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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I’m curious if R88 will be like R97 and have the last 2 episodes be about the husband/wife or have it be like R94 where they didn’t bring the couple back together until the finale.  I remember in R94, even though Na Jung was constantly with Chilbong, her mind was always with Trash.  It was like no matter how CB tried to keep NJ close to him, NJ’s heart/mind was always somewhere else.  Will this be the same for R1988?  Perhaps we’ll see JH and DS only once in episodes 18 and 19 to make TK realize where DS’s heart lies

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1 hour ago, Kelly86 said:

@EMM! OMG....The song I was waiting for. 

Guys, we are are moving fast almost at 300 no joke. It's always fun here. The hand posts haha LOVE em he's got such pretty hands! Prettier than mine and he's a guy. I love his hands but I gotta say I love his eyes & lips more hehe :P what's next ya'll his butt? Hehe...which I haven't really checked out.

Add his voice and swimming ability to that list and I AM SOLD!!!

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13 minutes ago, honeywell said:

I’m curious if R88 will be like R97 and have the last 2 episodes be about the husband/wife or have it be like R94 where they didn’t bring the couple back together until the finale.  I remember in R94, even though Na Jung was constantly with Chilbong, her mind was always with Trash.  It was like no matter how CB tried to keep NJ close to him, NJ’s heart/mind was always somewhere else.  Will this be the same for R1988?  Perhaps we’ll see JH and DS only once in episodes 18 and 19 to make TK realize where DS’s heart lies


I just remembered that we`ll see future DS and husband in last 3 ep so maybe we`ll have equal screen time for both JH and TK, that is the best option for trolling viewers and boosting ratings.

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Crap, HOW did I forget his voice....another feature I LOVE. 

Ya its only 2ish in the afternoon here but I finished work early so I think ima nap because I'm camping out later to watch live. Ik someone mentioned earlier links are down? Argh I swear if they don't work later omg this girl here will be so angry.......:( mostly sad waited all week please no more waiting. 

Be back later....active gals and guys? Hehe. There are guys here to right? I think I noticed one so far...when we were discussing JHs boner haha :P and asked him for his opinion. 

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Lord I am sooo happy we are only about 14 hours away from episode 17!!! The long-awaited, passionately debated episode 17.

You all made the wait so much more bearable. :heart: It was a sleep-deprived, AM1988-preoccupied two weeks but we made it!!

EDIT: I tried to add two gifs to my post but even after copy and pasting and/or doing the "insert other media" thing, nothing shows up. It works only in the preview. Nothing like failing at technology to make me feel old. :D hahah, someone help me out please? 

Edited by balladblue
Idk how to insert pictures lol
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1 hour ago, balladblue said:


Do we know if those links streams tvN 24/7? I remember about two weeks ago I opened my idoltvn link about an hour before the episode was to start, and nothing showed and I panicked. But I tried again at 7:40 PM KST and it worked fine, so I think (and am hoping) that the stream is currently down because there's nothing to stream lol. Fingers crossed!! 

And hiiii @figenfk!!! :) Glad to see you back, even if it's just for a short while. Kudos to you for getting on with your real life and responsibilities! And I hope you feel better soon; it's no fun being sick, especially you're busy. 

Wonder where is @wissyyyyy? I miss seeing her lovely DS icon. 


@wissyyyyy is busy but I think she'll be back tomorrow!!! I MISS HER TOO :tears:

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1 hour ago, balladblue said:


Do we know if those links streams tvN 24/7? I remember about two weeks ago I opened my idoltvn link about an hour before the episode was to start, and nothing showed and I panicked. But I tried again at 7:40 PM KST and it worked fine, so I think (and am hoping) that the stream is currently down because there's nothing to stream lol. Fingers crossed!! 

And hiiii @figenfk!!! :) Glad to see you back, even if it's just for a short while. Kudos to you for getting on with your real life and responsibilities! And I hope you feel better soon; it's no fun being sick, especially you're busy. 

