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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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1 hour ago, jl08 said:

photo sy_zpsatpvcfyd.png

I like Si Yang's first impression. He looks really nice. Well-mannered and oh so tall and handsome.

In my opinion, Kwak Si Yang really stands out as a matured and very thoughtful guy. Why else does the PDs made their choice to match him with So Yeon despite having a few older male candidates? Age is not the deciding factor. Character and personality obviously are important factors. That's why they are 80% matched from the start. A very good start, I would say.

Hopefully, we'll have an even better start for SiSo couple in  2016.


I starting to rewatch episode from ep 1 - 16, n I remembered berry in this thread said that siyang has many charm, sometime he can be boyish, mature man n manjittnam. This picture n when he picked up soyeon at the airport has same expression cant wait to meet his ane with dugum dugum feeling.

I glad siyang saw to soyeon his tears. He really jealous over soyeon costar at falling for innocence biane chingu i forgot the drama title.  He think crying in front of men is one of women affection to her lover. He want to be her lover. I like siyang doesnt hide his feeling to soyeon to pretend like touğh guy (never cry). As @larus said both has sensitive personality. When he got emotional he cry, when he happy he laugh. Maybe they have different taste but they have a common sense of joke ...it is cute to see that  they make a same joke over their time limit of their contract like singing....until this end? 

And as shipper i quote to@jl08 I'll live in the present and hope for the future to bring a good news for them.:wub:

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Random question Berries, 

Did the one So Yeon met in episode 16 for discussing their marriage extension is her hair stylist?

I just noticed from this picture



No wonder she knew everything. I do believe what she said



Okay Mr. Kwak Si Yang, you must be seen this conversations already. This was about two close friend shared their feelings about your relationship. So, please take care of So Yeon happiest part in her life, well and forever ;) 

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7 hours ago, kappy said:


@seesaw_love - Is Si Yang's drama "All is Well" really ending next week?  They're only at 82 episodes - thought they were going to 102.  I actually just watched the last subbed epi (76) out of curiosity and have been liking it, for the most part.  Not the most thrilling.  Watching it mainly for him, of course. He does well.  Now isn't it funny how the weekend drama So Yeon is considering to be in is "All's Well with a Happy Home"?


The drama isn't ending next week, just the filming for the drama. The drama will still air until the end, it's just that because it's a daily drama, they have to maintain a tight filming schedule, so they've probably always remained around 15-20 episodes ahead? 

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29 minutes ago, Kwak SiYang Thailand said:











Did you see this pic? I just found. Seeing her shoes


I did noticed it too much earlier but didnt gave much thought of it...... coz thinking it was kind of some fashion.... but since now you have mentioned it .... doesn't it looked like top of her foot was kinda wrapped by cellotape ?? :huh:  if you zoom into the pic..... looked like her shoes was kinda too big for her.... maybe that's the remedial ... to use cellotape .... hehe

But still it doesn't really matter coz their performance upscaled the rest of things !! :wub:


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Gosh... just realised it's wayyyyy over past midnite now from where am from.... and here i am still lurking around....:sweatingbullets::P

Eat berry Breathe berry Live berry....:wub:

Siso berry virus uncontainable !! :wub:

**starts counting berries to fall asleep**

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@Kwak SiYang Thailand it happened to some female idols who had their dance performance when they should wear high heels. So they would never worried about slipping or flying shoes. As a newbie in dancing with heels, her stylish look too much worrying her, the tape look lil big and too tight. But it is a commonly used by K-pop. 


I never imagined if So Yeon didn't wear heels that height, where the kiss could be landed. :D

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I started shipping way bck 2011 and until now i am still on that boat. I keep on checking the twitter with the ship's hashtag. (I dont have a twitter accnt, i just search themt). I still do it these days and recently few things are really going my way..

There were times when i really cried-hard, thought it was hopeless but then again, i still beleive in them. I know u will know my bias but i will not mention it here, we are berries here afterall but im glad i chose fRuItS. 

Kim so yeon and kwak siyang is the second couple that i m wishing hard to be real. I have lots of fave actors and actresses but i dont pair them. I just admire them individually. I liked their works and their craft in acting and that ends there. I do not concerened myself with their personl lives/scandals/love life etc. I just like them for the satisfaction that they gave me through their acting.

I was not a fan of wgm originally, i just stumbled upon the clips  kim hyun joong and hwang bo's at you tube and curiosity brought me searching for their journey and their endng episode left a deep impact on me like when hwang bo asked him not to bring his future wife there, it touched me in such a way that i think it was not progmmed/scripted at all. Well, of course, basically we tend to develop feelings towards the opposite sex if we spend some time together, specially when we are not seeing nyone else nd we are only focused on tht person on those certain times right? 

I tried other wgm pairings but couldn't get myself to watch throughly, i dont know but i could only name jongbo ( i like to call them the lettuce couple) and kim so eun/ jae rim's tandem that really caught my attention.

I didnt ship them, both left me crying on their last episodes.

Just sharing my thoughts after seeing u guys mentioning this shipping thingy hehe. 

This is one of the reasons why i am so glad to have found you bec somehow i know that i/we are just mere wishers and that we can not dictate the future but at least i know that i am not the only one who feels this way, riding on a roller coaster.

When i ship, i ship hard. And as much as i think that my first ship is really sailing, i hope that ksy will also do the same.

Aigoooo that is long and im sorry for talking nonsense its just that i i couldn't help myself from sying whats on my mind.  

For those who are going to rewatch the prev eps, when u get to the part where they were about to take pics for the calendar, maybe i was just being sensitive but i dont liked their photographer telling them "youre older than them" i think a couple of times. Hehe dont mind me, its just that hmp!

