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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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1 hour ago, Chau Vo said:

An alternate ending

(i put lots of thoughts in this. sorry guys for the super long post and bad grammars. but i hope this will cheer some of you guys up. writing this alone makes me feel better. Cheer up #teamjunghwan) 

Jung Hwan came back to get the ring on the table, to realize the ring was already taken away.

The story still went on with Kim’s family problem, Duk Sun’s dad last day of work, Bora-Sun Woo story and 3 girl friends reunited, all these beautiful parts.

Taek went to see Jung Hwan in SaCheon and told him about the wallet and him liking Duk Sun. Jung Hwan told him to go get Duk Sun. Taek told him that he’ll be competing in Beijing.

At his house, Jung Hwan remembered Duk Sun bragged about going to Beijing at that same time. He knew something would happen. Jung Hwan sat in his room for a long time, and took out a package of cigarettes to smoke because he didn’t want to think.

Taek went to Beijing for the baduk competition. Duk Sun stayed at the same hotel as well. They went out for dinner. Taek planned to ask Duk Sun out during the dinner. Then Duk Sun had to go to the bathroom. While waiting, Taek got a phone call from Sun Woo saying that there was an accident in the SaCheon air force, it was confirmed that two people with Kim as last names died among the 4 people who was on the plane. Taek was left with utter shock. Duk Sun while changing her make up, overheard a conversation between the reporters (who were there for Taek’s competition) about the accident. She fell on the ground and grasped for air. Duk Sun tried to call Jung Hwan’s office number but no one answers. At home, everyone was worried, Jung Hwan’s mom almost fainted.

Duk Sun rushed to the dinner table and apologized to Taek. Taek said what matters know was they both know Jung Hwan is safe. Duk Sun was bawling with tears in Taek’s hotel room after frantically called for a hundred times but no one answered.

At home, while everyone gathered at Jung Hwan’s house to comfort his mom, Jung Hwan rang the bell and walked in. Everyone hugged him and he didn’t know why. He told everyone that because it was his mom’s birthday weekend, he thought he should take the weekend off early and go home. He then received a call from his unit saying four of his friends died during the accident, one went in place for him when he was absent.

For Duk Sun, she only realized that Jung Hwan has always been there for her. She remembered how happy she was when she saw Jung Hwan in the morning and on the bus. She remembered how Jung Hwan held her tight on the bus, how her heart fluttered when he told her “hajima,” how she was genuinely surprised when he showed up at McDonalds. On her hand she held tightly Jung Hwan’s army ring.

Flashback to the dinner at the end of last episode. After everyone left, Duk Sun found out that she forgot her hat and went back for it. At the table the cleaning lady gave the ring to her and said your chingu forgot his precious present. Duk Sun asked why the cleaning lady knew it was precious. The lady said because a while back she saw him hold on to the ring for a long time in the back of the restaurant, having a smoke and unconsciously walking back and forth. She then knew it wasn't a joke

Back to Taek’s hotel room, the phone rang and Duk Sun immediately grabbed the phone, screaming “why are you only calling now!!” and sobbed vigorously. Jung Hwan said don’t worry I’m okay. Duk Sun told him he was the biggest jerk and Jung Hwan gently smiled and said she has always been pabo. He told her to rest and told Taek not to worry and stay focused for the next competition. Duk Sun hung up the phone and smiled and cried at the same time. Looking at Duk Sun, Taek somewhat realized her feelings for Jung Hwan. Taek hugged her and told her to sleep. (Then the narration went on with Taek’s voice saying something really deep about faith.) Faith is afterall, timing. Even when one can’t control their hesitation, faith comes in at the right time.

At home, after a chaotic night, Jung Hwan’s mother slept next to him as if he was a kid. The next day, the surprise birthday “present” for Mi Ran madam still happen, this time 1000x time more meaningful when her son was still here for her. 

The story went on with the troubling story of Sun Woo and Bora. But like what they screened they both won their parents’ heart and got accepted.

