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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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2 hours ago, carolinedl said:

I see what you mean. I did not necessarily implied that she would have chosen Taek if she had understood his signs. Frankly, that is one of the most important parts missing: we don't know what DS is going to do or would have done. We can talk all we want about the different ships, the main issue is that we don't really know how DS feels about both guys. We know she likes JH but we don't know how much, etc. What I am saying is that she is at the moment, in my opinion, not responding to Taek's signs because I don't think she sees them and/or understands them. Frankly, I have no idea what she would have done if she had...

I have many guy friends so I do believe in friendship between men and women. And despite being for CB in Reply 1994, I really disliked how CB dismissed NJ's friendship after being rejected after kissing her at New Year and how hurt NJ was by that.

Oh I get you. I agree that Deok Sun isn't reading the message that Taek is sending out but for me the fact that she hasn't/can't read those messages tells me that she doesn't even think of him in that way. He's just a friend. If she hasn't ever thought of him being capable of such a thing (ep 14 I think where she tells him she knows he isn't even into girls and is surprised he has a girl he likes) how can she harbor any secret unknown feelings for him. I know people say they are unclear on Deok Sun's feelings, but if you have read her actions, I think it's clear as day. Like you I"m not sure how much she likes Junghwan, but she likes him (or at least has always been able to see him as a man something I don't think she does with Taek or even to an extent Dong Ryeong). Her actions are so clear of a girl in like (and I believe she has fallen more as each episode passes) I know that Deok Sun is normally very forward/expressive with her feelings. But from what we saw in how she was with her family in the beginning (her never complaining until push came to shove), her narration after she got her gloves, and her and her friends understandable fear of rejection (the three idiots advice to each other was basically, even if you like the boy never confess first/show your real feelings least they reject you/your feelings drive them away), Deok Sun keeps matters of the heart close to vest, but her actions, her actions have been subtile but clear.

For example even before Junghwan tells her to think on it or her friends tell her he likes her, Deok Sun always has a certain look after everyone of Junghwan's actions. Girl is can be dense at times, but I'm sure she has thought on all of it. Maybe she never reached the conclusion of "he likes me" but she though on it and I believe she liked it. There are just little things, like she didn't have to wear the skirt to the Jam concert and what really caught my attention was the scene in which Junghwan watches her through his curtains. She caught him watching her. She looked directly at him (kind of puzzled but not really). Deok Sun kind of just stood there, like she allowed herself to be admired for a minute before sneezing and going inside. I always wonder why did she just stand there, why didn't she say anything or go right inside, She stands there and the two look at each other and then she goes in. The way she responds to Junghwan (from the very beginning) is so different from how she responds to the rest of the boys. I think some part of it in the beginning had to do with her liking being liked and I think even now she wouldn't be able to answer and pin point why she likes Junghwan, but she does, I feel like Hyeri's acting is just a smidge lacking so she wasn't really able to sell those scenes (I swear she had one facial expression each time) but those scenes we saw her take pause (umbrella, bus ear phones, the caught watching, etc) it was supposed to sell a girl feeling, and confusion, and feeling on things and wondering why she feels those things for a long time friend (watch R97 after the water washing kiss Yoonjae gives Shiwon or the "should I go" ask, Eunji sells that look of f..e..e..l..s? soo well) . 

I've never seen her pause and think like that with Taek. I feel like even if she read his feeling as like for her and understood them, she would have put a stop to it. She would let Taek know she doesn't like him in that way and we may see her change and shift in her interactions with him as not to lead him on. But seeing as how we were never shown this, it is just assumptions on my part. Again however, I feel the script has been pretty clear on where Deok Sun's feelings lay (I'm not saying she's "hopelessly devoted to you" about Junghwan but she does like him and it's been growing episode by episode imho) even if she's not shouting it from the rooftops. Right now she doesn't have a clear handle/understanding of it all (but heck, do we ever and she's only 18) but it's there. I don't know. I love to sleep in and judging by how she's always late for school, Deok Sun does too. So when she wakes up at the crack of dawn to just sit next to a boy (who she knows she has to hide from and sneak in just to be with) I feel like "dang girl you must like him because I could/would not" LOL.  At the same time I understand that you and some other viewers do not feel the same and feel that Deok Sun's feelings are still a bit ambiguous.  

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Guest wizengamot

it seems that it's not individual connection problem. All of us here have our links stopped. both on hanyutai and tv idol oh sad :tears: does that mean, the problem is on tvn broadcast itself?

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Yo on the real hopefully someone manages to get the raw footage..... praying that we get the video raw.....  maaaaaaan it was getting good too. how am i going to sleep now -.- i refreshed the site so many times in hope

kbs2 button thing is working -.-

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