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[Drama 2015] The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을- 아치아라의 비밀


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5 minutes ago, baduy said:

I'll mention one of the many revelations today because it ties in with what was puzzling a lot of us: why did Hye Jin hide that DNA report behind the picture of a mother and baby which Yuna taught Soyun to see in a totally different and sinister light?

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It turns out that the "anonymous" other subject of the test that established a relationship via the female line  was Yuna. We went through all the various possibilities at the sibling and ancestor levels of her family tree, but I don't think it occurred to anyone that we were looking in the wrong direction, though it seems obvious enough with hindsight that Hye Jin would choose to have her own DNA tested against Yuna's and why she  would then assume that the result of the test confirmed her suspicion that she and Yuna shared a grandmother. 

In the new portion of the scene with Hye Jin and Jin Suk's studio that we got to see today, we guess that Hye Jin had just told Ji Suk she had proof that she was her sister, but that provoked Ji Suk to produce the evidence of her mother's hysterectomy.  Seeing that document, the real truth dawns on Hye Jin as we watch. She then produces the DNA result showing the female line relationship between herself and Yuna and hands it to Ji Suk, who suddenly realises that she's made a fatal move in showing Ji Suk that they could not be sisters, since in conjunction with this other document it means that they must be mother and daughter.

We now see that that was what led to Hye Jin deliberately provoking the bloody and publicly witnessed fight, which gave her the material for the second DNA test proving beyond doubt she was Jin Suk's daughter, which we then see then showed Chan Gwon (so that we now realize that his shock when Ju Hui showed him the same document from the time capsule over two years later was not because he hadn't seen it before, but because he realized it was now in Ju Hui's possession).  This revelation is inserted into the foreground scene where Ju Hui tells Soyun she herself hadn't known about her mother's hysterectomy and had believed that Hye Jin was her sister, until one day her mother showed up at the pharmacy, told her the truth about Hye Jin's birth and asked her to save her sister by claiming that it was she, Ju Hui,  wo was Hye Jin's mother.  Ju Hui protests that, quite apart from the outrageous nature of this request in itself, yet one more piece of evidence of her mother's utter devotion to Jin Suk and her contempt for Ju Hui, no one would possibly credit that she could have got pregnant and giveat the age of 10. "Why not, such things happen nowadays, don't you read the newpapers?" her mother retorts.  Thereby, her mother snatches the title of Most Evil Granny from the barely cold hands of JS's newly-deceased MiL...



I cannot even try to start to say just how wrong in the head some of the people in this drama must be.

Speaking of the timing of the cat-fight between HJ and JS, though... The world must be coming to an end. After all, didn't you point out back towards the beginning, when we first saw the fight, that a korean TV station showing a child attacking her mother would be quite impossible? Then again, the station probably did not know the true blood relation of the ladies in question back then, yet...

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'The Village: Achiara's Secret' Her own mother may be the criminal











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33 minutes ago, gnixfim said:

Speaking of the timing of the cat-fight between HJ and JS, though... The world must be coming to an end. After all, didn't you point out back towards the beginning, when we first saw the fight, that a korean TV station showing a child attacking her mother would be quite impossible? Then again, the station probably did not know the true blood relation of the ladies in question back then, yet...


I bet you're right with that final supposition. SBS would be in BIG trouble unless they could plead ignorance. But what may also save them is the massive unpopularity of this drama. My hunch is that people with enough nowse to appreciate its massive merits (and given the Korean tendency to group-think, most other people will have given up watching long ago) will be too sensible to send in the complaints. But I do rather worry that this writer may find it hard to get further dramas aired on mainstream channels, though. Advertisers like to be associated with titivatingly "naughty" dramas, but not with ones likely to offend basic pieties.

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'마을' 장희진 죽인 범인, 신은경이었다 '충격 엔딩'

'Village' Jang Hee-jin's murderer is Shin Eun-kyung 'shocking ending'



1. [+3554, -71] Really, I was holding my breath for the last two minutes ㄷㄷㄷ I jumped when my house felt scary ㅠㅠ It was really frightening ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I continued watching ㄷㄷ

2. [+3223, -70]  A reversal at the end..... ㅠㅠ The carpenter's wife knew everything...a well-made drama bbbbb

3. [+2744, -39] Wow this is crazy. A reversal of a reversal of a reversal ㅋㅋㄱ I'm getting goosebumps..

