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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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in this fancam, I see So Yeon and Si yang get separated, maybe because of the crowded.....So Yeon almost bump to pedestrian.... nah Si Yang ah, you should hold your wife's hand so tightly.....

the voice in that video is crowded too,  but at the end of the fancam, I heard someone said 'nampyeon'   is it So Yeon voice?? any berries can heard it?? or is it just my delusion?? :D

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When I try to think of their intimate moments, we can see the big change in their relationship through this:

 that Si Yang now so openly teases So Yeon whenever he can and especially about her age, versus much earlier when he was thinking how he can overcome their age differences and thus he doesnt even bring it up...

 this is my Naughty Si Yang gif.





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8 minutes ago, Summer Ryn said:

@LeeK How your  'Graduation Speech' ?


Posted enough of what i think before and way before. 

Haha. A problem with watching so many couples in s4 is that you got used to it. Siso is a couple that i feel more for compared to others but i am old (jaded) enough to not be too affected. Maybe because i am of a different gender from most here. Haha.

I did more than i ever did. But less than what most of you ladies does. Admiration for you all. 

Awaiting the next episodes.  Hopefully home filming means only unmanned camera. Usually couples are more at ease when that happens. 

Edit : out of topic - watched the chinese version of song ji hyo cut....although i am used to wgm. The china style of presentation and editing really does not agree with me. And the product placement..........

In retrospect,  so glad so yeon was in the korean version. Haha

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2 hours ago, alou said:

..what's with the gloomy post berries~!! ..why are you practicing your graduation speech..


haha, yes, it kind of felt like a graduation speech :P But I just had to write it all down... I feel much better now :)

By the way, I am in age band 2 ^^

And welcome to all new unlurking berries!!! please share your thoughts with us!

My favourite moment... huh, difficult... can't we make it top 3 instead of just one?? XD Mine would probably be


1 the kisses on the cheek after the baseball match, both of them so nervous...

2 si yang crying after seeing so yeon's proposal video at their wedding, so emotional...

3 the whole scene where so yeon is waiting for si yang at her birthday, then running out to hug him, and then the whole window cleaning :wub: they're just sooo happy to see each other 


aah, i take it back, it needs to be at least a top 10 list... :rolleyes:


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I don't know what to write now. My brain freezes from this sudden news and my unavoidable long trip. I could write many sad posts according to my feeling right now, but I won't. I am sure many of you have felt awful enough. So let's try to shift our mind to something brighter..we still have Siso now. Where there is a will, there is a way. When Siso want to be together, they will find a way. Whatever that way is. 

For now, I will post the fanfics nomination for round 3 of the contest. I remember reading them before (my priviledge as the coordinator, thank you all fanfics contributors), and they really bring warm to my heart. I hope that they can also warm your heart, providing some distraction from the uncertainty we feel right now  Just ignore when there is typo or something need a grammar correction, we'll do that later once we have the final candidate.

The internal voting link will be posted by Alou, later on. For now, just enjoy reading them, and carefully choosing your favorit one, okay? Cheer up, light up, berries..

1. Life with Innocent Cute Sexy Kitty - by Neat9


Synopsis: Read about SISO's future ... what does life hold for them? Si Yang's dream.




Twinkle Twinkle little stars … how I wonder what you are!”

Spring has sprung 5 years since Kwak Si Yang and Kim So Yeon first featured on WGM.  Happily married and living with their twin boy and girl (nicknamed their twinkles).  Their home provides space and privacy.  Si Yang recreated manga café incorporating karaoke as part of the entertainment areas.  This area opens out into the garden where twinkles enjoy outdoor activities.  Wifey has a studio where she indulges in painting favorite things, even getting tips from her honorable father-in-law.  Both their parents live nearby allowing for many family gatherings.

Si Yang has been very successful in his acting/music projects and is now taking on directing his first action film entitled “Midnight Red” to star So Yeon in her comeback role.  His ever creative wifey has been busy bringing up their twinkles.  Couple time is her most special favorite moment, loving her Manjitnam.  A dutiful daughter, she is in constant touch with her parents and parents-in-law, earning her respect for her purely lovable thoughtful ways.  

Life has been bountiful and today is also their fifth wedding anniversary.  A surprise event has been planned as only Manjitnam can for this special occasion.  The day begins at 8 am in their kitchen, like any other ordinary day.

Scene 1 – Breakfast between lovers:

So Yeon: “Yeobo,  (blowing kisses and handing hubby a mug) blueberry yoghurt, how are the kids doing?  Isn’t today a special day for us?”

Si Yang:  “Thanks, my Twinkle, here is your latte. (handing  her a mug).  Our twinkles are getting dressed by their nanny for play school since they do not like to skip it.  I will drop them off today while you take time preparing for uri  “hot” date (says this with a laugh and a naughty look towards her).  Remember to enjoy your massage and facial with your girlfriends.  My parents will pick up the kids from school so we are all set, honey!”

So Yeon:  “Yeobo,  (reaching out and giving him a back hug) Thank you for making the arrangements, you are always so thoughtful, falling in love with you again for the how many time is it now?  What are we doing/going for our date? Amusement Park?  How should I dress? “(as per usual her aegyo  never fails to amuse)

Si Yang:  “ICS Yeobo, (wink wink), dress comfortably.  I do want to spend some time talking “Midnight Red”.  With you as “matahari” character, it has to be better than “Descendants of the Sun”, however no Joong Ki for you though … too sexy for the director’s liking” (changing the subject to distract her from figuring out his surprise)

So Yeon:  “Yeobo, do you think I can do that after the kids?  What happens if my fans don’t remember me?  Will the movie with me in it be a lemon?” (her sense of nervousness is less these days, however she still likes to joke – again fluttering him)

Si Yang:  “Leave that with me Darling, if you are a lemon, you are MY lemon - have I ever not made your heart flutter … and your fans have not forgotten, just look at our IG accounts, Seesaw Love, KalyanaV and the berries gang are still with us. “ (glancing at his watch and the couple bracelet, he says) 
“uri have to go baby”.  (walks out of kitchen with wifey holding his hand and calling out to nanny and children)  “Uri little twinkles - where are you?  Give Eomma a kiss before we go.”

Kids run out excitedly and into So Yeon’s open arms, they cover her with hugs and kisses while Si Yang looks amused at his family.  Si Yang opens the car door and buckles the children into the child seats.  Other than wifey, these are precious cargo.  He kisses wifey on the forehead and starts the car.  Electronic garage doors open and he drives off waving his hand out the window.

So Yeon smiles to herself, thinking how wonderful her husband and children are.  She dials her mom’s number to have a conversation about the activities and her excitement for the day wondering what Manjitnam will be up to.  Her mother reminds her to do something special for Si Yang.  So Yeon calls her mother-in-law next to thank her and father-in-law for looking after the kids while they go on a date.  She walks to her studio to wrap Manjitnams’ present.

Si Yang hugs the children as they skip into school.  He advises teacher that his parents will be picking up the twins.  He returns to the car and scribbles into his phone: pressie for wifey, flowers, restaurant booking, script for “Midnight Red”.  This man cannot do without his notes.  He starts to make calls.

It’s 5 pm and Si Yang talks with wifey while on his way to pick her up for their date.  His eyes and smile widen more when wifey eagerly greets him with several waves as she skips towards the car dressed in fabulous red, accompanied with a black handbag and matching heels.  Feeling recharged just looking at her, remembering their first Valentine Day calendar shoot, how nervous he was, he still cannot believe she said “YES” when he proposed.  Indeed always thankful that he said YES to WGM.  (Never mind, feast eyes first and backup  coat, shoes  packed, if she gets tired walking in those heels.)

During the drive, So Yeon starts singing (Manjitnam’s provides background humming); hands meeting in a dance, sweetly interlocking just like when they were starring in WGM.  They never run out of conversation exchanging ideas about “Midnight Red”.  Si Yang quietly bemused at distracting wifey and secretly grins as he looks forward to surprising her to celebrate their journey thus far.

Scene 2 – Dinner and dessert between lovers:

Arriving at their destination, they walk towards a restaurant waiting area and she could hear “Why did you come now” playing softly.  Her pulse is racing as she gently presses his hand; she starts to do little skip like steps towards the music. They are shown to their table and wifey gasps when she enters the private room he had prepared.  Fragrant heart shaped framed flowers and candles fill the romantic atmosphere (oh, she thinks to herself, no presence of a pasque flower here – must remember to ask Manjitnam which is prettier and sexier; as she tries to hold back her tears)

Si Yang:  Honey, it’s been years, you still make me tear up … he kneels and produces a bouquet murmuring the words, “Will you marry me again”.  She gushes and reaches out to accept the bouquet saying ever so lovingly “Yes, always YES”.

What wonderful memories made together, like icing on a wedding cake, the loveliest of celebrity couples.  They enjoy  sharing their dinner, talking as always and head out hand in hand.  So Yeon giving her Manjtnam a look that asks what’s next!  Sensing her, he tells her that he would have to kill her (jokingly) if she guesses what is for dessert.  He is wondering if she will guess that they are heading to Yeouido Spring Flower festival where the azaleas, forsythia, royal azaleas, and other spring flowers are in full bloom.  The celebration is famous for its 1,886 Korean Cherry trees, awaiting his precious wifey’s yearly appreciation.  

This night will be memorable, he has permission and special arrangements for fireworks, bringing back memories of Dangjin (where they have returned to visit in warmer weather).  He is elated at the prospect of watching her enjoy the blossoms and festivities freely.  Especially in the evenings, cherry blossoms lit up with various colored lights, street performances and art exhibition.  He does not mind sharing her, able to protect and just letting things happen.   Just them enjoying couple time in public no less.  A man cannot be happier than he right now as he glances upwards towards the sky and notices all the twinkling stars shining and reflecting down on them.  He cannot help himself thinking of the poem as he gazes lovingly at wifey…

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.”  Indeed his diamond, he smiles mischievously as he pulls her closer into his arms, planting a kiss on her lips, her returning whisper "Saranghae", walking beside each other as promised.

Jamkkanman-eo, Si Yang opens his eyes and realizes that So Yeon is still asleep in his arms … omo …what a dream that was, could he really make it real, only time will tell whether So Yeon will agree to be real and not just his reel wifey.


2. Precious Moments - by @ChuMills DejaVu


PRECIOUS MOMENTS - by Chumills Dejavu



I kiss her lips lightly, and finger-brush the hair strands that hides her face. I’ll never get bored watching this face, never. She will always be the first person I want to see when I open my eyes every morning.

“Five minutes.” She mumbles hoarsely, snuggles closer to me. I kiss her forehead, adjusting my position to give her more comfort in my arms. I stroke her spine gently, and I hear her grateful sigh... Her days has becoming tougher lately. She’s been having sleeping disorder due to her mature pregnancy. I’ve tried many ways to let her sleeps comfortably, and it breaks my heart that I couldn’t help much, yet she whines nothing nor complaining. I know she doesn’t want to make me worry, but I feel guilty somehow.


We decided to get married a year ago, and we don’t need to wait too long for the babies. Soyeon was pregnant three months after our marriage. Later, doctor confirmed we’re going to have the twin babies. Being pregnant and deliver the twins in her late-age pregnancy had me worried, but the doctor convinces us that it won’t be a problem. There’s always the caesarean option when it’s being risky for normal delivery. However, Soyeon has been too excited with the normal delivery’s idea. As much as I support her, deep inside I feel like it’s maybe safer to choose c-section. But I know her too well. Once she insists on something, nothing can stop her.


I give her another ten minutes. Then I kiss her lips again, a deeper kiss to wake her up. “I’m sorry baby, I really want to let you sleep longer, but our morning exercise is waiting.”

I clean up myself in our bathroom then return to the bedside and wait until she opens her eyes. “Good morning yeobo,” she greets me sleepily but raises her arms to hold my neck. I smile, knowing what she wants and I give it to her. She kisses me back, long and sweet... Mmh...we fly into the heaven where there’s just the two of us... But we have to stop ourselves anyway, and laugh together. This isn’t the right time.

I walk her to the bathroom. Once she’s in, I go to the kitchen to prepare light breakfast and two glasses of milk. She shows up in our kitchen, looks as fresh as the spring season.

“Gomawo,” she smiles when I serve her meals. She eats her breakfast heartily, but her expression changes when she looks at the milk. And I completely understand that face.

“See, I drink the milk too.” I show her my glass, gulp the white liquid down, trying to keep my smile. I’ve learnt to show my best smile when she has to drink her prescribed pregnancy milk, trying to convince her that it tastes good. She finishes her milk without saying anything. Her expression says it all. Just like me, for nearly 6 months, she practices to enjoy the taste. I didn’t force her during the 1st three months, her early pregnancy symptoms were really bad. She barely consumed anything due to the terrible morning sickness, and I was so worried I couldn’t eat much, too. That’s why the doctor prescribed this high-nutrition milk, and I made a choice to drink it with her. We should try whatever we can for the sake of our healthy babies and mother. Even if that means I’ll get stomach ache every morning.


