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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I don't have hope.. but I do??? It's like when you know you fail a test but still you say "mmm maybe I got some answers right" and the result is a little better than what you expected?!! 

My only good scenario for ep 20 (god,,,good luck with those ratings) is that DS and TK start dating but without anyone finding out...then TK starts seeing things that makes him realize that DS might feel something for JH like looking at her eyes (did they say already "i love you?"to each other? ) then if that crash jet accident is real, DS will be worried and start realizing things that make her see that she never truly stopped "loving" JH....and we could have another Forrest Gump reference (where Jenny goes to Forrest) 

If for some reason tomorrow everything changes... do you know how "reply 1988" is going to become legend? THEY WILL BE THE MOST TROLLING PRODUCTION IN THE HISTORY OF KDRAMA EVER (and that´s good for them)

they will be like 


.. if they really want to create a very powerful impact in the kdrama world...this is the way...but it's far to complicated ,,,,,,,



1. Is the whole episode going to be flashbacks to show us how TK knows all those things that JH knows? 

  • I bet TK is going to know about DS crush just because that one time when both of them (JHxTK) where together and saw SW asking DS for something and she was all around him.
  • The letter she send? They could actually make up any scenario with this ( making JH reading the letter  useless)
  • The time they all watched the concert at JH home (TK wasn't there but they can say he just mixed dates and years ¬¬ ) 


What happened to the mitens JH gave her? The pink shirt?  The feelings DS still had for JH ? Is someone going to tell her that he really was in love with her? Will he tell her? Or Taek? 

TOO MANY PLOTHOLES!!  ( I know we still have one episode..but just like they had the time to explain why TK is the husband,,,they also had the same time to make JH the husband) 

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Let's hope they really are saving the best for last. I'm still holding on to that 1% chance. I was also devastated at R94's last episodes, yet everything turned out okay in the end. Because Reply OTP always has that trademark: bickering couple with first love history, which refers more to JH/DS rather than TaekSun. Hwaiting!! 

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11 minutes ago, winter2015 said:

To everyone grieving, pulling their hair out, gnashing their teeth in frustration or just plain going crazy like me, please know that you are beautiful because of the pain you're enduring. For me, there's something indescribably beautiful about people who suffer and feel pain because of something/someone they love. Love is not always about being happy when things seem perfect but, it's about not giving up and waiting patiently with a hopeful heart when problems happen, and seeing if you can make it to the other side with your love still intact. so know that we are being tested. That's why Jung Hwan's character is so beautiful to me, and why the love for him that I see in this thread is something that will be truly memorable. I will always remember this pain that I've burdened myself with that I've shared with all of you. No matter what the outcome will be, nothing will change. Call it delusional but it will always be #eomanryu for me. And so no matter how I might like to commit violence if tonight's ending doesn't go well, I'll always be grateful to the creators of this drama for allowing me to know and fall deeply into Gae Jung Pal.


@winter2015~Beautifully spoken....I feel the same way. We have all come this far...and I didn't say #rideordie for nothing ahha :P I LOVE JH and always will. Just because he doesn't get the girl does not change a thing. Minus that it makes no sense but w/e.

His character is/will be loved by everyone who supported RJY. His fan base speaks for itself. He may not have gotten the girl but he GAINED "fan girls" ALL OVER the WORLD for this role!!!!

I have sealed my relationship with the Reply Franchise LOL. It was a good ride but "all the guessing and heartache" is uncalled for esp.because this is just a drama. YES, its my own fault they are not entirely to be blamed here ahah. My fan girl heart hurts! I have learned a lesson good thing I didn't get into 94 phew I do feel bad for those going through this again.

I won't deny they have good scripts and they always PICK awesome actors but the emotional turmoil they put you in NOT needed. The FACT that I ended up watching Reply 88 was prob my fate to discover RJY ahah :wub: because I am now done Shin PD/writer lol.

That HOPE, I had earlier can go! I have already accepted this ending LOL. I didn't cry today because my boo didn't. We are in a good spot we accepted our fate and we want to MOVE on. Let us move on. #NOMORETWIST

RJY, I hope you know a ton of girls & their hearts are bleeding for you haha! Fictional character or NOT why did you HAVE to portray him so well. Thats how I GOT sold. *I don't regret, I don't regret through all this I found your dorky self :wub: ok, I am lying right now....weeks from now I won't regret but right now my heart still hurts so let me regret falling for you. #stillloveJH just grieving in confusion.

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I never got into R97 and R84 cause the OTP s there did not make me feel anything from the beginning so I just drop the series and never bothered to look again back.

When I saw in twiter the clip from the bus scene with JH protecting DS I decided to take a look in this series that everyone was talking.

RJY acting made me a fan in the first 5 minutes and IMO he stole the show .

( Let Taek take the girl lol)

R88 ended for me in epis. 18 .I am not going to watch the last 2 epis.

I thank director and writer that help him discover through JH s role ,RJY .

I feel sorry for DS cause script  did not give me the chance to see her emotional development . ( that wide -open eyes from Kdrama heroines has to come to an end )

Taek/Bora never said anything to me.( with Bora- seeing in my life people getting physical and emotional abuse- I had issues watching her hitting her sister and I just skipped all her scenes including the ones with SW. )

SW was soooooo boring with his almost perfect character.

