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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Did someones ask for music visds of out OTP....I have a few that I really really like. One I didn't DL right away and now its gone!!! sigh....buts heres a few I love.







I have more but yeah I feel bad bombarding my post with vids. ENJOY! These are my favs if the ones I've seen so far!


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1 hour ago, Asha Mizuki said:

took thactually  and posdidn't sy ethingcan't  he MT. I'vlear earned things from JH about taking courage hahaha. Posting it here (not sure if it's permissible to copy from other thread tho) just to share since a lot of us avoids reading the MT some observation after it was revealed that JH loves DS from the start. Debunking the myth about the jealousy:

Let me add that JH is pretty much a jealous man himself. In the ep5. where SW hurt his leg, DS asked JH to leave so that she could be alone with SW. JH retaliated by asking "What you're going to do when I leave?", proceeded by some angry/rage banana milk sucking lol. Later in the same ep., JH went to Tk's room and saw DS and DR alone and insisted to know what those two are doing alone in the room. His eyes widens as DR put his arm on DS's shoulder. 

Another prove from the beginning of ep13., DS ex-schoolmate gushed on how pretty DS has become and JH kept making this "yeah,right" faces. Since now that we know he likes her from earlier days, he might be doing the face to mock the ex-schoolmate's sweet talk and not because JH didn't agree that she's pretty. He was jealous when she got called pretty.  When ex-schoolmate asked if it's O.K for him to call DS, JH who was acting nonchalant perked up sideways and was in attentive mode. Next comes the petty bumping trick in the washroom. Why would he do that if he is not jealous? 


@ainipang Let me be narcissistic for once and say that I laughed over that line too B)

Very well said chinguya i loveee seeing those all jh's jealousy over people around DS kekekkee he is very deep in love with her but can't (Not yet) show it properly due to this and that huhuhu uri pulsange Jungpaliiii

Ah something which make me kinda upset with taek is he Lied about saw the picture in jh's wallet. Why tho? It was kinda upsetting for me. He denied his friend's feeling so he can keep going with his love for ds? I'm sorry if this qn already answered as i skipped so many posts since page 300 or so

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WARNING: Long post ahead! 

I actually joined the ship for Reply 1994 super late, like I didn't even watch the first 10 episodes (Why? I don't know) and I instantly fell for CB. Who wouldn't? He was cute, tall, friendly and he was definitely boyfriend material for NJ. I watched Reply 1994 again after a year and for me personally, I was like WOW, Trash was totally the husband from the beginning. I give props to the writers and production team because I think this is what they want, they want us to fall for the cute, loveable and sweet guy and make some of the viewers fail to see that the other guy who bickers and argues, loves her just as much as the sweet boyfriend material. 

To me, I will stick with JH as the end game. However, if JH isn't end game, I will not be mad and actually give an applause for the writers and PD in how they portrayed JH. First, as an 18 year old who did pretty much nothing but study, is an introvert, played soccer when he can, had the same group of friends since he was a child, he had trouble expressing himself. Some guys are like that and unfortunately not all guys are like SW or JB who can projectile vomit their feelings anytime they want. They have a harder time expressing themselves but in the end, they whole heartedly love and take care of their spouse. I think it is refreshing to see a character like this rather than a male dominant who forces the girl to like him or follows her like a crazy psycho. Sorry, ain't nobody got time for that. 

Second, I believe that this is a realistic portrayal of life itself. Timing and fate will definitely never go our way and like I've read in a book before, "The right thing at the wrong time, is the wrong thing." JH had many missed opportunities and as much as I am very disappointed in that, it gives me the satisfaction of watching JH's character development. Would I prefer it to be solved within two episodes? Yup! But what can I do? It's the writer's story and I am here to enjoy it. I think timing could be on JH's side. He had time to be away from DS, to learn about himself and to figure out his feelings. We know that he liked/loved her for a long time but the distance made JH confirm his feelings. Even for DS, she didn't know what to do with her life and she struggled to find her own voice and to walk in her own shoes. 

It is awkward meeting again after a while but as we can all see, DS and JH fell into the comfortable routine of bickering and being comfortable around each other, every since they were young. That never changed. What changed was and I believe is both DS and JH's feelings towards each other. They are both unsure what each other maybe thinking but for JH, him confessing was for him to move on and for DS, it was reassurance for her. Now it's all about the communication and it definitely doesn't help when you do it in a group of your closest friends. All the miscommunications and misunderstandings are there in their relationship but it happens! 

DR and SW are good friends, I truly believe that. Even though they failed to notice JH's feelings earlier on, I honestly believe that's how guys work. If Bora hung out with them more she probably would've noticed. Heck, even DS's friends got it right away. If TK didn't say anything about his feelings, they wouldn't have noticed it either. Guys are dense and that's just their nature. I think it is different too when you are around the same group of friends for such a long time, it is weird to see your friends start liking each other (well for me it's awkward at first but then you get used to it).

