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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Re banning, some people took things too far (you know who you are) but let's not dwell on that here. 


Since it's Monday, let's look at cute JHxDS moments to bring a smile to our faces hehehe. Credits per the video :)





I miss Junghwan so much T_T I hope he is happy somewhere with a beautiful family of his own.



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@lc85I saw it and was expecting something like 1 part of the love triangle do something then the other didn't take it seriously and think of it as a joke. When they shown DS Dad pulling it off I expected the next episode to be a funny episode because of April fools(love the drama but the latter episodes are not as funny as the earlier episodes). 

11 minutes ago, Kelly Wu said:

Can someone pm me about what's going on? They can't just ban people for no legit reason.

I will msg u about it. 

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13 minutes ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

@lc85I saw it and was expecting something like 1 part of the love triangle do something then the other didn't take it seriously and think of it as a joke. When they shown DS Dad pulling it off I expected the next episode to be a funny episode because of April fools(love the drama but the latter episodes are not as funny as the earlier episodes). 

I will msg u about it. 

Thank you. Because I am still not over the ending And I think DS wasn't clear enough about who she was in love with. 97,94, the female lead was being super clear about their feelings. As if it wasn't sad enough that JH didn't get the girl, now they are going around banning his shippers? What the heck 

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I dont understand why they took this seriously to the point report to the mods and then got banned in result. if this chat online is related to soompi?

However...pls chill guys..cooling down. no need to add the fuel ..just like Junyeolie said, let's share the love. this shipping war is unnecessary..remember that even Junyeol and Bogum is having fun in Afrika while the fans are changes harsh words ? that's so funny and useless. use our energy to love Junyeolie.. i already move on from that messed ending, i dont care about ep 19-20..in fact i erased them immadiately once i finish and only keep ep 1-18 because the family story is so heartwarming and DS_JH loves is somewhat recynicle of my first love as well...so i can't bear to delete it.

I want to talk nice about any reply's cast including Bogummie. i like him in IRU, and eventhough i like him less than i like Junyeol, that messy ending is not his fault. it was SW's ending..i even think that the PD have no idea that it's going to be like that.

on the positive note, i love love love love Hyeri's interview. she defends the sw at some point, but she managed to separate herself from Dukseon. the fact that she said she liked Junghwan even before she knew who's going to act every character is really explain why she feels immersed with the feeling to Junghwan and why it was so hard for her to let go of JH during the confession scene.  she speak as Hyeri, because as DS, that feeling had been in the past..but as Hyeri, it is not.

I am glad that i am not the only one notice she likes to link her arms to Junyeolie oppa it's not just once but several times. in the interview where She told story about Taek, when they walking down the stairs, junyeol put his arms around her shoulder and she hold his finger, the first time i watch that was like "what was that ?" i understand that actress - actor needs to be in a good term to create romance atmosphere, but this is i think...too far ? i mean, she's so friendly with Bogummie, but she didnt link her arms automatically before Bogummie ask.

I know that Hyeri is still very young...and have long and wide future ahead of her..so will Junyeolie..but from the eyes of me, i think i feel like she has a crush on RJY during filming..and i do feel that it's not just for the sake of Junghwan or DS's character. though how they continue the relationship after this drama ended is, still out of question.

I need to stop now hahaha...i need to work now.



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1 minute ago, Kelly Wu said:

Thank you. Because I am still not over the ending And I think DS wasn't clear enough about who she was in love with. 97,94, the female lead was being super clear about their feelings. As if it wasn't sad enough that JH didn't get the girl, now they are going around banning his shippers? What the heck 


If you read ra miran and hyeri interviews ( several pages back) you would know that even hyeri didn't know who she would end up with.

She actually leaning more toward junghwan ( junghwan is closest to her ideal type in real life and it shown from their chemistry together).

So it was a rude shock for her to know that the husband is taek ( she was told first time at the scenes at the end of episode 16, when taek cancelling the movie and deoksun supposed to be can't sleep that night. )

At the confession scene, the pd also told hyeri to not think like hyeri, but think like deoksun.

Deoksun like taek, but hyeri like junghwan... She didn't deliver her love toward taek quite convincingly at ep 19 & 20. It fell rush and half of the viewers didn't feel the emotional connection between them,

(part of it also the mistakes of the pd and writer I think).



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27 minutes ago, Kelly Wu said:

Thank you. Because I am still not over the ending And I think DS wasn't clear enough about who she was in love with. 97,94, the female lead was being super clear about their feelings. As if it wasn't sad enough that JH didn't get the girl, now they are going around banning his shippers? What the heck 

Me too. They said it's because DS is confused all the way until ep16. I buy this explanation but I will never understand all that focus on JH especially compared to SW if they are going to show DS confused all the way until she realize Taek is who she wants.


Yes it's ridiculous but they will be back soon anyway.




It's the external chatroom we had on chatango. Not related to soompi.