I loved the adults and my favorite was JH 's whole family.

Characters I will miss will be uri JH and cutie pie JiJoo.

Chingus we had a great journey and we ll see each other in RJY thread.

till then

take care all


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Just now, winter2015 said:

To everyone grieving, pulling their hair out, gnashing their teeth in frustration or just plain going crazy like me, please know that you are beautiful because of the pain you're enduring. For me, there's something indescribably beautiful about people who suffer and feel pain because of something/someone they love. Love is not always about being happy when things seem perfect but, it's about not giving up and waiting patiently with a hopeful heart when problems happen, and seeing if you can make it to the other side with your love still intact. so know that we are being tested. That's why Jung Hwan's character is so beautiful to me, and why the love for him that I see in this thread is something that will be truly memorable. I will always remember this pain that I've burdened myself with that I've shared with all of you. No matter what the outcome will be, nothing will change. Call it delusional but it will always be #eomanryu for me. And so no matter how I might like to commit violence if tonight's ending doesn't go well, I'll always be grateful to the creators of this drama for allowing me to know and fall deeply into Gae Jung Pal.

With that said, I've made myself watch episode 19 without subs. So although I could get the gist of what's going on, the details are lost to me. There are two things that give me great comfort. One is that the timing of the events seem intentionally confusing. So yes, I'm expecting a highly amazing reveal in the finale that would hopefully tie up all loose ends, including DS' answer to JH. Also I notice that in the restaurant that while DS was reading that glass thingie for their Dad, everyone's face was shown one or twice either crying or looking moved. Everyone except JH. We only get to see him from the back once when DS finished reading. It feels too deliberate, as if they're intentionally blocking the audience from linking him with DS which would be odd if he's already found his resolution. The other comforting thing is that JH is so mesmerizing in this episode. As soon as he walks into a frame or just hearing his voice on the phone, I forget everything-all sadness, irritation, even my name I think haha. so smiley and swoony that I can't... sigh...(*melts into a puddle..)

The sun will shine soon where I am and I must go to work in a couple of hours. I don't know how I'll manage with no sleep but nothing will keep me from the live streaming tonight. So to everyone, let's hwaiting till the end^^ Laterz, dears^^

This was beautifully said. Thank you. <3 

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30 minutes ago, Nurul Choerunnisa said:

I hate to be the one who do this, but I guess it's already clear that the husband is TK guys. Adult DS said to her husband: "Yah, the public knows of you as a stone buddha (which is one of Lee Chang Ho's nickname)". Let's accept this fact, the sooner the better. I know it's hurt. It's hurt for me too :tears:.

But let's stop for a moment and take a look at this video... Let's appreciate how Uri Jung Pal has grown up into such a cool, charismatic, and handsome man... but what's more important, he seems so happy and peaceful now... I can't see any signs of regret or bitterness when he give his permission to TK...



Aren't we all here because we love JH and we want to see him being happy? Well... he's happy now... even though he didn't get his first love... I wouldn't even dare to feel sorry for him... Why should I feel sorry for this hot namja? He's a catch and has a bright future ahead...


I am feeling as a bad person thinking episode 20 need to get low rating to show how disappointed most viewers are. Curiosity aside. I am not even curious anymore. Even if the husband changes to be Junghwan, the production team need to learn that torturing the viewers this way is not right. The viewers watch the show to entertain them, hope it could put smiles while watching it with family and friends, yet we get this annoying frustation instead.

This remind me of Sherlock Holmes writer incident where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got a lot of hates from all over the world when he killed Sherlock Holmes character. Reply 1988 is not as big of course. It's simply a dust in an ocean compared to Sherlock Holmes, but for me the pain is equal.

Edited by LavelyShai
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Aigoo.. Class is finally over. Mianhaeyo for ranting earlier. The lack of sleep and the time spent thinking of the what ifs made me do it. I can't believe a boring class lecture will calm me down like this haha I still have no sleep but I feel more positive now.

Anywayz I am actually still planning to watch the live stream. Bring it on show! I am not expecting anything anymore for they've let me down already haha.

My plan after this in case of different scenarios:

Scenario 1: Taek and Deoksun ends up together.

I will probably rewatch the whole thing until ep 18 and  rewatch uri junghwan-ah's scenes (He's just too precious to miss) with subtitles. (Yes I've been watching 'em raw so that I would discover more stuffs when watching them with subtitles). I will categorize this drama as a bitter sweet melodrama where the audiences are left with remnants of what could have been.

Scenario 2: Junghwan and Deoksun ends up together

Rewatch the whole drama skipping episode 19 because I do not count it as canon since Deoksun was out of character here for me (it is the only way to salvage the story in my perspective) The series will then be more coherent that way. 

Scenario 3: Deoksun ends up with Dodongryong

I would pay to see this happen! Haha Give the guy some lovin'!!

Again I apologize if I offend anybody with my posts. Yes I am Canadian( like Robin from HIMYM, yes I got trolled by that one too) so I have the drive to apologize often haha! 