After the match Taek went home and asked Duk Sun if they could talk. Siting on the infamous stairs of the neighborhood, Taek asked Duk Sun if the kiss in his room was real. Duk Sun nodded. He asked why she lied the first time. Duk Sun said she was afraid that it would ruin her relationship with Taek, that it would make it awkward to see him. Duk Sun confessed and said her heart fluttered for Taek many times, like when he kissed her she couldn’t sleep, and when he showed up at the movie she was moved. But it wasn’t enough. She felt what Jung Hwan and Taek did, but in 1989, she didn’t know her heart, she was more focused on finding her dream and getting in a college. Now that she thought of it, she can’t shake the feeling that someone else is on her mind, not Taek. Duk Sun hugged Taek and both cried.

We then got to Sun Woo and Bora’s wedding. Everyone showed up early and wa happy. Dong Ryong introduced to everyone his hot model girlfriend. DR told everyone they met at his restaurant when she didn’t have enough money to pay for food, and they fell in love. Duk Sun looked for Jung Hwan but she couldn’t find him. Jung Hwan had to come back after the birthday to his unit to hold a ceremony for his friends. He came rushing back but made it to the wedding. We see a smile on Duk Sun’s face when he entered, and No Eul noticed it. The wedding went on. Bora tossed the bouquet and Mi Ok caught it, after wresting with Ja Hyun.

            Duk Sun hadn’t gathered up enough courage to meet Jung Hwan yet. At home, No Eul told his mother that he thinks Duk Sun is dating someone, just like when he suspected Bora. His mom said “who is it this time?.” No Eul told her Duk Sun has been coming home and waking up really early in the morning, just like one period back in 1988 when No Eul found it was weird too but couldn’t figure out why. And he told mom that he saw Duk Sun looking at Jung Hwan at Bora’s wedding. His mom said no way she would like Jungpal because they didn’t talk much over the years.

            They continued with their lives. Jung Hwan went back to SaCheon. Taek and Duk Sun became best friend and hung out a lot. They even got a photo taken and there was a rumor that they were dating. Duk Sun’s mom laughed at No Eul and told him “I told you.” In Sacheon unit, some soldiers were talking about Choi Taek and his mysterious girl friend. Jung Hwan saw the newspaper article and he looked sad. He took the photo of him and her out of his wallet, now aged and wrinkling, and smile sadly. He turned to another page, and realized his house and all his childhood friends’ houses were going to be torn down. He stood up and left. Then the narration came up with his voice in the background. He can no longer exchange food, he can no longer see Duk Sun’s dad destroy the coal, Dong Ryong’s dad sweeping leaves, Taek’s dad in his store, the gossip three talking about sex. He can no longer see his childhood. This is his last chance, to be in the neighborhood, to be with his friends, and maybe the last chance to see Duk Sun.

            He rushed back to Ssangmun-dong. On the day Duk Sun family moved out, he saw Duk Sun and his ring on her neck. They both look at each other. This time he didn’t hesitate, but went and hugged her. And they both cried.

            At present time, after they finished the interview, (because Jung Hwan was honored for something heroic he did in the air force so he got super famou), Duk Sun and Jung Hwan drove home. They were arguing in the car because Jung Hwan still only listens to Lee Moon Se and Duk Sun was fed up with his songs. The gang was gathering for a 30th year anniversary special TV screening of the movie “A better tomorrow II” at Duk Sun parents’ house (the movie in ep 1). Dong Ryong has separated from her model wife. However, he now owns 15 restaurants in Seoul. Sun Woo and Bora have 2 beautiful kids. Jin Joo grew up and is as sassy as her sister in law (Bora.) Taek met one of his fans who always follows him everywhere and gives him hot soup and takes away his medicines in secret. She became Taek’s personal manager and boss him around everywhere. Dong Ryong family only lives down the street in one of his first original restaurant in Seoul. Dong Ryong still tells his mom to make him seaweed soup and still gets scolded by his Dad, who is now school principal. Taek’s Dad and Sun Woo’s mom live with each other in a house that Taek bought for them only 3 blocks away from Kim family’s house. Jung Hwan’s father. Who is now old but still as crazy and annoying, is whistling and carrying a jar of Ginseng wine to the Sung family. He arrived at their door and say “Sung sa jang.” Jung Hwan’s mother, unfortunately died 2 years ago. The camera pans around the (Sung) house with photos of Bora-Sun Woo wedding and of course Jung Hwan-Duk Sun’s wedding. Taek and Jung Hwan are having a smoke at the front of the house when Duk Sun ran out and slapped hard on Jung Hwan’s head saying “can’t you both see there are kids?” and demanded them both to go inside. All four guys, now all grew up sat in the room and watch “A better tomorrow.” They turned their head and see young Duk Sun walk in (like the last scene of ep 20). And the five of Ssangmundong was there and always will be there 

Annyeong Reply 1988.

