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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Reading all these discussions make my mind more curious about another thing though..Do us women have a tendency to forgive men..who've cheated before...Wish there was a poll system available lol.

I think so. We as women tend to be hard on the woman than the man. I don't know if it's a sisterhood thing that a woman should never do that to another woman....... 

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I think one of the reasons YK2 has stayed so long is because she is very close to the children...she has genuine affection and concern for them.  She is very warm and affectionate with them as well.  Obviously her heart wasn't completely frozen in that respect, I just think she felt she wasn't capable of feeling romantic love with a man because she thought that if she would/should feel it for anyone it should be for BS.  I think if it weren't for the children she wouldn't still be in that house.

It's sad that even the children can sense she'll never feel the same for BS and he feels for her.  I'm sure they feel they'll be abandoned along with BS if/when her memory comes back.



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Something I find a little strange - YK is BS's first/great love but he had no idea about her family situation (the flashbacks show him finding out about her family/grandmother from her coworker)..  Also I'll say it again...he knows she was pregnant and he wasn't even curious (from what we've been show) if her child might be alive out there somewhere? It's strange to me.

It something, that bothers me a lot. If she is YK and regain her memory, then she will remember, that she has a child. If a child is really alive, then no way she forgive him. I cant understand what was he thinking about.

Something just popped in my head... perhaps YK being BS' first love is also a one-sided crush? Or a notion out of his own lalaland?

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No need to think about it.  It was  one sided love.  He was never close to her.  That why the way YK2 dresses does not look like HK or YK.  She is his creation.  Really a living barbie doll for him and robot nanny for the foster family.

However, she still a person and her personality will evolve at which point he will have no more control.   Just like SR wanted to bag and tag JE quick  he needs to do the same.   However,  if he does succeed it is just going to problems later. As HK is not a woman to be trifled with.   Her  well earned nick name was the executioner!! 

I need the LOL button for this "a living barbie doll for him and robot nanny for the foster family" NOVdfR2.gif...

and I can't get this 'image' out of my head... chingus, ottoke? LOL 

Absolutely agree. once HK becomes herself again, she will certainly tolerate no fool or wool over eyes. .. Can't wait!

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No need to think about it.  It was  one sided love.  He was never close to her.  That why the way YK2 dresses does not look like HK or YK.  She is his creation.  Really a living barbie doll for him and robot nanny for the foster family.

However, she still a person and her personality will evolve at which point he will have no more control.   Just like SR wanted to bag and tag JE quick  he needs to do the same.   However,  if he does succeed it is just going to problems later. As HK is not a woman to be trifled with.   Her  well earned nick name was the executioner!! 

I need the LOL button for this "a living barbie doll for him and robot nanny for the foster family" NOVdfR2.gif...

and I can't get this 'image' out of my head... chingus, ottoke? LOL 

Absolutely agree. once HK becomes herself again, she will certainly tolerate no fool or wool over eyes. .. Can't wait!

Really fun reading all your comment; at least even though this is not typical romantic comedy,  YOU ALL MAKE me smile and sometime laugh.

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Watching again the ep 17 

The hospital scene when HK mother; feel or notice the resemblance of her daughter to HK passing by her tongue loosen; thinking maybe this may have same effect to HK; maybe she can remember something if they meet?

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i just thought of something awful hope the writer does not go this way...

imagine YK1 is trying to save HK because BIL is trying to kill HK then YK1 is hurt badly then the little girl stays with HK and JE awful right ?? hope the drama doesn't go that way too many bad things happening to those 2 twins will be awful :(  ugh cancel cancel :(

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@thegoldbug  Your post reminded me of how short sighted YK2 appears.  She wants to be surrounded by the children, especially baby boy, to fulfill an emptiness inside.  Does she consider the impact of her leaving them when her family finds her? Does she consider how being in BS' s life 24/7 doesn't allow him the space to get over her.  I know some will say she needed safety, she was threatened.  She lost her family and had no one else to lean on. She verbally attested she did not share his feelings and that should be enough.  One of my favorite lines from One Warm Word is "What is love to you is violence to another."  She may feel she's giving love and support to a family that opened their arms to her, but by staying by BS side she commits a cruelty to him. By being a mother figure to baby boy, she sets him up to be abandoned. Also, BS can't get away from her to find his own life and his own true love.  For me she doth protest too much.  Actions speak louder than words.  And 4 years and 900+ proposals sounds like greed to me.  What she wanted and needed outweighed the hurt she inflicts by overstaying.   She can't leave soon enough for me.

