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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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2 hours ago, Shadi Daryush said:

guys where i can find eng sub for ep 00?

There's no subs for Ep. 00 yet. But I guess there's Chinese subs.

Good day..! I guess every body busy on Sat night/Sunday, kekeke

Anybody has notice this pic? Hyeri links her arm to RJY?? Kyaaa..!


Oh, I just notice your lovely Bong now become lovely pit bull @MrsSoJiSub :D

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4 hours ago, dinhie said:

There's no subs for Ep. 00 yet. But I guess there's Chinese subs.

Good day..! I guess every body busy on Sat night/Sunday, kekeke

Anybody has notice this pic? Hyeri links her arm to RJY?? Kyaaa..!


Oh, I just notice your lovely Bong now become lovely pit bull @MrsSoJiSub :D

My baby! Purple is such a good color on you. Man they really tamed the ahjumma hair he had. Jungbong is "my Bong" and "my little pit bull" is actually what I call Junghwan. RJY reminds me of the most cutest pitbull pup. Also people tend to think of pit bulls as these ferocious dogs that will bite and attack, but actually pit bulls are the cutest most cuddliest things if raised right and their appearances/image people have about them, are misconceptions/deceived, just like our Junghwan. I mean pit bulls will bite and attack if they must but they are much much more tame and cute and lovable pets than the media makes them out to be. Ugh I'm talking too much but Junghwan reminds me of a pit bull in that people think both are rough or scary when in reality they are the cutest things ever.

I hope there is a preview after tonights re-runs.

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4 hours ago, dinhie said:

There's no subs for Ep. 00 yet. But I guess there's Chinese subs.

Good day..! I guess every body busy on Sat night/Sunday, kekeke

Anybody has notice this pic? Hyeri links her arm to RJY?? Kyaaa..!


Oh, I just notice your lovely Bong now become lovely pit bull @MrsSoJiSub :D

OMG. Maybe they will show this at the end of the drama or maybe it will be in the flashback? Cause I compare to the official poster and most of them has the same pose except for Junghwan's facial expression and Deoksun's hand. I still see the possibility of our otp get together before the time jump. Maybe there will be redevelopment in the neighborhood they are living in and maybe this is the picture of the 5 families before they are forced to move to somewhere else. With the way Bora tried to hide her relationship with Sunwoo in the earlier episodes and it seems that it may take a while before Taek's Dad & Sunwoo Mum got together, I can see this happening. 



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10 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I was rewatching ep 1 and 2 and I just adore Junghwan's character to bits and pieces. He's evolved so much since the first episode and he really does have the softest underbelly. 

I'll be real, for like the first half of the first two eps I thought he was a little richard simmons. I mean a normal teenager, but still a little richard simmons none the less. I was all about Sunwoo (I came into this show for GP) but he quickly bored with his good guy, good son, good student, overall good brother/friend/human being perfection. But Junghwan, man did he take me by surprise and by the end of ep 2 I was in love. I gave the character my fangirl heart and told him to "do your worse". 

What I love about him is how attuned he can be to people's feelings and how much he tries to do for those he cares about (even if it's to his nonenjoyment or getting hurt). My heart fluttered in the scene where his mom explains how she wants to be close like Sunwoo's mom. The little smile/smirk he gives when she says she gets jealous when Sunwoo's mom shares everything she knows. I grinned. Then when he was going to fight the gangsters to defend Ding Ryeong (I love how he tries to subsidize his fears by hyping himself up) he shoes get stolen and he says nothing. I love him. He's smart and gets top of the class but doesn't brag or anything. He beat and got an richard simmons beating for Sunwoo. He cares about and loves his hyung sooo much (I love those two's relationship to pieces. They had me in stitches during the paper crane scene "is it something I need to know?" "No, but I want to tell you" *nods head to do so* or "I only know how to fold planes" :D) from the beginning he even tells Deok Sun not to eat the sausage in the fridge because it's for his hyung. Junghwan cares a lot about his dad (he picked up on his behavior and offered the juice) he did the hated gag and was wanted to stay in the hospital even though he has college entrance exams and an unsolvable math problem to tackle. The many things he's done for his mom. I died when he painstakingly wrote in the Korean characters of her name and giving the chestnuts of apology. Then the countless things he's done for Deok Sun (any boy who stays up that late just to bring you an umbrella -he walks back without. His purpose was to keep you warm while he soaked- is a winner. The thumbs up the fact he thinks she's pretty. He himself said she's pretty. No the prettiest, meaning in comparison to others it's still her. Then all that he's done for Taek and I'm not even talking about where it concerns Deok Sun (Junghwan was the one who picked up on Taek's envey about the school trip, tucking him in, tying his shoes, covering his ears, whipping his face).

It kills me when people say he's less in comparison to other characters or that he's not caring and loving. They make him seem like this bickering, porcupine a-hole and he's not. If he was an a-hole I wouldn't be able to ship it. Junghwan is as much of a caring son, brother, and good student as Sunwoo, he can be as sweet and smiley as Taek, and can joke around like Dong Ryeong. He's so freaking loveable. He's almost toe to toe in my love for my Bong. It sucks when people say he's just a trope and things like that. Just as every other character has evolved so has Junghwan and I just wish people would give him the credit and praise where and when it is due to him.

sidenite: I wrote this on the phone on the road (I'm not the one driving) so please excuse any errors. I shall edit it after ice skating :) 


Ahhhh same!!! I thought it's only me who noticed junghwan's small smile when his mom wants to know more about him like sunwoo's. I melted the moment he smiled... Ah, how can people not see that in him?