Their reaction to TK liking DS though? I believe it's because TK never does anything minus Baduk. He's away from the squad all the time and when DR and SW found out that TK likes DS, they're probably like OMG if you guys get together, it'll be so interesting and we'll probably see more of TK because he'll want to hang out with DS all the time! TK is the character that you can't help but love. I actually really like TK because I feel like we all need a TK in our lives but I do think it's wrong for certain viewers to blame JH for being the noble idiot while TK is basically doing the same. 

There's lots of unanswered questions that many of you have said. TK is a mystery but also, same with DS. Now that JH's feelings are on the table (and have been out since ep 1), it's up to TK and DS now. I believed something happened between them and we're not going to know until the end. The writer and the PD have us wrapped around their fingers. They release articles like, "The husband hasn't been chosen yet," or "The husband has been decided" to freak us all out. I was freaked to but I stand firm on what I believe in and what I chose from the beginning. 

This a drama about life and honestly life sucks sometimes. It is however, a drama written by a writer and I think that she will fulfill what the viewers wants from a Reply series. I found that every Reply series have heart attack moments. In 97 (since it was the first one), they played the husband game lightly. Some of us were still unsure if it was YJ or his brother at times. In 94, that was definitely hard as we got to see many couple moments with each couple. Heck, even the endgame broke up for a bit. Now for 88, they're running this until the last drop.  Who would've thought that we got barely any couple moments until the last two episodes. That's rough.

Anyways this is a bit of my late thinking, I will head to sleep now. :grin:


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1 hour ago, Nurul Choerunnisa said:

Guys... Guys... Guys... I want to ask you... The scene where JH was peeking DS practicing through his window in Episode 1... Did it happen after or before the alley scene? I'm confused with the timeline...


The alley scene was on ep.3, chingu...it means on the very 1st episode, it's already crystal clear that JH has already liked DS.  I kept replaying that episode btw :D  

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THANK YOU SO MUCH ALL OF YOU!! now i'm getting better after episode 18 airing last saturday.

i still didn't watch raw episode 17 and 18. will wait till it's all over. So i'm watching some cut scene from youtube or ig. 

Yup!  the husband is junghwan. i'm 100% sure now!

Because, if the reply team really want to JH-DS end, why i felt like the problem is still unsolved? and the ring. why junghwan left the ring? it's not like the usual junghwan will leave that. it's the important thing in his life. 

And the spoiler of taek and ds in the park when ds fall from the swing. they not show the scene in episode 17 (still in 1989), and ds hair cut in the spoiler is like her haircut in 1989. 

What if taek already confessing in 1989? that he fall in love with ds? that's why ds fall from the swing? 

So if ds is like taek too, they must be dating till 1994.  but they didn't, right? or at least ds treat tk more special than 1989 until 1994. but she's not. 




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23 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay I'm done with the anlaysis. He's the husband. I am 99.99% sure of it and I"m just going to let the story tell me how they finally meet in the goddamn middle of the reflection pool. Until then some question.

1. Do you think Deok Sun is going to ride home with Junghwan? If yes on a scale of 1-so damn awkward girl jump out the car, how awkward do you think the car ride will be?

2. When and how do you think Deok Sun is going to respond and confess?

3. Where do you think the big reunion is going to happen?

4. Where do you think their first kiss will be?

5. Who initiates that kiss? (I really think it will be Deok Sun)

Now knowning that Junghwan did say his confession was a joke..oh boy...Deok Sun girl, what you gonna do? Is it wrong that I am putting my faith in the cat (meow scene) and dog (that's what she been called him) picture that was behind adult Deok Sun? Someone called the very situation that happen in ep 19 happening. They said Junghwan would confess, leave, then sometime later the two would reunite and be together. I wish I remembered that users name...Miss Cleo come back. Tell us more of what your crystal ball is showing...

1. I'm positive they'll going home together since DS know JH drink alcohol before and she won't want him get into trouble with drunk-driving

2. I think DS will somehow found the pink shirt after JH leave for his base (maybe that he's now giving up on his first love he'll leave that shirt behind) and she'll realize that the confession isn't anything near a joke. Maybe we'll get this airport scene while DS try to catch up JH before his flight (does he even going by plane to his base?!), DS will confess too, saying everything she felt. JH will doubting it first, still considering about TK (this too-good-man) when DS finally make everything clear that TK already pour his heart out before and DS already reject him

3. at the airport

4. right there when DS finally confess and accept JH love

5. JUNGHWAN!! (c'mon boy don't let me down, what's the use of reading that pervie books if you can't even initiate the kiss)


fyi, I still have 35++ pages to read but I'm reading it anyway. reading all the posts just bringing back the hurt, the butterfly (idk, maybe not butterfly) in my stomach, all the heavy-breathing, but I love it anyway..

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16 minutes ago, noname noname said:

I know raitttttt... how can the writer explain it if JH doesnt appear as the husband laterrr... She (LWJ) has shown his feeling, perspective, and point of view constantly! I can say that this whole love triangle thung is actually his story.