The doctor predicts our twins to be born around early November. Soyeon was so excited, she said it’s gonna be the best gift in her life if the babies were born right on her birthday. Of course, whatever date the twins choose to see the world, it’ll always be the best gift for us.

“Uri wifeu, jinjja yeppeo,” I fix her coat’s collar. She blushes and hit my arms playfully. Duh, after all this time, she’s still blushing from my praises.

“Kajja!” I reach her hand, put it into my jacket’s pocket. Morning walk has been our daily routine. I had finished my last shooting a month ago and I intend to keep my schedule low in activities for a couple months ahead. I need to be with Soyeon when she delivers our twins, I need to make sure she’s in good health, we both need to adjust our life as the 1st time parents together. The twins’ birth will be another precious moment in our life, just like our small private wedding that we decided to have after we dated secretly for a year.


We stroll along the garden near our home. We sit on our favorite bench there, watching the neighbourhood’s elderlies do their morning exercise. Our fingers interlock, her head lays on my shoulder, when Soyeon suddenly squeezes my hand tightly.

“Yeobo, I think we have to go to the hospital now.”

“What?! Ottoke?!” panic rushes inside me, seeing her expression.

“Halmoni!” I call the elderlies loudly. “Please, accompany my wife for a while. I have to get our car, she’s about to deliver our babies.” Some elderlies come to us while shushing me to go get the car.

I run as fast as I can. Once at home, I grab the hospital bags that we’ve prepared beforehand, throwing it to the car’s baggage and drive faster than usual. When I arrive, I rush to Soyeon’s side to help her into the car, making sure her safety belt is put properly but comfortable enough. “Thank you, thank you,” I bow to the elderlies. They wave, telling us to go quickly.


All along the way, I brace myself not to look too often at her. I have to concentrate on the road and get us safely to the hospital. Once we arrive, the medical team quickly handle her over. She is moved to the delivery room. Her gynecologist comes to check her, and explains to us about her opening, the contraction, and the process of her delivery. Her words float above my head, I barely understand a thing. My panic attack dulls my brain this time. Doctor tells me to stay calm and to contact the immediate family members, with the estimation that we may see our twins by this afternoon. I call my mom, Soyeon’s mom, all of my 4 sisters, and Soyeon’s sisters as well. Stupid me, I can just group-message the sisters instead of calling them. It’s good anyway, talking to them and receive their congratulatory and calming words. I calm down enough now. I can’t show my panic face to Soyeon when she needs me to be her pillar of strength. Mom-in-law and sisters-in-laws are among the first to arrive when the doctor comes out to explain further. Soyeon is having the 7th opening and her contractions has been intense.

“Do you want to accompany her right now?” The doctor asks me.

“Of course, I’ll accompany her,” I said firmly.

I enter the delivery room with Soyeon’s mom, and my heart wrenches when I see her in grimace.

“Eomma,” Soyeon calls her mom and they hold hands, as if to share her pain. She reaches for me after that. I brace myself and hold her hands. In between her pains she still look at me lovingly. How I love this angel. There’s nothing I can do for her at this moment. I can only hold her hands, give her the words of encouragements. It’s all in her effort to bring our babies safely into our life. And I respect her even more, seeing her struggle in great pain without a thought to surrender. She goes through it for us, for our love, to complete us as one happy family.

When the twins are finally born, the feeling is so overwhelming. I cry, she cries, the twins cry… What we have been waiting for 9 months, are finally here in our arms..so tiny, so perfect, so beautiful....


The nurses give us sometime to hold our baby boys, and I watch in awe when, without difficulty, the twins manage to get their 1st sip of milk. My wife is so natural in doing it, as if this is not her first time, as if she forgets all the pain she had just gone through. It’s such a beautiful sight.

The nurses take over our babies to clean them up. I hold Soyeon’s hands and we kiss, feeling more connected than ever. She tells me she is sleepy. I tell her to sleep, I‘ll wait until she’s asleep before I share this happy news with our family.

Our babies’ births, I don’t think I’ll ever forget this day. They have just given me a reason to work harder for them. Now I need to not just be a good husband for Soyeon, I have to be a good daddy for our babies too. The first step to do is to decide on their names..

Hmm...where does Soyeon keep the name list that we had made that time?



3. Unexpected Treasure - by @thesuitelife547


UNEXPECTED TREASURE - by Thesuitelife547

Kim SoYeon has had something on her mind for the past couple of days and can’t find the right words or way to tell her husband, Kwak SiYang. When he calls and says he’ll be returning home late one day, SoYeon realizes that the perfect chance to tell him has come.

           She paced around the room as she lightly chewed on her fingernails and stared out the window. The sense of déjà vu was stronger than ever before, the various times she paced around the room waiting for him before, most notable when they first met on that marriage variety program a couple of years ago. Who knew that they’d become the first couple from the show to actually get married in real life, she sure didn’t. But those thoughts didn’t calm her down at all as she waited for his arrival.
           Only a sigh could escape her lips as she checked the time on her phone for what seemed to be the thousandth time. She tried to remain positive about him coming home late. He could’ve just had a sudden interview or maybe the drama staff wanted to clarify some things for the following day’s shooting. In the entertainment world, there were a bunch of reasons as to why someone might be held up. She even took the traffic into account and thought that it might have just been an unusually heavy traffic day. It was the winter holiday season after all, and that just made her somewhat unexpected surprise event even more perfect. “An early Christmas present,” she muttered to herself as she made her way to the kitchen to drink a small cup of coffee. Coffee would always work to calm her nerves if nothing else did but soon, she would have to pay attention to the amount she consumed.
           Right when she settled in the living room and turned on the television he called her. “Darling!” he immediately said when she picked up the phone.
           “Yah! Kwak SiYang!” she yelled. “You were supposed to be home an hour ago!”
           “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “We ran late filming because of the weather and now the staff wants to have a small meeting to discuss the changes to the filming schedule because of it. I don’t think I’ll be home for a little while. Do you want me to pick up something for dinner?”
           SoYeon thought for a moment before she thought of the perfect plan. Maybe Si Yang being late was a blessing in disguise. She had been struggling for a couple of days on how to tell him. “No,” she said as a small smile crept up on her face and at that moment, she was glad that they were speaking over the phone. “I’ll make something.”
           “Are you sure?” SiYang wondered with a hint of amusement in his voice. He had to admit that her cooking skills have steadily improved and she even started attending classes to learn how to make some new things. Still, it was one of his favorite jokes and no matter how good of a cook she became, she’d never be able to escape that joking around.
           “Of course I’m sure! What do you want to eat? Just name it, I’ll make it.”
           “Um…” he said thinking. He wanted to joke around and name a dish that he knew she couldn’t make, maybe something foreign, but just went the usual answer of, “surprise me.”
           As soon as they said their goodbyes and promises to see each other later for dinner, SoYeon got to moving. She had to go to the store to create a perfect dinner and perfect atmosphere for SiYang to come home to. She didn’t have that much time to do all of that since he said that he would probably be home within an hour to an hour and a half. To go buy supplies, decorate, and cook, SoYeon knew she had to rush.
           In the end she chose to make a simple kimchi stew. It was a dish that didn’t require much time or ingredients. After going through the cabinets to take a note of what she needed, something she started remembering to do after buying multiples of things at the grocery store, she saw that she mostly had the ingredients. But a trip shopping was still needed, she needed a cake and balloons and streamers, everything to create a party atmosphere.
           Being out in the open air and walking the familiar road to the grocery store made SoYeon feel light on her feet. There was just something so refreshing about being outside, it was like the world felt different and she knew from that day on, it would definitely be that way.
           “Do you need candles for tonight?” the employee at the cake shop wondered as she packed the cake into its box.
           “No, no candles. It’s not really an event that needs candles,” she hesitantly said.
           “Ah, is it just a celebratory cake then?”
           “Something like that,” SoYeon said as a wide smile was once again threatening to form on her lips.
           Once she returned home it felt like time started working against her. The nerves also set in as she kept glancing at the clock. Never had she felt so nervous before, not even when she first broke out in the entertainment industry or at any other point throughout her career. However, despite how nervous she was, the thought of SiYang’s reaction to the surprise she was creating made her smile and continue on doing her best.
           He walked through the door at five thirty and was hit with a delicious smell. He could automatically identify what dish was waiting for him and slowly made his way to the kitchen. There he saw So Yeon’s back facing him as she finished putting the finishing touches on the cake.
           “What are you doing there?” he asked, his sudden voice made SoYeon jump and turn around in surprise.
           “You’re home ear—” SoYeon began but stopped herself when she looked at the clock. He wasn’t early at all, he was right on time.
           “What are you doing there?” he asked as he made his way towards her.
           “No, no, no,” she quickly said using her hands to cover the cake. “Go wait at the table.”
           “Why? Is there something you don’t want me to see there?”
           “It’s for later,” she said and began to push him away.
SiYang allowed himself to be pushed towards the table and watched as SoYeon went back into the kitchen to finish whatever he was doing. He quickly got the impression that they weren’t going to have a normal dinner. There was something off, she was keeping a secret from him and if it were a secret that were involving a cake, he knew that it couldn’t be that terrible. Yet as he tried to think about what his wife might be hiding from him, he didn’t get anything. They weren’t the type to hide secrets from one another, it was a new situation he was presented with.
           He tried to bring it up during dinner but was unable to. The existence of a cake still baffled him as they talked about their days. He told her all about filming and how the unexpected snowfall halted and postponed some of their outdoor filming while she retold the tales of her boring day at home with their dog.
           “Um…can you wait here and close your eyes?” SoYeon asked with an ounce of cuteness in her voice. “I have something to give you.”
           “Something to give me?” SiYang wondered if it was perhaps the cake. Had she baked it herself and wanted him to try it to see how well she did? Or was she going to give him something like an early Christmas present? It was a bit too early for that, plus he was still planning out the event he was going to present her.
           In the kitchen, SoYeon took a deep breath as she took one last look at the cake and carried it to the table. She made sure to place it directly in front of SiYang so he could read the words and stood behind him, slowly placing her arms around his neck and leaning her head on his shoulder. “Alright,” she announced, “you can open them.”
           SiYang opened his eyes to find himself staring at the cake. “A cake is my present?” he wondered slightly turning his head to look at SoYeon. She silently shook her head and pointed back to it. He followed her finger to where there were words written on top.
           His eyes went wide as he registered the words. He looked back at SoYeon who had an enormous smile on her face and back at the words. “You mean…are you serious? This isn’t some prank, right?”
           “No prank,” SoYeon said as she made sure to capture his face so she’d always remember it. SiYang stood up from the table and looked at her from head to toe in a new light. “Congratulations…daddy.”
           “We’re going to be parents!” SiYang yelled as he enveloped SoYeon in a hug and picked her up off the ground. “We’re really going to be parents! I love you Kim SoYeon.”
           “Right back at you Kwak SiYang.”


4, For The Last Time - by @alou





"Will you marry me again?" Siyang asked Soyeon while slowly kneeling as he offers a ring to Soyeon, as the song "Reality" is playing in the background, at the garden full of rose petals under the midnight sky


"Yes! I would love to, with all my heart!" Soyeon tearfully answered as she too kneeled to accept the proposal and aimed to embrace Siyang


"Cut! Good take!" said director Jung Kyung Ho


He requested the former We Got Married couple to be in a cameo role for his directorial film debut entitled "One More Chance With You"


As soon as they heard the word "Cut", as if on cue, Soyeon immediately stand, gave a slight bow to Siyang and immediately turned to Director Kyung Ho


"Is it a wrap then Director-nim? I need to go somewhere after this shoot. Can I go first?" asked Soyeon


"Ne Soyeon Noona! You can go now. Your scenes are done. And I would like to say Gomawoyo for accepting this cameo. I know how hard it is for you to--"


"Ya paboya! Don't talk about non-sense." Soyeon cuts in " I'll do anything for a chingu. Congratulation Kyung Ho-shii!" while she tap Jung Ho's shoulder sweetly


Stunned Kwak Siyang was just looking at Kim Soyeon and Jung Kyung Ho, feeling the familiar hurt everytime he knew that Soyeon is not looking at him eye to eye when they are not shooting. It's the first day since he saw Soyeon after their last shoot in We Got Married 2 months ago. He then decided to join them when..




"Oh! Lee Pil Mo oppa!! Annyeonghaseyo! What brought you here?" greeting the newcomer with delight


"I'm here to fetch you. You're done with your filming right? Gaja! let's go together to the thanks giving party. They are waiting for us" Soyeon's co-actor replied


"Cheongmal?!? I can go now, right Kyung Ho-shii? Annyeong..!" slightly bowing to Kyung Ho and to Siyang who is now on directors side


Watching Soyeon and Lee Pil Mo leaves, Siyang can only deeply sigh as Kyung Ho slowly pat his shoulder..



Inside their dorm, Siyang is pacing left and right. Worried that Soyeon is not answering his calls. He then decided to call someone


"Answer my call, palli~!!" talking to himself "Ah hyung!! Annyeonghaseyo!


