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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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1 hour ago, Drynase said:

Following Ryu Jeon Yeol's instagram account and I could say that he is really interested in photography. He liked the lastest @gopro's pictures a few minutes ago.

For someone who studied photography like me, I found that his nature's photo angle was pretty good.

Errr, could it be a hint for the future job, no? B)

I am dead set on him becoming a PD (I know the chances are slim) but a photographer would be a nice surprise but not really that surprising considering how he is almost with a camera and snapping pictures almost all the time. Why haven't any of us though of this profession for our cold pit bull marshmallow? 

That's could be part of the reason why he went to Antartica. He thought it would be beautiful when taking a break from his research to take photographs of the melting ice and the penguins...but that still doesn't explain why he cosplayed as Taek and was our Deok Sun in on it...? Friday needs to come and go because I am starting to believe my own delusion that Junghwan really is a scientist living in Antartica. 

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I'm sneaking a while to drop a comment.

About the wedding post, it's just wow.. I never thought that way :D I actually think JH takes photo of DS, but when I re watched that particular scene, there's camera shutter sound when finally Taek turned his face to JH..


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2 minutes ago, castingbees said:

I have actually mentioned this in the main thread last time! People didn't seem to be interested ahah

well i'm an idiot who obviously missed it because that would be a good profession for our junghwan. he is always with that camera and it feels like a huge revelation to me LOL. a photographer! that could take him around the world the same as being a pilot would. and if it's war he wants to be a part of, he could be like a war correspondent for like CNN or the BBC. as a photographer he could also bump into our Deok Sun on a flight if she does become a stewardess/flight attendant. now i am conflicted if i want him to become a pd or a photographer (like my wants really matter LOL). pd...no...photographer...pd...photographer...why don't we have BOTH!! he's an amateur photographer and a professional pd. 

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10 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

well i'm an idiot who obviously missed it because that would be a good profession for our junghwan. he is always with that camera and it feels like a huge revelation to me LOL. a photographer! that could take him around the world the same as being a pilot would. and if it's war he wants to be a part of, he could be like a war correspondent for like CNN or the BBC. as a photographer he could also bump into our Deok Sun on a flight if she does become a stewardess/flight attendant. now i am conflicted if i want him to become a pd or a photographer (like my wants really matter LOL). pd...no...photographer...pd...photographer...why don't we have BOTH!! he's an amateur photographer and a professional pd. 


That scenario, aaww...great! I like it so much, kekeke. Since JH seen only twice with camera, perhaps that's why people didn't take it as a clue? But I'll approve if he wants become a photographer :D . Did you watch "On Air" korean drama? It's about drama production and there's Park Yong Ha (RIP) as junior PD. He brought a camera when survey his filming location. So, it's plausible JH become amateur photographer and PD at once :D 

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I don't usually write fanfiction or anything (also my English is not really good), but I've made myself a tiny JHxDS one-shot and I've wanted to share:


hope it will be at least cute ^^ (and to finally get something from the actual show) Friday is coming~ 



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17 minutes ago, lovcom00 said:

I don't usually write fanfiction or anything (also my English is not really good), but I've made myself a tiny JHxDS one-shot and I've wanted to share:


hope it will be at least cute ^^ (and to finally get something from the actual show) Friday is coming~ 



OMG love the ending! Hahaha! Meow!

I can totally see DS tackling JH and not knowing her effects on him

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Wow wow how do people analyse so much omg??? I'm the kind of person who watches dramas and spazzes and screams over cute scenes and starts hitting things around me (YES I LIKE TO HIT MY FRIENDS WHEN I GET EXCITED oops anyone with me) and yeah that's it HAHAHA :joy: just chill man~~~


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27 minutes ago, ricenamja said:

Wow wow how do people analyse so much omg??? I'm the kind of person who watches dramas and spazzes and screams over cute scenes and starts hitting things around me (YES I LIKE TO HIT MY FRIENDS WHEN I GET EXCITED oops anyone with me) and yeah that's it HAHAHA :joy: just chill man~~~



Me! Me! Me!

I never realized the clues or the hidden messages of the scenes....I just enjoy the cute cute cute! :D

Oh, sometimes I'm hitting or pinching my husband because I'm just too excited :D

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28 minutes ago, ricenamja said:

Wow wow how do people analyse so much omg??? I'm the kind of person who watches dramas and spazzes and screams over cute scenes and starts hitting things around me (YES I LIKE TO HIT MY FRIENDS WHEN I GET EXCITED oops anyone with me) and yeah that's it HAHAHA :joy: just chill man~~~


MEEE I do that! and I talk to the screen and characters. I fake cry (and sometimes real cry) dramatically. I clutch my pillow, hug a bear, and talk to my imaginary fellow drama watchers about how dumb or extra, frustrating, psycho, or completely lovely and perfect a character or situation is (during ep 14: "tell her how you feel you little richard simmons! KICKING BIRD CAGES SOLVES WHAT...THAT'S RIGHT, NOTHING!!! *chokes Mr. Bear*"). I do this with everything (I'm the worst to watch movies with. I am that 'Scary Movie' character screaming at the screen "what the richard simmons you dumb richard simmons. Don't just stand there and wait for him to kill your black richard simmons. RUN!!") You don't know the many times my mother has threatened to cut off our internet service or how my flatmate had to hide my laptop just so I'd eat and go to the bathroom (I once debated wearing adult diapers so I could marathon a drama....don't worry guys I didn't do it LOL). I'm even worse when I watch sports (my nephews set up a swear jar once and by the end of the game they had made 78 bucks). This Friday I know I will lose my ever loving mind at everything that will take place. I just really really really need Junghwan to tell Deok Sun how he feels and Deok Sun to do the same. We only have 4 episodes left and it has been 2 weeks since I saw everyone. My flatmate has been warned and is prepared to leave the house Friday night (I work in the morning) so I can fangirl in peace. 

