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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, Shiori Me said:

Gongdeok can someone explain to me why it is not called Gwangjong in the drama? Is this a mistake or was made with intention. Episode 18 ???

 i don't know if this has been answered, but the names like hyeonjong- wang mu - joonjong- wang yo and gwangjong , these are names only given after the death of the king, not while he's alive. 

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Did anyone here watch Shine or Go Crazy? (i didn't)

Just noticed that the stories have quite a bit of overlap. They both pitted 4 vs 8 (I'm not aware if there were any struggles between 4 and 8 in history). There was an advisor guy named Jimong. The female lead pops up somewhere and captures the prince's heart but dies early. Wang So ends up being stuck in a loveless arranged marriage with Queen Daemok who is known as Hwangbo Yeo Won (who are we to say the original historical GwangJong didn't actually love his half-sister? He might be facepalming hardcore in his grave right now :rolleyes:) . I'm aware that Shine or Go Crazy was based off a popular novel but I couldn't find any news that said MLSHR would be a adaptation of the Tong Hua novel (Bu Bu Jing Xin) / C-Drama along with some elements from Shine or Go Crazy. In hindsight it kinda does feel that the writers did take some things from that too which is slightly lame because i was just about to praise the story telling in MLSHR. I guess it wasn't so original after all :(? Even though I do feel that the editing and time skips could have been handled a little better. Some parts were a little too confusing to follow.

It was heart breaking watching So marry Yeon Hwa too. I was actually hoping it'd happen after Soo dies (i already knew and accepted from the beginning that soo would die since we all know she wont appear in history) but I guess the writers didn't want to give us the easy way out of a heart breaking ending.

I'm anticipating the next episode and I hope to see what exactly Yeon Hwa would have to sacrifice herself to maintain her position. Everyone has already sacrificed something in some manner. It looks like she might be forced to fully turn her back on her brother. My mind is screaming "Yeon Hwa can't possibly be the only person walking away from this train wreck with exactly what she wanted (power) since love was never her end goal from the start."

However, this is the original material from this series that I'd like to credit the writers for:

In the end Court Lady Oh was right. Men who sit on the throne end up not being able to keep any promises at all. 25 years later Gwangjong will probably die like Taejo, uttering Soo's name with his last dying breath as Yeon Hwa looks on. If anything, I did enjoy all the parallels they drew in the story. Taejo + Court Lady Oh vs. Taejo + Queen Yoo. Yeon Hwa dislikes Queen Yoo for what she did to her family but she is actually walking down the same path Queen Yoo took -- I want power. Make me Queen. Put my son on the throne. Also Won + Chae Ryung (the only hint was a glance he gave her very very early on at Wook's house.) Chae Ryung is just an uneducated and naive poor girl who managed to become a servant in a good household and who knows if Won actually liked her or just manipulated her affections and naivete paralleled with Wook and Hae Soo (after all Wook helped to teach Hae Soo how to write too). Unfortunately she was destined to just sustain a lot of beatings and be used and discarded because her only crime was to be of low birth. She had no choice but to comply with what Won wanted her to do because she was never allowed to refuse a prince. There is a lot of first love overlaps too, Lady Hae with Wook, Soon Deok with Eun, Chae Ryung with Won.

I disliked Wang Yo a lot in the beginning but he turned out to be a character I sympathised with. I like how he wasn't a two dimensionally evil villain guy in the end. Anyone brought up with a twisted mother would probably end up turning into an egoistical nightmare like Yo. In the end he just wanted her to love him too and when he realised she was just using him for power when she kept asking him to give the throne to Jung it really broke him. It was actually funny when he started to lose his mind and actually did call out his mother on how she just wants to use her kids for power.