"Ah Siyang-shii! What's up?" Lee Sang Wo replied


"Eodiya? Why is it so noisy?" Siyang almost shouted


"Aahhhh.. the cast decided to go on a disco bar that's why it's.."


"Is Soyeon with you? Who else is there?" Siyang cuts in


"Ye, Soyeon is here, and the rest of the cast--"


"Where is that place? Chebal, tell me? Or better yet text it to me. I'm on my way!" Siyang hurriedly get his jacket to leave


"Ya wait! Why are you going--"


Siyang immediately hang up the phone



Outside the pub, Siyang patiently wait for Soyeon. When he saw Soyeon's manager on the entrance of the bar, talking to someone, he immediately approach him


"Hyung! Can I invite Soyeon out tonight? Even for just an hour. I needed to talk to her now! Chebal.. " Siyang pleaded


"But I don't know if Soyeon-ah will agree.. Geurae, wait here, I'll talk to her." Soyeon's Manager agrees seeing Siyang's determined face


After a few minutes, Soyeon came out of the pub


"This better be good Siyang-shii , since I just broke my promise to Pil Mo Oppa, that he can drive me home later." Soyeon narrates coldly


"Can we go somewhere else? I really wanted to talk to you for sometime now. I just can't find a proper timing." Siyang admits


"Geurae! Lead the way. " Soyeon said resignedly


"Jamkkanman, I have to call someone special." Siyang dials his phone "Annyeonghaseyo Eomeoni.. Ne, she's with me right now.. I promise I'll do my best Eomeoni.. I'll bring her home safe. Thank you for your trust in me. Annyeong!"


"Is that my mother? Why are you talking to her? what's happening here?"


"Get inside the car first, Yeobo.." Siyang said


"I'm no longer your "Yeobo"! Have you forgotten? Our act in We Got Married is over! " Soyeon states angrily as they get inside the car


" Is it all an act for you then, Yeobo? " Siyang asked


"Don't call me "Yeobo" anymore! It's over 2 months ago.." Soyeon whisper sadly


" How should I call you then? You told me not to call you Noona nor Sunbaenim!! That is why I dared not to contact you at all.. Coz I don't know how to address you! When all I wanted is to call you "Yeobo" for the rest of my life.." Siyang confessed


"What are you talking about? I don't understand--" Soyeon nervously asked


" I'm like living in hell for 2 months!! I told myself it's just another case of withdrawal syndrome for another finished project. But I can't lie to myself anymore. Everytime I see an article and news about you and Lee Pil Mo sunbaenim, I'm seeing red and almost died of jealousy. I can't bear to see another guy making you smile, just like the way you used to smile at me.."


" But it's just work! You know how it is in showbusiness."


"What about us? Is it just a work for you too? Am I the only one who thought that we can be a real couple? Am I the only one who feels that what we had is special? " Siyang tearfully asked


"Remember our last taping day, Siyang-shii? I confessed it all to you! I even told you "I love you!" , but you just froze out on me. You didn't even reply. You just hug me tight. Then after that taping day, you didn't bother to call or text me!" Soyeon exclaimed


" I pleadingly asked the editor and pd-nim to cut that scenes out. Or else it would have been the most embarrassing moment of my life.. not to have my love reciprocated on the national television. You don't know how much hurt you caused me. How the twinkle in my eyes disappeared after that day.. How I wished that everything is just a dream.. that when I wake up , I can still be with you, even if it is just a make-believe!! " Soyeon covers her face to hide her tears


"Mianhe, Soyeon-ie.. I was confused that day. I don't even know how we ended the shoot that day. I'm so spazzed out, I can't think properly. I'm sorry.. Chebal.. Please forgive me.." Siyang pleads earnestly as she gathers Soyeon in his arms to embrace her


"Please don't cry Jagiya.. It hurts me to see you cry. Look at me.. Look into my eyes.." Siyang tells Soyeon sweetly as he holds her to face him


"Saranghaeyo.. Saranghamnida.. I never felt like this before. Wanting to hold you, protect you and be beside you forever.. Wanting to make you happy for as long as we live.. Forgive me if I may hurt you unintentionally. But I swear and I made this promise to your mother, uri Eomeuni, that I will love and protect you for the rest of our lives. So please, grant me the rights to call you "Yeobo" again.. Marry me again for the third and last time.. Because after tonight, I will not let you out of my sight anymore.."


"Siyang-shii~.. Ne, I will marry you again! FOR THE LAST TIME!! Please hold unto your promise! Bogoshipeoyo Yeobo~!! You don't know how much I missed you.. Please don't leave me again.. Saranghaeyo Yeobo~"


"Ppo ppo hae! Ppo ppo hae!! " the on-lookers chant outside the car


"OMO!! We're still in front of the bar!! " Soyeon exclaimed shyly


"Never mind them Yeobo.. I still have a kiss to claim.. Saranghaeyo Kim Soyeon-ie.." and Siyang pulls Soyeon for a sweet and unforgettable kiss




"Way to go hyung!!"




Meanwhile, Lee Pil Mo is talking to someone on his phone


"It worked! My heart almost skipped a beat when I saw Soyeonie cried. But they are busy kissing each other right now. Hahaha!" he happily narrates to his caller


"Kamsamida hyung, I'm happy that Soyeon noona finally gets the love and happiness she deserves. Annyeong!" as Jung Kyung Ho hang up and drink his tequilla with lemon..




5. The Morning - by @catgoh92


"What could have happen after the exciting night of random choreohraphy dancing and the little of sweet soju intoxication? The real faces of Siso couple between the cameras. Read on to find out more."



THE MORNING - by Catgoh92

‘Yeobo, I will tuck you to sleep.’ Siyang pats the side of the bed slightly.

‘Really?’ Soyeon lets out a small laugh and slides into the comforter. ‘Yeobo…now that I am lying down, I can’t sleep.’ She stares into the ceiling.

‘I will just pat you until you fall asleep.’ Siyang touches her fringe slightly. ‘Don’t cross over to this side.’ He jokes.

As she feels the soft pat on her fringe, she can feel her eyes getting heavy. After a while she dozes off to her dreamland.

Seep well, our Yaongie. Dream only the good things. Dream about us. Please continue to be this happy as long I am by your side. No matter what happens in the future, I am gonna make the best of our time together. Good night yeobo.

He too dozes off after a long tired day.


The sudden itchiness on her arm woke her up. She rubs her eyes slightly and scans her surroundings.

Oh I am still here in the WGM house. What time is it now? The clock shows 2 am.

She turns to look for her phone and saw Siyang sleeping beside her still in the same position before she sleeps.

Omo you have been sleeping in this way? Your arm must have hurt. ‘Yeobo…yeobo…wake up. Put down your arm and sleep properly.’ Soyeon shook him slightly and took his arm down into the comforter.

SIyang lazily open his eyes and snuggles into the comforter. And he groggily mumbles, ‘With our yaongie by my side, I always sleep so comfortably. Let’s hold hand and sleep.’ He then naturally took her hand to put on his chest and continues sleeping.

Soyeon smiles and use the free hand to pull the blanket closer to his chest and pats him slightly. ‘Sleep tight, yeobo.’

Thank you for breaking the barrier between us. Bringing me into your comfort zone that makes me feel comfortable as well. She then snuggles closer to him and falls back into sleep.



Siyang woke up to the sound of his phone alarm buzzing beside the table lamp. He lazily grabs the phone and look at the time. Its shows 8 am but Soyeon is no longer beside him anymore.

Where did she go? Has she left the house? As he was still in his deep thoughts, he hears noises from the kitchen. Ah..she must be in the kitchen then.

He got out of bed and went to the kitchen. He smiled to himself as he witness Soyeon blending some fruits in the fruit blender.

As if it was on cue, he walk towards her back quietly and gave her a back hug. ‘Ah yeobo!’ Soyeon yelps at the sudden skinship shyly but kept a straight face blending her juice. ‘Yeobo…you woke up?’

‘Our yaongie woke up so early…what are you making for me today?’ Siyang mumbles as he rested his head on her shoulder.

‘I am making your favourite blueberry yoghurt drink….go and have a seat. It will be ready in a while.’

‘Arasseo…yeobo.’ He walks to the counter table and saw a spread of simple breakfast. Toast and sunny side up are arranged nicely on two plates with freshly cut fruits in the middle.

‘Jagiya…you made all this?’ Siyang couldn’t hide his surprised expressions. He is so touched by her effort to make breakfast for him.

Soyeon took two glasses from the cabinet and start pouring the yoghurt drink into them. ‘Yea…I made them…without any mishap thankfully…but it wasn’t much anyway. I just hope it doesn’t taste too bad.’

‘Our jagi is so kind. Gumawo.’ He walks over and took the glasses from her. ‘Yeobo, thank you for doing so much for me. Do you want me to make coffee for you too?’

‘Aniya yeobo its okay. I want to try starting my day in your way. I am starting to enjoy yoghurt drink too. What time do you have to leave for work today?’ Soyeon took a sip of the freshly made drink.

‘Our 101 manager hyung will pick me up for practice around 10am later. The WGM staffs have left around midnight yesterday.  So we have two hours to ourselves.’ He picks up the bread and munches into them. ‘Yeobo…you know…you looked really pretty without any make up. I swear I am not lying...’

Soyeon covers her face with her both hands. ‘Mwoya…you are making me shy early in the morning…’ She then noticed that both of them are still the couple pyjamas, ‘Yeobo…we looked so cute together wearing this for breakfast.’ Unconsciously she sang a happy tune.

‘Too bad I have to leave so soon…I just wanna laze around with our yaongie…what do you feel like doing later yeobo?’

‘Ah..I know! Let’s go up to our Siso café and read some comics! Bring our food along too!’ Soyeon said excitedly. ‘

Siyang laughed heartily as he watches her preparing the food on tray to bring it upstairs. Our yaongie is always excited at the mention of comics. Wonder if our future kids will inherit this trait as well. ‘Yeobo…wait for me!’


After setting down the breakfast tray, Soyeon went to the shelf to pick out one of her favourite series. Siyang did the same and they both sat together at the couple hammock.

‘Ah…this is what I have been dreaming for yeobo. Sitting leisurely here enjoying comic and breakfast with you…let’s do this more next time.’ Siyang said as he flipped through his comic.

Siyang and Soyeon swing the hammock slightly as they enjoy their quiet yet comfortable reading moments together. After reading for some time he looks suddenly up to her and say ‘Too bad it’s not the time for ramyun now. Or else I can cook something for you…’ He smiled slyly.

‘Yeobo…who says you don’t have to pay for your breakfast? It’s just that I haven’t asked them from you…’ Soyeon said shyly as she covers her mouth with her hair.

‘Really...? I get to pay for this hearty breakfast? This must have cost a lot…how much do I have to pay then…sajangnim?’ Siyang looks straight into her eyes and knew it was his chance to tease her more.

In the small space between them, Soyeon hits Siyang lightly on his shoulder while looking away, ‘Mwoya…you can just give me the price of the cooked ramyun…’

‘Yes…sajangnim!’ Without hesitation he gave her a peck on the cheek and a long hug. ‘Yeobo…I am not sure if you are going to believe me or not but I just want to let you know how thankful and grateful I am to WGM for pairing us up…It felt like a destiny…and I wanna believe in it…Thank you…for being my wife.

Feeling her cheeks warming up at the sudden confession, she quickly broke the hug and say ‘Arraseo…yeobo…quickly finish your breakfast and you need to get ready soon.’ She felt all warm inside yet shy hearing the honest side of him.


‘Jagi, I will go and do the dishes. You must be tired making all these for me. Go and freshen up yourself.’ He pushes Soyeon slightly back into their room.

The moment Soyeon enters the room he quickly searches for his bag. He took out the stuff he bought the night before continue with the dishes.

Soyeon came out from the room wearing simple white long sleeve blouse and a blue skinny jeans with light make up. Hearing her from the kitchen, he walks up to her and says, ‘To our beautiful yaongie, I have something for you…’ He took out the package behind him. ‘This is healthy packet drink that I bought. You must be tired from the physical test and dancing classes yesterday. Drink it when you feel tired during your schedule.’

Feeling touched with his attentiveness, Soyeon gave him a light hug. ‘Gumawo yeobo...you remember to drink it too.’

‘Alright I will. Now I will go and get ready before my manager hyung comes.’


‘I will leave for work now. Call me when you are at your work. Annyeong yeobo.’

‘Annyeong yeobo. Fighting!’ Soyeon sang her fighting song for him. ‘Ah wait yeobo you forgot something!’

Siyang was opening the door when he heard Soyeon calling for him. As he turned his head around, he felt a pair of warm lips on his right cheek along with a loud smooching sound.

Soyeon covered her face as she steps away from him. ‘Jalga…yeobo…and…saranghae’ with her last word, shy Soyeon ran back into their room leaving him astounded.

Siyang couldn’t help but smiled from ear to ear. With that one word and action, he felt he was ready to conquer the day to finish whatever schedule he had on the rest of the week.
‘Nado saranghae, yeobo!’ He shouted on top of his lung.

Deep down in his heart, he knew this was what he wanted all along. He wanted a family of his own. Of course, Kim Soyeon as the mother of his future kids. A house with Kim So Yeon as the female owner.