(I know there are many things not resolved, but I can’t go to bed without finding a closure for myself. As for Jung Hwan and Duk Sun’s kisses. I didn’t feel the need because lovey dovey kisses don’t prove true love. But hey, this is my story and in your story, let them kiss the heck out of each other.)

Cheer up #teamjunghwan

We just KNOW that as writers, the script writers of R88 are feeling REAL bad because just because. We normal people can see the faults in their plot, they themselves can just go home and feel really bad because they broke our hearts and broke their supposed-to-be legendary story. But all in all, the series was PERFECT (up to ep 18 and some parts in the last eps of course haha.) But hey, don't we all learn so much about family and friendship and all the other beautiful things in life through R88 :) so don't diss it just because of the ending. 




OMG! *sobs* </3 It's not really me to read alternative endings after drama watching as most usually, I opt for feel good and light dramas that doesn't need one in the first place but this one. THIS IS THE ENDING FOR ME. This is the feel good ending that we deserved but robbed of. It have the closure we wanted like the previous two Reply! Thank you for making this! <33

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47 minutes ago, Imung Ling said:

@gangurhar : I've ever watched this video, but at that time, it's hurtful watch JH with another girl. but now is different. I just happy watch Ryu Jun Yeol everywhere. But I delete all of videos of Hyeri and JH moments. I'll just love Ryu Jun Yeol. and I don't like Hyeri anymore. because of DS character, I hate hyeri now.


Me too my friend.... I deleted 1gb video Jung Hwan & Deoksun (FMV, Video cut, preview, etc)

I also want delete all of my richard simmons feelings so that we can move on faster. It's not the end of the world, it's just THE BIGGEST RICHARD SIMMONS KDRAMA.







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24 minutes ago, airasara said:


Lol... Yeap, the most disappointing part is not about who is the husband, but how they end the story that  not as good as they build the story in the beginning of the drama.

And i'll say that junghwan character is trully a plot device. If there's no junghwan, i dont think the attention is not as great as right now. Sadly they dont give a good ending for him :( 


I think PD and SW want to create WIN WIN situation for both #teamJunghwan and #teamTaek. Junghwan got the most popularity and sympathy while Taek became the husband. But in order to do that they sacrifice the whole story, even led the lovable Deoksun into Geumsappa.

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Hey guys. I'm not gonna complain about the last episode. I'm not gonna talk about the shitty ending the writer decided to give us for the triangle and especially for JH. I'm not here to express my anger and disappointment towards this drama. Trust me, I'm not. I have to admit that I havent watched the last episode yet (or maybe never will), but reading all your recaps and news articles and complains for the drama from my friends is enough to make me say this. Our ship has finally sunk, and it's dragged thousands of people down with it. Oh well, so now I know how it feels like to be Chilbonged hahaha. Yes, its painful believe me. But I already said that I wasnt here to complain and be angry with this drama. Instead I'm here to congratulate and also thank every single one of you here. 
First I wanna congratulate everyone for picking this ship. Congratulations for picking the right ship, yes, I mean it. Eventhough the ending was very different from what we all expected, we all know that this ship had always been the one true ship from the very beginning. You guys weren't wrong, you guys weren't blind or stupid, it just happens that maybe the writer decided to be unpredictable so that's why the writer changed the ending and we got the ending we never wanted. It's not our fault guys. We were never wrong. So congratulations to all of us. (but now I'm starting to wonder who I REALLY ship, because sorry but now that I think of it, DS doesn't deserve JH after all. He's too good for her. I think I just ship JH haha) 
Second, congratulations to all of you because through this drama, we all got to meet and know this one amazing actor named Ryu Jun Yeol. We all fell in love with both him and his character in the drama, and because of that I want to congratulate us all. We all fell for an "at first not good looking guy but the longer you see him the more handsome he gets" actor who was very different from the mediocre good-looking actors out there(never mind, he was handsome from the start). Once again, congratulations.
Third, thank you for everyone onboard this ship who stayed and believed in this ship until the very end. I just love how we all stayed positive and kept having faith and didn't want to give up even after the lovey dovey scences of the other couple. Even after it seemed like there was no hope for our ship to sail, you all believed that a miracle would happen  eventhough the chances were only 1%. I want to thank you for defending our ship eventhough we got so many discouragements and richard simmons from those non shippers. I love you guys for that. 
Fourth, thank you all for just being here. For existing in this thread. For sharing all your thoughts and insights for this drama. For encouraging those who were losing hope. For cheering those who were down with your jokes and gifs. For making me happy and also for letting me enjoy this thread. We basically went through alot with each other and laughed and cried together by reading each others posts. We've done good, and I'm happy and proud about it. We might never meet in real life, but I'm glad we met here in this thread. This may be the last post of me in this thread (maybe not) but I do expect to see you all in another thread (*cough* RJY thread)I might come back and just be a silent reader but still... It was fun shipping and fangirling with you guys. I hope we all get to move on someday. Fighting! I love you all so much. Thank you. Bye. May Kim JungHwan be forever in our hearts.

