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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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On January 13, 2016 at 6:14 PM, mdj101 said:

Hae Gang looks like a General  putting the last pieces of her war strategy into place.  Earlier she  drove to a distant location & collected things from her safe deposit box, turning all she owns into cash, and plans to "buy stocks".  After lunch, she spoke with Yong Gi, put Jin Ri  "in her place.  She has fired all of JR/TS subordinates! Finally, it comes to the decisive moment, when Min Tae Seok calls her into his office.   


@mdj101Totally agree with your analogy here.  Very well put.  EP 37 really looked like a prelude to a show down, a confrontation, a war, like you said.  The battle lines have been drawn and we know where each actor belongs.   Wonder how long the battle will go on and what (or whom) the casualties will be.  One thing about wars is that it does have a way of settling things.  Even a stalemate involves a truce of some kind.  I just hope the writer will make it a good story telling.

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I watched episode 36 and it was a pretty good one:).

I think that is so true that HK is a warrior and she is also pretty self-confident. I like when the writer shows this characteristic when HK met SR at the elevator and she didn’t ask why she was there. When people have this kind of personality, they just concentrated on what they have to do and maybe that is why other people may feel intimidated.  SR on the other hand by initiating their conversation with that question, she shows how insecure she is. It looks like it bothers her that HK is not giving enough importance to her presence at the office and because of that she wants desperately being acknowledged. But as HK said it all that SR did and all what she is doing now is unnecessary work. God SR can’t you please move on and concentrated on yourself more.  What is kind of ironic is that SR tries to put everybody against HK but she fails because as YK said, they hate the sin but not the sinner.  But at the same time, I feel that HK is not completely a sinner. I feel that she puts herself in a situation where she is perceived as a bad woman because by doing so, she can resolve the problem.  When I see her actions I think that we have to keep in mind what BS said to YK: 'don’t forget that what you see isn’t all there is'. I hope that SR will be able to realize this by the end of the series because I feel that behind HK meaning words, there is a desire to help her.  I just figured out that all that I wrote was about HK lol. It’s just that I love her character so much hehehe.

About BS I hope that nothing bad will happen to him and about the Doc, he is so adorable with WJ. Their interactions are pretty cute and I like that he’s more open now. By the way, can I borrow him to serenade me when I can’t sleep at night? ;)

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On January 13, 2016 at 1:05 AM, mdj101 said:

I finally caught up to p.563.  And reading my own post, I want to make a point more clearly about HK.

IWhen I said she expects to die, that's is really true. Butt her attitude is what is most important. She has prepared carefully for this "war" as the Admiral  and other excellent General have stated. 

After every strategy has been carefully considered and wisely chosen, she must be ready to give it her all, to "do or die" --- half-way" or "kind of safe" measures will not lead to a victory.  Hae Gang is putting it all on the line, pulling out all the stops. TAnd losing the Pudoxin lawsuit  does not alter her vision of "winning the ultimate battle", as we already know.  But she is also aware that she could truly die in the effort.  She will still lead the battle!   And she is still intending on taking all the risks by herself.

Your analogy (or restating of your earlier post) made me think of the dialogue which was replayed in EP 37 from earlier episodes between JE's father and JE:




I don't know what the context of the father's assertion was about JE in this conversation, the show didn't really tell us that but it definitely told us what the father thinks of JE.  This is such a stark contrast to HG's character like you said @mdj101.

Here in EP 37, DHG is definitely putting everything on the line.  She is methodically planning and implementing her plans.  We also know she is playing/fighting to win with the long term end goals in mind.  She told JE why this is important in the car in EP 37.  JE just wanted her to pull out of the trial and take her out of the gutter (CNP).  He wanted to take to a far away island and when that didn't work, he wants to make nice memories with her together (this is waaaaaaay too lame for me for the lead character !!!!!!!!!!!!).

I know we saw JE was investigating the climbing accident and he has been showing some initiative to get on top of things but I must say I am still waiting for JE to 'man-up' in a big way.  A war could be around the corner. 

I know JE is a warm, kind, sensitive guy and some here said he is showing a lot of 'humility' but I am having some problems with the way the writer is writing JE's character.  When a moment comes in person's life when s/he has to fight like hell for what s/he believe in or what s/he doesn't want to lose one has to rise to the occasion.  JE has not shown enough of that for me.  