I still have a feeling that Woo Hee isn't going to survive for long. I'm super pessimistic. She cannot keep hiding her identity as a Hubaekje Princess from Baek Ah. She's also too smart for her own good. There was one couple in the C-drama that managed to live happily ever after so I don't know if it's going to be Woo Hee and Baek Ah or not at this rate :/

Overall the whole series reminds us to just live in the present and be content :) People romanticise history a lot since so many pretty clothes, items and architecture come from it but people in the past were bound by so many ridiculous rules (a king cannot marry a woman with a scar! you need to marry a woman from a powerful family! women just keep getting pushed into marriages and are being expected to produce babies, ideally sons). History is bloody and it's hard work being king. I suspect Yo cracked from the stress of trying to live up to his mother's expectations of him and probably had schizophrenia as well (i'm not a doctor, but it generally tends to manifest in men in their 20s so Yo kinda does fit the profile). I think he actually did not have a grudge against Eun, his grudge was always with So. The guilt of setting Eun up and killing his entire family probably contributed to his break down more than he'd realise. In fact, we're already seeing Wang So starting to crack from the stress too but history tells us he held on for 25 years. I did some quick research and it looks like his oldest son became Gyeongjong and only lasted for 6 years. Seongjong, his cousin, takes over for 16 years afterwards. Also, Seongjong is actually Wook's son (LOL so the ultimate winner is still Wook's family???) Wook would already dead at that point by the way and he would be posthumously named Daejong.

So we should be happy we live in the modern era and have way more freedom to choose how we want to live our lives. I think the epilogue will end with that note. Everyone is reincarnated and every soul is given another chance to find each other again in another lifetime :)

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6 hours ago, kdramawriter said:

This my unpopular Wang So opinion. I believe in their love, but I think Wang So has been selfish and cruel to Hae Su after he became king, precisely because he has been backed into a corner with being a King. He's striking out at everyone (the betrayers of the throne, he tells Baek Ah that he has no one) and he's been relying on Hae Su to keep their love going. Those sweet moments are all WS reaching out to HS for comfort. But that is NOT ENOUGH for a relationship. A relationship has to be both give and take. Hae Su has nothing at the palace. She tells Woo Hee that she feels like a doll waiting for her master because her wings have been cut off as the King's woman; she has nothing to look forward to except seeing Wang So. HS is a modern woman, she needs MORE than just one person to look forward to in her life. While WS suggests a child, we know that might not be an answer either. (How many unhappy mothers do you know?) The real issue is that WS expects her to only exist when he has time for her. 

Some would say that it's natural because he's now a king, but I believe that HS gave up a lot to be with him. He wants her to be everything to him: both Mother and Lover. And I feel like she has already given him her heart, her body, and his chance to be King (she pronounced him King setting in motion the eventual end of their relationship). I really know how much left she has to give. 

HS’s love of freedom and individual choices is something that WS is well aware of, but in his rise to the throne, this has been backburned to deal with all the political instability. 

But Jung notices, and Jung listens, and Jung knows. I don’t ship them at all and I don’t believe HS will ever love Jung the way she loves WS, but at the same time, he’s the only man who’s actively trying to give her what she wants right now where as her past two loves are trying to fit her into THEIR LIVES.

We already know HS is from the future, she will NEVER fit into Wook or Wang So's lives. I’d LOVE for WS to really think about HS’s past and how she arrived and why she’s writing in a different language than he know instead of dismissing the information because it doesn’t fit “his picture” of her.

From Dramabeans: 

 I am fairly certain that the poignant pause and wide shot frame after Soo finishes the letter were intended to show her realization that she has become just like her dead friend–she has fully compromised herself for love and gotten lost along the way. She is personally responsible for naming So king-which she was dead set against. She spends her days doing nothing and helping no one, when work was so important to her. She is siding with one brother over the others. She let So marry someone else, after hating the practice of plural wives and concubines. She is unhappy. She’s letting So lie and mistreat her, after saying she wouldn’t have a repeat of her ex. She’s letting other people die to make her life happier, which she vowed to never do again after lady Oh. And, worst of all, she gave up. She has completely betrayed her core values for So, and this is a just and understandable reason to leave So.