I feel like i am commiting a sin but sometimes i think i can see kwak siyang smiling at me wahaha!!! 

Good night!!! 


Edited by simplereads .
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59 minutes ago, thesuitelife547 said:


The drama isn't ending next week, just the filming for the drama. The drama will still air until the end, it's just that because it's a daily drama, they have to maintain a tight filming schedule, so they've probably always remained around 15-20 episodes ahead? 


 Oh, I see. I have to remind myself that it's a daily drama.  I'm used to hearing about semi-weekly dramas where, near the end, they're filming earlier in the week and a few days later, they're airing it.  The point where it's lucky if they get 1 hr of sleep in a 24-hr day.

Finally, he can get regular sleep.  Well, I dont know how regular it will be, but better than before.  

Time to take his honey on a trip!

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34 minutes ago, khairunni said:

it happened to some female idols who had their dance performance when they should wear high heels. So they would never worried about slipping or flying shoes. As a newbie in dancing with heels, her stylish look too much worrying her, the tape look lil big and too tight. But it is a commonly used by K-pop.

I saw the first time they released the pictures but I forgot to comment. I understand if it is a common use in kpop. I wore high heels sometimes so I understand that it is possible that your feet could slip out of your heels.  When you dance you could lose the shoes. So she put some tape. A lot of tape, :)but the tape was not seen on TV.

No wonder she had pain in her legs after spending so much time in those high heels (10- 12 cm). 

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8 hours ago, seesaw_love said:



OMG........ SO CUTE! I bet he was shocked he finally got what he wished, a kiss on the lips! LOL


I hardly ship any couple on WGM since most of them are only like "Dating couples" instead of "Married couples" (while the title of the show is We Got Married, not We Are Dating :D ). The only couple I shipped was Nam Goong Min and Hong Jin Young - they looked really real, even NGM's brother was thinking the same way. But oh well, what to do, they may not be for each other in the end. So I am ready for any result of KSY-KSY's relationship after the show. :)


29 minutes ago, larus said:

She was bragging about the bracelet and the D.elfin SHOP had to use that. :D



The company'd better use them as their models later then. :D  

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I honestly didn't think I could back into WGM after Solim couple left. Then they announced these two and I was intrigued. So glad, I boarded this ship. The SiSo couple are so fun and so real to watch. I love that we as the viewers get to be a part of this pairing. I usually forget that So Yeon is older because Si Yang is so mature, he seems like the older of the two. Yep, I am a berry, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

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Any berry has any idea if we could purchase a copy of the Calendar?  I would love to keep SiSo's pics....especially as they'll be the cover pic for April which is a special month for me! Would be awesome to get hold of  a copy.

I hope MBC makes it available for international fans. 

Sorry but I forgot which page has the link to see the couple bracelet again...berries are moving really fast and the pages just whizz by!  :)

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Hi berries. Happy new year.

This ahjumma is back... with a vengeance after 5 days of half starvation with news from this threads from all of you. I was able to read in patches because the internet reception in the area i went to was not stable..... the one i miss is the gif/ vid about 1-100 days by larus or is it seesaw_love (forgive me for the confusion. Just back home and immediately, groggily get into this thread..)  :lol:

Wow i missed 19 pages... and i noticed many new berries joining since the beautiful kiss scene at MBC award...that is the effect of the so yeon's kiss on us berries. Can U imagine how si yang feels... 

Si Yang did a good job in getting the excellent actor award from KBS for the daily drama - that's a real winner because he competed against veteran/ long established actors like Jae Hee & Ahn Nae Sang and that brings me to a comment made by one of Siso Detractors that Si yang is merely putting in his best acting ability to project the image that he is the best husband material.  

My reaction was like - really?? wow Siyang is indeed a good actor. But does that mean him searching for soyeon's hands whenever they are in the car, walking together an act??  in tears and making a fool of himself upon watching & hearing so yeon's proposal to him - an act???.

Gosh that detractor must be blind with his/her hatred for siso couple. But in keeping and following So yeon's positive & sweet & forgiving nature we forgive him/her, right berries?? 

We are delulu many times over (been watching Siso part of Ep 302 & their kiss scene - 1000x like all u berries) BUT we have clear minds - we don't expect them to marry each other in real live BUT we pray hard that they do. If they don't  -  we don't get angry at them. We just wish them the best because only they know the truth what is good for each and both of them. But like many berries i do pray that with so yeon's kind and good nature they remain good friends just like she does with Jung Kyung Ho & Falling For Innocent fellow stars. 

Why?? - because we are so grateful to them for cheering us through their actions, behaviour, humour, honesty, sincerity towards one another and most important for us in finding friends through this thread.... 

BTW - forgive my manners. Welcome to all the new berries. This is THE thread to get delulu on everything regarding siso couple...:heart:

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@auroratasya Besides our current couple, the two that were the most believable for me were the NGM couple and CNBlue's Jonghyun couple. But alas, those ships have sailed!! I swore I'd never watch another episode after both of those, but couldn't resist KSY couple bc I love them both!!

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@khairunni yeap... that is Suan... So Yeon hair stylist who also her best friend for over 10 years. If you go to both of them IG they have share many happy moment together. She's also the hair stylist for our SiSo Cosmo Magz photoshoot. It's look like for the photoshoot their use So Yeon team from Azurer Salon. Oh.. she's also appear at episode 1. She's also the one who do So Yeon hair before she met Si Yang. 

@Kwak SiYang Thailand I notice it since th first picture out before the event. I belive So Yeon tape her shoes so it won't slip off and i think that also to help her to get more firm step when she's doin the choreography 

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