@jadecloud this is where JJH's character in IHAL does not measure up to JJM's character in MLED.  They both love their woman to the ends of the earth but JJM had a very clear plan and determination to find Eun Dong which I don't see yet in JE's character.  He just loves her loves her and that's it so far.

The writer has done an impressive character development of HG and YK, but she is not as good at developing male characters so far in my opinion.  I am pointing at the writer here, JJE has done a great job acting out the lines but the writer has not given him enough to work on.  

At times it's hard to believe he is a scientist, a professor of science.  Doesn't someone like that have a rational, methodical and business like brain? So far he's been a bundle of emotion (love) on legs!  

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On January 13, 2016 at 2:01 AM, berny said:

@mdj101 @irilight

Yeah, i totally do not understand Korean language, but this song "Old Love" the first version i heard of it was by IU.  And I was mesmerized like wow...Korean has such songs/ melody that tugs at the heart.  Totally cannot understand it but it was still so beautiful.  


I understand Korean and this song is killing me.  The translation (different versions I've seen) does not do justice.  The lyrics are so beyond beautiful.  It's a poetry on love.  I wouldn't even attempt to translate it as I am not a poet or a writer !

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On January 13, 2016 at 10:50 AM, mdj101 said:

I'm watching Epi. 37 on the  dramanice.to   site and enjoying the slight variation in English translations.  Then I got to the part (44:20 mins.) where Jin Eon recalls his Father's angry tirade from the past.  And I'm reminded of The Admiral and of Hae Gang again.  The Chairman is angry, tells Jin Eon the reason he will never win against him is because Jin Eon has never fought with a "live or die" attitude. 


I was working my way through the thread and didn't see this before I posted those screen caps above.  How cool is that :)  

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On January 13, 2016 at 11:24 AM, jadecloud said:

Ep 37 ending - HK holds JE's hand, promising him dinner and breakfast.  Where her invitation surprises and is puzzling to JE. But, though a supposed happy occasion, it gives HK conflicting sadness (her facial expression after she turns from JE) cos of the knowledge of MH and his connection to her dad's death and the stolen SHS patent. 

(Btw, this development is probably an indication of HK's acceptance of JE's 'let's live together for one month' proposal over lunch. BUT I hope it's also where HK will take JE into confidence and work with JE's help as she takes on an upcoming and open 'war' over CNP re Pudoxin and SHS, with MH, TS, JR and SR).


@jadecloud it's that last facial expression of DHG in EP 37 in my re-watch that had me unsettled about their immediate future.  Sorry this is not the best screen cap but I thought DHG looked too sad and mixed in her emotions for someone who accepted her lover's proposal.


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Thursday ---January 14, 2016 --- Afternoon.

:cold_sweat:@lenet --- Your comment about a music video with Ji Jin Hee made me very curious. Is this the MV?  It was the very first one that popped up after I entered "Kim Bum Soo". I'm not familiar with Korean singers, "meeting" them in various ways on the internet --- music shows, movies, etc.  Then I come to have favorites, but can hardly claim to know the singers & songs that are loved and well-known.

Actually, when I scrolled through the comment, looking for info. --- Is this going to be a clip from a movie, or what? It was such a sad "story"  --- Plus I thought I did recognize the actor & actress (JJH not in first seconds) --- "Bogoshipda"  --- ???---What is it about? And Song Seung Hun is handsome, BUT no mention of Ji Jin Hee?

Then I found several others had posted the same MV, plus Eng lyrics --- filmed in Canada -- Pilot dies (JJH), girl suicides, the (Song Seung Hun) unrequited lover lives on!  Guess I'll be crying again!   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul7fJQUpeD  )

The reason I searched for the MV, is because I remembered that JJH started with an MV, after the Corporation where he worked "folded" --- He had already received that phone call (Finally!) from the "girl of his dreams" and was dating her then.  So I wanted to see his first venture into film, later drama, movies, etc.

And OMG he looks ADORABLE cute and charming as he is even today!  Of course the Director of IHAL would choose this man to portray "an innocent  & honest lover". That's who he is! 