THIS. She is not the same person she was at the beginning. Leaving Wang So is an attempt to save Ha Jin.


actually what happen to Hae Soo is a tipical case of a woman married a man with power. He loves her but have no time for her. Someone (i am sorry i forget your name) said So loves her but doesn't respect her opinion. I agree. He become one of those husband who said "that's okay dear. let me take care of this things. Here's some money, buy yourself something pretty."

She has no life

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Just curious... Maybe someone well-versed in history can tell me.... Let's say if WS and HS already married before he ascended the throne (by whatever means), what will happen to HS's status? Will she automatically become the queen? or the king will have to marry another who is more fit to be queen? Reason I asked is, if HS will automatically be the queen, then duh, they should have gotten married first before WS attempt to take the throne. Problem solved. LOL. Just a wishful thinking. I know we are following the novel.

Anyhow, cleared my next week Tuesday and Wednesday morning already, at least in terms of whatever is within my control. Hopefully nothing crops up that will require me to meet with other people (other than family). I'm anticipating haggard face due to sleepless night as well as swollen eyes due to crying, LOL... I won't be able to live-stream the penultimate episode coz of prior commitment. So I'm still planning on how best to arrange my viewing of finale week. Need to download the episode as soon as I reach home, which sometimes can be a painful process. But I will definitely try to live-stream the final episode, whether or not I understand Korean. Of course at the mercy of internet connection (pls pls be kind and cooperative)

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10 hours ago, iloveknovela said:



LOL .... 

Just make sure you don't starve him due to your addiction to drama.  Or else you'll be holding the same title as QY. :D

Well, post of most wives here makes me laugh too!  Good thing that we are able to bring joy in small ways like this.

You should all cherish and appreciate your husbands consideration guys!  You're all very fortunate that they they are still around to share with your silliness. :D Although I missed mine, he definitely is happy watching me up there.  :heart:


I don't know if i am lucky or unlucky. My husband is away for two whole months, from last August to Early November. He'll be back on November 2. Just a day after MLSHR last episode. I enjoyed MLSHR and LJG alone. When he calls, I talk about is this drama :D. And he would say, "Don't you miss me?"

In a way, MLSHR helps me to go through my life when my husband is away. Although sometimes i feel like i am cheating my husband by looking at LJG in a drooling mode. :lol::rolleyes:

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4 hours ago, glacial said:

 i don't know if this has been answered, but the names like hyeonjong- wang mu - joonjong- wang yo and gwangjong , these are names only given after the death of the king, not while he's alive. 


Gwangjong is his king name / regnal name or "temple name" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_name). He was posthumously known as Daesung. The era name is Gwangdeok.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regnal_name. They choose it when they become king. So yes, it becomes their name while they are alive. For example, in history, Wook was posthumously given the name Daejong because his son eventually became a king (Seongjong) and I guess a king needs to come from a king. So wook became a king after his death, indirectly. haha.

In the series Baek Ah's real historical name is actually Wook too (if you look at the bath scene in episode 1). They probably just gave him the nickname or courtesy name Baek Ah to differentiate him from 8th prince Wook. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtesy_name 

You will see the same thing in European history as well (for example, Danish Princess Dagmar became Queen Maria when she married the russian crown prince and eventually became queen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Feodorovna_(Dagmar_of_Denmark) ).

The same is still happening in real life. When Elizabeth of England was crowned queen, she had to choose her queen name. She decided to stick with her original name Elizabeth and became Elizabeth II. She actually did have the choice to choose something else. If her son Charles, were to become king he's not obliged to become King Charles, he actually does have the option of choosing another name if he wishes.

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reading all the analysis of what happened last episode and the back and forth over bashing WS and HS or defending HS and WS-- all I can say is this, even i was shocked he didn't inform hae soo before punishing CR, he knows how much that girl meant to HS, I'm shocked that he didn't calculate that she would be pisssseeed, its the first time we see HS scream at anyone like that, she doesn't even care if he's the king. Maybe he needs to be that way as a king, but thats him as a king, not the BF she had, Prince wang so. he has to change in order to be king and maybe she didn't see such a big change coming. the anger and frustration is affecting both of them. :sweatingbullets: gimme the last 2 eps already, i need this curiosity to enddddd. 

