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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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26 minutes ago, nano1234 said:

I can totally see JH being that kind of boyfriend/husband where in public (as in the future husband and DS scenes) he's totally that type where he doesn't really like PDA and always like wtf is wrong with you? Did you just say that? But in private, his eyes are only on DS, his one true love. :blush:

Damn..DS is one lucky girl! 

Smthing like the everland CF!

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hello^^this is my first post here. i've been lurking this thread forever but never thought i'll log in to soompi again and let alone post anything.

I thought i'm happy to just lurk around and reading everyone's comments, theories, gifs, translations, photos, fanvids, spoilers and insightful posts. But i as we are nearing the end and after watching ep 18 about how timing, fate and JH's own hesitation made him lost his chance with DS and him saying goodbye to his 1st love made me realize how i may lost my chance to ever enjoying this beautiful story of JH-DS with all of you regardless who the husband is. So, yeah, here i am writing my first post here.lol. This may sound cheesy, but i really love you guys and thank you so much for everything. You guys are awesome!

I hurt me to read all the gloomy posts last night more than JH's confession itself. Glad that most us us recovered though and now dissecting all the clues and appreciating this episode especially how beautiful the confession was despite the fake out. Yup, JH was an idiot for backing out and DR and SW were idiot too that cant see JH's eyes and his sincerity and take the confession as a joke. I've felt too deep into JH-DS as end game but what ever happen next week i still have a week to prepare my heart?.lol. Having said that, i still think that JH is the husband. They cannot just have this build up of JH's growing love, and how deep is his love and his pain just to let him not be the husband. No, they would be too cruel and mean to JH. But IF (a big if) he is not the husband afterall and this episode is really about him moving on, wow what a bittersweet ending to his 1st love. His confession scene, his scene where DS and him missed each other with the feather flying around and him rushing to the concert scene were beautifully shot. his narration about timing, fate and his hesitation was so touching and on point. RJY's acting is superb and he is hot too.lol.

Thanks for staying positive. You guys are amazing! We are in this together. Cheer up everyone^^


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I love todays episode. The confession scene was done so well when I watched for the first time I was like I dont care if JH is husband or not I will thank this pd and writer team for giving us such wonderful scene and such a wonderful actor RJY.

After watching that scene and episode for nth time I can not believe JH is not the husband.As the whole plot starts DS introduces all friends and only JH introduction is left halfway."He is not a human YET". So the writer is obviously telling us there will be change in her views in future in regards to him. We have not heard any narration from her in regards to JH or her feelings where he is concerned.I expect we will get to know in episode 19 or 20. The whole story from starting is told from JH perspective.What is the point of that if he is not husband.

I dont think DS took confession completely as a joke. JH said things that only she is aware of.When SW and DR said we thought it was real he does not deny that just keeps laughing.DR keeps on joking how intense it was that his heart fluttered and he wants to date JH as he too waited at bus stop and library and DS just picks up water starts drinking and gives this very uncomfortable laugh.

I started watching the drama for the whole family theme but got so much invested in JH-DS pair I started writing posts on this forum. So excited for upcoming episodes...


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7 hours in this thread and we have same number of pages with the MT already, you guys are really daebak!! 

Read the DB recap, cried again, watched the confession scene, cried again :( 

She mentioned that JH's leaving ohh myy if they show another time jump waenyeol when are they going to marry?? Or somehow it will start again with JH's farewell party bec she also said they're just going to page TK?? 

I had hope when she said they're just paging TK that means the ring is not yet abandoned (unlike JH's jacket lol) 

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 Taek went to blind dates a lot but fails, Dongryeong also mentioned Junghwan actually dated but he thought dating for 1 - 2 months wasn't counted. Both Taek and Junghwan have dating experiences yet neither of them seemed to work out. This episode really makes both male to share same clues as the husband.


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i started to cry again reading dramabean's recap and i love how junghwan KNOWS that it's his fault that he keeps hesitated to go to his love one. oh well i think i'll just watch the episode now i can't resist lol.

but but but, i just knew it's their farewell party because junghwan's going to go. bam. it's the right fcking time. i really hope it's deoksun who controls the whole damn triangle now, afterall it's her heart that matters. 

And i imagine episode 19 starts right after the party and deoksun-junghwan indeed go home together, and when they walk through the neighborhood, deoksun suddenly stops in front of the famous stairs and start to question about his early confession, "it's that a joke? am i really nothing to you? tell me." uh-oh. 

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1 hour ago, parkangel said:

I am at lost too. It might be a closure, a flashback of bad timings and what could have beens.

Or, they are trying to give us insight on how deep JH's love to Ds is. All along we always thought that JH only realized that DS is potential gf after the alley scene. That JH been in love way before that is only a hunch. But now the show shows us that it's infact way way before the alley scene (he's been aware of her being and adore her since they are small child). The show wants us to root more for Js and DH. They are indeed cruel. :D


I'm sad... I'm sad again when I remember my reaction seeing the end credits. It was like WHAT THE HELL??? WHAT A richard simmons CLOSURE!!! THAT'S JUST PLAIN MEAN. After all the episodes and the build up and we get a richard simmons picture montage.. whaaat noooooooo I just can't.. I'm at lost really. Too many things left unexplained. 