See JJH's 3 MVs beneath the Spoiler:


Just one of many copies of the MV (2000) ,JJH's 2nd MV, posted by fans on Youtube: --- 


2) His first MV in 1999, Jo Sung Bin, "Like a Third Rate Movie": 


3)   His third MV in 2001, Jo Sung Mo, "Never" :  



4)   I was too lazy to put the dates of his first MV, drama appearance, etc.:-   https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Ji_Jin-he2)   



Along the Internet & Youtube highway, my spirits lifted a good bit as I found more information about some "Top Sales of All Times", sort of, in Korean music industry.  I've always been curious about the groups, H.O.T.  and  g.o.d. --- partly because of the English meaning of their names, of course.  Because their music was really nice too, and because my favorite YT language guy ("busyatomdotcom") refers to them in his lessons so endearingly!). Here is an article for Westerners like me who know next to nothing about the Korean popular music scene:


NOTE: --- I almost lost this post, just as I finally located the MV for "Forever" --- So I will hit the "submit post" and try to get the MV afterwards!  It was SO DARN hard to locate!        

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Please overlook my obsession with Ji Jin Hee, just this once?  He is so handsome in the MV "Forever" --- Captured at the very start of a great career in drama & film.  So fresh, unspoiled --- and very much as genuine as he seems to be even today!

Let me try to post the MV again!  One of them in the series was "Back Screened" --- "Pulled" --- So maybe it won't appear.  Here goes:   



Looks like Ji Jin Hee and Song Seung Han did a few MVs together back when they were starting out.  And singer Jo Sung Mo seems quite famous for creating "minidramas" in many of his MVs, too!



OMG. --- Now all the posts since last night!  I afraid I'll be crying my eyes out some more --- Just something about everything that all the actors have achieved in Episode 37.  Hits so many "sor spots: I've hidden away.  And not necessarily about any "romance",  just sadness of life events --- They touched a deep area I keep hidden, I suppose.  I'm a lot like "Lawyer Do Hae Gang" --- reserved, almost stoic, NEVER acting in any emotional manner outwardly.  Great job by all whi made our drama, IHAL. Thank you!      

Isn't this getting back to the original aim of the ancient Greek playwrights?  So I say IHAL is one of my favorites now!         :cold_sweat:     I think it's therapeutic somehow.   SIGH!

EDIT: --- I did not try to erase the second MV because previously when I tried to do something like that, I LOST EVERTHING!  So please just skip over it, Thank you.

Edited by mdj101
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@jadecloud   all her accessories here in this drama is cute and simple...and that simple necklace can cost here in my country around 2K...and her article about her fashion..and her fashion comparison of her two character..and their interview for the MES by host KIM.....thanks all for posting it.

@mdj101   those MV is that from a movie or TV drama?  it seem old!

@deandraluv   notice that too staring on those chair...and remembering each others words...and asking the chair some questions  they envision each other. 


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@sunshinefate --- Catching up with forum posts & saw yours!  Feeling a desire to get the answer I'm off & running!  In Real Life, I don't go snooping & eavesdropping on people --- But here it's simply irresistible!

Does this Youtube video help a little?  A script reading as they all meet up and begin with initial readings of their character;s dialogue.    





It's kind of like seeing the BTS Instagrams that show the cast and crew being themselves and enjoying meals together during the filming of the drama.  Helps me have a much needed  "reality check" --- even if seeing JJH and others freezing their butts off during filming of a most tender scene didn't make Epi. 37 less deeply emotional for me.

@jadecloud --- In one of the Instagrams (Part 2), JJH said there are  planned   changes coming "next year" where the ratings systems will be adjusted to take into account changing viewer routes for watching shows --- online and other alternatives in modern times, beyond straight turning on TV  and sitting together in the living room!   It's about time, isn't it?  And IHAL and SFD must have surely influenced that coming change in estimating the popularity of a drama!

And @jadecloud--- Do you think this video would be interesting on Page 1? or maybe too cluttered?

@airgelaal --- I'm starting to think along the same lines.  There may be more to the backstory of those 2 young guys struggliung with each other on the mountain.  Didn't JE find out that Dokgo Jo Hoon had been drinking. Why was he drinking?  Wish i remembered MH's words during his night mare?   Maybe DJH was in despair, but why?  Now I'm seeing MH & HK being kind of alike in personality --- always acting alone, whatever the outcome. Guess he liked that about her, too. So who does YG take after?  And I have some other ideas about the role'personality of Jin Eon, now.