Author’s note:
* Means another segment of the story or some time has passed
Italics mean their own POV (point of view or inner thoughts)



6. Near You - by @ChuMills DejaVu



NEAR YOU - by Chumillsdejavu


I believe our meeting is a destiny. Out of all women, God had chosen her for me. We are similar in so many things. Yet we have many differences. Somehow, these are what make us perfect. Our differences fill the missing parts in us, complete us. I truly feel that and I hope she feels the same, too.

She told me so many times that I’ve made her happy, made her smiles and felt lonely no more. But she’s the one to make me happy. Whenever I’m tired, she’s my cheerleader that lift up my energy. She’s like a home where I can rest and recharge. She is a pure soul, raises my protection instinct upon her. She is the true beauty, not just physical but a beauty that shines from within. The more I know her, the more I want to be a better man for her.

However, it’s not easy to convince her. She’s always been bothering by the fact that I am younger. Age is just a matter of number. She seems to forget that I’m not a child. I am a mature adult man, and I have confidence that I am capable to make the wise decision. I know for sure,  she’s all that I want and I need.


Due to our busy schedule, we’re going to have an almost full day shooting schedule today, to fill in several WGM episodes . She has her new drama airing recently, where her role is a cooking teacher, a daughter of a well-known chef who owns a Chinese restaurant, and I hate to state this, a wife of a successful businessman. She’ll have a love triangle scenes, too. However, I understand this is part of her job. She must perform well to live up her role in any drama. For today’s WGM shooting, she’d asked me beforehand to help her practising her cutting skill, the skill I’ve mastered well enough.

We meet at 8am in the morning, in a market near our Pyongchandong house, to buy some ingredients we’re going to use for her cooking practise. I’m going to cook some food for her and the crews as well. It reminds me to our last night’s conversation on the phone.

“I always make a mess in the kitchen, spill or burn off something,” she laughed at her own words That was one among the many light conversations we usually have by the end of each day, A relaxing chat with no camera, no WGM crew, A discussion between us to know each other better. Even though this is just a virtual marriage, it does involve our real interaction. How the viewers see us in WGM, that’s the real us. We know too well that viewers can always sense the sincerity the couples portray in this show. Do any pretentious and fakeness, and they will throw you into the K-netz harsh words. That’s the 1st reason why we choose to just be ourselves in the show. But now..the real feelings has bloom..   


During the WGM shooting:

“I didn’t know there’s so many ways to cut and peel something,” she whines while peeling potato for the nth time. She still do her sculpting-stair-like peeling, her way that earns me a nickname, Potato Face.

“If Gordon Ramsay saw this, he would have you sit in the corner peeling a bunch of potatoes until they come out right.”

“Really?!” She looks at me with terrified eyes. Hah! She’s just like an innocent little girl. Who would have though she’s older than me?

“Hahaha..I’m kidding,” I laugh, and laugh even louder seeing her expression.

“Ya, I Jasik!” She stomps off her feet, acts out her cute anger that doesn’t scare me at all.

“Teasing Soyeon-ie is one of my happiness, you know. It’s your fault why you are so cute,” I speak in between my laugh.

“Omo..,” she winks at me, this time flashing her cute smile.

Her persistence in learning something is no joke.This is why she’s an amazing actress, being acknowledged and praised by many colleagues. I feel a glimpse of pride in my heart that she’s with me now.     

“Why are you keep looking at me?” She notices my stare.

“Nothing. Uri wifeu jinjja yeppeo,” I look at her eyes intently.

“Aih...gomawo,” she smiles shyly and pink creeps on her cheeks.

“So..I’m still pretty after all this mess?” She points at the messy kitchen table.

“Of course you are,” I answer in no time and her blushing cheeks show more color. I so love to see her blushing.

“Honey, you don’t have to use a knife. Even the famous chefs use peeler sometimes,” I hand her the peeler when I notice her frustration upon her own works.

She sighs and looks at me with her kitty eyes..I feel like pulling her into my arms, kissing her moist lips, wipe away that stressful look on her face. Instead, I only say, “You can do it. Fighting, Soyeon-ie!”

“Gomawo, yeobo. Yes! I can do it!” She do the fighting sign with her hand and clasps her lips tightly, showing her new determination. I laugh again at her cute action.

Aside of her cuteness, her kindness and optimism character have inspired me to work harder. I won’t stop on trying to convince her about us as a real couple.

We cook our lunch from whatever left of her knife’s practice. And the stair-like apple that she has peeled, turns into a Kim Soyeon’s masterpiece dessert.

After wrap up shooting at home, PD-nim advises us to go outside. We decided to go to a garden near the Han river. Soyeon brings her Slam Dunk manga, while I pack some snacks and hot coffee-mix. We found a nice spot to spread our picnic cover and sit on it.

“Yeobo, do you remember that scene?” She asks me.

“What scene?”

“Julia Roberts, Notting Hills,” she smiles widely and move to lay her head on my lap, then, “Aahh..,” she hesitates.

“C’mon,” I encourage her, gesture my lap to allow her doing what she thinks of.

“I just remember. Julia Roberts is the one sitting.” She replied nervously.

“Ok, then I’ll sleep on your lap.” I do it while I speak, reach over for her hands and placing them on my chest. “Mmmh...it’s nice,” I close my eyes.

“Yeobo, how do I read if you hold both of my hands?” She shakes off her hand shyly, but I grasp them firmly, only let go one hand.

“Just read with one hand. Hugh Grant did that in your favorite movie.”

She laughs and knocks my forehead playfully. “This is fun. Let’s do that again during the cherry blossoms.”

We stay in that position for a while, sleepy come after me but we’re still shooting. I sit up, asking her to stroll along the river way. When the sun finally set, the crews wrap up their equipment, and so do we. We remove the microphone that’s been with us for more than half day, and thanks the crews for their hardworks. We also ask permission from our manager to leave us alone for tonight. They know us, and granted our request.

Being without the crews now, we stand up hand in hand, watching the beautiful lights of Seoul. It’s so peaceful.

“Siyang-ah, they say that I know nothing but acting for camera.”

“Don’t listen to it.”

“But I’m really terrible in the kitchen.”

“Well, you have me.” I squeeze her hands, trying to infuse some warmth into them. They’re cold. “Beside, you are the most diligent learner I’ve ever known. I’ll keep teaching you.”

“Are you sure? You’ll be by my side and help me with the kitchen thingy?”

“Yes, I can always teach you how to do something in the kitchen...something special, with me” I grin, give her a naughty look, and we both burst out laughing.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” she changes our hands position to hold back my hands within her small palms. “Don’t give up on me, okay? Saranghae,”

What? Have I heard wrong? I search her eyes. She looks back at mine, trying to convince me that it’s true. The warm feeling fills me. This is not a dream. She really say the word, Saranghae. Finally. We are a couple now. We can grow together to be better, as a real couple.

“Nado saranghae, Soyeon-ie,” I hug her tightly. We share a warm hugs for a little while, until she loses up her hand and look at me again. Our eyes meet, and I can’t wait anymore. I plant a sweet kiss on her lips…the deep kiss I’ve been dreaming to do for sometimes...I can call her mine, now. Kim SoYeon, she is my girl. She kisses me back, a long sweet kiss that makes the moment stops..This is where I should be, near her, next to each other, for a long long time...


7. Three Words Left Unsaid - by @alou





"Nampyeon! Palli~ .. Come over here.. I'm at the kitchen" excitedly Soyeon exclaimed


"Wae, what happened Yeobo? Wow!! What's that delicious smell? You're cooking our dinner Yeobo?" curiously husband Siyang ask


"Nampyeon, look!! I've finally learned how to cook stir-fried chicken stew. Just like the one you cooked for me the first time we met. Only 2% better than yours, Aza~!! Here have a taste"


"Mmmmm.. It's delicious Yeobo. You're getting better at cooking, even better than I.. hahaha!!" Siyang teases his wife


"Of course, I have a great teacher beside me, my private tutor, the most handsome chef I've know, and.."


"And who is that, may i ask?" Siyang cut in immediately


"Of course, none other than my ManjjitNampyeon KWAK-SI-YANG!!" Soyeon explained sweetly


"Should I set the dinner at the balcony then Yeobo? It's been awhile since we had our dinner under twinkling stars that lights upon us."


"You're making me blush Nampyeon~.. Geurae! I'll just put some finishing touch on our dish and kindly get the pitcher of lemonade on fridge. Thanks!"



"Thank you for the delicious dinner Yeobo" while feeding Soyeon some luscious red strawberry on their living room


"Nampyeonim, it seems you're so quiet tonight. You barely talk while we're eating earlier. Even your hand is sweaty this time. "


"Sit closer to me Yeobo. It's nothing , I just have some things to think about"


"About what~?"


"About us Yeobo."


"What about us? Nampyeon, don't make me nervous, my heartbeat skipped for i don't know how many times that night. I don't want to feel scared anymore, just like what I felt when I thought you will not come on our wedding ceremony. Chebal, tell me what's wrong..


"You know how much I care for you right? How I opened my heart to you.."


"Arasseo and.."


And we promised to each other that there'll be no secrets between us, right Yeobo? Hmmm.. How should i say this? .. Yeobo, why is it that I feel like I'm still not good enough for you?"


"Who said that Nampyeon? It's not true! Have I said anything or done something, for you to feel that way? Nampyeonim~" Soyeon asked worriedly, holding Siyang's right hand tightly


"No Yeobo, it's not you! It's the people that surrounds you who kept on saying that I'm not the right one for you. That I'm nobody compared to your status as an A-list actress." Siyang explained in a sad tone.


" I oftentimes tell you that I don't mind them at all. But in all honesty, I'm scared Yeobo. I'm scared that one day, you'll tell me that you've realized that you made the wrong decision of having me at your side.. of saying "Yes" to walk beside me. Im scared.. that you'll leave me completely"


"Are you doubting me then? Don't you trust me Nampyeonim?" Soyeon sadly asked


"I do trust you Yeobo! Don't get me wrong! It's me, myself whom I don't trust. So, in order for me to be with you forever, I know I have to work harder than I am right now. To prove them that we are destined to each other the very first day we met. " Siyang said determinedly


"Nampyeon, the very moment that I've decided to renew our vow, I promised to be a better Anae. You gave me so much happiness and I don't know how to repay you-"


"But I'm not asking for anything in return Yeobo" Siyang immediately replied


"I know that.. that's how selfless you are. And they don't know it. Never mind them Nampyeonim. You are my strength. Everytime I'm feeling restless, I just have to think of you and regain the power. The power to continue with my work because I know you'll be proud of me. And to be honest, I've never been this happy in my entire life. Even my friends are telling me how radiant I am these days."


"Coz you are a goddess Yeobo, my very own Yeosin Anae."


"Yes I am your wife and when I answered "Yes" to your proposal, I said yes to everything and every moment moment that I'll spend with you.. through thick and thin.. Please don't let go of my hands.. Hold me tightly Siyang~shii.."




"I don't care about what others may say anymore. About our work status, even our age-difference. It doesn't matter to me anymore! And besides, we do have our berries who will support us throughout our journey together. Our parents gave us their approvals. For me.. You are the most important person right now. Nampyeonim~ Sar~"


"Gomawoyo, Yeobo.. As long as you're happy, I am happy as well..I have just one wish though. I hope I'll get to hear from you the words that I want to hear the most" Siyang pleads while staring at Soyeon's eyes


"Hmmpp! It's not my fault! You didn't let me finish what I was trying say. Meroong! I'd better go to our room and get ready to sleep, it's almost midnight anyway. Annyeong! Hmmp!" Soyeon hurriedly left Siyang on her way to the bedroom


"Jamkkanman-eo Yeobo! What are you trying say? What do you mean by that? Yeobo~!!!




"Open this door Yeobo! Soyeonie~ Open this door.. Chebal!! Ope--"


"Are you going to listen to me now? Do you really want to know what I am going to say?"




"Come in then.. and turn the lights off completely this time .. Yeobo.. "  ^_~





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OMO.... I love all the fanfics.... those make me smile so wide and laugh so heartily after feel so gloomy of bad issues today :w00t:

thanks you so much Neat9,  @ChuMills DejaVu, @thesuitelife547 @alou @catgoh92  for making those awesome fanfics..... :wub::wub: 

@studentkkk  right, all are so HOT.... aigooo.... :blush:

From the survey about age, there are noone in band 1 so I think all of us are old enough for that hot fanfics, hahahaha....



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1 hour ago, KalyanaV said:


I don't know what to write now. My brain freezes from this sudden news and my unavoidable long trip. I could write many sad posts according to my feeling right now, but I won't. I am sure many of you have felt awful enough. So let's try to shift our mind to something brighter..we still have Siso now. Where there is a will, there is a way. When Siso want to be together, they will find a way. Whatever that way is. 

For now, I will post the fanfics nomination for round 3 of the contest. I remember reading them before (my priviledge as the coordinator, thank you all fanfics contributors), and they really bring warm to my heart. I hope that they can also warm your heart, providing some distraction from the uncertainty we feel right now  Just ignore when there is typo or something need a grammar correction, we'll do that later once we have the final candidate.