I guess I'm no longer in the safe zone. *breath in breath out breath in breath out*

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After re-watched the proposal another thousand times, I finally saw DS was turning her head and looking at the door. Oh geez! Turn out, it was after JH's confession so I didn't notice that. No need to check my eyes again hahahah! :lol:

In the last 2 episodes, I hope that they don't forget to show their loyal viewers what DS gave JH when they were playing Manito game on Christmas :) I'm just richard simmons curious ;) 

In a fantastic feeling (?!?!?!), I'm impatient to know what happens next. Actually, I didn't mind if I knew something BEFORE it broadcast in this week's episodes but the producer asked everybody to stop spoiling anything makes me pissed because I want to know MORE. :sweatingbullets:The fact that it still SATURDAY NIGHT in US and have to wait for another 6 nights.....eh?! richard simmons! :expressionless:


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chingudeul I think that I can't watch the semi final eps because of my gazillion homeworks.

but I will make time to visit here. U guys must let me know if I should play We are the champion song or not.

#teamJungHwan till the end  #어남류 #어차피남편은류준열 

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Guest princessprincess
3 minutes ago, Vy Ho said:

After re-watched the proposal another thousand times, I finally saw DS was turning her head and looking at the door. Oh geez! Turn out, it was after JH's confession so I didn't notice that. No need to check my eyes again hahahah! :lol:

In the last 2 episodes, I hope that they don't forget to show their loyal viewers what DS gave for JH when they were playing Manito game on Christmas :) I'm just richard simmons curious ;) 

In a fantastic feeling (?!?!?!), I'm impatient to know what happens next. Actually, I didn't mind if I knew something BEFORE it broadcast in this week's episodes but the producer asked everybody to stop spoiling anything makes me pissed because I want to know MORE. :sweatingbullets:The fact that it still SATURDAY NIGHT in US and have to wait for another 6 nights.....eh?! richard simmons! :expressionless:



It is still a question to me. What did JH gave Taek, and what did DS gave JH on Christmas 1988?

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there's one more thing. lol.

1. future DS said that her husband is actually a smart person when they were still young, how can he forget that she give him the chocolate

2. when they argue about the college festival they watch together in 1988 and 1989. the husband is actualy right that they are watching it together on olympic stadium and the winner of that college festival but he only said the wrong year

3. before taek confess to the boys, they talk about when DS hurt Taek and JH said he remember it but he said the wrong age when it happened and taek is correcting him.

4. JH remember the contestant #1 in college festival 1988, JH remember name of the dance contestant and still remember it in 1994 and DR say that how lucky he is to have a good brain that can still remember it, it parallel with future DS comment about how smart her husband is but how cant he forget it.

5. DS and JH bickering about the year of lee mon sae songs on the car before the confession scene, it's parallel with the future scene when future DS and husband bickering about the winner of college festival they watch.

what i want to said is, we still have some hope guys.

if after ep19 they make taek as the husband, then i wont watch reply series until they finished the airing or maybe i wont watch it anymore.

the pain is real.

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53 minutes ago, tituyphing said:

That drinking session is a farewell party because the next day he need to go back down to base. and he doesn't know when will he return too. And after the confession they're going to second round of farewell party, and DR asks SW to tell taek just straight go to their second round. 


Oh my god. Is that why JH decided to confess? Does he really think that he doesn't have the chance anymore? 


PS. I can't help but notice. Did RJY gained weight or something? I am not even complaining because I prefer him with a little more weight. He looks so manly. :blush:

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14 minutes ago, arumdaun said:


I'm sad... I'm sad again when I remember my reaction seeing the end credits. It was like WHAT THE HELL??? WHAT A richard simmons CLOSURE!!! THAT'S JUST PLAIN MEAN. After all the episodes and the build up and we get a richard simmons picture montage.. whaaat noooooooo I just can't.. I'm at lost really. Too many things left unexplained. 

Regarding the end credits, it is to say thanks to Jung Woo trash Oppa for the cameo appearance :) 

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I Love this guy so much.. Junghwan-ahh.. i dont care about Doksun now.. i just want this guy to be happy.. maybe im so disappointed with Writternim abt his love story becoming full of tears like this.. but Lee Woo Jung-ssi.. thanks for create a such well-written character like Junghwan. And big thanks for Ryu Junyeol who make this character so awesome. Whoever the husband, KIm Junghwan still the best husband, with or without DS as Wifey. Aigoo.. even my tears are falling when i read those 'Fate is Timing' thing. 

Just watch this drama until end! Fighting guys!!

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I’m going to believe that JW already confessed the nite before but he juz making more clear in the restaurant, coz DS was tooooooo calm like she already knew....and affirming...and the camera was always focusing their little smiles....which makes me like “oh, these two are having some kind of agreement”. And i also agree that DS was juz worrying Taek will not show up becoz they had make things clear last nite....

It’s juz my random thoughts. 


And i guess omma is going through menopause? Hahaha....

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