As for JE, how arrogant and disrespectful was he to return her the next morning without even a phone call to advise them (not just BS) she was staying out all night.  If he truly believes this is HK, he should begin with "Thank you."  While they were ordering pizza for the kids couldn't they have called, so at least father Baek wouldn't have to worry all night.  

For me, I don't care if she goes with JE right now.  I just don't want to witness BS suffer for loving someone he thought was YK.  I don't blame him for not uncovering HK's past.  He can grieve his loss when she leaves,  but he shouldn't have to suffer more.  HK has to own her own mess.  If she wanted to know who she was she could have researched it over the past four years.  Fear is no excuse and it certainly doesn't make BS responsible to seek her truth.  She's proving that now through her need to know and her actions.

Sorry to whine on...I'm hoping the writer can show me this great love.  So far my take away is being one of the "beautiful" people has it's downside.  Your flaws are overlooked or forgiven easily beacause you're so handsome.  Whereas an ordinary person would be cursed you're swooned over.  And the only way to break free of your wife is to destroy her, because no one wants to let go of the beautiful people.  Also, working women competing at the highest level of business are ridiculed for being ambitious.   In kdrama it's okay to work 5 jobs as long as you don't prosper.  But if you're succesful working long hours in a demanding career you're greedy. I'm not mad about these life lessons I'm learning.   I just wish there were some sugar on these hard truths I'm swallowing.   Some levity please!

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i just thought of something awful hope the writer does not go this way...

imagine YK1 is trying to save HK because BIL is trying to kill HK then YK1 is hurt badly then the little girl stays with HK and JE awful right ?? hope the drama doesn't go that way too many bad things happening to those 2 twins will be awful :(  ugh cancel cancel :(

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Two scenes I am looking forward in this weekend episodes.

1 -- JR spitting out her spiteful words to JE -- I am sure she has been bursting trying to hold back, because she couldn't tell JE that HK died, to have a go at  JE -- so she will use her words to drive a knife in his heart and then twist.

2 -- Once TS tells JE that HK killed herself (per preview) - I would expect to see some flashbacks -- particularly of his and her discussion in JE &SR Lovers hideaway in EP 7 after her waking up from her attempted suicide -- basically JE tells HK to live far away from each other and even if you die I will not care.  If his flashbacks are only about how much they loved each other, but nothing about their break up and divorce -- this would be very telling/interesting-- need to see how it plays.

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Guest my2centsworth

A few words regarding Choi Man Ho (father to JE). Got tired reading posts last night and eyes couldn't focus, so if I missed anyone's post about the old man, let me know. I curious why there hasn't been more conversations about him.

The scene where CMH sat across the table from HK/YK's Mom and pretended to be so concerned made me sick to my stomach. Did he or did he not kill HK/YK's father? Did he not use HK to help him profit from her talents of a lawyer to win legal cases people filed against his company? Was he involved with the separation of the twins? And I really want to know to what extinct his relationship goes with HK/YK's Mom. From the beginning they both acted suspicious around each other. And lastly, he is well aware of how HK died and who caused it. WOW! This s_ _ was after YK. Is there no end to this man's wrong doings? And now he acts all concerned and tells the mom how he has found her long lost daughter, YK.

This drama has so many sticks of dynamite about to go off that we may get a fireworks show I can see all the way in the US. Tick.....tick....tick!


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@thegoldbug  Your post reminded me of how short sighted YK2 appears.  She wants to be surrounded by the children, especially baby boy, to fulfill an emptiness inside.  Does she consider the impact of her leaving them when her family finds her? Does she consider how being in BS' s life 24/7 doesn't allow him the space to get over her.  I know some will say she needed safety, she was threatened.  She lost her family and had no one else to lean on. She verbally attested she did not share his feelings and that should be enough.  One of my favorite lines from One Warm Word is "What is love to you is violence to another."  She may feel she's giving love and support to a family that opened their arms to her, but by staying by BS side she commits a cruelty to him. By being a mother figure to baby boy, she sets him up to be abandoned. Also, BS can't get away from her to find his own life and his own true love.  For me she doth protest too much.  Actions speak louder than words.  And 4 years and 900+ proposals sounds like greed to me.  What she wanted and needed outweighed the hurt she inflicts by overstaying.   She can't leave soon enough for me.

As for JE, how arrogant and disrespectful was he to return her the next morning without even a phone call to advise them (not just BS) she was staying out all night.  If he truly believes this is HK, he should begin with "Thank you."  While they were ordering pizza for the kids couldn't they have called, so at least father Baek wouldn't have to worry all night.  