Wonder where is @wissyyyyy? I miss seeing her lovely DS icon. 

I been asking for ages where @wissyyyyy is. I think they returned to their real lives and forgot all about us poor unfortunate fangirl souls LOL. Wissyyyyy where are you? Can you hear me? Answer me Wissyyyyy, please reply...

@EMM! so you're one of the Eyes on Ryu team? If so I love  your tumblr (if not I still love that tumblr) and that you so much for subbing all things Ryu and also posting his pictures and stuff. He has overtaken my love for Kim Woo Bin and I just can't get enough of him.

@honeywell I got a feeling they are going down the '94 route of keeping the couple apart but longing for one another and finally reuniting the last episode. Man I don't want that at all. I really wish they would go the '97 route and use the last 4 episodes to show us snapshots of the two being cute and coupley and although short very meaningful and sweet. I just want to freaking see the two together, themselves, and back to their old dynamic again. I am so damn done with sad face Junghwan and Deok Sun just being Deok Sun. I want to see the couple be a couple before the last 30 minutes of the last episode or I will very very disappointed!

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Just now, Shadi Daryush said:

guys , where can i watch R88 live stream ? 


@Eichhoernchen posted two links:  http://tv.idol001.com/idoltv-tvn.html and http://www.hanyutai.com/tvn.php?mobile=no 

Both links seem to be down currently but try again about half an hour before the episode starts (the episode starts at 7:50 pm KST) and hopefully they'll be working. :)

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9 hours ago, grcevln said:

Deep inside, i don't really care if JungHwan doesn't end up being the husband. I am satisfied enough with JungHwan's story line. I appreciate the writer's effort for telling a story centered on such character like his with certain depth. He's cold, stoic, awkward, grumpy, but mostly  clever, witty, obedient, filial, loyal, caring. Sometimes you can see the loser in him. But I think that's what make you care for him the most.

I never stan a male character this hard before. So Ji Sub (in Master's Sun), Chuck Bass, Chiaki senpai, Izumi Sano (Hana Kimi), are some examples for male lead characters I love (so you can tell my preference, Lol). You can see that they're all have certain similar traits, cold but caring. But none of them ever make me this sad and engrossed in pain before until JungHwan. I sometimes think what make JungHwan different. Then I realise, that JungHwan is somehow 'alone'.  All of those scenes of him brooding, studying, and staring show that he choose to deal with the pain alone, and not to do anything about it and just wait to let it go, which seems so real. I identify my self with him. Because that there's certain people who just can not share her/his nuisance with other, but doesn't mean he/she can't overcome and resolve it. There's people like that. 

Also, in other dramas, I somehow enjoy the male lead sad and jealous story line. I love it when there's a scene where the male lead witnessing lovey dovey moments between the female lead and the second lead, and they'd focus on the male lead's jealous expression. I used to think that I'm a masochist until JungHwan. This seemingly implied that JungHwan has this second lead traits, but his story is told with the FIRST male lead way. So yeah, I think his character is not mainstream anyway. 

Now, what I want is the writer to wrap up a good ending for him. I am truly a shipper of JH-DS, but that's another story. Being called blind, narrow-minded, and not logical, I, somehow, think that 'what if he is really not the husband?', then I think 'that's okay'. Lol, is it too late to create JungHwan's personal thread? Jk.

If Jh and DS will be not the end game, can their daughter and son be together then? And they must show it, it should be hyeri and RJY hahahaha

wow I need to back read I don't want to miss any and I got 9 pages.

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18 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Me right now, excited about seeing a new episode tomorrow:



Source: Duckseon

Pap Kim is the best. I am excited for a new episode too and hope that tomorrow's ep is the last we see of angst and hurting Junghwan. I'm also really really excited to see my adult hubby again. That man gives me so much life with his one liners. I swear Deok Sim walks right into some of them. I can't wait to see their interactions tomorrow and how it will inform the story and resolution to the hunt for the one even more. 

