom and dad are looking after the stores. JungBong hyung is running to the convenience store to pick up some ramyun for Junghwan when he wakes up. I’m going to the restroom and pretend that I’m not crying with relief that you woke up today and then I’m going to hit on one the nurses that’s been taking care of you.” He blew his nose loudly and cleared his throat as he walked out, pausing to squeeze her shoulder and ask if he looked pitiful enough for the nurse.

Deoksun giggled softly and watched him leave. She turned back to her husband and traced his face with her eyes. To think that she might not have gotten to see his face, his eyes anymore…her eyes filled with tears at the thought. She lay there quietly for a while, just soaking in his face. She then squeezed his hand gently and pried open his fingers so that she could take care of her full bladder.


She lurched out of the bathroom door at his scream and saw a terrified Junghwan tearing at the IV drip in his arm, she heard running feet coming down the hall.


He turned toward her voice and the stark fear in his eyes made her want to cry again, but she sniffed the tears back, knowing what he needed, “Yah, can’t I have a little privacy and go to the bathroom?” She saw him swallow and a look of calm settle on his face, before he worked up a disgruntled look for her.

She shuffled towards him, dragging her IV drip and he reached for her, grabbing her arms in a fiercely gentle grip to give her a soft shake, “You crazy brat, you should have woken me. I would have helped you.”

“You needed the sleep” She smiled, letting him see all the love in her eyes and felt humbled by the depth of his.

Two nurses burst in the room followed by their families. She calmed down the nurses as they reinserted Junghwan’s IV and asked to see the babies, while comforting her mom and dad. The families spent the night fussing over the babies and the new parents, shared birthing stories, first diaper changing stories, and ate the snacks that JungBong brought. And they all pretended not to see Junghwan pretending not to hover by her side, constantly reassuring himself that she was there by holding her hand tightly in his.

They still couldn't talk about those days when she was barely clinging to life because Junghwan couldn't bear it. Hated to remember. But she’d never forget that look of terror.

Deoksun smiled apologetically to interviewer, “That was a dark time for everyone, please don't ask about it.”

“Ah. I'm sorry. Getting back to the topic, how did Junghwan propose?”

Deoksun couldn’t help but giggle, “He didn’t. I did! I think we were fighting about…

“It means another year of training and most likely in the US” Junghwan casually stated before taking another bite of fried chicken, not noticing everyone stopping to stare at him and then Deoksun. They s gathered their plates away from him and Deoksun, careful not to make a sound. They waited anxiously, expecting a blow up.

“What? What did you say?” Deoksun put down her piece of chicken.

“I said the promotion will take another year of training.”

“In the US.”

“Uh huh, in the US.” He kept eating, looking casual, but as Deoksun’s anger rose, she saw his eyes watching her. He knew how she’d react.

“And you’re just going to take it, not even discuss it with me?”

“I’m telling you about it now.” He kept eating.

“Yah! How can you keep eating when you know I’m upset!”

He finally looked up at her, fully serious, “I’ll turn it down if you want me to.”

“Don’t say something stupid! I know how hard you worked for that promotion, but you didn’t tell me that it meant you being away on the other side of the world for year.”

“Maybe longer.”

She fumed.

“I wasn’t sure if the promotion would go through – that’s why I didn’t say anything. But now that it has…I’ll be back every month, I get a 5 day leave every month. I’ll be around.”

“But I might not. I told you last month my sunbae was pregnant and was leaving her job. I’m next in line for promotion so I’ll be covering the European flights. You should have told me – I would have prepared more.”

Their time together was always so short. Between sharing him with his family, friends they barely had time for a few stolen kisses, a quick date here and there. Deoksun’s irritation grew. Was she the only one missing him so much it hurt when they were apart? Was she the only one counting down the days until they could see each other? She got up from the table and stomped out the door. She wandered to edge of the alley and stood there, waiting.