The internal voting link will be posted by Alou, later on. For now, just enjoy reading them, and carefully choosing your favorit one, okay? Cheer up, light up, berries..

1. Life with Innocent Cute Sexy Kitty - by Neat9

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Synopsis: Read about SISO's future ... what does life hold for them? Si Yang's dream.




Twinkle Twinkle little stars … how I wonder what you are!”

Spring has sprung 5 years since Kwak Si Yang and Kim So Yeon first featured on WGM.  Happily married and living with their twin boy and girl (nicknamed their twinkles).  Their home provides space and privacy.  Si Yang recreated manga café incorporating karaoke as part of the entertainment areas.  This area opens out into the garden where twinkles enjoy outdoor activities.  Wifey has a studio where she indulges in painting favorite things, even getting tips from her honorable father-in-law.  Both their parents live nearby allowing for many family gatherings.

Si Yang has been very successful in his acting/music projects and is now taking on directing his first action film entitled “Midnight Red” to star So Yeon in her comeback role.  His ever creative wifey has been busy bringing up their twinkles.  Couple time is her most special favorite moment, loving her Manjitnam.  A dutiful daughter, she is in constant touch with her parents and parents-in-law, earning her respect for her purely lovable thoughtful ways.  

Life has been bountiful and today is also their fifth wedding anniversary.  A surprise event has been planned as only Manjitnam can for this special occasion.  The day begins at 8 am in their kitchen, like any other ordinary day.

Scene 1 – Breakfast between lovers:

So Yeon: “Yeobo,  (blowing kisses and handing hubby a mug) blueberry yoghurt, how are the kids doing?  Isn’t today a special day for us?”

Si Yang:  “Thanks, my Twinkle, here is your latte. (handing  her a mug).  Our twinkles are getting dressed by their nanny for play school since they do not like to skip it.  I will drop them off today while you take time preparing for uri  “hot” date (says this with a laugh and a naughty look towards her).  Remember to enjoy your massage and facial with your girlfriends.  My parents will pick up the kids from school so we are all set, honey!”

So Yeon:  “Yeobo,  (reaching out and giving him a back hug) Thank you for making the arrangements, you are always so thoughtful, falling in love with you again for the how many time is it now?  What are we doing/going for our date? Amusement Park?  How should I dress? “(as per usual her aegyo  never fails to amuse)

Si Yang:  “ICS Yeobo, (wink wink), dress comfortably.  I do want to spend some time talking “Midnight Red”.  With you as “matahari” character, it has to be better than “Descendants of the Sun”, however no Joong Ki for you though … too sexy for the director’s liking” (changing the subject to distract her from figuring out his surprise)

So Yeon:  “Yeobo, do you think I can do that after the kids?  What happens if my fans don’t remember me?  Will the movie with me in it be a lemon?” (her sense of nervousness is less these days, however she still likes to joke – again fluttering him)

Si Yang:  “Leave that with me Darling, if you are a lemon, you are MY lemon - have I ever not made your heart flutter … and your fans have not forgotten, just look at our IG accounts, Seesaw Love, KalyanaV and the berries gang are still with us. “ (glancing at his watch and the couple bracelet, he says) 
“uri have to go baby”.  (walks out of kitchen with wifey holding his hand and calling out to nanny and children)  “Uri little twinkles - where are you?  Give Eomma a kiss before we go.”

Kids run out excitedly and into So Yeon’s open arms, they cover her with hugs and kisses while Si Yang looks amused at his family.  Si Yang opens the car door and buckles the children into the child seats.  Other than wifey, these are precious cargo.  He kisses wifey on the forehead and starts the car.  Electronic garage doors open and he drives off waving his hand out the window.

So Yeon smiles to herself, thinking how wonderful her husband and children are.  She dials her mom’s number to have a conversation about the activities and her excitement for the day wondering what Manjitnam will be up to.  Her mother reminds her to do something special for Si Yang.  So Yeon calls her mother-in-law next to thank her and father-in-law for looking after the kids while they go on a date.  She walks to her studio to wrap Manjitnams’ present.

Si Yang hugs the children as they skip into school.  He advises teacher that his parents will be picking up the twins.  He returns to the car and scribbles into his phone: pressie for wifey, flowers, restaurant booking, script for “Midnight Red”.  This man cannot do without his notes.  He starts to make calls.

It’s 5 pm and Si Yang talks with wifey while on his way to pick her up for their date.  His eyes and smile widen more when wifey eagerly greets him with several waves as she skips towards the car dressed in fabulous red, accompanied with a black handbag and matching heels.  Feeling recharged just looking at her, remembering their first Valentine Day calendar shoot, how nervous he was, he still cannot believe she said “YES” when he proposed.  Indeed always thankful that he said YES to WGM.  (Never mind, feast eyes first and backup  coat, shoes  packed, if she gets tired walking in those heels.)

During the drive, So Yeon starts singing (Manjitnam’s provides background humming); hands meeting in a dance, sweetly interlocking just like when they were starring in WGM.  They never run out of conversation exchanging ideas about “Midnight Red”.  Si Yang quietly bemused at distracting wifey and secretly grins as he looks forward to surprising her to celebrate their journey thus far.

Scene 2 – Dinner and dessert between lovers:

Arriving at their destination, they walk towards a restaurant waiting area and she could hear “Why did you come now” playing softly.  Her pulse is racing as she gently presses his hand; she starts to do little skip like steps towards the music. They are shown to their table and wifey gasps when she enters the private room he had prepared.  Fragrant heart shaped framed flowers and candles fill the romantic atmosphere (oh, she thinks to herself, no presence of a pasque flower here – must remember to ask Manjitnam which is prettier and sexier; as she tries to hold back her tears)

Si Yang:  Honey, it’s been years, you still make me tear up … he kneels and produces a bouquet murmuring the words, “Will you marry me again”.  She gushes and reaches out to accept the bouquet saying ever so lovingly “Yes, always YES”.

What wonderful memories made together, like icing on a wedding cake, the loveliest of celebrity couples.  They enjoy  sharing their dinner, talking as always and head out hand in hand.  So Yeon giving her Manjtnam a look that asks what’s next!  Sensing her, he tells her that he would have to kill her (jokingly) if she guesses what is for dessert.  He is wondering if she will guess that they are heading to Yeouido Spring Flower festival where the azaleas, forsythia, royal azaleas, and other spring flowers are in full bloom.  The celebration is famous for its 1,886 Korean Cherry trees, awaiting his precious wifey’s yearly appreciation.  

This night will be memorable, he has permission and special arrangements for fireworks, bringing back memories of Dangjin (where they have returned to visit in warmer weather).  He is elated at the prospect of watching her enjoy the blossoms and festivities freely.  Especially in the evenings, cherry blossoms lit up with various colored lights, street performances and art exhibition.  He does not mind sharing her, able to protect and just letting things happen.   Just them enjoying couple time in public no less.  A man cannot be happier than he right now as he glances upwards towards the sky and notices all the twinkling stars shining and reflecting down on them.  He cannot help himself thinking of the poem as he gazes lovingly at wifey…

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.”  Indeed his diamond, he smiles mischievously as he pulls her closer into his arms, planting a kiss on her lips, her returning whisper "Saranghae", walking beside each other as promised.

Jamkkanman-eo, Si Yang opens his eyes and realizes that So Yeon is still asleep in his arms … omo …what a dream that was, could he really make it real, only time will tell whether So Yeon will agree to be real and not just his reel wifey.


2. Precious Moments - by @ChuMills DejaVu

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PRECIOUS MOMENTS - by Chumills Dejavu



I kiss her lips lightly, and finger-brush the hair strands that hides her face. I’ll never get bored watching this face, never. She will always be the first person I want to see when I open my eyes every morning.

“Five minutes.” She mumbles hoarsely, snuggles closer to me. I kiss her forehead, adjusting my position to give her more comfort in my arms. I stroke her spine gently, and I hear her grateful sigh... Her days has becoming tougher lately. She’s been having sleeping disorder due to her mature pregnancy. I’ve tried many ways to let her sleeps comfortably, and it breaks my heart that I couldn’t help much, yet she whines nothing nor complaining. I know she doesn’t want to make me worry, but I feel guilty somehow.


We decided to get married a year ago, and we don’t need to wait too long for the babies. Soyeon was pregnant three months after our marriage. Later, doctor confirmed we’re going to have the twin babies. Being pregnant and deliver the twins in her late-age pregnancy had me worried, but the doctor convinces us that it won’t be a problem. There’s always the caesarean option when it’s being risky for normal delivery. However, Soyeon has been too excited with the normal delivery’s idea. As much as I support her, deep inside I feel like it’s maybe safer to choose c-section. But I know her too well. Once she insists on something, nothing can stop her.


I give her another ten minutes. Then I kiss her lips again, a deeper kiss to wake her up. “I’m sorry baby, I really want to let you sleep longer, but our morning exercise is waiting.”

I clean up myself in our bathroom then return to the bedside and wait until she opens her eyes. “Good morning yeobo,” she greets me sleepily but raises her arms to hold my neck. I smile, knowing what she wants and I give it to her. She kisses me back, long and sweet... Mmh...we fly into the heaven where there’s just the two of us... But we have to stop ourselves anyway, and laugh together. This isn’t the right time.

I walk her to the bathroom. Once she’s in, I go to the kitchen to prepare light breakfast and two glasses of milk. She shows up in our kitchen, looks as fresh as the spring season.

“Gomawo,” she smiles when I serve her meals. She eats her breakfast heartily, but her expression changes when she looks at the milk. And I completely understand that face.

“See, I drink the milk too.” I show her my glass, gulp the white liquid down, trying to keep my smile. I’ve learnt to show my best smile when she has to drink her prescribed pregnancy milk, trying to convince her that it tastes good. She finishes her milk without saying anything. Her expression says it all. Just like me, for nearly 6 months, she practices to enjoy the taste. I didn’t force her during the 1st three months, her early pregnancy symptoms were really bad. She barely consumed anything due to the terrible morning sickness, and I was so worried I couldn’t eat much, too. That’s why the doctor prescribed this high-nutrition milk, and I made a choice to drink it with her. We should try whatever we can for the sake of our healthy babies and mother. Even if that means I’ll get stomach ache every morning.


The doctor predicts our twins to be born around early November. Soyeon was so excited, she said it’s gonna be the best gift in her life if the babies were born right on her birthday. Of course, whatever date the twins choose to see the world, it’ll always be the best gift for us.

“Uri wifeu, jinjja yeppeo,” I fix her coat’s collar. She blushes and hit my arms playfully. Duh, after all this time, she’s still blushing from my praises.

“Kajja!” I reach her hand, put it into my jacket’s pocket. Morning walk has been our daily routine. I had finished my last shooting a month ago and I intend to keep my schedule low in activities for a couple months ahead. I need to be with Soyeon when she delivers our twins, I need to make sure she’s in good health, we both need to adjust our life as the 1st time parents together. The twins’ birth will be another precious moment in our life, just like our small private wedding that we decided to have after we dated secretly for a year.


We stroll along the garden near our home. We sit on our favorite bench there, watching the neighbourhood’s elderlies do their morning exercise. Our fingers interlock, her head lays on my shoulder, when Soyeon suddenly squeezes my hand tightly.

“Yeobo, I think we have to go to the hospital now.”

“What?! Ottoke?!” panic rushes inside me, seeing her expression.

“Halmoni!” I call the elderlies loudly. “Please, accompany my wife for a while. I have to get our car, she’s about to deliver our babies.” Some elderlies come to us while shushing me to go get the car.

I run as fast as I can. Once at home, I grab the hospital bags that we’ve prepared beforehand, throwing it to the car’s baggage and drive faster than usual. When I arrive, I rush to Soyeon’s side to help her into the car, making sure her safety belt is put properly but comfortable enough. “Thank you, thank you,” I bow to the elderlies. They wave, telling us to go quickly.


All along the way, I brace myself not to look too often at her. I have to concentrate on the road and get us safely to the hospital. Once we arrive, the medical team quickly handle her over. She is moved to the delivery room. Her gynecologist comes to check her, and explains to us about her opening, the contraction, and the process of her delivery. Her words float above my head, I barely understand a thing. My panic attack dulls my brain this time. Doctor tells me to stay calm and to contact the immediate family members, with the estimation that we may see our twins by this afternoon. I call my mom, Soyeon’s mom, all of my 4 sisters, and Soyeon’s sisters as well. Stupid me, I can just group-message the sisters instead of calling them. It’s good anyway, talking to them and receive their congratulatory and calming words. I calm down enough now. I can’t show my panic face to Soyeon when she needs me to be her pillar of strength. Mom-in-law and sisters-in-laws are among the first to arrive when the doctor comes out to explain further. Soyeon is having the 7th opening and her contractions has been intense.

“Do you want to accompany her right now?” The doctor asks me.

“Of course, I’ll accompany her,” I said firmly.