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Episode 18 is the end for me. I'm not going to watch episode 19 and 20.. I have zero interest now (especially after hearing that JH served as an extra in the finale..). I saved all the episodes on my harddisk, cause I thought this would be a drama that I will cherish throughout years, but what can I say now? Hurray to the 30GB of free space!

You know why I am pissed off? Not the fact that Taek is the husband, but the fact that the writer and production team have taken advantage of my emotional attachment by making us fall in love with Junghwan and luring us to believe that he is the husband, so that we became a bunch of fools sitting through 18 episodes, some of you 20 episodes even, just to witness Junghwan and Dukseon's love that NEVER CAME TRUE (you arshholes!). Even after episode 13 (14?) when Junghwan's screentime was reduced to 5 minutes per 130-min episode, I was still assure that Junghwan's time will come, cause they needed to conclude the adults' storylines first so that the remaining episodes could be totally centered around Junghwan and Dukseon's development. N O T. They just trolled and toyed with us for the sake of ratings and gimmick.

You know, if Taek was decided from the get-go, fine, even better I would say, but why bother to make future Husband act, talk and even sit like Junghwan (especially obvious in his first appearance with elder Dukseon). The only reason possible would be the fact that they deliberately wanted us to believe that the husband is Junghwan, even going as far as making old Taek act like Junghwan (WTF). I'm disappointed with the production team for disturbing the flow, consistency and logic of the drama for the sake of building up a "guess-the-husband" gimmick to lure viewers. That's not how you cope with your audience! And no, I'm not being a crybaby because Taek is the husband, I'm pissed off because I feel cheated. Had they not shown elder Dukseon and her mysterious husband, who the f. would care about this outcome, I will congratulate Taek, because the image of her husband would be unclear anyway, and it could possibly be anyone, also less risks for plot holes. But they f*cking made old Taek act totally unlike-Taek. You know, plot holes such as Dukseon's confession to Sunwoo can be covered up by flashbacks of Taek overhearing them, but PERSONALITY INCOSISTENCY.. how the f. are you going to convince me on that? Future husband feels distanced and cold to Dukseon (totally a Junghwan attitude), he talks very differently from Taek, even asked her whether she wants to die because who would call her husband "Ya!" (totally in a Junghwan tone), he sits exactly like how young Junghwan sits on his sofa, even putting his leg up (Note: Taek, being a baduk master, has a very correct sitting position of 90 degrees most of the time as you can notice throughout the drama. Since he is a professional baduk player, his formal sitting position will most likely be an unchangable habit during his whole life). Don't come up and say to me that "people change". Yes, people grow up but you cannot make a crab walk straight! Young Taek was introvert and sweet, a bit shy but never cold and impolite or mean to anyone! He is probably the last out of the four guys to say things like "do you want to die? do you need to check out the mirror (to see how ugly you are)? are you going senile? tsk look at all the guys you liked, you really have no shame" to Dukseon. Regardless of whether he is 25 or 45 years old, because that is his personality, his intrinsic quality. They screwed up the flow and logic in the husband's character just to make us, the audience, believe that the husband is Junghwan. A big middlefinger to the people who are behind this conspiracy!