It had been two months since she last saw him – over a year of dating and she’d seen him a total of 8 times between his schedule and hers. Phone calls every few days didn’t seem like enough anymore.


She felt his arms wrap around her from behind, his smell embraced her, and she gripped his arms, “I miss you. I hate being apart. I hate not seeing you every day. But at least it’s comforting to know we’re in the same country. When you’re in the US, you’ll really be gone. And I’ll miss you more. And it hurts so much to miss you.”

Lips kissed her temple and arms tightened around her, “That’s why I’m working so hard to get this promotion. I want to be stationed permanently, so that we can get married.”

She looked at the graduation ring on her finger, resized to fit her. “When do you have to go?”

“They’ll give me a 10 day leave before I head out two months from now.”

Another year stretched out in front of her and she just couldn't bear it, “Let’s not wait. Let’s get married before you leave.”

Arms strangled her before she was whipped around and gripped in hard hands, “What did you say?”

“I said let’s get married before you go. I know you and my parents want to give me a nice wedding with the fancy dress and suits, but I don’t need all that. I just need you. Let’s go the registry’s office and do it. Tomorrow.”

She was kissed breathless and she knew there’d be bruises on her arms, but she didn’t care. The kiss said everything he couldn’t. That he didn’t want to be apart either, that he missed her too.

It was a mad scramble to tell their parents, to call their friends, but the next day, at 3:00pm she became Mrs. Kim Junghwan. Nothing fancy, just her in a brand new white dress bought that morning at the mall, him in a gray suit bought at the same mall. Their rings were nothing fancy, but the promises they held meant everything.

Both their moms cried and hugged each other while her dad was pretending he wasn’t crying and his dad tried not to laugh at him. Family and friends gathered at the Kim household bringing mounds of food to share. Unni and Sunwoo arrived late because their work, No-eul serenaded them as they ate, and then someone brought out the karaoke machine….

Deoksun laughed with her mother-in law, “I still remember the police showing up!!! The neighbors from two blocks away called them because they kept hearing screaming coming from our house!” Miran laughed as she sat on the sofa next to Deoksun, snuggling a sleepy Minguk.

“Where did you guys honeymoon?”

“Right there, at the Kim house. We wanted to spend as much time together as possible but I knew he wanted to spend time with his family too.”

Miran smiled fondly at her daughter in law, “But of course you made him make it up to you later, right?”

“Of course!”

But nothing compared to the first honeymoon. They had spent 10 glorious days giddy, in love, and full of family. When Junghwan flew to the US, Deoksun begged a favor and flew as the flight attendant on his flight. She fussed over him the entire way and he allowed it with loving exasperation, knowing she needed it, that he needed it.

She flew back alone, collapsed onto his side of bed, and cried her eyes out. He knew that she would, so he left her a surprise . Under his pillow, he had his mom put his childhood journals there for her. She spent the rest of the night reading them, laughing and crying in turns. In the morning, she found the journal he snuck into her overnight bag and cried all over again as she read six words written over and over again in the pages: I love you. I miss you.

The year and a month took forever, but the promotion was worth it. She got transferred to Sacheon, flying only domestic flights to Jeju and they were able to buy their first home together. A few years later, they moved to a bigger house to prepare for the triplets and their families moved into the same building.

“So, what happened with the rest of the gang of friends?”

“Unni and SunWoo moved to Daegu so that Sunwoo could open a clinic for the elderly. And unni became an advocate for the elderly. Teuk is still a baduk champion – he married late, but they are doing well in Seoul. Dongryong and Jung Bong started their own restaurant and Jung Bong is now one of the most popular chefs in Seoul. His ramen is the best, better than my husband's. My little brother retired from singing after a few years and became a producer. Little Jinju took over the clock shop and turned it into an online accessory store.”

“Well, I think that wraps up everything. Oh, one last question, do you want to go back to that time? Do you have any regrets?”

The feeling of deja vu startled Deoksun; she faintly remembered the question from an old dream.