I enter the delivery room with Soyeon’s mom, and my heart wrenches when I see her in grimace.

“Eomma,” Soyeon calls her mom and they hold hands, as if to share her pain. She reaches for me after that. I brace myself and hold her hands. In between her pains she still look at me lovingly. How I love this angel. There’s nothing I can do for her at this moment. I can only hold her hands, give her the words of encouragements. It’s all in her effort to bring our babies safely into our life. And I respect her even more, seeing her struggle in great pain without a thought to surrender. She goes through it for us, for our love, to complete us as one happy family.

When the twins are finally born, the feeling is so overwhelming. I cry, she cries, the twins cry… What we have been waiting for 9 months, are finally here in our arms..so tiny, so perfect, so beautiful....


The nurses give us sometime to hold our baby boys, and I watch in awe when, without difficulty, the twins manage to get their 1st sip of milk. My wife is so natural in doing it, as if this is not her first time, as if she forgets all the pain she had just gone through. It’s such a beautiful sight.

The nurses take over our babies to clean them up. I hold Soyeon’s hands and we kiss, feeling more connected than ever. She tells me she is sleepy. I tell her to sleep, I‘ll wait until she’s asleep before I share this happy news with our family.

Our babies’ births, I don’t think I’ll ever forget this day. They have just given me a reason to work harder for them. Now I need to not just be a good husband for Soyeon, I have to be a good daddy for our babies too. The first step to do is to decide on their names..

Hmm...where does Soyeon keep the name list that we had made that time?



3. Unexpected Treasure - by @thesuitelife547

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UNEXPECTED TREASURE - by Thesuitelife547

Kim SoYeon has had something on her mind for the past couple of days and can’t find the right words or way to tell her husband, Kwak SiYang. When he calls and says he’ll be returning home late one day, SoYeon realizes that the perfect chance to tell him has come.

           She paced around the room as she lightly chewed on her fingernails and stared out the window. The sense of déjà vu was stronger than ever before, the various times she paced around the room waiting for him before, most notable when they first met on that marriage variety program a couple of years ago. Who knew that they’d become the first couple from the show to actually get married in real life, she sure didn’t. But those thoughts didn’t calm her down at all as she waited for his arrival.
           Only a sigh could escape her lips as she checked the time on her phone for what seemed to be the thousandth time. She tried to remain positive about him coming home late. He could’ve just had a sudden interview or maybe the drama staff wanted to clarify some things for the following day’s shooting. In the entertainment world, there were a bunch of reasons as to why someone might be held up. She even took the traffic into account and thought that it might have just been an unusually heavy traffic day. It was the winter holiday season after all, and that just made her somewhat unexpected surprise event even more perfect. “An early Christmas present,” she muttered to herself as she made her way to the kitchen to drink a small cup of coffee. Coffee would always work to calm her nerves if nothing else did but soon, she would have to pay attention to the amount she consumed.
           Right when she settled in the living room and turned on the television he called her. “Darling!” he immediately said when she picked up the phone.
           “Yah! Kwak SiYang!” she yelled. “You were supposed to be home an hour ago!”
           “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “We ran late filming because of the weather and now the staff wants to have a small meeting to discuss the changes to the filming schedule because of it. I don’t think I’ll be home for a little while. Do you want me to pick up something for dinner?”
           SoYeon thought for a moment before she thought of the perfect plan. Maybe Si Yang being late was a blessing in disguise. She had been struggling for a couple of days on how to tell him. “No,” she said as a small smile crept up on her face and at that moment, she was glad that they were speaking over the phone. “I’ll make something.”
           “Are you sure?” SiYang wondered with a hint of amusement in his voice. He had to admit that her cooking skills have steadily improved and she even started attending classes to learn how to make some new things. Still, it was one of his favorite jokes and no matter how good of a cook she became, she’d never be able to escape that joking around.
           “Of course I’m sure! What do you want to eat? Just name it, I’ll make it.”
           “Um…” he said thinking. He wanted to joke around and name a dish that he knew she couldn’t make, maybe something foreign, but just went the usual answer of, “surprise me.”
           As soon as they said their goodbyes and promises to see each other later for dinner, SoYeon got to moving. She had to go to the store to create a perfect dinner and perfect atmosphere for SiYang to come home to. She didn’t have that much time to do all of that since he said that he would probably be home within an hour to an hour and a half. To go buy supplies, decorate, and cook, SoYeon knew she had to rush.
           In the end she chose to make a simple kimchi stew. It was a dish that didn’t require much time or ingredients. After going through the cabinets to take a note of what she needed, something she started remembering to do after buying multiples of things at the grocery store, she saw that she mostly had the ingredients. But a trip shopping was still needed, she needed a cake and balloons and streamers, everything to create a party atmosphere.
           Being out in the open air and walking the familiar road to the grocery store made SoYeon feel light on her feet. There was just something so refreshing about being outside, it was like the world felt different and she knew from that day on, it would definitely be that way.
           “Do you need candles for tonight?” the employee at the cake shop wondered as she packed the cake into its box.
           “No, no candles. It’s not really an event that needs candles,” she hesitantly said.
           “Ah, is it just a celebratory cake then?”
           “Something like that,” SoYeon said as a wide smile was once again threatening to form on her lips.
           Once she returned home it felt like time started working against her. The nerves also set in as she kept glancing at the clock. Never had she felt so nervous before, not even when she first broke out in the entertainment industry or at any other point throughout her career. However, despite how nervous she was, the thought of SiYang’s reaction to the surprise she was creating made her smile and continue on doing her best.
           He walked through the door at five thirty and was hit with a delicious smell. He could automatically identify what dish was waiting for him and slowly made his way to the kitchen. There he saw So Yeon’s back facing him as she finished putting the finishing touches on the cake.
           “What are you doing there?” he asked, his sudden voice made SoYeon jump and turn around in surprise.
           “You’re home ear—” SoYeon began but stopped herself when she looked at the clock. He wasn’t early at all, he was right on time.
           “What are you doing there?” he asked as he made his way towards her.
           “No, no, no,” she quickly said using her hands to cover the cake. “Go wait at the table.”
           “Why? Is there something you don’t want me to see there?”
           “It’s for later,” she said and began to push him away.
SiYang allowed himself to be pushed towards the table and watched as SoYeon went back into the kitchen to finish whatever he was doing. He quickly got the impression that they weren’t going to have a normal dinner. There was something off, she was keeping a secret from him and if it were a secret that were involving a cake, he knew that it couldn’t be that terrible. Yet as he tried to think about what his wife might be hiding from him, he didn’t get anything. They weren’t the type to hide secrets from one another, it was a new situation he was presented with.
           He tried to bring it up during dinner but was unable to. The existence of a cake still baffled him as they talked about their days. He told her all about filming and how the unexpected snowfall halted and postponed some of their outdoor filming while she retold the tales of her boring day at home with their dog.
           “Um…can you wait here and close your eyes?” SoYeon asked with an ounce of cuteness in her voice. “I have something to give you.”
           “Something to give me?” SiYang wondered if it was perhaps the cake. Had she baked it herself and wanted him to try it to see how well she did? Or was she going to give him something like an early Christmas present? It was a bit too early for that, plus he was still planning out the event he was going to present her.
           In the kitchen, SoYeon took a deep breath as she took one last look at the cake and carried it to the table. She made sure to place it directly in front of SiYang so he could read the words and stood behind him, slowly placing her arms around his neck and leaning her head on his shoulder. “Alright,” she announced, “you can open them.”
           SiYang opened his eyes to find himself staring at the cake. “A cake is my present?” he wondered slightly turning his head to look at SoYeon. She silently shook her head and pointed back to it. He followed her finger to where there were words written on top.
           His eyes went wide as he registered the words. He looked back at SoYeon who had an enormous smile on her face and back at the words. “You mean…are you serious? This isn’t some prank, right?”
           “No prank,” SoYeon said as she made sure to capture his face so she’d always remember it. SiYang stood up from the table and looked at her from head to toe in a new light. “Congratulations…daddy.”
           “We’re going to be parents!” SiYang yelled as he enveloped SoYeon in a hug and picked her up off the ground. “We’re really going to be parents! I love you Kim SoYeon.”
           “Right back at you Kwak SiYang.”


4, For The Last Time - by @alou

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"Will you marry me again?" Siyang asked Soyeon while slowly kneeling as he offers a ring to Soyeon, as the song "Reality" is playing in the background, at the garden full of rose petals under the midnight sky


"Yes! I would love to, with all my heart!" Soyeon tearfully answered as she too kneeled to accept the proposal and aimed to embrace Siyang


"Cut! Good take!" said director Jung Kyung Ho


He requested the former We Got Married couple to be in a cameo role for his directorial film debut entitled "One More Chance With You"


As soon as they heard the word "Cut", as if on cue, Soyeon immediately stand, gave a slight bow to Siyang and immediately turned to Director Kyung Ho


"Is it a wrap then Director-nim? I need to go somewhere after this shoot. Can I go first?" asked Soyeon


"Ne Soyeon Noona! You can go now. Your scenes are done. And I would like to say Gomawoyo for accepting this cameo. I know how hard it is for you to--"


"Ya paboya! Don't talk about non-sense." Soyeon cuts in " I'll do anything for a chingu. Congratulation Kyung Ho-shii!" while she tap Jung Ho's shoulder sweetly


Stunned Kwak Siyang was just looking at Kim Soyeon and Jung Kyung Ho, feeling the familiar hurt everytime he knew that Soyeon is not looking at him eye to eye when they are not shooting. It's the first day since he saw Soyeon after their last shoot in We Got Married 2 months ago. He then decided to join them when..




"Oh! Lee Pil Mo oppa!! Annyeonghaseyo! What brought you here?" greeting the newcomer with delight


"I'm here to fetch you. You're done with your filming right? Gaja! let's go together to the thanks giving party. They are waiting for us" Soyeon's co-actor replied


"Cheongmal?!? I can go now, right Kyung Ho-shii? Annyeong..!" slightly bowing to Kyung Ho and to Siyang who is now on directors side


Watching Soyeon and Lee Pil Mo leaves, Siyang can only deeply sigh as Kyung Ho slowly pat his shoulder..



Inside their dorm, Siyang is pacing left and right. Worried that Soyeon is not answering his calls. He then decided to call someone


"Answer my call, palli~!!" talking to himself "Ah hyung!! Annyeonghaseyo!


"Ah Siyang-shii! What's up?" Lee Sang Wo replied


"Eodiya? Why is it so noisy?" Siyang almost shouted


"Aahhhh.. the cast decided to go on a disco bar that's why it's.."


"Is Soyeon with you? Who else is there?" Siyang cuts in


"Ye, Soyeon is here, and the rest of the cast--"


"Where is that place? Chebal, tell me? Or better yet text it to me. I'm on my way!" Siyang hurriedly get his jacket to leave


"Ya wait! Why are you going--"


Siyang immediately hang up the phone



Outside the pub, Siyang patiently wait for Soyeon. When he saw Soyeon's manager on the entrance of the bar, talking to someone, he immediately approach him


"Hyung! Can I invite Soyeon out tonight? Even for just an hour. I needed to talk to her now! Chebal.. " Siyang pleaded


"But I don't know if Soyeon-ah will agree.. Geurae, wait here, I'll talk to her." Soyeon's Manager agrees seeing Siyang's determined face


After a few minutes, Soyeon came out of the pub


"This better be good Siyang-shii , since I just broke my promise to Pil Mo Oppa, that he can drive me home later." Soyeon narrates coldly


"Can we go somewhere else? I really wanted to talk to you for sometime now. I just can't find a proper timing." Siyang admits


"Geurae! Lead the way. " Soyeon said resignedly


"Jamkkanman, I have to call someone special." Siyang dials his phone "Annyeonghaseyo Eomeoni.. Ne, she's with me right now.. I promise I'll do my best Eomeoni.. I'll bring her home safe. Thank you for your trust in me. Annyeong!"


"Is that my mother? Why are you talking to her? what's happening here?"


"Get inside the car first, Yeobo.." Siyang said


"I'm no longer your "Yeobo"! Have you forgotten? Our act in We Got Married is over! " Soyeon states angrily as they get inside the car


" Is it all an act for you then, Yeobo? " Siyang asked


"Don't call me "Yeobo" anymore! It's over 2 months ago.." Soyeon whisper sadly


" How should I call you then? You told me not to call you Noona nor Sunbaenim!! That is why I dared not to contact you at all.. Coz I don't know how to address you! When all I wanted is to call you "Yeobo" for the rest of my life.." Siyang confessed


"What are you talking about? I don't understand--" Soyeon nervously asked


" I'm like living in hell for 2 months!! I told myself it's just another case of withdrawal syndrome for another finished project. But I can't lie to myself anymore. Everytime I see an article and news about you and Lee Pil Mo sunbaenim, I'm seeing red and almost died of jealousy. I can't bear to see another guy making you smile, just like the way you used to smile at me.."


" But it's just work! You know how it is in showbusiness."