I am also thankful for you chingudools here! You made the watching more fun! Let's await uri finale and see you guys in the dark side. (What I call the show's spiral of trolling)



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I have said before that if TK is the husband... Then we need more (at least 1) episode to describe/ show how JH feels, thinks, etc (no.. That episode 18 was not enough for me lol).  Just look at the beginning of the drama we were asked to think and feel based on JH point of view. So it would be better if the drama ends based on his pov too. No matter how the ending will be. I'll be more disappointed if they just leave junghwan like he has nothing to do to the story at all.

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Just now, colormejoyous said:

Okay. I know you guys are sad, chingus. But, can we please reserve saying the "husband is taek" for tomorrow??? Because what if he is NOT?  I wish you guys would wait for the official confirmation. Not everything is lost yet. (And if I'm sounding really delulu right now. Sorry about that. lol)


No, I agree with you. Until Deoksun calls her husband "Taek-ah!" I am not letting go of my balloon of hope. It's very small right now, but it still has 1% of air inside it. 

Plus every time I read the words "Taek is the husband" it's like a hammer to my heart. 

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5. [+87, -9] I'm so angered by the fact that Junghwan's private feelings have turned to dust like this. It wouldn't even be this bad if they had given him a chance like Chilbong. We've gone through all of the personal difficulties Junghwan faced as he developed feelings for her. So much of Taek's story was left unfinished that it was hard for the viewers to connect with him. The scriptwriter dropped the ball on this one...

I agree.. It saddens me most is Junghwan's remorse.. :( Oh screenwriter. I'm really mad at you. I dont care whether he is the husband. But this time my heart will never forget and will not forgive..


1. [+4,008, -524] So this is my first time needing a drink after watching a drama. Junghwan-ah, where are you? If you hear my voice, come over and let's grab a drink.

I liked this comment too. Very realistic and sincere. Our Junghwaniee..


And exactly this..

7. [+3,034, -201] How do they expect us to sit there and watch Junghwan stare at those two being happy...

I'm so glad. our ideas resemble netizens comment.. Everyone has seen Junghwan's heart and I felt loved.  The meaning of this drama for me he was. In this drama for me was Junghwan's love story :wub:



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In the preview we saw that DS was talking with a coworker and she was saying he's just a friend and the other girl ask why are you not dating him or something like that. In this episode they show us that she began dating TK. My question is why is the writer making her look like somebody who falls easily for any of her childhood friends? I mean instead of showing us DS having this kind of talk again, why didn't she show us that DS came to realize by herself that the one for her was TK. This is bothering so much and i feel like that scene with her coworker is unnecessary. It's like the story is repeating itself. It's just a waste for her character and i think that if the writer was thinking of a way of shocking us and that we would say woww you are brilliant, well i'm sorry but i just can't. I'm trying to calm down, to think about another things and accept the possible ending of TK being the husband, but here i am venting out my frustration.

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Frankly I've been Chilbonged before (and this year dramaland gave me Taekwang too) but this is a first, trying to seek comfort in the "real world" over fictional happenings. Hours have passed and I'm still hurting, so I decided to behave like I would after breaking up (yes, you can laugh at me), I'll just move my "Reply 1988" folder in the external disk (I'll see after Episode 20 if I'll need to trash it), I've changed lockscreen on my smartphone and I'll finally check some new series (Cheese in the trap, One more happy ending, and Madame Antoine to begin with).

I really hope to see you gorgeous people again, because even if I'm breaking up with Reply 1988, the time here in this thread was very precious to me, we now have each other and RYU JUN YEOL is still free lol so I won't ask for more.. let's just cross fingers for a proper ending to such a perfect character, love u guys :heart:


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Even though this drama might just turn into a drama that I might never turn back to, I wanted to say that I've had the most fun and exciting times ever in this forum.

All of you are amazing and incredibly funny. Even if the drama flops at the end I will always remember all those talks we had.

All that evidence 

Everything was beautiful. I have 3 friends who watched kdrama but only one who's watching reply1988. However she shipped taek in the start as she was a huge park bo gum fan but I converted her into a junghwan shipper now her heart is going to be broken too but on Tuesday as she only watches with subs. I feel so bad I should have just left her in her taek world looool 

But I've met wonderful people here its been amazing and even if our hearts are broken we broke them together 

And we shed a lot of tears enough to make an ocean but we had each others backs with hope 

And although it is most likely that the end game is not junghwan, I want to still hope like I did from the first episode. 

I want to especially thank @wizengamot for making me feel comfortable and welcome when I first joined this forum 

And @Vannyah M for always replying to my posts 

And @naruto89 for having that heart to heart conversation  with me.

It's been really hard on us and it's unfair what's happening to us. Really unfair 

But I want to sign off the way I used to finish off when I first joined this forum:




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Tomorrow I will watch live streaming

If Junghwan will husband... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

If Taek will husband, I'm sorry I will stop watching and come back to life. 

Chingus ! I have 1% hope and don't give up easily. Please, don't leave me alone.

I repeat. Tomorrow is answer. 

Ah... I should go to sleep, but ottoke...

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