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@MrsSoJiSub aah..I mean your profile picture.. previously lovely Bong but now lovely pit bull :D

I do really hope there's preview. Give us preview, please..! Even it must be a troll at least we can see a glimpse for what will happen.

I wonder, will DF subs BTS episode? Any news?

@Howlongwillthisfandomlast probably there are several poses for this pic? And production team choose one which has not so obvious gesture between JH & DS, hahaha

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20 hours ago, dinhie said:


Not only in the drama, I guess #TeamNoExpectation also apply to BTS & NGs *le sigh*

lmao sad but true, hugs to you all #teamnoexpectation we're all in this together.

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Guys, wow so many of us spazzing about Junghwan here :)

you guys wont believe RJY personality is totally different from JH. He is more of DR personality, outgoing and easy to reach. 

I saw some of wardrobe switch. I remember TK jacket when JH tied his shoelace is the same jacket JH wore in the McD visit with DS and the plaid shirt JH wore during his mom's birthday was also worn by SW during their eating ramyun in earlier eps (I am sorry cant provide screenshot here TT.TT)

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10 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I was rewatching ep 1 and 2 and I just adore Junghwan's character to bits and pieces. He's evolved so much since the first episode and he really does have the softest underbelly. 

I'll be real, for like the first half of the first two eps I thought he was a little richard simmons. I mean a normal teenager, but still a little richard simmons none the less. I was all about Sunwoo (I came into this show for GP) but he quickly bored with his good guy, good son, good student, overall good brother/friend/human being perfection. But Junghwan, man did he take me by surprise and by the end of ep 2 I was in love. I gave the character my fangirl heart and told him to "do your worse". 

What I love about him is how attuned he can be to people's feelings and how much he tries to do for those he cares about (even if it's to his nonenjoyment or getting hurt). My heart fluttered in the scene where his mom explains how she wants to be close like Sunwoo's mom. The little smile/smirk he gives when she says she gets jealous when Sunwoo's mom shares everything she knows. I grinned. Then when he was going to fight the gangsters to defend Ding Ryeong (I love how he tries to subsidize his fears by hyping himself up) he shoes get stolen and he says nothing. I love him. He's smart and gets top of the class but doesn't brag or anything. He beat and got an richard simmons beating for Sunwoo. He cares about and loves his hyung sooo much (I love those two's relationship to pieces. They had me in stitches during the paper crane scene "is it something I need to know?" "No, but I want to tell you" *nods head to do so* or "I only know how to fold planes" :D) from the beginning he even tells Deok Sun not to eat the sausage in the fridge because it's for his hyung. Junghwan cares a lot about his dad (he picked up on his behavior and offered the juice) he did the hated gag and was wanted to stay in the hospital even though he has college entrance exams and an unsolvable math problem to tackle. The many things he's done for his mom. I died when he painstakingly wrote in the Korean characters of her name and giving the chestnuts of apology. Then the countless things he's done for Deok Sun (any boy who stays up that late just to bring you an umbrella -he walks back without. His purpose was to keep you warm while he soaked- is a winner. The thumbs up the fact he thinks she's pretty. He himself said she's pretty. No the prettiest, meaning in comparison to others it's still her. Then all that he's done for Taek and I'm not even talking about where it concerns Deok Sun (Junghwan was the one who picked up on Taek's envey about the school trip, tucking him in, tying his shoes, covering his ears, whipping his face).

It kills me when people say he's less in comparison to other characters or that he's not caring and loving. They make him seem like this bickering, porcupine a-hole and he's not. If he was an a-hole I wouldn't be able to ship it. Junghwan is as much of a caring son, brother, and good student as Sunwoo, he can be as sweet and smiley as Taek, and can joke around like Dong Ryeong. He's so freaking loveable. He's almost toe to toe in my love for my Bong. It sucks when people say he's just a trope and things like that. Just as every other character has evolved so has Junghwan and I just wish people would give him the credit and praise where and when it is due to him.

sidenite: I wrote this on the phone on the road (I'm not the one driving) so please excuse any errors. I shall edit it after ice skating :) 

thissss!!!!!!!! people who hate on JH should read this. idek how come those people hate his character.

P.S: I was trying to highlight some lines from your comment but ended up highlighting the whole comment except the sidenote part, so I ended up not highlighting anything. love your comment <3

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6 hours ago, ash623 said:

thank you @hailaft for your amazing fanfic!!!! i've been waiting the next part of ur fanfic and you gave us the awesome part!!

Can i have your part 1 and 2 too? as i really want to read it from the start again...thank you thank you thank you!!

i've in the state that i want friday to come fast but i don't want it to come too, and i dont know why......

i just hope that next week episodes we will finally see JH smile, no more holding back, no more broken heart face and pls give JH some good sleep as we already see he always sleep late and after the pocket accident he even didnt get to sleep. :'((((


If you guys want to re-read my fanfics, you can always visit my blog http://hailaft.tumblr.com/ :) I posted all my fanfics there. 

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15 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:

Chingu, your latest fanfic seems like you proven to us that JH is actually a beast..hahahhaha, he always wants to kiss DS..

LOL that's why I wrote it from DS' point of view, because she's the one who called him beast. :phew:

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3 hours ago, Kelly86 said:

I'm sure many of you are re-watching....as I re watch JH gets hotter and hotter! He needs to wear that plaid blue shirt he wore on his moms b day I was literally drooling. :wub: 

omayaaa yes yes!!

he looks overly handsome in that shirt my heart almost can't take it :phew:

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