4. [+2055, -33] Wow I got goosebumps from this .....

5. [+1687, -41] ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

Source: http://entertain.naver.com/tvBrand/sbs.village/news/read?oid=117&aid=0002695451

Cr. Naver, mydaily

DISCLAIMER I do not take responsibility for the correctness/accuracy of translations.



I really like this drama. I guess thrillers are my thing.

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Incidentally, if there were any remaining doubts who Gon Woo, talking to Ju Hui in ep 2, was referring to as the person who engineered Soyun's appointment to the school, they should be finally dispelled in this episode when the selfsame word is put into the mouth of JS when she confronts her MiL about her orders to get out of the house. She scornfully asks what right a 살 날도 얼마 남지 않은 할망구가 (= an old crone with only a short time left to live) has to order her to leave.

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Here are my translations of a couple of related dialogues in this episode that I suspect deserve more care in tone and rhythm  than they're likely to get in the rush to get subs out as fast as possible.

The first is at around 00:13:26, after Ji Suk gets an icy reception from Gi Hyeon at his office. He coldly says he has a meeting to prepare for, but she sits down uninvited and says

"I was exactly Yuna's age.  Back then, I was the same age as Yuna is now. I wanted to erase what happened from my memory. And so that's what I did. I wanted to be the happiest of people, and lead a decent life. But then that girl showed up. Do you know how I felt?  You think I rejected her just to keep my position? No. That girl filled me with terror. I can't begin to say how much she terrified me."

Gi Hyeon is unmoved and makes to leave, simply saying "I realize how much you've been hurt."  But she won't let him leave it at that.

"But you don't realize! You've absolutely no idea. You couldn't possibly have. Not even in your wildest imaginings. Your stepmother ordered all my belongings to be packed up. She spoke of Hye Jin and told me to get out of the house right away. I became blind to my surroundings. I didn't know what I was doing. All that filled my mind was that horrible memory. "

"I haven't lived a good life, Gi Hyeon. You can condemn me if you like. Even hate me if you like. But all the same...  Do you know what really disturbs me? The fact that if the same situation happened all over again, I couldn't act any differently. I couldn't do anything other than what I did."

[These last words of course gain a new resonance from the very last moments of the episode]

Then, at 00:21:24, when Soyun and Gi Hyeon meet in a café, he admits that his grandmother's sudden death has left him very confused, and that he now feels he doesn't really know his stepmother at all. Soyun tries to help him by explaining how she makes sense of Ji Suk's behavior.

SY: She saw a monster in my sister, not another human being.

GH: She did?

SY: She viewed the child she'd given birth to as an alien substance she'd expelled from her body. Not as a living creature or a human being. That's why some mothers even commit infanticide. And I already told you about the phenomenon of pregnancy denial.

GH: So you think my stepmother was a case of that kind?

SY: I think it's very likely. So I don't think you can lay any great blame on her. I was just that she couldn't grasp that my sister was no longer a newborn baby but a fully grown adult.

GH: When the murderer's caught, her past will all be brought to light, I guess.

SY: Does that worry you?

GH: It was a terrible thing she suffered and at such a young age. It would be cruel to dredge it all up again.

SY: The police will shield her as far as they can. Of course they'll do that.

[At that point she gets the call to say that Nam is under arrest.]


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Ep 16 text preview




"Why did you kill my sister?"

The truth of the ugly events that occurred two years earlier at the Daekwang sawmill is discovered, but the statement Ji Suk makes plunges Soyun into renewed confusion.

Meanwhile, Soyun phones Wu Jae to tell him she has suspicions, and what he discovers as a result sends him chasing after her. Finally, the real reason why in the last moments of her life Hye Jin went back to Archiara is revealed.



@nearsea  soompi are making yet another attempt to fix the badly broken spoiler mechanism.  Unfortunately there's an issue in the new code which means that if the Javascript engine in a user's browser is running slowly for some reason, the spoilered items are fully visible as the page first loads, and only actually get spoilered when the whole loading process completes.

