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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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7 minutes ago, rachhan said:

Is that a present or something? She said she was thankful

well, in my delulu mind I do believe this flower present  come from Si Yang, this two already give so many codes and hints to us berries, just like in @catgoh scenario, it's their ways to comfort us :blush:

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1 minute ago, hannajo said:

It is the flower crown...just dried up now.

You guys are amazing! Never occurred to me that it was that birthday crown. Daebak! Actually it's likely that it's just dried up. Must have survived well because of the dry weather and the bitterly cold Korean winter. So Yeon is such a sweet person who values relationships and gifts.

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The final scene, the caption wrote:

이제 부터 진정한 둘만의 거리 데이트를 시작합니다.  

From now on, it's the start of their two's real date. 


Maybe after all the PDs wanted to let them have their own personal space and give more chances to new couple? Since they are already together haha. 

Even though it ended, I am still grateful to the WGM staffs that match them up together. Finding two person who match so much from sooooo many people is not easy. 

Please continue to be happy my Siso couple. :wub:

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7 minutes ago, catgoh92 said:

The final scene, the caption wrote:

이제 부터 진정한 둘만의 거리 데이트를 시작합니다.  

From now on, it's the start of their two's real date. 



I love this scene!!:heart:

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21 minutes ago, catgoh92 said:

Final words from Soyeon and Siyang


The reason for liking Kwak Siyang, even hundred or thousand words are not enough to explain. From the front to the back he is exactly like how he is. He is a very warm person. During these times, I could not been happier. I am very happy. Really. I can vouch/gurantee for my husband (I think for his character). From the start till now, I like Kwak Siyang. Really.



If my wife wasnt Kim Soyeon, my confidence would not have changed. If it not because of my wife, my confidence level would not have returned. Somehow I feel like I have an aim, it was also because of my wife. I am sorry for those things that I am not able to do enough for her. Thank you for being together with me. Really thankful...for changing me a lot. 


*Do correct me if I am wrong!


Si Yang somehow shows consistency towards So Yeon unnie!~ He's been verbal with that aim. Personally, episode 10 Si Yang's words towards So Yeon.. It's still the same until the end. 


Since then I believe they were "REAL" :blush:  KSY:heart:KSY

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I did not get to watch live coz of some urgent matters but from the few short clips that i watch....they are as usual the sweetest pair WGM had ever had when it comes to noona dongseng relationship.  I have not seem any hubby here in WGM who is more caring. loving and even worried of his wife till the very end. To me they are indeed the best couple WGM had ever produce. They compliment each other well and it would be wonderful if they do get serious in real life. Seeing their IG very active these days is just like them comforting us berries and I hope there is more to just them comforting us............they being well and happy and I LOVE them so :wub:

PS.....hope when the subs comes out.....I will be able to understand better the whole episode

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I like how Siyang and So Yeon summed up very beautifully their time on the show when they talked about each other. It was almost echoing what's in my heart and I'm sure it also aptly expresses the sentiments of all Siso fans.

함께해서 매순간이 좋았다 - Because we did it together, I loved every moment.

처음부터 지금까지 곽시양이어서 좋았다 - Because it was Kwak Siyang from the beginning until now, I loved it.

Because it was the 2 of them, I too enjoyed laughing and crying with them for the past 7 months. Thank you for all the good memories!

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namoo actors facebook also updated, hope both agencies can support SiSo couple if they become real couple


#김소연 #Kimsoyeon
#MBC #우리결혼했어요 #시소커플
#하차 #하차소감도_착하고_사랑스럽다

그동안 MBC '우리결혼했어요-시즌4' 시소커플을 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다♡

김소연 배우가 오늘 방송을 끝으로 프로그램에서 하차하게 되었습니다. 감사한 일이 많았고, 행복한 추억이 많았다는 김소연 배우의 소감을 전합니다! 마지막 방송까지 많은 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. 열연을 펼치고 있는 MBC 주말드라마 <가화만사성>도 많은 사랑 부탁드립니다!