Option 2, if Taek was not decided from the beginning, I give you drama an even bigger middlefinger! Because that will mean they FORCIBLY broke down Junghwan and Dukseon's loveline and development and deliberately reduced RJY's screentime to that of an extra. Why? Because Junghwan and Deoksun have wonderful potential as a pairing, Junghwan as a character has plenty room for development and complexity. But why did that all turn into dust? Yes, because they forcibly decided to wreck this ship and destroy Junghwan's character in order to justify Taek and Dukseon's pairing. Junghwan and Dukseon's feelings were mutual. He liked her and she liked him at the right timing. We have seen much more of what she did for Junghwan as a girl who has fallen in love, such as waiting for him at the busstation before the sun has risen and buying him a special birthday present, than what she did for Taek instead, like being someone who is babysitting him by tucking him into bed like his mum would probably do. We have seen what Junghwan has done for Dukseon out of his own as a boy who is madly in love with a girl: protected her with his body in the bus, brought her an umbrella when it was raining, friggen waited for her to come home every night, went to Gangnam to play with her chitchatty girlfriends, bought her pink gloves simply because she mentioned liking it, told his girl not to go on a blinddate. Taek has done things for Dukseon too. But compared to what Junghwan did? Taek bought her gloves because she was his secret santa and because he felt guilty that he forgot about it! He protected her from the burberry man because he knew she was scared, but let's be honest, if only Junghwan knew Dukseon was scared he would be the first one to punch that burberry man down like he did to the guy who insulted Sunwoo and his deceased dad. The ship isn't wrecked because things were not working out, the characters being incompatible or because the story was not flowing, no, it was forcibly wrecked to make room for another couple, based on four absolutely ridiculous reasons that can in no way justify the loss of such a potentional pairing: 1). bad timing (.. my a ss. They made Junghwan lose his girl on purpose and then blamed it on the general excuse: bad timing) 2. stupid noble idiocracy. 3. a Junghwan who is studying his as s off 24/7 like he is aiming for Harvard. 4. a damn pink shirt.

RJY's screentime being reduced to 5 minutes per 130-min episode says enough about the production team's strong and clear decision in forcing Junghwan-Dukseon to step down and to make it all turn into dust. 

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Repost what I just posted on MT:


So I skipped the raw yesterday having heard that JH has little scenes and decided to wait until c-subs are out. Perhaps my expectation is low but I find the last episode better than expected.


I, for one, feel that JH has had his closure in ep 18 and ep 19 showed that he has really gotten over it and so I’m not bitter that he’s not the end game (and I don’t want a twist anyway). I still don’t like how the writer tried to focus on JH’s emotion at the start and yet didn’t give us a good payoff for the emotion we felt for him. So what happened to him in 2016? Still, I’m happy to see that right till the end, we still see JH written as a good person. He always shows his concern in his classic tsundere manner. He saw SW and just accompanied his friend for a drink even though he has to drive to camp. He just decided to take a bus back and despite not saying anything and just drinking, his companion is what SW needed that time. I want to give that guy a good hug.


I did smile when I see Taek and DS dating. They are quite sweet. They have to be the least passionate couple in Reply series. I don’t really mind since I don’t want to see more. Hahaha, mian. Maybe there is still that 0.1% of hurt left in my heart for JH.


I’m glad the last episode is mostly about Bora and SW wedding. I really like this couple. The part when Bora cried when she saw her dad’s shoes had me tear up.


I do wish there is a mention of all friends in present day DS & Taek interview. Did they maintain their current friendship? They mentioned JB cos we do not know what is his final occupation. We know what the others are doing by 1994 so we can assume they continue their career well. BUT! Are they still friends? Do they still keep in contact? I care more of the friendship than the love triangle and I do want to know if they still contact each other. I don’t need to see their present day selves appearing but at least a mention do let us know all are doing well! Heck, they can just add a line to say they have a gathering later in the evening and I will be happy!