But once this has been fixed, the new approach to spoilering should be easier to use, and shouldn't lead to chaos when people quote already spoilered items. They've also rejigged the (cut-down) editing toolbar you get on a phone or tab, so that you now get the ability to alter the type size on those platforms (though you still have to be on a more traditional device to get a choice of font) and on a phone or tab you don't get a "strike thru" button any more, though not many people use that, unlike me with my liking to spice up my inane ramblings astute observations.

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Guest my2centsworth

Just watched esp 15 with about half of the subs. Couldn't wait for them. Will go back and watch again later. This drama left us sitting on the edge of our seats last week. When I first turned on my computer I walk away for a moment until the esp started. I only heard the music. WOW ! The chills that ran all over my body. Double chills when I watched and listened ! The big clue appeared !  Not what was in the box but what was on it. Kudos to you writer! That fingernail closed the case.....or did it ?

As soon as I saw JS  about to put her hands around her mother-in-law's  neck, I knew she was capable of murder. And I knew she was the one who killed KHJ, Oh Boy ! !   She going to get hers ! !  And her husband too ! !  He killed Chairman Noh.  Now KH can take Yoon Na to America and they can live happily away from that village and all it's bad memories.

Officer Park.....what a great actor (Ohn Joo Wan).  He played this part so well. So new on the job and full of enthusiasm. Will he stay in the village or get a promotion?

This has been one of the best dramas I watch in a long time. I really like mysteries. That is what drew me to this drama. It also gave off the impression of a horror drama too, which also got my attention. I have totaly enjoyed every moment of the drama. A note to the writer.....more.....more......more....lol.

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I've been READ all about what happened in 15th. The mystery More revealed, but still one more episode. I'll just wait till the last and fully subbed, so i can watch it peacefully.hhaha. even when i cannot wait any longer, still the full subs no released yet.

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Well. An interesting turn of events in this penultimate episode, though I still wonder whether what we were privy to in those last few minutes was actually what we thought.

Some thoughts... hopefully the spoiler tag works:


Lumber mill ahjumma was apparently roped in as an accomplice when she chanced in on the scene, but ultimately did they work together to kill her? Definitely both women have much to gain if KHJ died, yet why, after JS' promise to donate her kidney, did things go so wrong? The choice of meeting location also was unusual... that they would meet at the lumber mill, rather than anywhere else, especially since it could only remind JS of her terrible ordeal 31 years ago. From all intents and purposes, it appeared that KHJ no longer wanted to undergo the kidney transplant, knowing the true circumstances of her birth, so it feels implausible that JS would have felt threatened by her presence enough to kill. Yet I am again reminded of the child JS aborted because it was a girl as well as her own psychic visions of the dead child... and seeing her reactions over the episode, was it something she felt she had to do to ensure that the life she clawed her way to gaining, would never be threatened? Also, the words KHJ repeatedly said from the grave "Mother, save me". If JS had already determined to go ahead with the transplant, then save her from what? Why still continue to ask her mother to save her, if her mother, apparently was the one who tried to kill her? Which in turn makes me doubt if she was the killer after all. Me head hurts :blink:

From the finale preview, the time capsule finally makes its reappearance once more... which should indicate KHJ's last state of mind... one I suspect could be forgiveness for her mother, and her hope to be reunited with SY in her last days. And of course, we see the return of Agasshi and his happy drug and flowing wig. Would it be too much to ask that we too will get an explanation as to who/what caused the accident those years back?



Either way, can't wait for tonight, which I hope will wrap things up satisfactorily.

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What came at the end of Ep 15 was not that much of a surprise to me by now after all the character analysis we have done earlier...  When the mind is not strong enough to recover from a trauma..it could just go very wrong to the extent of insanity.  Such insanity sometimes only surfaces when severely provoked and the affected could appear normal on a daily basis.  All in all, before one decides to go ahead with a mistake, one has to think again....a mistake may not just affect one person, it could affect a village of people and typically people's lives are intertwined if closely related.  If one never recovers from being the receiving end of a mistake, likely that person will go on to make mistakes and the mistakes cycle starts again.   In other words...the suffering, the pain is never ending and more and more people are affected.  It is like telling lies...one lie will lead to another to cover the previous lie and so on and so forth so it will be never ending and snowball into something unmanageable. 