"What about us? Is it just a work for you too? Am I the only one who thought that we can be a real couple? Am I the only one who feels that what we had is special? " Siyang tearfully asked


"Remember our last taping day, Siyang-shii? I confessed it all to you! I even told you "I love you!" , but you just froze out on me. You didn't even reply. You just hug me tight. Then after that taping day, you didn't bother to call or text me!" Soyeon exclaimed


" I pleadingly asked the editor and pd-nim to cut that scenes out. Or else it would have been the most embarrassing moment of my life.. not to have my love reciprocated on the national television. You don't know how much hurt you caused me. How the twinkle in my eyes disappeared after that day.. How I wished that everything is just a dream.. that when I wake up , I can still be with you, even if it is just a make-believe!! " Soyeon covers her face to hide her tears


"Mianhe, Soyeon-ie.. I was confused that day. I don't even know how we ended the shoot that day. I'm so spazzed out, I can't think properly. I'm sorry.. Chebal.. Please forgive me.." Siyang pleads earnestly as she gathers Soyeon in his arms to embrace her


"Please don't cry Jagiya.. It hurts me to see you cry. Look at me.. Look into my eyes.." Siyang tells Soyeon sweetly as he holds her to face him


"Saranghaeyo.. Saranghamnida.. I never felt like this before. Wanting to hold you, protect you and be beside you forever.. Wanting to make you happy for as long as we live.. Forgive me if I may hurt you unintentionally. But I swear and I made this promise to your mother, uri Eomeuni, that I will love and protect you for the rest of our lives. So please, grant me the rights to call you "Yeobo" again.. Marry me again for the third and last time.. Because after tonight, I will not let you out of my sight anymore.."


"Siyang-shii~.. Ne, I will marry you again! FOR THE LAST TIME!! Please hold unto your promise! Bogoshipeoyo Yeobo~!! You don't know how much I missed you.. Please don't leave me again.. Saranghaeyo Yeobo~"


"Ppo ppo hae! Ppo ppo hae!! " the on-lookers chant outside the car


"OMO!! We're still in front of the bar!! " Soyeon exclaimed shyly


"Never mind them Yeobo.. I still have a kiss to claim.. Saranghaeyo Kim Soyeon-ie.." and Siyang pulls Soyeon for a sweet and unforgettable kiss




"Way to go hyung!!"




Meanwhile, Lee Pil Mo is talking to someone on his phone


"It worked! My heart almost skipped a beat when I saw Soyeonie cried. But they are busy kissing each other right now. Hahaha!" he happily narrates to his caller


"Kamsamida hyung, I'm happy that Soyeon noona finally gets the love and happiness she deserves. Annyeong!" as Jung Kyung Ho hang up and drink his tequilla with lemon..




5. The Morning - by @catgoh92

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"What could have happen after the exciting night of random choreohraphy dancing and the little of sweet soju intoxication? The real faces of Siso couple between the cameras. Read on to find out more."



THE MORNING - by Catgoh92

‘Yeobo, I will tuck you to sleep.’ Siyang pats the side of the bed slightly.

‘Really?’ Soyeon lets out a small laugh and slides into the comforter. ‘Yeobo…now that I am lying down, I can’t sleep.’ She stares into the ceiling.

‘I will just pat you until you fall asleep.’ Siyang touches her fringe slightly. ‘Don’t cross over to this side.’ He jokes.

As she feels the soft pat on her fringe, she can feel her eyes getting heavy. After a while she dozes off to her dreamland.

Seep well, our Yaongie. Dream only the good things. Dream about us. Please continue to be this happy as long I am by your side. No matter what happens in the future, I am gonna make the best of our time together. Good night yeobo.

He too dozes off after a long tired day.


The sudden itchiness on her arm woke her up. She rubs her eyes slightly and scans her surroundings.

Oh I am still here in the WGM house. What time is it now? The clock shows 2 am.

She turns to look for her phone and saw Siyang sleeping beside her still in the same position before she sleeps.

Omo you have been sleeping in this way? Your arm must have hurt. ‘Yeobo…yeobo…wake up. Put down your arm and sleep properly.’ Soyeon shook him slightly and took his arm down into the comforter.

SIyang lazily open his eyes and snuggles into the comforter. And he groggily mumbles, ‘With our yaongie by my side, I always sleep so comfortably. Let’s hold hand and sleep.’ He then naturally took her hand to put on his chest and continues sleeping.

Soyeon smiles and use the free hand to pull the blanket closer to his chest and pats him slightly. ‘Sleep tight, yeobo.’

Thank you for breaking the barrier between us. Bringing me into your comfort zone that makes me feel comfortable as well. She then snuggles closer to him and falls back into sleep.



Siyang woke up to the sound of his phone alarm buzzing beside the table lamp. He lazily grabs the phone and look at the time. Its shows 8 am but Soyeon is no longer beside him anymore.

Where did she go? Has she left the house? As he was still in his deep thoughts, he hears noises from the kitchen. Ah..she must be in the kitchen then.

He got out of bed and went to the kitchen. He smiled to himself as he witness Soyeon blending some fruits in the fruit blender.

As if it was on cue, he walk towards her back quietly and gave her a back hug. ‘Ah yeobo!’ Soyeon yelps at the sudden skinship shyly but kept a straight face blending her juice. ‘Yeobo…you woke up?’

‘Our yaongie woke up so early…what are you making for me today?’ Siyang mumbles as he rested his head on her shoulder.

‘I am making your favourite blueberry yoghurt drink….go and have a seat. It will be ready in a while.’

‘Arasseo…yeobo.’ He walks to the counter table and saw a spread of simple breakfast. Toast and sunny side up are arranged nicely on two plates with freshly cut fruits in the middle.

‘Jagiya…you made all this?’ Siyang couldn’t hide his surprised expressions. He is so touched by her effort to make breakfast for him.

Soyeon took two glasses from the cabinet and start pouring the yoghurt drink into them. ‘Yea…I made them…without any mishap thankfully…but it wasn’t much anyway. I just hope it doesn’t taste too bad.’

‘Our jagi is so kind. Gumawo.’ He walks over and took the glasses from her. ‘Yeobo, thank you for doing so much for me. Do you want me to make coffee for you too?’

‘Aniya yeobo its okay. I want to try starting my day in your way. I am starting to enjoy yoghurt drink too. What time do you have to leave for work today?’ Soyeon took a sip of the freshly made drink.

‘Our 101 manager hyung will pick me up for practice around 10am later. The WGM staffs have left around midnight yesterday.  So we have two hours to ourselves.’ He picks up the bread and munches into them. ‘Yeobo…you know…you looked really pretty without any make up. I swear I am not lying...’

Soyeon covers her face with her both hands. ‘Mwoya…you are making me shy early in the morning…’ She then noticed that both of them are still the couple pyjamas, ‘Yeobo…we looked so cute together wearing this for breakfast.’ Unconsciously she sang a happy tune.

‘Too bad I have to leave so soon…I just wanna laze around with our yaongie…what do you feel like doing later yeobo?’

‘Ah..I know! Let’s go up to our Siso café and read some comics! Bring our food along too!’ Soyeon said excitedly. ‘

Siyang laughed heartily as he watches her preparing the food on tray to bring it upstairs. Our yaongie is always excited at the mention of comics. Wonder if our future kids will inherit this trait as well. ‘Yeobo…wait for me!’


After setting down the breakfast tray, Soyeon went to the shelf to pick out one of her favourite series. Siyang did the same and they both sat together at the couple hammock.

‘Ah…this is what I have been dreaming for yeobo. Sitting leisurely here enjoying comic and breakfast with you…let’s do this more next time.’ Siyang said as he flipped through his comic.

Siyang and Soyeon swing the hammock slightly as they enjoy their quiet yet comfortable reading moments together. After reading for some time he looks suddenly up to her and say ‘Too bad it’s not the time for ramyun now. Or else I can cook something for you…’ He smiled slyly.

‘Yeobo…who says you don’t have to pay for your breakfast? It’s just that I haven’t asked them from you…’ Soyeon said shyly as she covers her mouth with her hair.

‘Really...? I get to pay for this hearty breakfast? This must have cost a lot…how much do I have to pay then…sajangnim?’ Siyang looks straight into her eyes and knew it was his chance to tease her more.

In the small space between them, Soyeon hits Siyang lightly on his shoulder while looking away, ‘Mwoya…you can just give me the price of the cooked ramyun…’

‘Yes…sajangnim!’ Without hesitation he gave her a peck on the cheek and a long hug. ‘Yeobo…I am not sure if you are going to believe me or not but I just want to let you know how thankful and grateful I am to WGM for pairing us up…It felt like a destiny…and I wanna believe in it…Thank you…for being my wife.

Feeling her cheeks warming up at the sudden confession, she quickly broke the hug and say ‘Arraseo…yeobo…quickly finish your breakfast and you need to get ready soon.’ She felt all warm inside yet shy hearing the honest side of him.


‘Jagi, I will go and do the dishes. You must be tired making all these for me. Go and freshen up yourself.’ He pushes Soyeon slightly back into their room.

The moment Soyeon enters the room he quickly searches for his bag. He took out the stuff he bought the night before continue with the dishes.

Soyeon came out from the room wearing simple white long sleeve blouse and a blue skinny jeans with light make up. Hearing her from the kitchen, he walks up to her and says, ‘To our beautiful yaongie, I have something for you…’ He took out the package behind him. ‘This is healthy packet drink that I bought. You must be tired from the physical test and dancing classes yesterday. Drink it when you feel tired during your schedule.’

Feeling touched with his attentiveness, Soyeon gave him a light hug. ‘Gumawo yeobo...you remember to drink it too.’

‘Alright I will. Now I will go and get ready before my manager hyung comes.’


‘I will leave for work now. Call me when you are at your work. Annyeong yeobo.’

‘Annyeong yeobo. Fighting!’ Soyeon sang her fighting song for him. ‘Ah wait yeobo you forgot something!’

Siyang was opening the door when he heard Soyeon calling for him. As he turned his head around, he felt a pair of warm lips on his right cheek along with a loud smooching sound.

Soyeon covered her face as she steps away from him. ‘Jalga…yeobo…and…saranghae’ with her last word, shy Soyeon ran back into their room leaving him astounded.

Siyang couldn’t help but smiled from ear to ear. With that one word and action, he felt he was ready to conquer the day to finish whatever schedule he had on the rest of the week.
‘Nado saranghae, yeobo!’ He shouted on top of his lung.

Deep down in his heart, he knew this was what he wanted all along. He wanted a family of his own. Of course, Kim Soyeon as the mother of his future kids. A house with Kim So Yeon as the female owner.

Author’s note:
* Means another segment of the story or some time has passed
Italics mean their own POV (point of view or inner thoughts)



6. Near You - by @ChuMills DejaVu

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NEAR YOU - by Chumillsdejavu


I believe our meeting is a destiny. Out of all women, God had chosen her for me. We are similar in so many things. Yet we have many differences. Somehow, these are what make us perfect. Our differences fill the missing parts in us, complete us. I truly feel that and I hope she feels the same, too.

She told me so many times that I’ve made her happy, made her smiles and felt lonely no more. But she’s the one to make me happy. Whenever I’m tired, she’s my cheerleader that lift up my energy. She’s like a home where I can rest and recharge. She is a pure soul, raises my protection instinct upon her. She is the true beauty, not just physical but a beauty that shines from within. The more I know her, the more I want to be a better man for her.

However, it’s not easy to convince her. She’s always been bothering by the fact that I am younger. Age is just a matter of number. She seems to forget that I’m not a child. I am a mature adult man, and I have confidence that I am capable to make the wise decision. I know for sure,  she’s all that I want and I need.


Due to our busy schedule, we’re going to have an almost full day shooting schedule today, to fill in several WGM episodes . She has her new drama airing recently, where her role is a cooking teacher, a daughter of a well-known chef who owns a Chinese restaurant, and I hate to state this, a wife of a successful businessman. She’ll have a love triangle scenes, too. However, I understand this is part of her job. She must perform well to live up her role in any drama. For today’s WGM shooting, she’d asked me beforehand to help her practising her cutting skill, the skill I’ve mastered well enough.

We meet at 8am in the morning, in a market near our Pyongchandong house, to buy some ingredients we’re going to use for her cooking practise. I’m going to cook some food for her and the crews as well. It reminds me to our last night’s conversation on the phone.

“I always make a mess in the kitchen, spill or burn off something,” she laughed at her own words That was one among the many light conversations we usually have by the end of each day, A relaxing chat with no camera, no WGM crew, A discussion between us to know each other better. Even though this is just a virtual marriage, it does involve our real interaction. How the viewers see us in WGM, that’s the real us. We know too well that viewers can always sense the sincerity the couples portray in this show. Do any pretentious and fakeness, and they will throw you into the K-netz harsh words. That’s the 1st reason why we choose to just be ourselves in the show. But now..the real feelings has bloom..   


During the WGM shooting:

“I didn’t know there’s so many ways to cut and peel something,” she whines while peeling potato for the nth time. She still do her sculpting-stair-like peeling, her way that earns me a nickname, Potato Face.

“If Gordon Ramsay saw this, he would have you sit in the corner peeling a bunch of potatoes until they come out right.”