<김소연 배우의 소감 전문>

우결을 결심하고, 촬영하는 내내 감사한 일들이 정말 많았습니다. 생각했던 것보다, 기대했던 것보다 더 예쁘고 행복했던 시간들이었어요. 함께 해주신 제작진 스태프 여러분들과 시소커플을 아껴주신 국내외팬 여러분들 덕분입니다. 특히 늘 좋은 에너지를 주었던 시양씨에게도 무한히 감사해요. 좋은 기억으로 간직하고 지내며, 배우 김소연으로서 더 좋은 모습 보여드리기 위해 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다

link https://www.facebook.com/namooactors/photos/a.139646186129536.30677.137651872995634/1049871621773650/?type=3


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:cold_sweat: Last ep and still so short? I can't believe that I'll not be watching their sweet moments anymore. Such an empty feeling.

I feel sad that they did not have time to do much together even though it's their last time on WGM. What I fail to understand is why WGM treated them in this manner? At least the Ohyea couple had tickets for both to go overseas to work out their feelings. SiSo couple is one of the worst treated couple in WGM. This is not about blaming new PD etc...I'm wondering what's up with WGM where SiSo is concerned. I hope they'll reflect on it seriously.

I really love who they tried to control their emotions so as not to spoil their day and to spur each other on. I love all that they said about each other in their BRI. Si Yang is worried about So Yeon till the end and after. So Yeon likes him right from the start till the end. Don't they just make such an awesome couple together?

@catgoh92 Thanks for your translation of the last cap. It's about the only thing good coming out from this 17 min segment. Can't believe it. I need to watch them again. I don't have enough of them. There are stuff like overseas trip that Si Yang promised So Yeon; they have not had a real kiss; bed scene? Oh no. I'm gonna miss their cuteness, sweetness and aegyo!! Ottoke?  

From now on, it's the start of their two's real date. 

Si Yang and So Yeon, please take good care and be there for each other even though you're both out of the biaised variety show. The best thing they ever did was to bring you both together so please, stay in touch and the only reason I can forgive WGM and MBC is when you both date for real and they want to let you off because they saw the potential of a real couple. Otherwise, I want WGM to give you both an overseas trip to reward the sweetest and best couple who brought so much happiness to berries. 

Saturdays will not be the same sunshine day without my beloved SiSo couple. Ottoke...... I pray for good news. I pray that they will keep in touch and work out things between them. They seemed so sincere. I know they are holding back their tears.

Inside, I'm sure they're hurting a lot. How do you walk away from someone whom you have invested feelings  and care and have been there for you? Someone who was there to give you confidence? Someone who was there to protect you?

Can they walk away from each other? Or will they walk beside each other?

I am keeping my fingers crossed. Tightly and Hopefully.

Cheers, berries. I'm a bit sad but staying positive because of the hope for a real wedding from SiSo. Stay in touch and celebrate together when that time comes k.....  :heart:




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3 minutes ago, eyra said:

another update by Siyang in IG


That's so sweet! It's the first mission card he received to tell him he would meet his wife in a week's time and the venue was their new house. Walk down memory lane.

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Is anyone having the same issue with me??

I am feeling soooooooo empty right now. I dont feel like rewatching the raw because its so hasty and sad. Other than refreshing the page here and waiting for their insta (which they did post something) I dont know what else to do. Any more Siso related translations to do??

My Siso Saturday~~~

On the random side note, our Siyang is sooooo freaking handsome. I remember Soyeon's ideal type is man who looks handsome even in casual wear. 

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18 minutes ago, rachhan said:

Because it was the 2 of them, I too enjoyed laughing and crying with them for the past 7 months. Thank you for all the good memories!


@rachhan......love your thoughts...........me too on the same wavelength 

@Summer Ryn.....Si Yang have become the most unforgettable nampheyeon for So Yeon. Within this short period he has successfully made us and So Yeon fell in love with him over and over again and we seems to not get enough of it.......my my talking about greed.....i'm feeling shy here.

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It's sweet how SiYang posted the starting missionc card at the end. It's like the song:

We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

- At the Beginning

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1 minute ago, rachhan said:

That's so sweet! It's the first mission card he received to tell him he would meet his wife in a week's time and the venue was their new house. Walk down memory lane.

omona, so he still keep this mission card, that's just so sweet:blush:

well, I wonder about their comic books, who will keep those books? Probably Si Yang will let So Yeon to keep them in So Yeon's house , so it could be his excuse to visit her house to read the comics, hahaha....

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