Most of us are neutral to PBG and I believe he will be the 1 getting all that opportunities when the popular 1987ers are going to the army anyway. I can also see his appeal beyond his acting and looks. I remember having a conversation with some of the banned members on how we are expecting PBG to be the next top actor with tons of fangirls. 



@MsAurora So Deoksun think like Hyeri in the first 15eps and think like what director told deoksun should think like from ep15, right? Now I feel even worse for Hyeri cause she's as confused as us for 3/4 of the drama.

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7 hours ago, Ladywhise said:

ALright!!! Yup he is hahaha!, Can you also post this in RJY thread? Thanks for finding this :heart:

okay I'll post it on RJY thread too! :D I was thinking to post it there but afraid it would be oot so I didn't lol 

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38 minutes ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

@MsAurora So Deoksun think like Hyeri in the first 15eps and think like what director told deoksun should think like from ep15, right? Now I feel even worse for Hyeri cause she's as confused as us for 3/4 of the drama.


Actually I think  Hyeri think that ds will end up with JH until the end of ep 16, while shooting the end scenes of ep 16 she got to know that the husband is taek.

So when  both ep 15 and 16 about to go on air she already know she will end up with Taek, so  she was trying hard acting deoksun feeling for the next ep (which is ep 17 and 18), and being hopefull that people accept her acting in ep 15 and 16 :)

I hope I make my self clear :D

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1 hour ago, MsAurora said:


If you read ra miran and hyeri interviews ( several pages back) you would know that even hyeri didn't know who she would end up with.

She actually leaning more toward junghwan ( junghwan is closest to her ideal type in real life and it shown from their chemistry together).

So it was a rude shock for her to know that the husband is taek ( she was told first time at the scenes at the end of episode 16, when taek cancelling the movie and deoksun supposed to be can't sleep that night. )

At the confession scene, the pd also told hyeri to not think like hyeri, but think like deoksun.

Deoksun like taek, but hyeri like junghwan... She didn't deliver her love toward taek quite convincingly at ep 19 & 20. It fell rush and half of the viewers didn't feel the emotional connection between them,

(part of it also the mistakes of the pd and writer I think).



I see. No wonder why it didn't feel that convincing. I mean I could really feel the great love Taek had for DS, but not the other way around. That's why I kept holding onto hope till the very end, because I was a CB's shipper and the saying "It's not over till it's over" scarred me :( 

Anyway I think hyeri did a good job overall, maybe because I didn't expect much from me to begin with. 

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10 minutes ago, Kelly Wu said:

I see. No wonder why it didn't feel that convincing. I mean I could really feel the great love Taek had for DS, but not the other way around. That's why I kept holding onto hope till the very end, because I was a CB's shipper and the saying "It's not over till it's over" scarred me :( 

Anyway I think hyeri did a good job overall, maybe because I didn't expect much from me to begin with. 


I think the writer was trying to show the kind of love that builds up gradually and not those that start off with an explosion of chemistry. Personally, I am totally fine with this storyline, I get that different couples experience love differently, but I felt the execution could have been better to bring this point across and there should have been less focus on JH because it really misled majority of the viewers. 

DS's feelings for JH were not moderated against her subconscious love for Taek. If there was a bit more moderation I think a lot of people would have accepted the ending more easily. Oh well. 

It was a pity that they didn't show what happened to JH. I would have loved to see him happily married :) It would at least have been some closure for me.

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14 minutes ago, Kelly Wu said:

I see. No wonder why it didn't feel that convincing. I mean I could really feel the great love Taek had for DS, but not the other way around. That's why I kept holding onto hope till the very end, because I was a CB's shipper and the saying "It's not over till it's over" scarred me :( 

Anyway I think hyeri did a good job overall, maybe because I didn't expect much from me to begin with. 


Me too, I can feel that taek love her alot, but we still can't read her after hyeri was told her husband was taek.

A great acting would make us see that even only in a flash, there's should be something as early as ep 17 or 18 where we can see ds steal a loving glance at taek or let her eyes do the talking when she caught off guard even if she doesn't know what that feeling yet.

We saw that shiny loving eyes when she was crushing on Junghwan, but we didn't see it with taek. That's show hyeri inexperience in acting. She still have a lot to learn :)


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13 minutes ago, mojobobo said:


I think the writer was trying to show the kind of love that builds up gradually and not those that start off with an explosion of chemistry. Personally, I am totally fine with this storyline, I get that different couples experience love differently, but I felt the execution could have been better to bring this point across and there should have been less focus on JH because it really misled majority of the viewers. 

DS's feelings for JH were not moderated against her subconscious love for Taek. If there was a bit more moderation I think a lot of people would have accepted the ending more easily. Oh well. 

It was a pity that they didn't show what happened to JH. I would have loved to see him happily married :) It would at least have been some closure for me.