I really like Reply 1988 for the friendship and family theme. I thought it could beat my love for Reply 1997 (didn’t watch 94 so can’t compare) but unfortunately, the emotional payoff at the last episode just isn’t strong enough. Still, the discovery of new talents in the drama is something that I’m appreciative of. Hello Ryu Jun Yeol, see you in v app later!


Additional comment which I did not post on MT to prevent further argument.

ha, I just spoiled the ending for my mom when she came to ask for it. She's definitely a casual viewer so she goes along with the story flow and doesn't pick up clues, analyse scenes, etc. She also wanted JH to be the end game and thought the present day husband behaved like JH since he talked a lot more than young Taek. She went ‘chey!’ when she heard it’s Taek. Really can’t complain if majority of viewers are disappointed…

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26 minutes ago, gangurhar said:


It was real :vicx:

A makjang element added by the writer 


This remind me of Aurora princess :D. Dramabeans already talked about this. The writer added a lot of Makjang which didn't make sense at all (like the line :"Cancer cells have heart too, I don't want to kill them"). The rating skyrocketted with flood of viewers protest too.

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@hailaft - you have done some awesome fanfiction.  After the mess of e19 & 20 of R1988, I need to recover and heal my crushed heart.  Could you please please please write an awesome, intensely passionate alternative ending that we should have gotten?  Begging!!!! I really loved you Confession bit, but read that before e19 & 20 and it got my hopes up.  I would really like something better to end this series with - please!!!!:wub:

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23 minutes ago, yumeaki said:

Repost what I just posted on MT:




So I skipped the raw yesterday having heard that JH has little scenes and decided to wait until c-subs are out. Perhaps my expectation is low but I find the last episode better than expected.




I, for one, feel that JH has had his closure in ep 18 and ep 19 showed that he has really gotten over it and so I’m not bitter that he’s not the end game (and I don’t want a twist anyway). I still don’t like how the writer tried to focus on JH’s emotion at the start and yet didn’t give us a good payoff for the emotion we felt for him. So what happened to him in 2016? Still, I’m happy to see that right till the end, we still see JH written as a good person. He always shows his concern in his classic tsundere manner. He saw SW and just accompanied his friend for a drink even though he has to drive to camp. He just decided to take a bus back and despite not saying anything and just drinking, his companion is what SW needed that time. I want to give that guy a good hug.




I did smile when I see Taek and DS dating. They are quite sweet. They have to be the least passionate couple in Reply series. I don’t really mind since I don’t want to see more. Hahaha, mian. Maybe there is still that 0.1% of hurt left in my heart for JH.




I’m glad the last episode is mostly about Bora and SW wedding. I really like this couple. The part when Bora cried when she saw her dad’s shoes had me tear up.




I do wish there is a mention of all friends in present day DS & Taek interview. Did they maintain their current friendship? They mentioned JB cos we do not know what is his final occupation. We know what the others are doing by 1994 so we can assume they continue their career well. BUT! Are they still friends? Do they still keep in contact? I care more of the friendship than the love triangle and I do want to know if they still contact each other. I don’t need to see their present day selves appearing but at least a mention do let us know all are doing well! Heck, they can just add a line to say they have a gathering later in the evening and I will be happy!




I really like Reply 1988 for the friendship and family theme. I thought it could beat my love for Reply 1997 (didn’t watch 94 so can’t compare) but unfortunately, the emotional payoff at the last episode just isn’t strong enough. Still, the discovery of new talents in the drama is something that I’m appreciative of. Hello Ryu Jun Yeol, see you in v app later!




Additional comment which I did not post on MT to prevent further argument.


ha, I just spoiled the ending for my mom when she came to ask for it. She's definitely a casual viewer so she goes along with the story flow and doesn't pick up clues, analyse scenes, etc. She also wanted JH to be the end game and thought the present day husband behaved like JH since he talked a lot more than young Taek. She went ‘chey!’ when she heard it’s Taek. Really can’t complain if majority of viewers are disappointed…


Thank you for your post! You expressed exactly what I feel!! 

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From http://kkuljaem.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/spoilers-all-about-my-mom-my-daughter.html

Herald Pop - Naver: 'Reply 1988', Where did our Ryu Junyeol go? 