For me, I don't care if she goes with JE right now.  I just don't want to witness BS suffer for loving someone he thought was YK.  I don't blame him for not uncovering HK's past.  He can grieve his loss when she leaves,  but he shouldn't have to suffer more.  HK has to own her own mess.  If she wanted to know who she was she could have researched it over the past four years.  Fear is no excuse and it certainly doesn't make BS responsible to seek her truth.  She's proving that now through her need to know and her actions.

Sorry to whine on...I'm hoping the writer can show me this great love.  So far my take away is being one of the "beautiful" people has it's downside.  Your flaws are overlooked or forgiven easily beacause you're so handsome.  Whereas an ordinary person would be cursed you're swooned over.  And the only way to break free of your wife is to destroy her, because no one wants to let go of the beautiful people.  Also, working women competing at the highest level of business are ridiculed for being ambitious.   In kdrama it's okay to work 5 jobs as long as you don't prosper.  But if you're succesful working long hours in a demanding career you're greedy. I'm not mad about these life lessons I'm learning.   I just wish there were some sugar on these hard truths I'm swallowing.   Some levity please!

I agree w/ your sentiment ;let's wait how writer do on ep. 19 ;cos if he still let HK stay w/ Baek family them I MYSELF will wring the neck of this writer.............JUST KIDDING...........   

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I think BS has created the gilded cage.   YK2  if she had HK ability or YK life could leave.  As she would have a real occupation.  BS has kept most of what he knows from her and she is in limbo.  BS wants her at home and work to keep her by his side to "win" her over.  He also want those mother feelings to keep her tied.  

She a 40 year old woman with no memory of who she is. She been feed a load crap and trusted in BS.    She remembers bits and pieces of her education.  However she is still not whole,  and since BS knows nothing  about the real YK, what little info he  feeds her  do not match with who she is,  leaving her more confused. I believe that more by design, as an independent  and self sufficient  YK would be hard for BS to control.    YK life should  not revolve   around managing  BS and the children's feelings.  In fact they all know that  once she has her memory back she might leave.

If she had her memory back and acted this way.  I would agree whole heartedly with you.  

I hope BS  violence awakens HK memories or makes YK2 rethink being with him as his obsessiveness starts to make her uncomfortable.  How will she strike out  it on her own as 40 year old with no work experience.       

Edited by DelroyB
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@mytwocentsworth  First, let me say don't trust me because I always get kdrama wrong.  That being said I like JE's father.  Whatever happened 30 years ago he's never gotten a good nights sleep since.  He seems to have a conscience, loyalty and respect.  By loyalty I refer to his not so smart wife (maybe careless is a better word).  He didn't discard her when she embarrases her, rather he corrects her and gives her an action plan (read more).   He showed respect to HK's mom telling his wife not to abuse her by calling her to the home for massages.  He gave her the credit card when he found out she lost her business and home.   He also seemed to adore HK and truly mourn her. His past misdeeds leave him open to blackmail.   His wrongdoings will be uncovered.  He looks weak and  frail so he'll probably apologize on his death bed. I think all the characters are gray and struggle with greed and it's consequences. 

Also, I think he's always known about the twins.  That's a secret they seem to share.  Can't wait to see Hk's mom's reaction to JE's dad's greed.  How our misdeeds effect not just those in the present but future generations.  Had JE's dad not focused so much on his greed would JR and JE have been different people?  Would YK and HK have been together?  

Edited by kimnana41
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@nearsea I kinda understand your point-of-view on the actions of HK that morning she returned w/ JE.  Because inspite of BS flaws & selfishness (like being too clingy, and not really trying to help HK get back her memory), he is still the guy who helped her and had given her a job, and whose family welcomed and cared for her.  So even if HK is confused, dazed by the persistence of JE.  In consideration to BS, she should have been more "careful" or discreet about her "attraction" to JE.  Even if BS is like that, she should have atleast given him some respect due to him.  I was even thinking, that JE should have dropped her off a block away, and she could just have walked to the house by herself that morning, just for a little respect to BS and his family.  So I'm wondering now after what had happened...in the next episode will HK still stay in that house? I guess she better find a place of her own.


Actually I think she is being truthful HK is - if she were to do this being let off 1 block away or anything  than it would be deceitful and confirming she is doing something behind BS back as in betraying this way she is being respectful perhaps BS would not like this well too bad but She is being truthful and not lying to BS out of respect for him in imo ... doing it the way you are saying sounds more deceitful and like she is admitting she is doing something bad when she didn't do anything bad

First of all, i was replying to @nearsea... and ...not...you.

But since you directly addressed me and quoted me, this I have to say.