Actually I kinda like how they didn't just match JH up with some random girl like they did with CB. 20 eps are not enough for this show, especially with so many characters in this installment (neighbors, siblings). JH is a family man but he didn't and couldn't express himself well enough in his early years. We got to see how he matures and improved at the end and to me, that was the great character development. If they couldn't have the time to create another girl ( like the big bro's wife in 97), then I think they made the right choice by not giving him a love line and leave that up to our imagination. I'm not mad that he didn't get the girl, there are more important thing in life than couple love. It's just that the ending left too many things unexplained and unresolved. Also the writer said no husband hunt this time but why was JH being focused and dragged on for so many episodes then with DS? In my opinion, they should have ended JH's misery a lot sooner. 

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12 minutes ago, MsAurora said:


Me too, I can feel that taek love her alot, but we still can't read her after hyeri was told her husband was taek.

A great acting would make us see that even only in a flash, there's should be something as early as ep 17 or 18 where we can see ds steal a loving glance at taek or let her eyes do the talking when she caught off guard even if she doesn't know what that feeling yet.

We saw that shiny loving eyes when she was crushing on Junghwan, but we didn't see it with taek. That's show hyeri inexperience in acting. She still have a lot to learn :)


They should have showed us some flashbacks after it was revealed  that Taek is the husband. Reply series were famous for their flashbacks. When I watched 97,94, after the flashbacks I would be clapping my hands and say "ah so this is how it was". But there was nothing like that with 88. Too many left unexplained. If only they can do one or 2 more episodes I think both sides wouldn't have this sour taste in their mouth about the ending. 

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18 minutes ago, Kelly Wu said:

Actually I kinda like how they didn't just match JH up with some random girl like they did with CB. 20 eps are not enough for this show, especially with so many characters in this installment (neighbors, siblings). JH is a family man but he didn't and couldn't express himself well enough in his early years. We got to see how he matures and improved at the end and to me, that was the great character development. If they couldn't have the time to create another girl ( like the big bro's wife in 97), then I think they made the right choice by not giving him a love line and leave that up to our imagination. I'm not mad that he didn't get the girl, there are more important thing in life than couple love. It's just that the ending left too many things unexplained and unresolved. Also the writer said no husband hunt this time but why was JH being focused and dragged on for so many episodes then with DS? In my opinion, they should have ended JH's misery a lot sooner. 


I totally agree how they shouldn't have dragged out the love triangle. The pacing was much much better in the first few episodes when they were all pre-filmed. Once it hit live shoot the pacing and editing got a bit weird, probably because they were working under time constraints. 

I was a surprised that there would even be a husband hunt because prior to this they said that there wouldn't be one and I was so happy because that meant no shipping wars but alas. 

I just need to know that JH is happy somewhere T_T Was kinda bummed that the parents were not shown too...

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3 hours ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

@lc85I saw it and was expecting something like 1 part of the love triangle do something then the other didn't take it seriously and think of it as a joke. When they shown DS Dad pulling it off I expected the next episode to be a funny episode because of April fools(love the drama but the latter episodes are not as funny as the earlier episodes). 

I will msg u about it. 

@Howlongwillthisfandomlast I felt the same way. Nothing about this episode and the latter episodes were funny. It felt like a prank gone bad. And I don't know if this is the same episode - I forget now - where DR and DS were on the bus having a discussion about competitiveness (referring to Taek and JB and the arcade game). I don't know - that scene gave me the chills, actually the creeps. There is a very dark side to Taek - he's just so dang cute with his beautiful smile and eyes that if one blinks - they'll miss that dark side. (I am not bashing PBG, by the way. I personally think he is an amazing actor and can't wait to re-discover him in other productions.) But the character Taek - I didn't get that feeling that he loved Deoksun - in the same way that JH loved her. There's that element of competitiveness that I was not comfortable with - I think Taek liked her a whole lot, cherished her (not sure I would equate that with love).  I'm sure the thought of losing her to JH was not in his DNA - it was repeated many times that Taek simply "does not lose". If JH and DS dated - he may have felt that he would lose her attention and regard. Things would shift and change - he was not going to let that happen.

In the episode where the adult DS was looking at her photo with JH (when we still thought JH was the end game), I thought I heard say something to the effect, "he must have liked me back then too". It was the way she said it - wistful/ nostalgic and I want to think that part of her is regretful (as a JH/DS shipper) that JH is not sitting beside her. 

I re-watched ep 18 today. And I saw Hyeri's eyes during JH's confession- it was sad and she did such a great job to not tear up -- I could see her tears coming and felt her pain. Sorry all -- this is still a very fresh wound for me as a viewer. I'm sure this too shall pass. R88 is still the love story of DS and JH. 


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It's good to be back. ^_^ Thank you to everyone who supported us and waited with us!!! :wub:

We've got more stuff to look forward to still. The Reply 88 cast will have a fansign event on Feb 15th, and of course YOF and the Reply 88 concert in March!! YAY!!

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