She looked up as her door opened again and her best friend walked in, making the boys squeal and her heart skip a beat. He briefly bowed to the tv crew as he hugged the three boys, kissed his mom on the cheek, and her breath caught in her throat as he just looked at her, unguarded and open. All these years together and he still told her he loved her every day. Just like he promised.

It hadn't been the easiest. There were long stretches apart, missed calls, months of silence as his work responsibilities grew more secretive, loud arguments and tears. They almost lost each other when boys came early and she almost died. But throughout the years, no matter what, there was always laughter and fierce loving, too.

“...jump the path...” an old memory popped up, a reminder her of an old choice.

“No.” She smiled, loving the full life she had, “No regrets.”

The End

Thank you. I love this story. :wub:

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1 hour ago, Kelly Wu said:

Actually I kinda like how they didn't just match JH up with some random girl like they did with CB. 20 eps are not enough for this show, especially with so many characters in this installment (neighbors, siblings). JH is a family man but he didn't and couldn't express himself well enough in his early years. We got to see how he matures and improved at the end and to me, that was the great character development. If they couldn't have the time to create another girl ( like the big bro's wife in 97), then I think they made the right choice by not giving him a love line and leave that up to our imagination. I'm not mad that he didn't get the girl, there are more important thing in life than couple love. It's just that the ending left too many things unexplained and unresolved. Also the writer said no husband hunt this time but why was JH being focused and dragged on for so many episodes then with DS? In my opinion, they should have ended JH's misery a lot sooner. 

@Kelly Wu I agree with this - ".. they made the right choice by not giving him a love line.." In a strange way, I felt that it was their way of honoring JH's character at the end. Don't know quite how to explain that. And I agree, you can just see how he matured and improved - from boy to man. RJY did such a great job! Of all the neighborhood boys, he's the one that changed the most. 

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I also think that JH was a big focus on R1988. And I love that his focus is on losing one's first love. When you think about it, it is even more realistic, no? So I think that even though it is heartbreaking, a lot of people can relate to that sentiment. Hence his story is really touching people. I am definitely biased here but I think that's the greatest thing about R1988. It adds to the series' authenticity.

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i want share you my fav scene of reply 1988 


on this scene they (Junghwan and Deuksun) like a married couple just for real... love their lovey dovey very much.. and miss them already 




how cared Junghwan ah towards Deuksun... :bawling:




the "Hajima" scene :bawling:




just look at Junghwan smile.. it makes my heart fluttered and ache at the same time.. aigooo :wub::tears:




how happy was Junghwan just by look at Deuksun... 




the damn pink shirt... it still my biggest Q on this drama

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5 minutes ago, aishakoe said:

All the Things We Love About the “Reply” Series



It's a nice reminder, why we love the series.. :tears:

of course, thats why i became Reply series fans from R97, R94 and the best is R88.. 

Imo, there are many things at R88 that can made me love this drama :

1. family theme

2. the relationship among neighbor

3. the love among squad

4. Kim Junghwan Love story

5. beautiful OSTs

6. Ryu Jun Yeol


Just found the song that sang be Sung Neul at the National Singing Talent


Sung Neul covered the song. this song title "Sad Fate"



the original singer (Nami)




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14 hours ago, b020 said:

“Ewwww, Um-maaaah!!!”

Deoksun's face broke into a wide smile as her 10 year old eldest son walked into the room, making a face, “What's wrong?”

“Don't talk about kissing stuff!”

The interviewer laughed, “Is he your eldest?”

Deokson grabbed her son and gave him a bear hug, “Yes, this is Joon. He was born 2 minutes before Minguk and five minutes before Dongwan.” She blew a raspberry against Joon's neck and smiled at his giggles, “What's wrong with kissing?”

“How do you handle all three boys? It must have been really hard on you while your husband was at base.”