1. [+5,584, -181] I know right... Where did our Junghwan go?... The producers didn't show courtesy to both the actor and his character

2. [+3,863, -129] Jungpal-ah where are you? Where are you? You were amazing till the last episode

3. [+2,870,  -129] Reply leaves, and only Ryu Junyeol remains. You're the best actor!

4. [+2,647, -105] Ryu Junyeol, you are the best thing about Reply

5. [+1,020, -46] Junghwan fulfilled his hyung's dream, gave up his first love for his friend, and sacrificed his youth for the nation ㅠㅠ I sympathized with him these past few weeks. He's so kind to take care of Sunwoo in the last episode ㅠㅠㅠㅠ He's the best male lead ever ㅠㅠ Ryu Junyeol brought life to Junghwan

Joy News 24 - Naver: [Goodbye R88] Ratings of 18.6%, sales of 22 billion won... syndrome in numbers

1. [+586, -37] It's so disappointing how a lead got downgraded into a cameo. They should've shown Deoksun and Taek's wedding, more of Jungbong and Man Ok's story and enough time for Junghwan to let go of his feelings.  I wish there was a 2-episode extension because the ending felt so rushed. I enjoyed it overall but I'm disappointed that those parts weren't given consideration

2. [+370, -64] Everything aside, this is still my favorite drama. I got a bit choked up at Deoksun's narration in the end although I'm upset that Junghwan didn't get enough screen time. Cast, you've worked hard

3. [+246, -34] Reply 1988 is the best! Wishing the actors/actresses all the best!

4. [+234, -34] The ending is a bit disappointing but my family and I were happy every Friday and Saturday nights. Thank you and I love you R88!!!!

5. [+97, -3] If you've planned to downgrade Jungpal to an extra, then you could've showed more of Deoksun and Taek

6. [+61, -5] Am I the only one who wasn't interested in Bora and Sunwoo? They had the most scenes in the last episode but they were boring

1. [+2,120, -343] Woah seriously, I'm so disappointed at the writer and director. They made the show into a mess

2. [+1,893, -120] Junghwan-ah, you've worked hard as an extra at the wedding ~~~ㅠㅠ

3. [+1,783, -142] I liked everything about R88 but the husband-hunting plot. It's this aspect of Reply that turns viewers into fools

4. [+820, -33] Despite the whole EoNamRyu/EoNamTaek thing, does anyone think the drama got so weird near the end? What happened to the flow of the story?

5. [+746, -36] The most makjang of the Reply dramas ever. What happened? Why did the writer and PD ruin its potential?  Did they find it hard to create nostalgic elements? If that's the case, then they could've focused more on the story of each of the family.. Disappointing

6. [+660, -27] The ending isn't terrible but were exactly did Jungpal and Dongryong go? Writer, why so harsh to them?

7. [+655, -49] Never thought they could screw it up so bad. On the other hand, Lee Mi Yeon's acting was so awkward. Jin Joo acted better than her
Dong A - Naver: 'EoNamTaek' Park Bogum on R88's finale... "Can't believe this is the end"

1. [+190, -18] Taek-ah, I was rooting for Junghwan but I never hated you. I only felt bad for him. Thank you for your great acting

2. [+136, -10] You've worked hard until the end. Thank you for these pretty and dream-like 2 months

3. [+138, -15] My heart fluttered because of Taek. See you in another drama

4. [+137, -19] I was happy thanks to Park Bogum. He's gonna linger on me for a while

5. [+128, -17] It's been a fun ride. Looking forward to see you play varied characters in many dramas!