I am not bashing HK in whatever way. I just thought she could have acted with more "consideration." Because yeah she did not commit to BS, but there were instances in public "she let him" introduce her as his girlfriend. So letting yourself be seen being dropped off early in the morning in broad daylight by another man who obviously you were with the previous night, doesn't look proper at all.

Being considerate is different from hiding a wrong done.

But inspite of that i don't even see her & BS as a couple. So i am not expecting her to be all sugary to BS, but could been a little bit tiny bit considerate.

Obviously she friendzoned BS, so she should not be hugging him and saying im not going to disappear blah, blah. If she doesnt want to give BS false hopes, she better be firm, distance herself be independent. leave that house, anyway she's not physically invalid, for sure she can find a place to live on her own.

It's my point of view, but if it bothers you , you are free to skip it since im not addressing or tagging  you anyway.

Edited by berny
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@DelroyB  I agree she should leave.  What I love about Soompi is we can see the same story through diffrent eyes because of our life experiences.   I am the first to admit I may be/probably am wrong.  My satisfying ending would not make a great love story.  I believe you can destroy a person's memory, but not their nature. If she's naturally inquisitive she'll seek answers.  If she's an executioner she'll be ruthless.  Maybe lying to JE was just her underlying personality peeking out.  I'm big on personal responsibility.   When pointing one finger at somene else there are four pointing back at you.  And the four fingers I see say what did you do to discover who you were?  Why did you choose to stay in this gilded cage? I always say you have to be getting some reward out of a bad situation if you choose to remain.  As for what she could do, she could have become a paralegal.  She's filing lawsuits now.  She could do what good women have been doing for centuries, stood on her two feet with her disability and gone out on her own.  

Edited by kimnana41
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Reading all these discussions make my mind more curious about another thing though..Do us women have a tendency to forgive men..who've cheated before...Wish there was a poll system available lol.

I think so. We as women tend to be hard on the woman than the man. I don't know if it's a sisterhood thing that a woman should never do that to another woman....... 

but do the women really forgive? maybe they are just pragmatic for the sake of their children and keep the hurt inside...knew of this one family where she caught him cheating with the nanny once. always wondered how she managed to keep staying with him but then noticed that they have separate bedrooms. so, it made things tolerable for her I guess as long as he fulfilled his father role well enough (which he did). @nearsea ~ have heard of men also staying in a marriage because of the children after cheating... in my place, it can be difficult for men to get custody if there are daughters (the court is usually reluctant to award custody of girl child to men because of fear of potential abuse)... @lclarakl ~ maybe it is an ego/competition thing for men and hence reluctant to forgive?


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@DelroyB  I agree she should leave.  What I love about Soompi is we can see the same story through diffrent eyes because of our life experiences.   I am the first to admit I may be/probably am wrong.  My satisfying ending would not make a great love story.  I believe you can destroy a person's memory, but not their nature. If she's naturally inquisitive she'll seek answers.  If she's an executioner she'll be ruthless.  Maybe lying to JE was just her underlying personality peeking out.  I'm big on personal responsibility.   When pointing one finger at somene else there are four pointing back at you.  And the four fingers I see say what did you do to discover who you were?  Why did you choose to stay in this gilded cage? I always say you have to be getting some reward out of a bad situation if you choose to remain.  As for what she could do, she could have become a paralegal.  She's filing lawsuits now.  She could do what good women have been doing for centuries, stood on her two feet with her disability and gone out on her own.  

I agree w/you , but the real truth is, She's not sure of her identity, she know's full well that using other identity is a fraud.

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Oh no no no, writer-nim ... it's too early for HK to start chasing JE around. Please ... NOT YET. Not even half way. JE needs to suffer more and yearning for HK. This is only the beginning finding out about her "death". While waiting for the next 2 episodes, I re-watched the beginning episodes. It helps me not to get swayed and not easily giving my sympathy toward JE. He was meaaannnn. I don't know what kind of redemption worth all the tears HK shed for him. I know probably the writer will show that love prevails. But this is way too easy.

Curious. How come TS's brother end up lodging in HK's house? Did TS intentionally put him there to spy on the house? I believe dr. MK has nothing to do with his brother evil deeds, and probably isn't aware of anything TS is doing. But I think dr. MK will be one of those who will help YK and HK. He could be the first one to know that there are 2 YK. Which means another one is a fake. Another one who can help YK-HK is JE's father. He is trying to redeem himself from whatever happened with YK & HK's father back then by finding and returning YK to Gyu Nam.

I'm getting tired on BS denial mode. I'm almost sure BS actually knows for sure that YK2 is not YK. The location of the accident and where he met HK that night, the time of accident, and other "too coincidental" facts, everything is too obvious. Unless he is stupid, but he is just a fool in love.

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