Deoksun smiled, fond memories, lighting up her face, “When we found out we were pregnant, my mother and father-in-law moved next door.” She opened her arms as the other two boys raced towards her and scrambled up to either side of her as her father-in-law entered the room to collapse in a chair, her mother-in-law hustled into the kitchen, grabbing banana's for the boys.

“When we found out we were having triplets, my parents moved in across from us.” Deoksun cuddled her boys, who looked at her with adoration. She laughed a little to herself as she remembered how Junghwan had passed out as they looked at three little blobs on the ultrasound.

“I heard that you almost d...” The interviewer cut herself off at the quick fierce glare from Mi-ran and her eyes widened as Kim Sung-kyun cleared his throat in disapproval.

“Ah. I'm sorry. Getting back to the topic, how did Junghwan propose?”

Deoksun couldn’t help but giggle, “He didn’t. I did! I think we were fighting about…

“It means another year of training and most likely in the US” Junghwan casually stated before taking another bite of fried chicken, not noticing everyone stopping to stare at him and then Deoksun. They s gathered their plates away from him and Deoksun, careful not to make a sound. They waited anxiously, expecting a blow up.


It hadn't been the easiest. There were long stretches apart, missed calls, months of silence as his work responsibilities grew more secretive, loud arguments and tears. They almost lost each other when boys came early and she almost died. But throughout the years, no matter what, there was always laughter and fierce loving, too.

“...jump the path...” an old memory popped up, a reminder her of an old choice.

“No.” She smiled, loving the full life she had, “No regrets.”

The End


I've promised myself the day before yesterday that I would not talk about or post anything about DS&JH easily on my social network pages but I really enjoyed your fanfics and really want everyone else who likes this once-could-be-best-ever couple get to read this story. The way you pictured how DS has always knows JH and has been subconsciously taking care of his feelings moved me so much. That's the real "reply". That's the kind of love story I'd always been expecting from them. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful, touching, delicate story. 

I'm a Chinese fan of DS&JH and now am a Ryu Jun Yeol fan. I am wonderding if you would give me the honour of translating your fanfictions into Chinese and share it on weibo? If i t is okay, I'll post a link here after I finish the translation.  

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2 hours ago, cocoino said:


I've promised myself the day before yesterday that I would not talk about or post anything about DS&JH easily on my social network pages but I really enjoyed your fanfics and really want everyone else who likes this once-could-be-best-ever couple get to read this story. The way you pictured how DS has always knows JH and has been subconsciously taking care of his feelings moved me so much. That's the real "reply". That's the kind of love story I'd always been expecting from them. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful, touching, delicate story. 

I'm a Chinese fan of DS&JH and now am a Ryu Jun Yeol fan. I am wonderding if you would give me the honour of translating your fanfictions into Chinese and share it on weibo? If i t is okay, I'll post a link here after I finish the translation.  

I just have the one story cuz I just couldn't accept E19 & 20 as the ending.  I would be flattered and grateful if you would like to translate the alternative ending.  :)

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Guest wizengamot
6 minutes ago, minyeonhan said:

ot5 fansigning???? i can't wait to see the previews tbh!! please give me a lot of hyeri junyeol moments [insert deoksun's laugh]l^^


when will that happen? on R88 concert? are the squad complete on R88 concert?

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22 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


when will that happen? on R88 concert? are the squad complete on R88 concert?

i think it will held on different occasions. i just read it from reply_1988 and this is the details :

Ssangmundong Quintuplets to have fansigning this 15th Feb at Seoul Dobonggu, Ssangmundong, SeonDeok Highschool.

cr : reply_1988, sc daum, sports donga

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2 hours ago, minyeonhan said:

i think it will held on different occasions. i just read it from reply_1988 and this is the details :

Ssangmundong Quintuplets to have fansigning this 15th Feb at Seoul Dobonggu, Ssangmundong, SeonDeok Highschool.

cr : reply_1988, sc daum, sports donga

remember on first R88 Vapp, they promised will held fanmeeting if they reach 18%. i guess this event for fulfill their promise from that day

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