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@trust71------ --- From what I read on the internet while I was hoping to find the Mvs ---  The mvs were JJH's "start" in his long career as an actor -- Singer Jo Sung Mo is known for creating his song's MVs  to be very much like little movies in themselves.  And that is the case with the 3 MVs I found (the start of JJH, as well as actor Song Seung Hun who was in the same MVs. Did he use LOTS of up and coming actors all the time?

Now I have a question for fans of the singer and his famous MVs.  I came across a very violent "minidrama" in an MV for Jo Sung Mo's biggest hit, "For Your Soul".  But since the singer seems to write(or sig) OST for many dramas, Can anyone name the drama/movie depicted in the MVs beneath the Spoiler.  WARNING:--- VERY VIOLENT SCENES, but beautiful songs. Love to see the drama/film!









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4 hours ago, seungshin said:


I know JE is a warm, kind, sensitive guy and some here said he is showing a lot of 'humility' but I am having some problems with the way the writer is writing JE's character.  When a moment comes in person's life when s/he has to fight like hell (in real for what s/he believe in or what s/he want to lose one has to rise to the occasion.  JE has not shown enough of that for me.  

@jadecloud this is where JJH's character in IHAL does not measure up to JJM's character in MLED.  They both love their woman to the ends of the earth but JJM had a very clear plan and determination to find Eun Dong which I don't see yet in JE's character.  He just loves her loves her and that's it so far.

The writer has done an impressive character development of HG and YK, she is not as good at developing male characters so far in my opinion.  I am pointing at the writer here, JJE has done a great job acting out the lines but the writer has not given him enough to work on.  

At times it's hard to believe he is a scientist, a professor of science.  Doesn't someone like that have a rational, methodical and business like brain? So far he's been a bundle of emotion (love) on legs!  

HG character is strong and she is very capable.  She has the marks of battle to prove it.  I feel that JE character is this way and btw I don't mind it too much because HG has always seem to take the lead....it's because he has allowed it ..example...he was very disappointed when she asked to be alone with SIS when he wanted to handle it together...I understand why she had to be alone but she put herself in danger and she took him out of the battle sort of speak...she wanted to handle this by herself.   To me JE has always allowed her to do just that...pre-divorce, pre-cheating it seems that way....he was fine in taking care of her and allowing her to be ...ex. when they were in the cabinet...the way he prepared her pillow shows to me ...that he was fine just taking care of her and that it as you wrote earlier...he has a lot to prove and hopefully he will rise to the occasion...right now one believes he can...

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21 hours ago, seungshin said:

He wanted to take to a far away island and when that didn't work, he wants to make nice memories with her together (this is waaaaaaay too lame for me for the lead character !!!!!!!!!!!!).

that's how he handle thing in the beginning of this drama....and he was criticize for it now his learning...

in MTS case he collected a lot of evidence against him already before DHK does... if i'm not mistaken after he come back from US ..he start digging on how MTS laundered the company money....he only doesn't want to use  for the sake of his half -sister after all they still blood related.

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@tiMadamTotally agree with you, I had not read your post when I posted this.  So we think alike:)

@seungshinYour post on JE' characters was intriguing.  It made think a lot. I can write mostly about him because I can identify myself with him in some areas. 

This is the background of his life (as my memory serves me):  Growing up, he was not liked by his father and his step sister (his mom told MH).  His dad never showed his affections and confidence in him. He grew up lonely and quietly.  Growing up, he was an easy kid and never brought troubles to his parents.  Yet MH failed to appreciate and encourage him. He pursued his passions in drug research.

 IMO, he did not involve himself in CNP not because he didn't not want to get his hands dirty nor think that others were dirty, but he pursued what he was passionate about.  (In my own life, I am also thankful that my parents let me pursue my education in the field which I was passionate about: music. Since I graduated, I have been working in this field.  I love my job because it is also my passion.)  In ep 37, MH spoke of JE's passion in developing drugs for rare diseases.  (I wonder if MH was also a drug researcher like DJH, HG's dad?)

