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510e1136d5b38588cdef94fa464d007b12315981e2605c5a3d41713c8e2948df5087b55812315981"Why does Asia Need Jerry Yan?,"Pg 23
With an ailing Taiwanese TV scene, what are Jerry’s hopes for the future and the meaning of his existence?

One could say that the Taiwanese movie scene is on a revival but the TV arena is still lackluster as a whole.

{Meteor Garden} did caused a sensation but in truth the irony is that it was fleeting.

Hong Kong and Mainland are going in a direction different from the Taiwan Entertainment Circle.

They want personable works.

Yet Taiwan is fortunate in that there are such talents to carry on the uniqueness of Taiwanese movies.

But the TV scene is something else. Under similar conditions, {Meteor Garden} a manga inspired serial was a huge hit.

Many other serials also followed suit but these manga inspired serials seemed to have reached their limit.

The one that has proved his worth is none other than Jerry.

{The Hospital} had good reviews for giving us the hope of fresh possibilities in its departure from the usual drama serials.

You can say that the responsibility of saving the Taiwanese TV serials in the ratings race depends on Jerry.

When that certain someone came, he spoke in Japanese

“Everyone’s been working so hard, I only know a little Japanese. Would you like a sweet?” (Ha ha! He really know how to work his charm)

When Jerry came in
The room seemed to have lit up
That was my first impression
Feels the same as like Dao Ming Si entered
All these years and the feeling has been the same
the reason should be that Jerry has always been Jerry

Jerry Yan is a member of the Taiwanese TV serial [Meteor Garden]. As an artiste, he has accomplished so much. What would be his goals in 2009? Which will be written down as a historic record?

Jerry rise to an Asian Superstar had its beginning as Dao Ming Si.

Since broadcasting {Meteor Garden}, F4 had reached a peak in the Chinese Drama trend. Jerry Yan acting as Dao Ming Si in the serial has worn him countless hearts of Asian women.

In 2008, not only in acting, he also performed in Japan concerts with F4 to phenomenal success.

Whether as a member of F4 or as an actor, he is always very serious in what he does. With such all-embracing charisma and widespread popularity, an Asian Star like Jerry Yan is indeed a rare find.

Due to a single serial, F4 shot to Stardom and became a trend.

The handsome and vivacious F4 turned into Star Idols in the hearts of Asian women.

These are the secrets to their success. Amongst them, Jerry Yan who starred as Dao Ming Si was to most outstanding.

He focused on his work and took up different roles in varied TV serials so as not to disappoint our expectations.

Not only is he dashing, his acting has been improving as well.

Not only in the ‘idols department’ but also in many areas, his popularity and charisma till now has not been overtaken by any.

And he will keeping going on.

Later on, Jerry talk about the process of acting as Dao Ming Si. It is a kind of serendipity.
He feels that it was like a dream now.

Speaking so frankly and with any hint of ambition, really feels somewhat intriguing. Because the Taiwanese Entertainment Circle is totally different from that of Hong Kong and Mainland
The competition in this line is synonymously intense, bizarre and motley.....
Friday December 9, 2008 Japan

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5bd05f5920453bd571db90fcc79d3e1712315981c0980b6abc42dc2df147dfee4d8b571912315981(The reporters are rather familiar about the environment of Chinese Entertainment Circle)

To survive in this line up till now and still maintain an innocence and purity, I can’t help but have my doubts.

Some have been answered during this interview

One would be the meaning of a certain someone being a part of F4, another is his mother and his growing-up environment.

An ecstatic F4 event

The certain someone talked about spraying soda all over after that it was actually Zai Zai’s suggestion, but Zai Zai didn’t do it. So he was the one who silly enough to do it. He will never forget Zai Zai’s mischievous grin

I will definitely find an opportunity to repay him for that (laughs)

Feels a little lonely, but I became chattier, and realized the responsibility involved. Feels secure about this, but of course there are times of uneasiness too.

The difference in an individual and F4 group event. The cumulative experiences, has made Jerry what he is today. It is not something he learnt text-book style but through preserving in his own integrity formed so naturally. It should where his innocence originate.

The Director of {Skip Beat} commented this about Jerry

After becoming a Superstar he has become more and more humble. Working harder and harder. This is his charm.

Jerry’s kind of innocence where does it actually come from?

It stems from his family environment

Jerry said that "I really like the movie ‘Dancing in the Dark’, I will even put my mum, and the mum in the movie together. Reminiscing about my mum at time, my heart will ache. I’m not someone who loves to cry (laughs). When I was very poor in my childhood. During my High School days. My mum bought me a bicycle for the first time. I was on cloud nine, but after riding it for a shot while. Due to a traffic situation, the bicycle was flattened. I was injured too. Actually my injuries were nothing. I just felt that my mum worked so hard to buy a bicycle for me ~~I felt so bad towards my mum.

At that time, after school I would ride my bicycle to fetch my mum. If my mum get off work early. She would fetch me instead. I always ride my bicycle to fetch my mum ~~
I swore to protect her from then on. My mum struggled to bring up my sister and I. So this manner of thinking is very intense."