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11 hours ago, jadecoral said:

Soo actually taught So how to put it on himself, so maybe he does it himself? Don't think it's permanent but it could be semi-water proof which is an achievement in itself, given the technology at that time ...

I can't even get my concealer to last half a day... he's prettier AND better at doing makeup than me?!  

11 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

Hey guys, I just noticed something. 

Isn't he So's Shinju Kang step-uncle or something?

Episode 1

There are some hangul letters behind the english subs. Can anyone translate it? What's his title? 

It's for sure the same guy!  But the Korean text is just production credits so it's unrelated.  If you still want to know:  Planning: Han Jung Hwan.  Production:  Jo Jung Ho, Yang Min Seok, Kim Kyu Tae

10 hours ago, antiherofans said:


What have we done to our family :sweatingbullets: ????

My son actually turned on the TV and put up ep 18 again :)  I guess he's learned it's better to watch it with Mommy than have her ignore you for an hour hahaha :lol:.  It's interesting his perception on it because he thinks WS is a bad guy because he's always angry.

10 hours ago, minmar said:

I envy all of our eclipses who have husbands or significant others....but what about those of us who haven't settled down yet?  Just how the heck are we suppose to be open to a relationship with just any old mortal man?  After Joon.... who could settle for anything else?  Oh Dear God.. HELP US!!

Ha my now ex always got to me for watching too many Korean dramas because I was always admiring other men.  That's not the reason we split (different opinions on how to raise our son) but it's definitely the reason I'm still single ....  I still get teased about it now that the reason I'm single is because my bias doesn't know I'm alive yet.  :sweatingbullets:

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its cute how the king gwangjong is only 25 years old lmao. when his mom died he said "in 25 years of my life blah blah" In that case Soo must only be 23? oh to be so young. So I guess IN the beginning wang so was only 18?? :lol:

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1 minute ago, desvlo said:

I didn't know this. Thank you for the information!


its what i was told by my korean teacher, she mentioned that they only refer to the king as that once they died not during the lifetime. :w00t: lol 

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3 minutes ago, clarissasan said:

I wonder if the leaked kiss photo was just a 'deleted scene'. I hope not :( We need Hae Soo to meet Wang So again after their separation and before she died. :bawling:

In that photo Hae Soo wear clothes with dark collar which only indicate the clothes she wear when she worked as Lady Oh's subordinate. That yellow dress with dots. But we all know when she was in that position there was no intimate action happened between HS and WS. Or that dark collar was just WS clothes's sleeve?

Hae Soo also had formal hair-do in that photo.

WS had bangs in that photo so we assume it's not when he wore his majesty's clothes. 

That leaked kiss scene also happened during the day in someplace like a garden or courtyard?. In whole 18 episodes, the kiss scene that happened during the day was when HS gave peck to WS and they kissed again. She wore clothes with bright collar as court lady though. 

I'm confused :(



So uh... anyone have a copy of this leaked kiss? Asking for a friend.

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On 10/26/2016 at 8:09 AM, berny said:

Okey...breathe in...breathe out...:o

These latest episodes...gosh

In the meantime.... what is that LJK?
what's with this expression...what are you up to again? care to share?
42.gif .......


And this....and this...


  Hide contents


Keep forgetting your lines???  for real....? what is this?? 169.gif
yiehihihi... what seems to be distracting you huh?    NGs on a roll..

When Baby So 899.gif ...wants more stories eh ? 


But Lady Soo...whispers to you a horror story  288.gif

bb4.gif Lady Soo is mean.. HAHA



bd3.gif ---- while me...trying to get numb and avoid the angst...oh dear, good luck to us 


LJG is so cute here. He yawned while IU telling him stories. He was just like a big baby being cuddle :tounge_wink::tounge_xd:

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