So I think that was why MH said those words in JE's flashback.  He never got involved in the company, he is a rookie.  In military, he is a new recruit.  He has no idea how fierce the battles can be and had been in the past.  He has not been to a battle, unlike HG, who is like the experienced and good general/commander in chief.

I also wonder why the writer makes the male characters (JE, BS and BS dad) as more loving, patient, emotional, and warmer ones.  I see the female characters come across stronger, assertive and strong headed (HG, YK, SR).  I wonder whether the writer would develop the characters any further.  Hmmm

I also notice how the writer has consistently written the characters based on their personality. If we are familiar with the DISC personality assessment, I see how she portrays their personalities:

-HG definitely falls into the D  and choleric types of personality (Dominant (D) Direct, outspoken, results-oriented, a leader, problem-solver), etc. 
-JE (like me:)) is more of steady and melancholic type. (Steady- S) Team player, stable, consistent, maintains the status quo, peacemaker, family, etc.

They are very different.  We  might see JE traits as weak even lame, but I think it is the personality factor in him.  I agree he should be stronger and 'man up' at times, it is something he and men in this category should develop and most of the time they need a push from people surround him, I guess.  

Opposite attracts.  Most couples I know are classic examples of this. Usually quiet person gets attracted to a bright and talkative person, vice versa. (Even though we might end up having conflicts with those who have opposite personalities than ours, but opposites do attract).  As a couple, HG and JE compliment each other's life.  The strengths of HG are what JE is weak at, JE's strengths are exactly what HG is lacking of.   Remember the cicada?  Both dealt with it in different ways.  I can't imagine if HG marries someone like her of D personality type.  Is it easier or harder to get along, I wonder?   They are portrayed as ideal if they can balance each other's life.  They can complete each other.  

Thanks again for your post, chingu!

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So the rope that they use to climb the mountain was bought less than 6months prior to the climbing event:huh: and not that easy to cut unless you use a special knife according what they mention into the drama.



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@irilight Finally! Waiting for subs has allowed me to take a break from IHAL. it looks like late subs will be a regular things so I've been watching other dramas to help me get over my IHAL withdrawal problems. 

Anyone in this forum willing to share their drama list and ratins from mydramalist ? Nothing more disappointing that wasting so many hours on a drama only to find that it doesn't suit my taste. I figured since many comments here have mentioned some dramas that I really liked I can pick from your lists. Thanks in advance to those that do decide to share. 

Does anyone get the feeling that one of the leads might die? Please let it be Seol Ri lol

I'm hoping we get to see more of the Dr. and YK's relationship. I'd love to see them get a best couple nomination in next year's awards but I doubt that will happen. 

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8 minutes ago, kikotaichou said:

@irilight Finally! Waiting for subs has allowed me to take a break from IHAL. it looks like late subs will be a regular things so I've been watching other dramas to help me get over my IHAL withdrawal problems. 

Anyone in this forum willing to share their drama list and ratins from mydramalist ? Nothing more disappointing that wasting so many hours on a drama only to find that it doesn't suit my taste. I figured since many comments here have mentioned some dramas that I really liked I can pick from your lists. Thanks in advance to those that do decide to share. 

Does anyone get the feeling that one of the leads might die? Please let it be Seol Ri lol

I'm hoping we get to see more of the Dr. and YK's relationship. I'd love to see them get a best couple nomination in next year's awards but I doubt that will happen. 

The same goes with me. I don't know what to watch so I tried to watch miss kim makes 1 million yesterday just for our OTP. Now, I'm searching for other dramas to watch after MKM1M. Not many dramas would suit my taste like IHAL :( actually I dramas with genre like IHAL for melodramas, healer for romantic thriller, and full house&kill me heal me for hillarious romantic comedy. Not easy to find rare gems like those dramas :sweatingbullets: anyone could kindly recommend me dramas to watch? Is Oh My Venus worth a try? Or Remember? 

@mdj101 thank you for the video :) 

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@kikotaichou   @sunshinefate   this is just my suggestion...THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN...you can keep watching until our drama is being sub....it make YOU smile all the time ...specially the triplets.....JJH...BLOOD:o... REMEMBER WAR OF SON....ALSO RECOMMENDED...

or just keep repeating to watch this  drama ..and you can find something that you miss and you can share w/ us.:grin:

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