Because of his love and tenderness to his mum no matter how big or hard the problems, he would just simply face up to them~~

Jerry seems very fabulous in his appearance, but perhaps when you dismiss some prejudice, he really has a heart of purity. This was his charm that he could hold fast to.

Laid a foundation

It is in fact this charm that enabled him to be such a one-of-a-kind Taiwanese Idol. Captured the hearts of all Asian women. So dashing. Had to keep one’s maternal instincts in check.

This is Jerry’s greatest charm!

Then I asked Jerry about his future expectations and his hopes for any challenging works

Jerry said humbly,

‘I hope to face many more challenges in the future. Whatever the storyline, no matter which area or even my partner in the collaboration, I’ll take whatever comes my way. There is no specific standard to meet. As long as I have an audience who likes me, even if there is only 1 left, I will still carry on.’

~ The End~

Title ~ Awaiting a New Perspective of New Works

His existence shows that he is the pioneer in the new generation of idols!?

Jerry Yan became the hot topic when he performed with F4 in their first ever Japanese concert

His individual activity in 2009 will also be closely watched

With 2 serials in production, there are new developments too

The Japanese fans are awaiting the airing of {Hot Shot} and the hot topic is his collaboration with other idols

Looking forward to Jerry Yan’s new work.


credits:jap to chinese translations by Okarei and Cosimosi
chinese to eng translations by kym@nbbbs.com "Why does Asia Need Jerry Yan?,"
Friday December 9, 2008 Japan

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263ff8fc003c70_full.jpg"I'll never think about it, we will be together in the end"

892caa4e3f8600_full.jpg"Don't worry. I will use my whole life to return it to you."

edd0e900008d40_full.jpgSC."Dao Ming Si. I was just thinking if I didn't have you, what would I do?" DMS."Dummy ,You would never not have me,never".

fb4665b2e27380_full.jpg"You even said, "No matter where I go, you would follow. Even if it is to hell, you would still catch me"

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005D0PATjw1exstya2l06j30a206ygm7.jpg真是要给导演跪了,辛辛苦苦三地跑拍了8个小时,结果就出场3分钟,还被剪了一刀,搞得结尾稍显突兀,友情帮你撑场首映会,不走红毯不想喧宾夺主反而被媒 体黑,最后从台湾到香港内地的宣传,从买水军到买营销,仍然打着“道明寺”招牌,也没听庆功会上感谢某人啊,对她就是有种怨念呢[挖鼻]Really give the director knelt, took a hard run three eight hours, the result is played three minutes, also cut a knife, and made slightly awkward ending, friendship help you support field premiere, do not walk the red carpet instead, the media do not want to dominate the black, and finally the mainland from Taiwan to publicize Hong Kong, to buy water from the military to buy the marketing, is still the name of "Dao Ming Si" signs, also heard at the celebration to thank someone ah, right and she is a kind of resentment of it [dig nose]..weibo...@ping..today..

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photo f67c9354fd1c242d3829357c.jpgExcerpts from an interview of Ella.

It's good to read back on some JE interviews it brings back alot of warmth and just really reminds me of how JE seemed so made for each other.

Date: 5/9/2009
Source: 金羊网 -- 羊城晚报 专访ELLA (Yang Cheng Evening News Feature Interview – ELLA)
URL: http://www.ycwb.com/...tent_587640.htm

“I will be like a little puppy, to keep him happy.”

YangCheng (Y): Do you know Jerry Yan before this?

ELLA (E): I’ve only seen him once, at the backstage in Beijing. Actually I’ve come to know of him very early and wondered how he is like in actual person exactly. Thus, you could consider that he is a person I am very familiar with, yet a complete stranger to. He is very, very popular! I thought then, “Wow, I wonder what would it be like to be working with a co-star of Heavenly King status?...”

Y: How different is the Jerry Yan now in your eyes, compared to the past?E: When we first come into contact, he might have appeared a little distant. He would always be surrounded by his crew who are tasked to look after him. If you feel like approaching him, there would be a nagging thought, “Would I end up as though looking for trouble?” (laughs heartily) But I tell myself, I will definitely get along with him, because I will fall for him in the serial. Thus, in real life, we must be good friends, have that little chemistry, and our interactions on-screen will be real and nice. In fact, as time goes by, you would discover he is really like a big boy, very serious towards his work. He has high expectations of himself, and at times, that would make others feel heartache for him. The real him is actually a “Kai Xin Guo”, but perhaps due to his encounters over the years, which is not what we would be able to understand and imagine; thus, others tend to misunderstand him. Let’s try this, if you are Jerry Yan, and you have to take up so many media interviews, how would you feel?... I felt that he would be scared, because everyone would be scrutinizing him. Therefore I encouraged him to just be himself, and not to mind what others would think, because the one whom everyone loves is really the real him.

Y: Are your horoscopes compatible?

E: He is a Capricorn, while I am a Gemini… I am quite attractive to Capricorns! I know a few male friends who are Capricorns and they also like me, but I have no idea why (laughs heartily). I sincerely wish Jerry the very best, because in our entertainment circle, it is really tough. I’ve been through the rough patches too, thus, I wish to share with everyone. The reason I could understand him well is because I am a more warm person - I will be like a little puppy, to keep him happy. Because regardless if you are happy or not, a little puppy would only feel the need to make you happy…

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