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@MrsSoJiSub Yep, I am so relieved that we get two episodes a week I think it would have been painful if we did not get to see a second one the day after! 

I think we'll still see some angst, at least in episode 17. Taek, DS and JH really need to speak and I think it might be painful and complicated endeavours for all of them, though for different reasons. But it is about time it happens... Then time jump and boom: everything will be different...

Also, PDnim did mention he will show the husband and wife date in the last episodes. I am hoping for a mix between R1994 and R1997: the late reveal of 94 and the cute moments of 97. I loved how we got to see different stages of SW and YJ dating in 97. I think he'll probably do that again.

@figenfk Welcome back and good luck with your work!!

@wissyyyyyWhere are you? Will you be around tomorrow?!

@grcevln Yes, yes, yes! I think we can all agree that we have a soft spot for JH. Similarly to Taek/DS shippers who adore PBG, we go crazy like them with RJY. Our two male leads have been amazing!

@Eichhoernchen Ha ha, thanks, but I make no efforts whatsoever here, as this is my fun thing outside of my dissertation and I want it to remain fun!

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Relax. I think we'll get everything. Although there are only 4 episodes left, it's a freaking 90 mins show guys. I mean, the last episode is almost running for 2 hr. Except, the PD and Writer decided to be some major troller of the kdrama universe, then it can't be helped.

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Hi guys. This is my first time/post here. :D I've been watching Reply 88 from the start and fell in love with JH in the first episode, but I couldn't join in the conversation here before because I couldn't find a link to this forum. (So this is where some of you who left the main forum have been camping out. Hehe.) Anyway, I have another letter to the PD before the next episode (FINALLY!!!) airs. 

(BTW, this was letter #1)


Dear PD-nim,

If you haven't noticed by now, we have been waiting for a kiss between DS and either JH or TK for exactly two months now. So WHEN ARE WE GETTING OUR RICHARD SIMMONS-ING KISS SCENE???????????? I've been waiting long enough to make a list of requirements. The kiss must...

1. Be as good as or better than the SW/BR makeout

2. Last for like, five minutes, at the minimum

3. Be with JH (heehee, sorry Taek fans)

4. Be as thrilling as the DS/JH stuck in the alley scene

5. And -this one's major!- not be in the last episode.

We will all die of insufficiency before then, and you won't have any fans left to watch the show. The next episodes had better deliver and meet up to our standards (those two weeks we had to wait have been two weeks too long). We're expecting a mind-blowing, awesome episode that will surprise us, make us cry, laugh, cheer, and get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Keep up with the good work! Hwaiting!!! (We only have two days left to wait! Hwaiting for us too!!!)

Sincerely, an avid, Reply '88-deprived, whole-hearted fan


Letter #2:

Dear PD-nim,

I just wanted to clear some things with you. I know you're a busy man, so I'll make some decisions for you on the next few episodes. You can leave 'em or take 'em, but here they are: 1) A kiss scene in episode 17 between JH/DS (two months, mister, two months!!), 2) DS falls in love with JH, and they marry and have five kids (because you can't make us fall in love with JH and make Taekie the husband. Wait, where have I seen this scenario before? Oh, right...), 3) Everyone else meets their soul mates and live happily ever after too, and no one ends up dead in 2015 (I will seriously be crushed if this happens). These are the only ones I can think of right now, so here you are. Please, please, puh-leeeaase let DS end up with JH. Otherwise, you will feel the wrath of this fangirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Sincerely, a devoted, trusting, impatient fan


PS, Why did people ever think JH was ugly?!?!?! Sorry @Vannyah M, let me borrow your pictures for a minute. :D 

4 hours ago, Vannyah M said:

I went to DC and all i saw was



and countdown



2 hours ago, carolinedl said:

Me right now, excited about seeing a new episode tomorrow:



Source: Duckseon


 @carolinedl LOL, I couldn't agree with you more!!! :lol:

Edit: This forum moves so fast!!! Nice to know there are so many other fellow JH/DS shippers!

Edited by snowglobe147
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