6. [+52, -4] Thanks Reply for bringing Taek to us, he's a brave character who never hesitates in front of the person he loves. See you in lots of drama. I'm so thankful to have known a gem of an actor like Park Bogum

7. [+38, -3] He was amazing in 'Coin Locker Girl and 'The Admiral'^^ Continue to act and thank you for being Taek

Sports Chosun - Naver: Adieu 'Reply', Welcome acting gems 'Hyeri and Park Bogum' 

1. [+77, -5] I'm guessing Taek, Deoksun and all their friends can get together and watch their drama over snacks later on

2. [+149, -29] Both acted really well... At some point, I even forgot that Hyeri is an idol and just saw her as Deoksun.. Park Bogum did a good job as the tired yet loving boyfriend to Deoksun. The tsundere characters were charming but I'm just happy that these two ended up together

3. [+125, -26] Ryu Junyeol, Hyeri, Park Bogum and everyone else were good at acting but the writer messed it up with her fan service. So unfair for Junghwan and Dongryong to be ignored in the last 2 episodes

4. [+103, -22] They really are gems ㅜㅜDo well

Osen - Naver: Supplementary story for Ryu Junyeol and Lee Dong Hwi please

1. [+5,586, -135] What should've been in the last episode
   1. The process of how Deoksun's affection for Taek grew
   2. Junghwan learning about Deoksun's feelings and finally letting go of her
   3. Junghwan falling in love with the woman he'll eventually give the fiancee ring to
   4. Deoksun and Taek's wedding after getting permission from their parents
   5. The Ssangmundung residents having a meeting at their Pangyo apartment

2. [+3,070, -64] Junghwan-ah, Dongryong-ah, you guys were amazing

3. [+2,579, -68] But it's so true that they weren't given enough screen time

4. [+2,461, -58] Dongryong-ah, Junghwan-ah, where are you, can you hear me?

5. [+1,611, -62] Junghwan-ah ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

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Destined to meet, but not destined to be together. Sometimes, people are meant to stay in your heart, but not in your life. Its true first love sometime cant work even you try your best. But, you cant forget it, because it's really pure love...

I am not disappointed enter to this ship. I'm not disappointed, after all time I cheer for you.

I'm glad I know you and love you until know.

I know you happy with your choice, i know you happy with your family that love you so much. I know how you really loves your friends, but sometime you also think of your happiness too.

Someday, sometime we will met again Kim Jung Hwan. I hope that time, if we meet again, you already find your new family, your new love and I know that girls is so lucky to have you as her husband and to have your family as their family.

Someday, sometime, even I back in time, i will love you again and again...

You is Male Lead in my herat.

That memories is real.

Your love is real.

You made right choice, even they abadone you, but you know entire world love you.

Ryu Jun Yeol.

See you later in your next project.

I'm glad find you in this series.

I'm glad I choose to love you.

You Do Your Best.

'You know, my concern is always you. You. I like you. I love you....'

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This is maybe my last post (maybe not) in this group. Before I'm gonna off for the next few days (or maybe few weeks?)

Hope RJY get a better drama soon, so that we can heal our #JungPaledHearts as soon as possible

At least, he can be a leader in this group with his epic one-sided-love alone.

Welcome to the group, Kim Jung Hwan... :glasses:



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hye guys, i have been reading this forum quite a while since early eps, seeing how active u guys here.Im happy reading all your analysis about our junghwanx deoksun

some thoughts on the ending of the drama. ( i personally assumed ep 18 is the best ending at least)

Honestly, i didnt feel happy at all with the ending yesterday, everything is so sudden with taek and deoksun ( nvrmind as long as i want our junghwan happy but thats not happened as we expected).

what i can conclude that is, Our JUNGHWAN act has the biggest role in this drama, not Taek. 

First is,, the POV of junghwan himself, it was weird why his pov being main in this drama. i'm being positive. JUNGHWAN is one of person that played most important part in DS life. throughout the drama. someone she can bicker without realised, In other words, she was so comfortable with JH. How about her being the stewardess, i do feel JH would put some influence in her dream. 

about his love for DS, she knew truly about his feelings. but she just likes him not love. all because she wants to be loved. meanwhile JH love is so pure. she likes all her friends but she does not know what the likes should to be love. not love that she felt. but JH will stay as someone who she used to like back then forever bestfriend. i think thats relevant behind that flashback(?). then, only taek got her just bcause permission of JH. see whos important right now. haha. 

JH is the best man based on his maturity, selfless attitude, he cared about other people happiness. That is why DS does not deserved him. Not the husband or the love of DS is what important but the great guy came in her life, JUNGHWAN. BUT the good bye to his first love was the saddest TT

p/s: trying to move on TT sorry for my english, ALREADY MISS HIM




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