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Thank you @Misstwilightfan1416 for posting the preview!

Preview translated for anyone who needs it!
Please excuse any mistakes ^^


SY: Why did you kill my sister?

Investigator: You went to the lumber mill right?
JS: I don't know anything about that. Do you have any evidence?

GH: Are you sure nothing happened?
JS: I only tried to get rid of the monster.

SY: It's so unfair that we can't charge the real criminal of the crime.

WJ: I think that Agasshi came.

Man (Agasshi?): Do you think Kim Hye Jin just/only hated her mother?

SY: Why didn't you tell my sister? If she had known, she would have found comfort in that. 

WJ: The crazy guy hasn't responded/replied. (Can't understand the last part of what he's saying)

SY: I'm safe today too. Even now. 



My guess is that Agasshi has kidnapped? or lured SY based on the last scene in the preview. I think he may have forced her to say that to WJ.
One netizen guessed that Agasshi may have purchased a lot of cold medicine to experiment more on SY and to make her happy. I hope that's not the case! Stay safe SY! :(


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Looks like a great finale from the preview. Can't wait for tonight's final episode. So far, the writer has done a great job revealing bit by bit all the intricate secrets of Achiara. Let's hope none of our questions left unanswered in the last hour of the series. And then I shall be this writer's die-hard fans.

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16 minutes ago, elizathespaceorphan said:

Thank you @Misstwilightfan1416 for posting the preview!

Preview translated for anyone who needs it!
Please excuse any mistakes ^^


SY: Why did you kill my sister?

Investigator: You went to the lumber mill right?
JS: I don't know anything about that. Do you have any evidence?

GH: Are you sure nothing happened?
JS: I only tried to get rid of the monster.

SY: It's so unfair that we can't charge the real criminal of the crime.

WJ: I think that Agasshi came.

Man (Agasshi?): Do you think Kim Hye Jin just/only hated her mother?

SY: Why didn't you tell my sister? If she had known, she would have found comfort in that. 

WJ: The crazy guy hasn't responded/replied. (Can't understand the last part of what he's saying)

SY: I'm safe today too. Even now. 


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My guess is that Agasshi has kidnapped? or lured SY based on the last scene in the preview. I think he may have forced her to say that to WJ.
One netizen guessed that Agasshi may have purchased a lot of cold medicine to experiment more on SY and to make her happy. I hope that's not the case! Stay safe SY! :(

I thought so he was making the happy fluid the moment I saw him lied to the pharmacist about the flu medicine. But SY is nothing more than just a stupid woman bull-dozing her way without any commonsense after what had happened to her with Agasshi. Frankly I don't have any sympathy for such brainless people, especially WJ had warned her so many times about not being alone with Agasshi as he is a dangerously person. After all, KHJ was dead and what is the hurry to rush to Agasshi when she could have asked WJ or YN's brother to go with her.


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Haiz...in the beginning we already guessed JS killed KHJ because of her hallucinations of seeing HJ ghost and the writing of "save me mother" on the church wall during KHJ funeral. Than they threw us off with the grandmother is the mother story etc:crazy:. K drama sure have good editing skills. But I am wondering, if she knows Nam is her rapist, JS is very brave to go to his lumbar yard to kill KHJ. I will not want to go anywhere near the man who have violated me let alone his home! It is like she is familiar with the place. This whole village are made up of people who are only looking out for number 1 who is themselves. The actress who played SY always have the deer in the headlights look. I am wondering if Koreans are just cold by nature just watching this show. Cos when the old lady was strangling herself when SY and GH was visiting her, SY just looked at her with this WTH look on her face instead of trying to stop the lady from hurting herself more. I mean I think most people will try to stop her and call for the nurses help but nooooo they just gawk at her for like a good minute or so, Waiting for subs....too exciting.

@liddi  oops sorry my bad, i should have read your spoiler before I made my post. Made me look like I copied your analysis and regurgitate it.:sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:, Anyway nice to see you here in this forum, loved your post in WGM for siwon and liuwen before it got over run with liu wen stans..I left it cos they were not respectful and rude to earlier posters. I rmemembered in the beginning that place was a dead town except for me and another two fans.

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