Well, Eventthough, in 94 Samcheonpo's point of view is used to tell the story, they still focus on NJ's feeling....

So, in RP 88 it is almost impossible that JH is not the husband actually. The writer is just playing with our mind and I am sure, she is laughing so hard, seeing that majority of the viewers are still tricked by the mind game. Hahaha...

I don't recall '94 at all :) So serious was my trauma!

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9 minutes ago, noname noname said:

Really? TK brought comic? I didn't notice it, seriuosly. Is he brought the comic for him to read it or he was only asked by one of the squad members to bring it?


yes he brought the comic because DS tell TK to borrow the comic and bring to JH home..

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14 minutes ago, ricenamja said:

OMG luckily he's okay :-(




!!!!! Thank God he is ok!!! Everyone must be so tired now rushing to finish filming. :(


PS: Dear fellow airbus passengers on our Gaedeok flight, please remember to remove all pictures, gifs, videos and twitter links from the quote as this is Soompi's rules. :)

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Haaay guys....

I'm in the office right now and see what I'm doing... I bet most of you is doing the same thing as me muahahahahaaa (what is paperwork and meetings???)

First of all, what?? RJY in a car accident?? SO GLAD that he is fineee! Please don't make him more miserable, isn't his character pitiful enough? Why in reality too... so cruel. But he's fine, he's alright, he's resuming filming, he's okay, he's the husband, he's the end game, he's going to be with DS. 

Right now I'm in the acceptance stage, I will not be wavered by any new/old theories regarding TK clues and development. I. won't. Yes. I will not. 

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3 hours ago, Vannyah M said:


I too think that he`s that first love she wrote about. She was asking him questions like how do i look and stuff I mean why asking him when they bicker all the time.( yeah yeah she asked SW the same but that was period when she crushed on him ). Well one of the reasons why i think that he is her first love is that bickering, we all had one person we liked with whom we bickered all the time at that age ( i assume we all did, i know i have). When they meet on stairs she asked him are you waiting for me with smile, Could not she have thought that he is waiting for SW and DR but she was curious if he was waiting for her. I may be wrong but we`ll see.

Man I`m so hyped i feel like i`m going to celebrate their wedding, as if it were my own wedding, Not to mention kiss i can already see me squealing and smiling


One of the reasons I have always considered bickering chemistry between Kdrama leads realistic is that one of my former boyfriends and I were really like that too. I used to hit him a lot (not as much as Shi Won though) and he would yank my chain all the time by saying things which were seemingly rude and insulting but actually affectionate. Yes we were childhood friends which is why watching this drama sent me on a nostalgic trip back to my own adolescence and young adulthood. But I knew he worshipped the very ground I trod on and it was the way our relationship was defined. Similarly every couple have their own private language through which they communicate. JH and DS have their own language too.

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Hi, everyone! I'm pretty confused abt this...

basically BR and SW's marriage is a sealed deal already right? And Taekie is now SW's brother...

Is it allowed in Korea to marry the sibling of your brother's wife?

bcs taek and deoksun are gonna be siblings in law IF bora and sunwoo do get married with each other

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4 minutes ago, arumdaun said:

First of all, what?? RJY in a car accident?? SO GLAD that he is fineee!

 wah .. luckily he is fine!! May God bless him with good health.. don't want anything to happen to him. Now that they are still in winter season, the roads are slippery and you know when you are rushing to film the next scene, you tend to speed..so I hope all of them will be alright (no accident pls..) in this winter season.

I just saw Hyeri posted pic in instagram, love the squad team!!

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First, he breaks our hearts in a fictional drama and now he got HURT lol before I saw the part about him being ok MY HEART dropped and I said to myself I QUIT this life lol. My own life is fine, I am happy. My reply 88 life is a mess and depressing omg :vicx: putting it into words suck! 

At least I know now.....if I want a peaceful life don't watch the next reply series NO MATTER what so what if I miss out on a good drama its still better then all the trauma and tension NOW ahha! 

Don't worry guys, since a long time ago my GUT has been telling me its JH but there is just that 1% shred of FEAR of a lame plot twist.

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I read tons of comments in dramabeans and youtube saying Junghwan is being a jerk for making the confession as a joke. smh. can't they see how he smirked when DS kept looking at the door every time someone came in?? JH thought DS is already in love with someone else, which is Taek, and in that scene he decided to end his first love and giving up the girl. are people actually expect him to end his first love without saying anything to the girl? that would be even more crazy and frustrating!!

also, JH would be a jerk if he ended that confession without the "is this enough" line. because in his mind, he thought DS is in love with Taek, and he also know Taek is in love with her. why would he confessed and say it was for real?! of course he thought he will ruin others' relationship by confessing for real. that's why he finished it with "is this enough?", he didn't say it was a joke but he wanted the friends to see that confession as a joke and let it pass, he wanted to end his first love silently on his own.

I'm sorry. idk where to rant about this except this thread. JH doesn't deserve to be called a jerk after all the things he has done. 


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