“Really?!” She looks at me with terrified eyes. Hah! She’s just like an innocent little girl. Who would have though she’s older than me?

“Hahaha..I’m kidding,” I laugh, and laugh even louder seeing her expression.

“Ya, I Jasik!” She stomps off her feet, acts out her cute anger that doesn’t scare me at all.

“Teasing Soyeon-ie is one of my happiness, you know. It’s your fault why you are so cute,” I speak in between my laugh.

“Omo..,” she winks at me, this time flashing her cute smile.

Her persistence in learning something is no joke.This is why she’s an amazing actress, being acknowledged and praised by many colleagues. I feel a glimpse of pride in my heart that she’s with me now.     

“Why are you keep looking at me?” She notices my stare.

“Nothing. Uri wifeu jinjja yeppeo,” I look at her eyes intently.

“Aih...gomawo,” she smiles shyly and pink creeps on her cheeks.

“So..I’m still pretty after all this mess?” She points at the messy kitchen table.

“Of course you are,” I answer in no time and her blushing cheeks show more color. I so love to see her blushing.

“Honey, you don’t have to use a knife. Even the famous chefs use peeler sometimes,” I hand her the peeler when I notice her frustration upon her own works.

She sighs and looks at me with her kitty eyes..I feel like pulling her into my arms, kissing her moist lips, wipe away that stressful look on her face. Instead, I only say, “You can do it. Fighting, Soyeon-ie!”

“Gomawo, yeobo. Yes! I can do it!” She do the fighting sign with her hand and clasps her lips tightly, showing her new determination. I laugh again at her cute action.

Aside of her cuteness, her kindness and optimism character have inspired me to work harder. I won’t stop on trying to convince her about us as a real couple.

We cook our lunch from whatever left of her knife’s practice. And the stair-like apple that she has peeled, turns into a Kim Soyeon’s masterpiece dessert.

After wrap up shooting at home, PD-nim advises us to go outside. We decided to go to a garden near the Han river. Soyeon brings her Slam Dunk manga, while I pack some snacks and hot coffee-mix. We found a nice spot to spread our picnic cover and sit on it.

“Yeobo, do you remember that scene?” She asks me.

“What scene?”

“Julia Roberts, Notting Hills,” she smiles widely and move to lay her head on my lap, then, “Aahh..,” she hesitates.

“C’mon,” I encourage her, gesture my lap to allow her doing what she thinks of.

“I just remember. Julia Roberts is the one sitting.” She replied nervously.

“Ok, then I’ll sleep on your lap.” I do it while I speak, reach over for her hands and placing them on my chest. “Mmmh...it’s nice,” I close my eyes.

“Yeobo, how do I read if you hold both of my hands?” She shakes off her hand shyly, but I grasp them firmly, only let go one hand.

“Just read with one hand. Hugh Grant did that in your favorite movie.”

She laughs and knocks my forehead playfully. “This is fun. Let’s do that again during the cherry blossoms.”

We stay in that position for a while, sleepy come after me but we’re still shooting. I sit up, asking her to stroll along the river way. When the sun finally set, the crews wrap up their equipment, and so do we. We remove the microphone that’s been with us for more than half day, and thanks the crews for their hardworks. We also ask permission from our manager to leave us alone for tonight. They know us, and granted our request.

Being without the crews now, we stand up hand in hand, watching the beautiful lights of Seoul. It’s so peaceful.

“Siyang-ah, they say that I know nothing but acting for camera.”

“Don’t listen to it.”

“But I’m really terrible in the kitchen.”

“Well, you have me.” I squeeze her hands, trying to infuse some warmth into them. They’re cold. “Beside, you are the most diligent learner I’ve ever known. I’ll keep teaching you.”

“Are you sure? You’ll be by my side and help me with the kitchen thingy?”

“Yes, I can always teach you how to do something in the kitchen...something special, with me” I grin, give her a naughty look, and we both burst out laughing.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” she changes our hands position to hold back my hands within her small palms. “Don’t give up on me, okay? Saranghae,”

What? Have I heard wrong? I search her eyes. She looks back at mine, trying to convince me that it’s true. The warm feeling fills me. This is not a dream. She really say the word, Saranghae. Finally. We are a couple now. We can grow together to be better, as a real couple.

“Nado saranghae, Soyeon-ie,” I hug her tightly. We share a warm hugs for a little while, until she loses up her hand and look at me again. Our eyes meet, and I can’t wait anymore. I plant a sweet kiss on her lips…the deep kiss I’ve been dreaming to do for sometimes...I can call her mine, now. Kim SoYeon, she is my girl. She kisses me back, a long sweet kiss that makes the moment stops..This is where I should be, near her, next to each other, for a long long time...


7. Three Words Left Unsaid - by @alou

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"Nampyeon! Palli~ .. Come over here.. I'm at the kitchen" excitedly Soyeon exclaimed


"Wae, what happened Yeobo? Wow!! What's that delicious smell? You're cooking our dinner Yeobo?" curiously husband Siyang ask


"Nampyeon, look!! I've finally learned how to cook stir-fried chicken stew. Just like the one you cooked for me the first time we met. Only 2% better than yours, Aza~!! Here have a taste"


"Mmmmm.. It's delicious Yeobo. You're getting better at cooking, even better than I.. hahaha!!" Siyang teases his wife


"Of course, I have a great teacher beside me, my private tutor, the most handsome chef I've know, and.."


"And who is that, may i ask?" Siyang cut in immediately


"Of course, none other than my ManjjitNampyeon KWAK-SI-YANG!!" Soyeon explained sweetly


"Should I set the dinner at the balcony then Yeobo? It's been awhile since we had our dinner under twinkling stars that lights upon us."


"You're making me blush Nampyeon~.. Geurae! I'll just put some finishing touch on our dish and kindly get the pitcher of lemonade on fridge. Thanks!"



"Thank you for the delicious dinner Yeobo" while feeding Soyeon some luscious red strawberry on their living room


"Nampyeonim, it seems you're so quiet tonight. You barely talk while we're eating earlier. Even your hand is sweaty this time. "


"Sit closer to me Yeobo. It's nothing , I just have some things to think about"


"About what~?"


"About us Yeobo."


"What about us? Nampyeon, don't make me nervous, my heartbeat skipped for i don't know how many times that night. I don't want to feel scared anymore, just like what I felt when I thought you will not come on our wedding ceremony. Chebal, tell me what's wrong..


"You know how much I care for you right? How I opened my heart to you.."


"Arasseo and.."


And we promised to each other that there'll be no secrets between us, right Yeobo? Hmmm.. How should i say this? .. Yeobo, why is it that I feel like I'm still not good enough for you?"


"Who said that Nampyeon? It's not true! Have I said anything or done something, for you to feel that way? Nampyeonim~" Soyeon asked worriedly, holding Siyang's right hand tightly


"No Yeobo, it's not you! It's the people that surrounds you who kept on saying that I'm not the right one for you. That I'm nobody compared to your status as an A-list actress." Siyang explained in a sad tone.


" I oftentimes tell you that I don't mind them at all. But in all honesty, I'm scared Yeobo. I'm scared that one day, you'll tell me that you've realized that you made the wrong decision of having me at your side.. of saying "Yes" to walk beside me. Im scared.. that you'll leave me completely"


"Are you doubting me then? Don't you trust me Nampyeonim?" Soyeon sadly asked


"I do trust you Yeobo! Don't get me wrong! It's me, myself whom I don't trust. So, in order for me to be with you forever, I know I have to work harder than I am right now. To prove them that we are destined to each other the very first day we met. " Siyang said determinedly


"Nampyeon, the very moment that I've decided to renew our vow, I promised to be a better Anae. You gave me so much happiness and I don't know how to repay you-"


"But I'm not asking for anything in return Yeobo" Siyang immediately replied


"I know that.. that's how selfless you are. And they don't know it. Never mind them Nampyeonim. You are my strength. Everytime I'm feeling restless, I just have to think of you and regain the power. The power to continue with my work because I know you'll be proud of me. And to be honest, I've never been this happy in my entire life. Even my friends are telling me how radiant I am these days."


"Coz you are a goddess Yeobo, my very own Yeosin Anae."


"Yes I am your wife and when I answered "Yes" to your proposal, I said yes to everything and every moment moment that I'll spend with you.. through thick and thin.. Please don't let go of my hands.. Hold me tightly Siyang~shii.."




"I don't care about what others may say anymore. About our work status, even our age-difference. It doesn't matter to me anymore! And besides, we do have our berries who will support us throughout our journey together. Our parents gave us their approvals. For me.. You are the most important person right now. Nampyeonim~ Sar~"


"Gomawoyo, Yeobo.. As long as you're happy, I am happy as well..I have just one wish though. I hope I'll get to hear from you the words that I want to hear the most" Siyang pleads while staring at Soyeon's eyes


"Hmmpp! It's not my fault! You didn't let me finish what I was trying say. Meroong! I'd better go to our room and get ready to sleep, it's almost midnight anyway. Annyeong! Hmmp!" Soyeon hurriedly left Siyang on her way to the bedroom


"Jamkkanman-eo Yeobo! What are you trying say? What do you mean by that? Yeobo~!!!




"Open this door Yeobo! Soyeonie~ Open this door.. Chebal!! Ope--"


"Are you going to listen to me now? Do you really want to know what I am going to say?"




"Come in then.. and turn the lights off completely this time .. Yeobo.. "  ^_~






..thank you for posting these berry beautiful fanfics.. i hope those fanfics has serves its purpose.. to show our Love to SiSo couple.. Now it's time to vote berries~~!!  


..Here's the link to vote Berries (take note of the spelling) :)

..we have until Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12 Midnight KST




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21 minutes ago, alou said:


..thank you for posting these berry beautiful fanfics.. i hope those fanfics has serves its purpose.. to show our Love to SiSo couple.. Now it's time to vote berries~~!!  


..Here's the link to vote Berries (take note of the spelling) :)

..we have until Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12 Midnight KST


thanks for the link of voting, it's really hard to choose.... :D

but for the song option there, I'm kinda confused about the songs... maybe it would be great if you can add which ep/scene that songs came in Siso scene

for song 'How do you do' i don't recall if there's song in Siso scene, is it the same song with 'nice to meet you' the song they sang together for MEA?

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I have finished reading all the fanfics they're all daebak.... It's not easy to have to choose one...

Just like which SiSo moment is the best for me ... Not one but many. But the best 3 episodes for me are

1. So Yeon's Bday

2. Their Wedding Day

3. The hot Cosmo photo session

I love the last episode too, but like one of the berries wrote, it seemed that we don't see them recharging anymore, since after the Danjing trip.

Actually on the last episode I was waiting for So Yeon to give Si Yang a recharge and thank you hug spontaneously after all the candies lei, bracelet and ring that were given specially for her by nampyeonim.

And I was also waiting for Si Yang to give So Yeon a recharge forehead kiss after giving her the "health tonic" so it will help her erase her tiredness...

But the way Si Yang cover her with his coat and hug her and hold her other hand while they were walking/ crossing the road was a romantic sight for me... love them

Btw, I'm like @ samaraP, but I stop getting older at 30. So, I'm forever 30 :D

At least that's how I feel :blush:And I also feel grateful to know all berries here because of our beloved lovely SiSo Couple ...:heart:

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It is way too hard to choose my favourite Siso moment so I shall go with my top 13 in no particular order. PART 1

1. The camping episode


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The momentary stop to the game because of the collision of their heads. So sweet of him to keep asking if she was ok after that and it was hilarious to see the 2 staff indulging in their own hugs after realising the situation.

2. The 'charging' scene

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All the exhaustion disappears.

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The teasing 'Shall I just go in?'

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She gets what she was too shy to ask for.

3. The Calendar Shoot

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He couldn't concentrate because she was breathing into his ears.

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Too picture perfect to not include.

4. The Wedding

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Fanning off the tears and the birth of their generation 2 couple bracelet. I miss Choa on the panel. She seemed to ship them a lot too.


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My favourite Siso moments PART 2

5. Dangjin Getaway

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The hilarious Hotteok conversation and the heart fluttering 'We are growing old together.'

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The instinctive protective hands after her embarassment of breaking out in trot.

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The aftermath of her finger flicking after he said she looked cute all wrapped up

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The mind doesn't always express what the heart really wants.

6. Baking Fun

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I can only go AWWWWWWWW!

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No more blotting paper!

The epic scene I forgot earlier for the wedding:

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What's your favourite moment?

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Hi berries,

Was sharing my sad feelings with some berries here via other Sns about SiSo's news. Still praying that it's not true.

Meanwhile, talking about recharging - they don't need it because they're doing more than that - head massaging and legs massaging both by lovely nampyeonim (spa  ep and next ep). Their skinship is deeper now and I'm loving it. Maybe SoYeon can give nampyeonim a big hug for massaging and White Day surprise but maybe she's tired....I hope this sweet couple will stay in WGM for a long time.

Fingers crossed!

Well done to all the fanfic contributors! Great job, berries! :)

Let's do it, berries! We're hitting 500 pages soon!

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