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So I read some of the posts from you lot about the main thread and I'm still not going there because only a week and a little more are left in the drama's runtime so Imma camp out here and spazz as much as I can. Honestly I don't even get what the hell Taek-DS shippers are shipping. Taek isn't even much of a second lead in my eyes. DS doesn't see him as a man and isn't privy to his feelings for her either. How on earth is anything between them romantic? :crazy: The only time I felt that there was a genuine romantic moment between them was in ep 12 when Taek held DS's hands and laid his head on her shoulder. DS's somewhat surprised reaction made the scene a little imbued with the possibility of something happening between them in the future. But that was it. The writers have given us nothing more and at this stage in the drama, it's a bit late to establish something romantic between them.

I think it is telling that the title of the other shippers' thread is Park Bogum x Hyeri because I think part of their Taek bias comes from Park Bo Gum and PBG and Hyeri's good friendship/chemistry as seen in the BTS videos. Which is perfectly legit because PBG has pretty much killed it as every character he has portrayed onscreen. And Taek is just a sweetheart in every way. Long story short, it seems like they aren't shipping TaekxDS but Park BogumxHyeri which I think explains a lot.

@Kelly86 His cousin's tweet was appended with the hashtag #응답하라1988 and I keep checking it frequently for updates. :)

@thirdleadsyndrome Omigah your post made me rofl so much my mom looked at me funny at the breakfast table.

Did you guys read the Yoo Yeon Seok post btw? He said he identified with Taek and hopes Taek can achieve what he as Chilbong couldn't. If that isn't confirmation regarding who the actual male lead is then I don't know what is. :rolleyes:

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Glad i'm not alone HAHAHAHA sometimes when I know a cute scene or something exciting is gonna happen, I will pause the drama and start running around my house. Go to my brother and start hitting him, go to my mum and scream in her face and go back to my seat to calm myself down before I press play again :w00t: there was even once I actually started banging my forehead against the table I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I DID THAT omg 

@MrsSoJiSub ADULT DIAPERS?!!! you are another level man /claps for you/ 

@sisterphsychic oh dear PINCH OMG props to your husband :P HAHAH

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I really curious to read the infamous post in the MT, but I haven't even finish reading every single new happy posts here ._.

And I'm so sad guys huhu. I've been waiting for the last 4 episodes for like forever days and it turns out that I'll start my graduate school preparation next tuesday for the whole week and I'll be preparing my bestfriend's wedding across the town in the weekend and getting my IELTS test right after that so I'll be super busy from 12-20 and I doubt I'll have time to watch the last episodes properly with subtitles, I even doubt I have the time to hanging out with my laptop *my phone is so last years it won't be comfortable to watch in it* huhu ohtokeeee

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Oh my god @hailaft... I just read your fanfics (first time reading a fanfic LOL) and it made me blush so bad!!!! omg.. I should have read more fanfics while watching dramas, gosh i wasted 5+ years of my life not reading them.. I feel like a curious 14 year old discovering these new hot things HAHAH i really hope writer LWJ surpasses all these fanfics with what she'll do for JH-DS ;))) 

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11 minutes ago, GreenTeandSASHIMI said:

Oh my god @hailaft... I just read your fanfics (first time reading a fanfic LOL) and it made me blush so bad!!!! omg.. I should have read more fanfics while watching dramas, gosh i wasted 5+ years of my life not reading them.. I feel like a curious 14 year old discovering these new hot things HAHAH i really hope writer LWJ surpasses all these fanfics with what she'll do for JH-DS ;))) 

And if writer LWJ doesn't make it work out the way we want it to, @hailaft can always pen a 50 shades of Kim Jung Hwan ;) (Psst... 50 shades of grey was a twilight fanfic)

Edit: I wish I get to watch this drama with @ricenamja When I squeal while I'm watching this drama my mom looks at me with crazy eyes. She's no fun LOL

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@GreenTeandSASHIMI me and you both. I've been watching dramas for 10 years and I just discovered a whole new world myself, thanks to Reply 1988.

@callmegiggles LOL, now that's an idea. not that i'm into sm, probably had to turn it down a lil bit

@sisterphsychic You could always read it for the second time to ease your thirst :phew:

Me and my sisters squeed so hard everytime we watched or rewatched for a dozen time Reply 1988. We compared it to previous Reply installments and we think 1988 is the most squee worthy. 1994 romance is the mature, no nonsense kind of love. There wasn't much romance in 1997, YJ and SW were pure friends for the most part of the drama. 1988, though, filled with so much cute teen romance scene, I couldnt even. :confounded: 

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I really can't concentrate at all at work, I only browse soompi, tumblr, and youtube about Junghwan & Dukseon...I have a discussion with my co-worker about work, I realize that I'm rambling and he's trying so hard to understand what I'm talking about :))

@ricenamja Yeah, well he knows what he's going to get when he decided to marry me :D I even ask him to have a vacation next weekend because I want to watch the last episode with my best friend so we can giggle, scream or hit each other :D


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 Hi people.. I have bad news for our live stream links tomorrow.. we might not be able to watch because there are some issues right now with tvn channel especially using idoltv. I am unable to stream right now.. as it is now always a black screen and doesn't seem to load. Not sure it will happen to you guys tmr. Hopefully there are other alternative stream link for us to watch live else we have to wait for the uploaded ones.

edit: Apology for the false alarm now that it is back to normal.. >.< let's pray that tmr live stream will be smooth and doesn't lag or hang.


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